Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2958: Trojan Winner (Part 1)

  Chapter 2958 Trojan Horse Winner (Part 1)

  One day, Socrates' friend Kelephon went to the Temple of Delphi and asked: Which Greek is more knowledgeable than Socrates?

  The oracle is actually the same as the prophecy, and the answer is like a riddle. Those who get the answer will never know whether they really understand it, and Socrates is the same. He then decided to find some man who claimed to be a learned man, and being convinced either that the oracle could be refuted there or that it could not be refuted anywhere, he went all over Greece to ask questions.

  It was actually very annoying that he did this, and the Greeks at that time did not know the content of the oracle. Socrates called this process of investigating, doubting, questioning, checking others against oneself "exetasis". Before that, Socrates did another thing, which was to consider the results of the oracle to reality, and try to avoid the realization of the oracle if it would cause danger and misfortune.

  An oracle tells someone that he is the smartest person in the world, and it is hard for him to be unhappy; at the same time, when he is refuted by a person who is obviously very knowledgeable, but claims to be ignorant, it will also make him feel ignorant. That is to say, Socrates got the truth in this process, but lost popular support.

  This is not what Pomona wants, nor does she want an informer among the children, and she certainly doesn't want Veritaserum in their drinks.

  After returning to the office, Pomona took off her witch hat, lay down on the sofa, stared at the ceiling in a daze.

  If those hapless love potions aren't recycled before the kids get on the train, there's a good chance the kids will give it away as Christmas presents, and the problem extends beyond school.

Socrates as a consul and Socrates as a teacher are two different situations. By voting, tell people what to do, turn around and leave after speaking, and let people act according to their own choices.

  Albus Dumbledore would much rather be Headmaster than Minister of Magic, although the Ministry doesn't feel that way. Hogwarts is widely regarded as the safest place in the world, but it's not actually safe. What one can and allows oneself to do is not to feel safe, but to be able to accept the reality of insecurity.

  Socrates would say, "If I take care of you, it is not to impart the knowledge you lack, but so that you can learn to take care of yourself from now on knowing that you don't know anything."

  Many people have been ruled by others since they were young, and now it is their turn to manage themselves, and they are responsible for their own actions, whether it is from the legal level or otherwise.

  Women have the strongest consumption ability, but when she is a mother, she will restrain her consumption desires for the sake of family and children, or buy a lot of toys for Dali like Penny. And once she focused on satisfying her desires, there seemed to be a voice in the house that kept whispering "must have money, more money". Husbands and children will work hard to make money in order to stop this voice. Jockey riders need to be short in stature and light in stature, even minors can serve. There is no age limit for jockeys in the British Jockey Club, but only 16 years old can be registered as professional riders.

In Pride and Prejudice, girls and their mothers all over the county are crazy about rich bachelors, even though most people have never seen their faces, their characters, or their debts. Know what their annual income is.

  The financial situation of the Weasley family is indeed not good, but Molly is very happy, but because of lack of money, Bill has encountered several setbacks. There is a prerequisite for the child to agree that the mother has something to look forward to beyond the child. Who doesn't want to walk on the road paved for themselves by the predecessors?

  A person who has got what he wants since he was a child, it is difficult to face rejection. When Jia Zhen met a woman who was unwilling to marry him, she robbed her, and Cows Lestrange used the Imperius Curse to **** other people's wives away.

   Maybe the mysterious man didn’t get what he wanted when he was a child, but he longed for power, and when he had power, he would grab what he wanted.

  Even James became irrational because he had too many setbacks with Lily. And whether it was bullying his classmates in public or being a "werewolf", Albus didn't deal with it fairly.

  When Pomona was a guest at Molly's house, Pomona often heard the children shouting "it's not fair", which made Pomona's guest feel a headache. She didn't want to hear such complaints at school.

   Then there was a knock on the door.

   "Come in," said Pomona as she sat up, although she now longed to be alone for a while.

   Then the female prefect Astor came in, followed by a fifth grade girl.

   "What do you guys do?" Pomona asked.

   "I have something to report to you, Dean." Astor said, and then she whispered in the girl's ear.

   "What's your business? Oliveira?"

   "It's about the love potion." Oliveira said blankly.

   "Does anyone else know about your coming?" Pomona asked.

   "They know I'm here on their behalf." Oliveira said. "Now that I think about it, that was a really bad idea."

   "Okay, I'll listen," Pomona said.

   "We wanted to mix the love potion into the gifts for the Weird Witch team members, and we have been planning to do that since the end of the summer vacation." Oliveira said.

  Pomona was a little shocked, but not incomprehensible.

  Many girls think that the lead singer of the band is very talented, although in the eyes of their parents, the "talented" lead singer is an unreliable hippie.

   "Thank you for being honest," Pomona said.

   And then silence.

   "How do you know?" Oliveira asked.

  Pomona pondered.

  The girls asked Aiken to ask Severus what pearl had the best "medicine effect", but they didn't let Aiken boil the love potion. If she told them now, what would they do to Aiken?

   "I won't betray my friends." Pomona said, "Just like when you first came in, I asked you if other people knew. There will always be times when news leaks out of a conspiracy involving too many people,"

   "I don't understand." Oliveira said.

   "The courage to tell the truth, my dear, I hope you can have it. Even if you make a mistake, I hope you can bear it, not to mention that you have so many people to share it."

   Oliveira didn't speak.

   "Go back, you have to take the train tomorrow." Pomona said.

   "Let's go." Astor said, leaving the Pomona office with Oliveira.

   When they left, Pomona breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, she got the answer without violating the rules, which is really lucky.

   Then she smiled helplessly again.

  She stood up, left the office, and reported to Dumbledore.

   When he walked to the door of the auditorium, Hagrid was dragging a tree in. It seemed that it was the Christmas tree of Hogwarts this year.

  He did not use magic, but moved it with the strength of giants.

   "People" like them didn't have the opportunity to read, or have a magic wand.

  She didn't stop, and walked up the steps, hoping that Dumbledore would not go to bed early like an ordinary old man.

  (end of this chapter)