Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2977: The Secret Without Trace (9)

  Chapter 2977 The Secret of No Trace (9)

   An American poet once wrote:

   There are two roads in a wood full of maple leaves, unfortunately I can't travel both roads,

   So I choose one, doing my best to be fair.

  Pomona removed his gaze from the telescope and looked up at the sky. Although the supernova named 1987a was discovered by a Canadian, it does not mean that it can be observed in the northern hemisphere.

  The Magellanic Clouds can only be observed in the southern hemisphere, and they were discovered through photos in Henrietta in the northern hemisphere.

   Actually the contraband that the Misuse of Magic Items search party found in the Odd Sisters' gift was not a love potion, because a love potion is not a contraband. It was actually a cursed doll that was disguised as a gift for the band members.

  When Severus and Lucius Malfoy sit side by side, most people's eyes will be attracted by Lucius Malfoy. He was handsome, rich, and although he was arrogant, he was very elegant with aristocratic temperament, and Severus, who was covered in black, looked like his shadow.

   There is a saying that goes like this: Li and Xi Shi are strange and weird, and Dao is one. If it is divided, it will be accomplished; if it is accomplished, it will be destroyed. Nothing can be accomplished and destroyed, and everything can be reconnected as one.

  It means that the ugly dysentery and the beautiful Xishi are of course very different in the eyes of the world, but they are generally the same in the Tao. It is very strange to say this. How can Xishi and the ugly be the same?

   There is such a story, one day Zhuangzi was playing in a chestnut garden full of sculptures, and saw a strange bird, which touched Zhuangzi's forehead and landed on a chestnut tree. Zhuangzi thought, what kind of bird is this? Its wings are so big but it can't fly, its eyes are so big but it can't see me. So he picked up his slingshot and took aim at the bird.

  In the process of aiming, Zhuangzi saw a cicada in front of the bird, singing happily because it got a shady place, and a praying mantis behind the cicada, because it was too engrossed in catching the cicada, it didn't notice the strange bird behind it. The strange bird also paid attention to the praying mantis and the cicada, but did not notice Zhuangzi, and its wings hit him on the head.

Zhuangzi, who realized everything, was startled, put down his slingshot and ran away. During the run, he met the guard of Liyuan, who thought he was a thief. Although Zhuangzi was not caught, he did not see anyone for three days. One of his apprentices I went to visit him, and then Zhuangzi told him the reason why he closed the door and saw no one.

Many people are like this, seeing the benefits but forgetting the harms. Originally, Zhuangzi thought that he had seen through everything, kept quiet and kept away from the interests and harms, and could watch others forget about the benefits, but at that moment he found that he was not so detached, lost in the Among the "clear abyss".

  Clear lake water is different from muddy water, you can see the bottom at a glance, but it is also like a mirror, reflecting the faces of people by the lake.

   Emily is beautiful, there is no doubt about it, and many women are jealous of women who are more beautiful than themselves. Emily's life was going smoothly, but because of Pomona, she lost the opportunity to intern at the Daily Prophet. She felt that Pomona was jealous of her, so she deliberately punished her.

  Even though Emily was not as mute as Isidora's father, and she undoubtedly spoke English, Pomona found it impossible to communicate with her.

  Lucius Malfoy has a lot of contacts in the Ministry of Magic. Anyway, as long as he can avoid dealing with her in the future, no matter how Miss Taylor becomes prosperous and in a high position in the future, it will be the best result for Pomona.

   "Okay, come on," Sinistra said.

  Pomona looked back and found that she had prepared pens and letter paper.

  Wizards write with quills and parchment, but if they send this letter to the European Space Agency...

   “We could send them an email,” Pomona said. “What a time.”

   "The only way to let them know how serious we are!" Sinista said seriously.

  Pomona sat down reluctantly, and began to think about how to let people know how important it is to send the Hubble Telescope into space, and it should be taken seriously.

Then she thought, it would be great if rich people like Lucius were willing to donate money, but unfortunately the Hubble Telescope is already named after Hubble, and it is not placed on the earth like a monument, and passers-by can go to Pay your respects and know who donated money to build it.

   When will the Hubble Telescope be launched with the budget of the government department?

   Then Pomona looked at the blank letter paper in front of him again, and picked up the pen after sighing.


  The noble ladies in ancient court dramas are all holding a small fan and wearing rococo dresses, watching the framed party be furious like a wild beast, while smiling gracefully. Georgiana hadn't seen it, but she knew what it was like to be left out.

   There is a man behind Mrs. Dubarry, that is Jean Dubarry who used to run a brothel. He taught her to be a "woman that men will like" from the inside out.

  So you can imagine how shocked people were when they heard from her mouth that she warned the king to "be careful to become Charles I".

Madame Dubarry, who only knew gorgeous clothes and jewelry, actually knew about Charles I, but the people in the palace soon realized that it must have been taught by the people behind her, and she recited it in front of the king as if reciting lines. Just come out.

  At that time, due to the Duke of Choiseul’s naval construction, the large amount of funds required caused the resistance of the High Court, which indirectly prompted Louis XV to reform the High Court. Madame Dubarry's slander was effective, and the Duke of Choiseul was sent to Austria to complete his "diplomatic revolution." Then, in 1770, England and Spain clashed over rival claims to the Malvinas Islands, and Choiseul The duke initially urged the overconfident Spain to take precautions, but the king worried that Choiseul was trying to maintain his power through war, so without warning, Choiseul was dismissed and given 24 hours. Leave Versailles. Although Louis XVI came to the throne later and Marie Antoinette interceded for the Duke of Choiseul, he never took power again. He lived on land speculation and selling some of his collection of paintings to support his aristocratic family. squander life.

  Pomona knows who she is. Rather than saying she is a chess player, she is more like a character in Mantis Catch the Cicada, even though the current Duke of Alba is a four-year-old doll.

  All things are intertwined, inspired by killing intent, Zhuangzi chose to stay away from these interests, but can you really stay away from these interests by staying away from interests?

  There is a bear skin on the ground, no matter it is a fox, otter, tiger or bear with rich fur, they all live in the deep mountains and old forests, lurking in the caves, and they cannot escape the snares and traps.

  You have talent, or something that others think you are useful, if you can’t use it for yourself, then in order to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy, you have to destroy it.

   Only let yourself become a mediocre ordinary person, there is no use for it, although it will be ignored, but you can stay away from it, but Zhuangzi is also tempted sometimes, let alone an ordinary person.

  What is "success" and what is "destruction".

  The flowers that bloomed in the palace garden laughed at the dwarf, thinking that he had stolen the white rose from the princess's head.

  The poor Weasley family is always ridiculed, but Bill married a half-race Veela, but his face was scratched by a werewolf, which was half ruined. What would Emily say if she saw Bill like that?

   Misfortune is what blessings depend on, and blessings are where misfortune lies.

  Georgianna doesn’t think Bonaparte is crazy, she just thinks there is something wrong with this matter, especially since there is an Inquisition in Spain, what is she doing there?

  What does she know? She doesn't know anything.

   Continuing to think in this room is not going to lead to any breakthroughs.

  So she left this quiet place she finally found, to see if anyone could help her.

  (end of this chapter)