Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 294: Unforgettable memories

  Chapter 294 Unforgettable Memories

Nymphadora Tonks, it is a disaster to make her an Auror. She is good at changing her appearance but not good at tracking, and she often changes the color of her hair because of her emotions. She is Sirius’ niece, but Falling in love with Sirius' friend Lupin, she is really not suitable for being a good agent.

Hefpuff and Slytherin have many cross-college lovers. Slytherin’s pure-blood Miss Andomida married Ted Tonks, who was born in Hefpuff’s Muggle, and Andromeda was caught She was removed, but she had a very happy life.

  Little Bear Teddy is not at all like the kind of poor orphan who lost his parents. He was full of color in his childhood like Draco. Pomona hopes that he will always be so colorful and don’t become as melancholy and old as his father.

Ginny’s breakfast is very Weasley-style, with bacon, ham, eggs, and milk. Obviously she wants people who eat her breakfast to grow strong, but Ginny’s plate is more refined, and some greens are added. The vegetables don’t look so greasy anymore.

  The pink-haired Tonks looks like a rock musician. The teenagers look cool. Adults, especially the compliant adults, think she is a bad girl. In fact, she is just falling in love.

  She is not the kind of strict self-discipline student, because the family and the Black family have a hobby of pranks on Slytherin during the holidays, and the most naughty troublemaker in the school before George and Fred was her.

Unless Pomona is crazy, she would not choose Tonks as the prefect. After graduating from Hogwarts with a high score, she trained to become an Auror for three years. She is only suitable as a guard. Not suitable to be an undercover, she is a cute and lively girl who can bring laughter wherever she goes.

   "So my mother was too naughty to become a prefect?" Teddy was stunned, and Pomona couldn't help wondering what Ginny had instilled in Teddy, which surprised him so much.

"And she is too high-profile and conspicuous, oh, her weird sister's shirt and jeans, every time I put the rock and roll in the lounge, my heart plops with it." Pomona clutched her heart like an old man. Say "I hate rock."

   "You like listening to Selena's songs like my mother, don't you?" Ginny shook her head while eating breakfast.

   "I like Elvis better." Pomona said intoxicated. "The songs he sing are all immortal classics."

   "For example, I can't help falling in love with you." Hermione said with a weird smile.

   "The name of this song is really straightforward." Ha said in a low voice.

   "The lyrics are also very straightforward." Hermione smiled even more weirdly.

"What song did you choose for dancing on Christmas Day with Ron?" Pomona asked Hermione with a smile. "The whole family went out and left space for the two of you. What did you do that was'fun'? "

   "Professor!" Ginny yelled at Pomona, looking at her anxious look as if she wanted to cover Teddy's ears.

"Eat your vegetables, young man." Pomona said sharply at Teddy when she saw Teddy pull the green vegetables aside. "If you don't want to grow up to be like sprouts, there are no such thin boys. Girls like it."

   Teddy curled his mouth, and swallowed a cauliflower like poison.

  "Have you seen the Titanic?" Hermione said intoxicated, "Life is really fickle."

  The Titanic was a shipwreck in 1912. The miracle of the world’s industrial history sank during its maiden voyage. It was a disaster. Why Hermione had that expression.

"A noble girl, Rose, and American steel tycoon fiance Carl took a boat from England to the United States. On the boat, she met the young handsome and talented painter Jack..." Hermione began to tirelessly tell the wizards the story of the Titanic. Muggle seemed to want the sad disaster to be remembered by the world in the form of a love story. When Pomona heard Hermione talk about Rose and Jack's love story, she suddenly wanted to take the Potions Professor to watch it together.

   "So when they did that, the Titanic hit the iceberg?" Pomona asked.

   "Oh!" The three Gryffindors present yelled at the same time.

   "I will never allow my children to enter Hefpuff!" Ginny looked fierce, and then turned her gaze to Teddy Bear "And you, don't listen to her nonsense!"

   "It was Harry who said that we are all grown-ups and we must be equal." Dean Sprout smirked and said, "Apart from the children, who is here who is not married?"

   "I withdrew the foreword." Harry made up his mind and said, lowering his head, "We should respect you like our elders."

"I know Sirius, he's always the same size." Pomona sighed. "But you should know that not everyone is the same as Sirius, and Harry has different attitudes towards different people. "

  "Do you know Sirius?" Harry opened his eyes wide and asked with interest.

   "He is my school brother, he was very fond of girls when he was young, and there were two girls fighting for him at the Christmas party."

  Harry seemed to want to know more, but Ginny glanced over, and he shut up immediately.

  "How long have you not been back to school, Harry Potter?" Pomona continued with a smirk and said, "You spent Christmas in school before."

  "I rarely go back since I graduated, but I sometimes go back to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

  "Have you heard that the International Wizarding Federation will review Hogwarts' qualifications next year?"

   "Yes, I have heard of it." Harry said with a sullen face.

"I talked to Minerva, she can give you the office of the professor of transfiguration, how about you being a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for half a year? What you have to do is the same as what you did in da." Pomona stuffed a bite of bacon into her mouth. "How long did Lupin teach you to call on the guard?"

  "What about his Ministry of Magic's work?" Ginny asked, looking at Pomona.

"Alvin won't let him do risky jobs, and he can't do the work of the Law Enforcement Department. It's better to go to school and do something he can do. Dumbledore has also replaced him for a while after Professor Melles retired. In the Time Dark Arts Defense class, Kingsley does not plan to let the dementors return to Azkaban as guards. They are now available all over the world, and the promotion and popularization of the Guardians of God is also supporting Kingsley."

   "Is Harry who my dad taught him to guard?" Teddy's hair turned orange, and he seemed very happy.

   "Hushen guards need happy memories, remember every day now, one day you will use it, Teddy." Pomona looked at Teddy and smiled in relief. It's great that he is not a werewolf.

"Do you remember Neville always supports you when you need support? Now he is also in trouble, Harry, in the second grade, you came to Hogwarts in a flying car, in the Forbidden Forest You have encountered eight-eyed spiders. Now they are too many to threaten the lives of other residents in the Forbidden Forest. Neville is planning to wipe them out. He needs your power."

   "No problem, I'm happy to help." Harry said happily.

   "And Ron Weasley." Pomona smiled and mentioned the dreamy name lightly. "He has also been an Auror. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with a few little spiders."

  All three of you were silent.

"Let me think about it. The first defense against the Dark Arts class that Remus gave you was Bogut. He taught you to face your fears, right? Neville felt that he faced Severus who was most afraid of him. Now, in the Triwizard Tournament, he stole the myrtleweed from the potion warehouse. You can only breathe underwater for an hour, right? You dare to face the Dementors now, why Ron still dare not face it now To the spider?"

   "Everyone has a hurdle." Hermione defended.

"Yes, everyone has a hurdle, Harry, I see you are going to be a competent godfather, have you ever thought about where Teddy will go to school if Hogwarts can't go on?" Pomona put a smile on her face and looked at him seriously. "Everyone knows that Teddy’s father is Remus Lupin. Hogwarts is still relatively open and inclusive. Schools in other countries are not reachable. See you. Werewolf, ask your conscience, are you afraid of it?"

  No one spoke.

"Those eight-eyed spiders are planning to capture the school. Think about the scene when the children studying in the castle are thrown by it. Hogwarts needs a competent professor to watch the night. I think you can do it, Harry Potter. It is Severus who protects you. Now it is your turn to protect the children, because you have grown up."

   "Thank you, professor, I know what to do." Harry said with a face full of determination, as if he had made up his mind.

"Ginny, this house has finally been rebuilt, so don't let it be destroyed. How about living in another place?" Pomona squinted at another red-haired woman. "Harry can commute through the fireplace. , So you don’t have to worry about living in two places."

   "You came prepared, didn't you?" Ginny looked at Pomona warily.

   "If you want peace, you must prepare for war. I will always be ready." She smiled coldly. "The Burrow is not safe anymore. Your parents should take over and live with you."

  Hermione opened her mouth, and said nothing in the end, and the originally happy dining table became silent.

  The old bat should be very proud. He finally shut up Gryffindor, who loves "singing the opposite".

  Pomona looked at Harry Potter again, the expression on his face was very complicated, from a sudden realization to remorse, and finally trembling, but he did not cry, and continued to eat like a man if nothing had happened.

  Yes, he was very anxious at that time and wanted to do something to prove that he was working on solving the problem, but he was not busy with what he did.

Just like Sterling, he actually arrested the conductor of the Cavaliers bus. The babbled kid just showed off. He didn't know what the Death Eaters were planning, so he was caught by the Auror. Caban.

  It's better not to do anything so reckless as to do nothing, think about it before doing it.

  Choices are more important than hard work, and there are a few "smart people" who can really listen to it.

  There will always be a day when a lie will be exposed. At that time, it will be too late to regret it.

  (End of this chapter)