Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2971: The Secret Without Trace (3)

  Chapter 2971 The Secret of No Trace (3)

  The bell rang, people in the classroom left one after another, and the empty corridor was full of people. The first week of term is pretty much a conversation about how Christmas and New Years are going, the decorations are still on, and winter isn't over for most of us.

  Jasmine likes to give her family knitted sweaters and hats, but Bill doesn’t seem to want to wear the new wool gloves his mother gave him. It is said that he feels that wearing them will affect the feel of the wand.

  Passy gave Scabbers his hat to make a nest, and he tied a rope to the hat so that he could wear it cross-body anytime, anywhere. Filch's cat was always chasing him, and the sensitive mouse sensed that the atmosphere in the school was not right and would not wander around the school.

  Animals can always perceive things that are difficult to perceive before humans, and Paul. Although he is a very uncomfortable doll, he himself feels that happiness should be used to fight pain. The atmosphere in the school has changed, and he is even more reluctant to run around in the school.

After everyone went to the auditorium for dinner, Pomona came to the bronze frog on the third floor and touched the frog's head with her hand. After a few seconds, it opened its mouth. After a brief squeeze, she came to the forest. Bakar's Tower, Sen Bakar in the portrait seemed to be taken aback, and he was relieved when he saw that it was Pomona.

   "Welcome back," said Sen Bakar.

   "How's it going?" Pomona asked.

   "Turn around, please," said Sen Bakar.

  Pomona turned around, and in the "sand table" representing Hogwarts Valley, the castle where the school was located turned golden with some blue spots on it.

  "We are lucky that this'infection' has just begun and we can still control it, but we must find the'murderer' who caused all this." Sen Bakar said.

   "Of course I know." Pomona said, "How is your investigation about Isidora's magic?"

  Sen Bakar sighed "She only showed us how she did it, and didn't describe it in detail."

   "Looks like we'll just have to visit her house," Pomona said with a smile.

   "We never thought about linking Isidora's magic with Azkaban's dementors. How did you think of it?" Sen Bakar said.

"As Principal Fitzgerald said, light and shadow go hand in hand, and vice versa." Pomona sighed with some melancholy, "I can't go to the principal's office without the principal, and I can't talk to Fitzgerald. Headmaster contact."

   "Looks like you'll have to make two extra trips," said Sen Bakar.

   "It's no big deal, thanks to its convenience." Pomona said, looking at the bronze frog not far away, which was originally placed in the alchemy laboratory.

  But Severus was unwilling to reopen the alchemy course and moved the frog to the tower of Sen Bakar.

Once Dumbledore was away, Severus became "doing whatever he wanted". Since Russ and Felix were studying the magic circle at Hogwarts, now he and Bill were acting as substitute teachers, responsible for the Defense Against the Dark Arts respectively. Lessons and Charms.

   But is it right to disclose the top secret of the school to this person who has only been at the school for two months?


   "Look at this," Hunter yelled.

  Everyone leaned over, it was a big triangular cabinet.

  Georgianna recognized it immediately, it was the Vanishing Cabinet.

   "It looks like it's been used recently, and there's no dust on it," Hunter said.

   "So, someone came out of the cabinet, changed the water for the fish tank, fed it, and then went back in?" Maria said with a smile, "After a while, he came out again?"

   "Everyone leave." Georgiana said "right away!"

  Everyone looked at her inexplicably.

   "This place is not safe for you." Georgiana said, she had a hunch who the owner of the fish tank was.

  The sea snake is also a snake. If she remembers correctly, the family crest of the Gaunt family is a black and white snake entangled in intricate patterns, exactly the same as the one in the fish tank.

   "Where are we going?" Richard asked.

  Georgianna shook her head. She thought everything would go well, but there were new twists and turns.

  It seems that luck is indeed a kind of ability.


"How is it going?"

  Pomona had just opened the office door when she heard Severus' voice.

   "Be optimistic." Pomona said while closing the door. "The key question now is how to ensure that the infection will not continue to spread."

   "I brought you something to eat," Severus said.

  Pomona looked at the dazzling array of food on his desk, although he might have forgotten that Hufflepuff's next door was the Hogwarts kitchen.

   "Thanks." Pomona smiled. "I was just hungry."

   Then she sat down to eat her lunch, which had gotten a bit cold.

  He sat opposite and watched her eat, and when she brought a piece of steak with solidified fat to her mouth, he said, "Don't you think the food is cold?"

   "I think your heart is more important." Pomona smiled and said, "You still remember that I didn't eat."

   Then she devours the steak.

   "Do you think that Peter Pedilu gave Potter the Snitch every year, because he couldn't think of what to give or was it perfunctory?" Severus asked, "That fool Potter accepted it every year."

  Pomona chewed on his steak, trying to brush off the question.

  He watched her eat with great interest, as if he wouldn't stop until he got an answer.

   Sorry kids, I didn't mean to betray you on purpose.

   "How about I send the girls to your place for detention starting tomorrow?" Pomona said after swallowing the steak.

   "Don't try to be perfunctory." He said coldly.

   "This is not perfunctory, they need to learn a lesson." Pomona cut another steak, "Fortunately nothing happened."

   "How about we call in Priya Moore? Just in time to ask her about the Artful Key," Severus said.

   “It was her great-great-grandmother who set up the game, and she didn’t necessarily know much,” Pomona said.

   "Not necessarily," Severus said.

  Pomona no longer objected, who knows what the Moores' bedtime stories were about.

  And... the Ministry of Magic also knows about the way of raising dementors. Although she doesn't know where these materials are stored, the mysterious person seems to know too. It's hard to say whether the secrets were passed down from generation to generation, or told to him by his followers, it's just that he didn't use them during the First Wizarding War.

  Strength can bring happiness, and happiness can be obtained while gaining strength. Moreover, Death Eaters can ignore laws and rules and gain the joy of freely using magic including the Unforgivable Curse. With happiness, why those dementors that feed on happiness?

  They let the werewolves eat the corpses that represent evidence for this purpose. Missing does not mean death, although everyone knows it well.

  Pomona suddenly lost the appetite to continue eating steak, she felt too much stomach acid.

   "Next time don't say that your heart is the most important." Severus said, "The food is eaten into your stomach, and you are the one who feels uncomfortable."

   "You think I should be picky?" Pomona asked.

   "You can tell me instead of waiting for me to find out, and I won't be like this next time," Severus said.

  She didn't know what to say.

   "I want you to express your opinion honestly instead of just taking others into consideration. It doesn't matter if you are self-willed." Severus said.

  She doesn't think being a wayward girl is a good thing.

  But she touched her stomach, and it was hard to say that he was teaching her to be bad.

   Oh, Albus, when are you coming back?

  (end of this chapter)