Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3037: hueandcry(2)

Chapter 3037 hueandcry (2)

Oilde once wrote such a story.

 There was a young student who cried and said that he wanted to give his sweetheart a red rose so that she could dance with him. But where could he find a red rose in the winter?

The nightingale in the tree heard it and looked around on the branches.

"Hey, does happiness depend on these little things?" The young student lamented, "The prince will dance at the dinner party tomorrow, and my lover will go there. If I pick red roses for her, she will dance with me. We danced until dawn, her hand in my palm, her head resting on my shoulder, but there were no red roses, so I could only look at her lonely, passing me by, wearing gorgeous clothes. All the young men gathered around her, but she would not dance with me because I had not gathered the red rose for her.”

 The poor nightingale believed him. In fact, if it knew the story of mankind, it would know that what it lacked was not just a red rose.

There was a seamstress named Delphine Crisp in London in the 15th century. Although magic could solve many problems, none of the spells at that time were suitable for cutting cloth. It would either burn the cloth or tear it. So She invented the cutting spell herself so that the fabric could be cut to suit her liking.

In the story of Cinderella, the fairy godmother gave Cinderella a new dress to attend the ball, making her so charming that the prince fell in love with her immediately.

Delphine made a dress that could make an unattractive woman lovely, and every day her popularity and wealth grew, as if by magic.

She wanted to be a Muggle. Not every witch sucked the blood of babies and engaged in demonic sacrifices as mentioned in the Lancashire witch trials. In addition to using magic to cut the cloth, Delphine did not use any other magic on the skirt.

 But this aroused the jealousy of her rival Muggle tailors. One day they discovered her secret, and then a large group of people came to arrest her.

The usually polite neighbors suddenly changed their faces. Although she escaped by apparating at the critical moment, she never appeared in London again.

The situation in the countryside is probably the same, but the difference is that the Muggles first arrest "therapists". They usually use medicine to treat people's illnesses, and they also feel that they are safe. They are saving people and not harming them, so they can rest assured. Don't be afraid to live with Muggles.

Starting from James I, successive Stuart kings have tried to reestablish the autocratic power of the king, which is inconsistent with the "king under the law" stipulated in the Magna Carta.

Prior to this, due to the rise of witch-hunting in Europe, many wizards fled to England to take refuge. Just like many wizards fled to Scotland when the witch-hunting was rampant in England, and established an all-wizard community near Hogwarts. village. Not all wizards are like pure-blood nobles, and being a Muggle servant is no big deal.

 Gerard came to England during the reign of Edward III, and his wife was Philippa of Hainault. Lancashire has never been a wealthy place, and Hainaut County is a low-lying country with a very developed woolen textile industry and commerce, and it is also very wealthy. However, they were coveted by the French. Through marriage, they obtained the rights of the British kings. Protection, John of Gaunt also had such a name because of his birthplace in Gaunt.

The spinning jenny was invented by a Lancashire worker. He was unhappy when he got home one day and kicked his wife's spinning machine down, thus starting the industrial revolution.

It’s just that it was not highly praised by people when it first appeared. People were afraid that it would take away their jobs, so they rushed into the inventor’s home and destroyed the machine.

 In the 16th century, this area was famous for its woolen production, using wool, which was later replaced by cotton. Workers usually performed manual labor in their own homes, just like Jenny to supplement the family income.

 The other option is to work as a servant in other people’s homes, but compared to boys, girls are more likely to be accepted by their families.

The famous medieval vampire Countess Elizabeth Bartoli was also a widow. In addition to the **** legend, she also maintained close ties with her nephew in Transylvania, and her nephew was involved in the anti-Habsburg plan. middle.

She was eventually imprisoned in her castle until her death, and her lands and property were confiscated. It is not uncommon for mistresses to mistreat their servants, but if they are a little too kind...Anne Boleyn was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Catherine of Aragon. Did she treat Catherine's daughter Mary well after she became queen?

Compared to Aragon, Henry VIII wanted the rich Castile more, and the successor of Castile was the madwoman Juana. At that time, Spain had not yet discovered the gold and silver mines in the New World.

 When Richard II married Anne of Bohemia, Anne did not bring much dowry. Her father, Charles IV, could still influence the ownership of the English crown.

  The British navy established by Henry VIII in 1546 could not cross the sea as easily as Caesar as long as the sea defenses were in place.

Elizabeth I did not give up the construction of the navy after she succeeded to the throne. She even sold her jewelry. It was she who made England a maritime overlord, and she also had another title besides the "Virgin Queen", the "Queen of Glory".

 When a white rose is full of blood, it will turn into a red rose.

The nightingale did just that, she held the red rose in her mouth and gave it to the young man, and then the young man took it and gave it to his lover, but the girl said, "This flower is not worthy of my clothes, and the minister's nephew gave me many jewelry. Everyone knows that jewelry is more precious than flowers and plants.”

The young man was angry. He threw the red rose in the middle of the street. A wheel ran over the rose. Then he turned back to read his book.

The nightingale sang until the end and refused to leave even the waning moon, but the student slept until noon and then opened the window and saw the rose on the windowsill.

“Darkness” sometimes does not refer to complete darkness. Just like the moonlight outside is shining on the lake at this moment. The usually black lake is like a mirror. The waves blown by the wind break it into pieces, but it still sprinkles the moonlight into the dock.

 “What are you doing?” She heard him say, like an echo in her mind.

 Like she's gone crazy.

 Lily is actually a nice woman. She didn't fall in love with James because of "jewelry".

 Hating a person can deny everything about him or her as a matter of course, instead of pretending to be rational and looking for her advantages.

"I want to give you everything you want." Pomona said duplicitously. In fact, she hoped that he could get the cursed position so that he could leave Hogwarts and give her peace.

Hagrid is fine that way, living a simple life, as long as he doesn't know what "love" is.

"What secrets have you not told?" Snape said, dragging the hem of his cloak as he approached slowly, the cloth making a snake-like rustle on the ground.

She woke up a little and looked back at the small wooden boat not far away.

“You know, there’s a club of kids who are trying to figure out what spell makes these ships move by themselves.” Pomona said with a smile. “They even thought it was Hagrid who invented it.”

 “Just this?” he asked disinterestedly.

"They think Hagrid can invent, and so can they. Do you know the benefits of being a fool?" She smiled and said, "Fools are not easily controlled by pride. The eldest of the three brothers, he got the Elder Wand and challenged him everywhere. , but he was still killed while sleeping."

She felt that he was walking too close, so she moved and hid behind a pillar.

She remembered that he was magically invisible and that she participated in the magic experiment, although she didn't think he had any reason to attack her.

 “What are you trying to say? He’s stupid?” he smiled sarcastically. “Like everyone else.”

"What I want to say is that he is like a solitary beast that breaks into animals that live in groups. People know how to cooperate. Severus, this is also a survival strategy." She said softly behind the pillar. .

“The same goes for hiding.” He said with a stiff face, “What are you afraid of?”

 She remembered a lot.

 There is a Victorian romance novel, probably written by a woman, but bearing the name of a male author.

 No one cares about the morals of ugly women. The so-called virtue can be pleasant is just the comfort that priests tell women.

But if a woman only has beauty but no status or property, her end will be to be surrounded by pleasure seekers who regard luxury and pleasure as romantic encounters.

For most women, beauty is more like an obligation. It seems that they dress themselves beautifully in order to inspire writers and poets and become their muse. No one cares how much effort they put into meeting the standard of beauty. and time.

 Wake up, you are not a mixed-blood Veela who drank polyjuice potion, and he is not a "sage" either. Even though he himself is not good-looking, he still likes beautiful women.

The white rose saw the dwarf wearing the white rose it gave to the princess and shouted "thief". It seemed that it was ugly and poor and did not deserve to have beautiful things.

If Esmeralda had never appeared, Quasimodo might still be ringing the bell day after day, and the dean of Notre Dame who took him in was still the one who gave him the opportunity to read. He not only gave Quasimodo One more physical refuge.

 She is beautiful, but she loves an officer who doesn't care about her at all.

 ‘I won’t make the same mistake as her. ’

 She thought to herself that he had given his heart and his devotion to another woman.

 “Don’t be silent.” He said softly, “Don’t hide from me.”

Pomona thought, what would happen if she, like the witch who fell in love with a mermaid, turned into a fish and jumped into the black lake?

 Would she be eaten by a "big fish" in the next second?

 “Pomona,” he said.

 “That’s not my name,” she said.

 “Of course that’s your name!” he raised his voice.

 Sirius and James both called her Nox, although she didn't feel like a goddess.

It's just convenient to wander around the school in the dark without getting caught by Filch.

 “You don’t know who I am,” she whispered.

 “Are you crazy?”

 Aren’t you crazy? Otherwise, why would you collude with him here to let an innocent person leave the human world and return to the Arctic with all the guilt?

 Spark is his only companion, and if it is treated as a "dangerous creature", he will be all alone.

"I know who you are!" He rushed to her excitedly. "You don't have to pretend in front of me."

 She thought of the bush full of black flowers.

Pride is also a disease, and she should correct it rather than keep it in her heart.

 “Forget those things.” She said softly, “They are all wrong.”

 He showed the same expression that Sirius had shown towards his mother, rebellious, dismissive, and...

"Whatever you want to say, just say it to him." He said nonchalantly, "I have nothing to say to you."

 Then he turned and left the dock.

 When he left, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether she becomes a fish and is eaten, or becomes a member of a school of fish, she no longer wants to be the fish that bites the hook.

 No matter how charming the insect hanging on the hook is, it is still bait.

There was a muffled sound in the distance, and soon I heard raindrops falling on the roof. Is it raining?

 She glanced at the moonlight outside. There seemed to be gauze-like dark clouds in the sky, but...

 No matter, it's very late tonight and she has to go back to bed.

  She did not take the path that Snape took, but chose the secret passage back to the castle.

As she walked on the road, she really wanted to go back to the past, even though she had not grown taller since then.

 (End of this chapter)