Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3005: Ghost in the distance (10)

  Chapter 3005 The ghost in the distance (10)

After Giuliano de' Medici was assassinated and Lorenzo de' Medici escaped from birth, soon the Paci family and their supporters, then Pope Sixustus IV Jean Sal The Vidia family was responsible for managing the bank for the Pope, excommunicated Lorenzo and all the Florentines who supported him, and confiscated all the property of the Medici family.

   Also in 1478, the Pope agreed to the establishment of the Inquisition by Queen Isabella of Castile.

According to Malfoy's records, in addition to taxes such as tithes, the church's main income at that time was alum and the sale of indulgences, and their expenses included the salaries of the clergy, expenses for various ceremonies, and the Sistine Chapel. , and military spending in the Forte War.

  That’s right, it was the Sistine Chapel that was later used for Pope elections and Michelangelo’s ceiling painting, but Sixtus IV built it in accordance with the regulations of the Pope’s temple.

The Italians and the Ottomans have been doing business, which was not concealed after Lorenzo became the ruler of Florence again. It is precisely because of this relationship that when the murderer who stabbed Giuliano fled to Istanbul, the Sultan sent people to He was sent back to Florence **** and hanged, and the scene was included in da Vinci's sketches.

  According to the records in the history books, Leonardo Da Vinci had already begun to dissect the human body when he was studying in Verrocchio's studio. Or to put it this way, dissecting a human body in Florence was nothing new at the time.

But what angered Pope Sixtus IV even more than these heresies was that he appointed a cardinal named Salvidia as Cardinal of Pisa, which, although an independent republic, belonged to the power of Florence Scope, Lorenzo opposed the appointment.

  Among the pope's threats, he included depriving Florence of the right to teach, but because of the collective rejection of the citizens and monks of Florence, this threat was not implemented.

  At that time, Florence, Venice, and Milan formed an alliance, and the pope was from Genoa. When Lorenzo needed support, only Milan and France supported him as trade partners.

   Joan of Arc once made a request to the King of France, that is, to obtain a set of Milanese armor, which she will wear to rescue Orleans.

  Of course, iron ore is needed to make armor, and through the marriage with Simon Lita, Medici obtained the right to mine iron ore. Of course, the Medici can make huge profits through self-production and sales, but when Simonetta got married, the Grand Duke of Milan was no longer from the Visconti family, but Frances, who married the Grand Duke’s illegitimate daughter. Co Sforza.

  In fact, since the Grand Duke had no male heir, Milan had become a republic, but according to Machiavelli's records, there were only two forces of mercenaries in Italy at that time, one of which was Sforza.

  Compared to impromptu farmers, professional mercenaries are much better equipped. They can even buy horses and fight in armor like knights. Most Italian powers already recognized Francesco's dukedom, just without formal authorization from the Holy Roman Emperor, a situation that lasted until 1494, when it was officially granted to Francesco by the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian Duke's son, Ludovico Sforza, Grand Duke of Milan.

  In addition to the wool textile industry in Italy, the military factories in Milan were also started because of the Spanish gold coins, and they also had money to repair the cathedral designed by Da Vinci.

  One of Lorenzo's advantages is luck, not only did he escape the assassination, but also because the "New World" was discovered in 1493.

  The early geographical discovery was a money-losing business. The earliest batch of gold and silver bars arrived in Seville in 1513. This is the only city in Spain with an inland river.

   Lorenzo was not very good at running a bank, and even two years after his death, in 1494, the Medici bank went bankrupt.

   But no one will deny that Florence is one of the "Three Renaissance Towns", although there are other cities, such as Milan, Pisa, Siena, etc., which also have many excellent artists and buildings.

  While other cities in Italy enjoyed a trade surplus with Spain and made huge profits, the Medici Bank and Florence ran a trade deficit due to their large purchases of Castile wool.

  If Venice and Istanbul are located on the east side of the Italian "boot", then Genoa and Spain are located on the west side of the "boot". They have long been trading with people on the Iberian Peninsula.

   In the past, Spain was poor, but now it is different. Everyone wants to be a banker in Spain, but how to join this game?

  Castilians were faced with a self-sufficient market before, and it was equally difficult for them to leave their homeland and join the international trade network.

  However, Philip II decided to terminate the cooperation with the Genoese and instead cooperate with the Lombards, Portuguese, and especially the Florentines.

  The Genoese have cooperated with the Spaniards for so many years, why did they suddenly "break up"?

  Although love is the most suitable weapon for women, it is not omnipotent, and even "Venus" is poisoned before the greater good.

Botticelli also painted Giuliano. It is said that he is different from Lorenzo. He is very handsome and has the title of "Golden Boy". In the Venus and God of War painted by Botticelli, Mars is based on him The image of the painting.

   But there seems to be something wrong with the angle Botticelli found. "God of War" is facing the viewer with its nostrils. Even if "David" is a model at this angle, he can't see how handsome he is.

After reading that paper, Malfoy did have enough intelligence and rationality to get out after joining the Death Eaters, instead of being imprisoned in Azkaban like Bellatrix. Those articles written by his ancestors are much more "objective".

  Bella is just too crazy in love, especially after the "master" disappeared, she looked for him everywhere, tortured people she thought might know his whereabouts, and tortured Frank and Alice like that.

  So did she lose herself in love, as Nietzsche said?

   It may be caused by the woman's jealousy, and Pomona feels that Lily is more like the person who lost herself.

  She could leave, because of Severus' begging, the mysterious man warned her, but she didn't leave.

  Hagrid is still complaining that his mother abandoned him and his younger brother. Who would forgive a mother who abandoned her child? Although she is a giant.

   On the way back to the office, Pomona took out the makeup she secretly bought from her flannel pocket. With her current dress and appearance, make-up cannot make her beautiful, and some people even say that she is "imitating others", which is ridiculed.

  So it was a ridiculous dream for her to think that she was a hybrid Veela with natural powers to seduce men?

In Oscar Wilde's story, in order to celebrate the birthday of the Spanish princess, the dwarf was caught and danced by the nobles, and entertained the princess and the nobles. He danced freely in the forest, and the little birds thought he was very kind and would give his own Food is given to them.

  But the flowers in the garden thought he was ugly, especially the white roses, who yelled "thief" loudly, as if they didn't think he deserved to have beautiful things.

   "Life is short, fall in love, girl! Before the red lips fade, before the hot blood cools, tomorrow will not have such a good time."

  Pomona looked up and found that it was a ghost reciting poetry, and he was going away.


  Pomona turned to see a Hufflepuff student calling her.

   "What can you do?" Pomona asked.

   "I want to ask, to participate in the potion competition must be selected by the teacher, can't we sign up ourselves?" the girl asked.

   "You want to participate in the Potion Contest?" Pomona asked.

  The girl nodded firmly.

   "I have to ask Professor Snape, what's your name?" Pomona asked.

   "It's me, Joey, Phoebe's sister." Joey said unhappily, "Did you forget me?"

  Pomona was shocked. She remembered the two of them as freshmen.

   "Are you wearing makeup?" Pomona asked.

   Now it's Joey's turn to "shock".

   "Just put on some lip balm!" Joey said quickly.

   "The transparent ones are lip balms, the colored ones are not." Pomona said coldly, "And your eyebrows..."

  Joy looks a bit regretful that he "asked for his own death".

   "Who said I forgot you just now?" Pomona said with a sneer.

   "Am I going to be locked up?" Joey asked anxiously.

  Pomona smiled and shook his head, then turned away from the confused Joey.

==================================================== =========

  Pomona follows Old Bat and finds him reading the newspaper again in the armchair by the medicine cabinet.

This time Malfoy's escape from prison was not as calm as last time. Not only did he give a list like Karkaroff did, but he also paid the victims a huge sum of money, so that he began to sell some Malfoy family members. industry.

   "Are you worried about a friend?" Pomona asked.

   "Not a friend." He put down the newspaper "Not a worry."

  Pomona went around the back of the chair and put her arms around his neck.

   "You don't need to comfort me." He said calmly.

   "I think you need a hug." Pomona said "Sorry."

"for what?"

   "I shouldn't have mentioned the phoenix feather," said Pomona.

  He didn't speak.

   "Can you read me a poem?" Pomona said.

   "What?" he said in surprise.

   "Life's too short to fall in love, girl! Before the lips fade, before the blood cools, tomorrow won't be such a good time," Pomona said.

   "Why should I read it? Shouldn't you make it up to me?"

  Pomona gave him a thump on the shoulder, and he "succumbed."

   "Life is short, let's fall in love, girl! Before the red lips fade, before the hot blood cools down, tomorrow will not have such a good time." He read as she said.

   Satisfied now, she rubbed her head against his cheek like a cat.

   "Where did you hear this poem?" he asked.

   “Looks like a carnival song in Venice,” Pomona said.

  He was silent for a moment, then spoke again.

   "Life is short, fall in love, young man! Before the hair is dark, and the blood is not cold, tomorrow will not have such a good time."

  She was so surprised that she stood up straight at once.

   "What's wrong?" He asked with a smile.

   "You just made a poem?" Pomona asked.

   "I just adapted it." He stood up, walked around the chair to her, first raised her chin, and then stroked her lips with his fingers.

   "Life is short, fall in love, girl! Before the lips fade, before the blood cools, tomorrow will not be such a good time." He said again, this time much slower, and it made her dizzy.

  She was looking forward to a kiss, but she could only feel the itchiness brought by the wings of a butterfly passing over her lips.

   "Do you still want to go out to watch a movie?" He asked blankly.

   "Not today." She said, and without waiting, she tiptoed and kissed the dark-haired man.

  (end of this chapter)