Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2983: The Secret Without Trace (15)

  Chapter 2983 The Secret of No Trace (15)

  The only animal that Pomona can think of hiding in the Forbidden Forest, the size of a Muggle car, and a threat to little wizards is Professor Ruth's "pet" Spark, a vampire that looks like an elk.

   As long as he is well fed, Spark is actually quite docile, although his eyes emit red light at night instead of the green light of ordinary animals.

   "Could it be because someone has snitched?" said Graplan, smoking his pipe after finishing his pie.

   "Snitch? Who? Why?" Pomona asked.

   Graplan silently smoked his pipe.


   "That's impossible," Pomona said.

   "What's impossible?" Graplan asked.

   "Dumbledore protected him. Without Dumbledore, he would not only face interrogation, but also be thrown into Azkaban, so there is no reason for him to do that." Pomona said.

   "Are you suspicious of Severus?" Graplan asked.

   "Who else do you think?" asked Pomona.

   "The girl named Emily, she seems to like to ask around." Graplan said, "Could she have found out by accident?"

   "How could she know?" Pomona said, but she didn't say it dead, after all, it wasn't impossible.

   Graplan, smoking his pipe, stared at her.

   "What are you doing?" Pomona asked angrily, feeling uncomfortable.

   "Why do you doubt Severus, I thought you were friends." Graplan said.

   "Can't you be suspicious if you are a friend?" Pomona asked rhetorically.

   "If you can't trust, how can you be friends?" Graplan asked.

  Pomona didn't want to think about this topic. It happened that she remembered her original purpose at this time, so she and Graplan started discussing about Leeds.

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  In October 1604, a nova appeared in the sky. Six months before the nova appeared, Galileo was indicted by the Inquisition in Rome.

  It was only nine months after Bruno's works were included in the list of banned books, although Bruno had already been burned at the Campo de' Fiori in 1600.

This discovery is juxtaposed with the comet discovered by Tycho in 1572. They are called "Tycho Star" and "Kepler Star" respectively, because they both produced unusually bright light when they appeared. Significance.

  However, these two things have different meanings. Although the church forbids astrology activities, the emperor wants to know the future direction. With the emperor taking the lead, the secular world followed suit, and astrologers received a lot of resources and gold fees.

  But the discovery of nova in 1604 excluded the relationship with miracles and omens, and was classified as a natural phenomenon by Kepler.

It is recorded in the book "Nova" published by Kepler, in addition to his belief that the trajectory of the planets is an ellipse, not a perfect circle as in the classical era, and its significance lies in the end The relationship between prophecies and oracles and the stars. According to the scriptures, the three magi followed the guidance of the star of Bethlehem to find Isaiah who was born in the stable.

  As the public's desire for miracles continues to rise, astrologers publish new predictions almost every day, and Kepler has no intention of catering to the public since 1602, announcing his decision to limit the scope of the predictions when he publishes his annual prediction views.

   This didn't get the church's attention, because there were indeed some "prophets" who would publish some pamphlets at the time, most of which were empty and worthless and inducing "prophecies".

  If they wrote the prophecy with this attitude, and the content of the prophecy came true, then they would definitely try again, so Kepler's point of view was quickly accepted by people.

One of the functions of astrology is not only to predict the future of mankind, but also to predict natural disasters. The astrologers did not predict the great flood in 1524, which caused great waves, because the great flood always makes people inevitably have the same as the end of the world and Noah. Ark linked together.

   A big chance for "prophets" is to predict natural disasters such as hail and floods. If they are correct, they will naturally be said to be fulfilled. Even if they are not, there will be other arguments to shirk responsibility.

  Tycho was already dead at that time. He died the second year after Bruno was burned to death. Bruno's death cannot be said to have no effect, at least many people gave up insisting on the heliocentric theory. Tycho asked his disciples to focus on the accuracy of the star tables rather than the order of the celestial bodies, as he himself did.

   That is to say, they became "cameras" and did not participate in the debate of theories at that time. Scholars, whether heliocentric or other theories, could use their database.

Kepler said there was no problem with this matter, but Galileo, who also discussed the nova, was sharply criticized, and even when he gave a public speech in Padua, he was shouted "nonsense new philosophy family” and was placed in the “anti-miracle” camp.

Another application of Occam's razor is, for example, if a tree shakes in the wind, it has two possibilities, the first is that it is blown by the wind, and the second is that it is shaken by an invisible elf. People with two possibilities need to prove the existence of invisible elves.

  The second logic is much more complicated than the first one, and the same is true of fortune-telling and divination. Sir Bacon said that belief itself is a beautiful thing, but don’t believe too much. It is better not to believe than to fall into a wrong belief.

  If the ancient people worshiped the stars because they revealed their destiny, then it is more difficult to rebuild the connection between people and the stars than to break it.

  Actually, astronomy class is as unpopular as history class, because astronomy class must be taken at night and must stay up late, and history class is just to catch up on sleep. If it were not for the fact that it is a compulsory course, many people would not be willing to take it.

  This razor Newton has sharpened it even more "shine": everything that cannot be experimented and observed is not worth debating. According to this argument, the frontier theories of physics after the 20th century will almost all be eliminated, but considering Newton's era, there were not so many instruments and equipment to observe the invisible world.

  William Blake vilified the image of Newton to a certain extent. The side of him facing the audience is naked, similar to the King of Babylon he painted, but the other side is wearing white gauze. Newton paid attention to a corner in front of him and measured it with a golden compass, but turned a blind eye to the huge nature behind him.

  Naturalist John Ray, who was at the same time as Newton, believed that the world created by the Creator represented its rationality. Humans understood the wisdom of the Creator in the process of observing their creations. He not only left an important influence on British history, but also influenced future generations.

   "Tiger" represents an order that is not under the control of human beings, which comes from experience. Even if William Blake has never seen a wild Bengal tiger, he has at least seen one in a zoo.

   And "Fantastic Beasts" is more like imagination, Newt also wrote it at the beginning of the cover, and Muggles will laugh it off and won't believe it.

Some people have never explored this issue from another angle. The "big cat" Zouwu just appeared on the streets of Paris. It disrupted the order, and all the Muggles who saw it opened their mouths in circles. All make an "ahh" sound when surprised or screamed.

Descartes often had a dream. In the dream, he was lying on the bed naked, while the other self was sitting by the fire and thinking. The reality and the dream made him unable to distinguish what was real, just like a big devil created an illusion , to deceive his senses. After having doubts about the authenticity of the whole world, Descartes needs to find something that will never doubt its existence, and build "I exist" on this certainty without worrying about being interfered by the "big devil".

  I think, therefore I am.

Cogito ergo sum.

Of course, there are still other problems after this statement was put forward, but the point is that Descartes was born in 1596 and Tycho was born in 1546. When Tycho was in college, Descartes was not yet born. How could he influence When it comes to Tycho, let him not believe in books, but believe in his own experience?

   Could it be that he turned into a ghost and gave Tycho a dream, or did Tycho, a prophet, see the "future"?

  These all belong to the category of "supernatural". When some phenomena do exist, but no consistent explanation can be made, then avoid simplicity and make as many assumptions as possible, no matter how complicated or incredible it is.

  There are many Muggles who see magic like Dursley, but still shout "There is no magic in this world".

  In order not to make themselves appear different from other normal people, some people will pretend that they cannot see things that others cannot see, and they will not insist on saying "I see ghosts" no matter how external pressure is applied like Ben Cooper.

  The bathroom door opened and Severus stepped out, wearing a black robe, and left the main house without saying hello to his "garage".

  Pomona pursed her lips, lowered her head, and was about to continue reading.

   "The horn pack powder is almost gone!" he yelled from the lawn outside the door.

   So she's going to write to Liz Stewart and ask her to scrape a little off a pack animal on the reserve?

   "Got it." She said reluctantly, and then fell silent.

  But she didn't have the mood to continue studying.

   She looked up out the window, for Lily, Severus gave unconditionally.

  After leaving Hogwarts, although Slughorn had enough food and clothing, he lacked experimental materials, and the "connections" he managed could not be provided to him like Quidditch tickets.

This is also the question she has been hiding deep in her heart. Even if Snape is not popular, it is very convenient to have a fool like her. He can get everything he wants. Even after leaving school, he still doesn't worry about those rare medicinal materials.

  Do you love me, or are you using me?

  She chose not to think about this question in the end, even though she already felt that this doubt was like a poisonous tree seed, taking root in her heart.

  So she put down the book, picked up the quill, and began writing to Director Stewart.

  (end of this chapter)