Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3039: hueandcry(4)

Chapter 3039 hueandcry (4)

 “Lily, don’t do this!” the older girl screamed.

 But when the swing reached the highest point, the little girl let go of her hands and flew into the air. She was really flying, and she jumped into the sky with laughter. She didn't fall **** the asphalt of the playground, but glided in the air like an acrobat, stayed there for a long time, and finally landed very lightly on the ground.

 “Mom told you not to do that!”

 The older girl stopped the swing with her heels scraping against the ground, making a sharp screeching sound, and then she jumped up again, hands on her hips. "Mom said you're not allowed to do this, Lily!"

"But I'm fine," said Lily, still giggling. "Petunia, look at this. Look at what I'm capable of."

Penny looked around, there were only two of them in the empty playground, and then Lily picked up a dead flower from the bush. Petunia walked up, looking curious and dissatisfied, and very conflicted inside. Lily waited until Petunia was close enough to see clearly, then she spread her hands, and the petals kept opening and closing in her palm, like some weird, multi-layered oyster.

 “Stop it!” Petunia screamed.

"I didn't do anything to you." Lily said, but she still crushed the flowers into a ball and threw them to the ground.

Lily also demonstrated the same thing in front of Pomona, of course not on the swing, but letting the little flowers open and close in her hands. She was already past the age to be interested in the swing, not to mention she had seen a broomstick.

Pomona was drinking oatmeal while looking at Elaina Duncan who was having breakfast at Hufflepuff's table. She looked gloomy and not as lively as Tonks next to her.

 Riding a broom for wizards is a bit like riding a bicycle for Muggle children. Anyone who can't ride will be laughed at by their peers in the community. Wizarding children have been practicing since they were young, while Muggles like Elena only started to be exposed to it after they came to the magical world.

But even among the same Muggles, her progress is slow. Of course, wizards have other ways to travel, but...

Pomona's eyes turned to Joy, who was having a heated discussion with Tonks about the Quidditch World Cup.

 Lily is actually very talented in "flying", but she did not join the Gryffindor Quidditch team like Joey.

Gryffindor warriors are gender-neutral. Lily had many reasons for not joining the team, but the main one was that she spent her energy on her studies.

 This is partly due to the influence of Snape, who loves reading, and also because of Mrs. Evans, who taught Petunia to be a very qualified housewife and encouraged Petunia to give Lily Barbie dolls to make up for the relationship between the two sisters.

 Actually, she can also give away footballs, but which girl would chase a ball covered in mud?

Pomona took a bite of the sausage, and the juice in his mouth was a bit greasy. People who pay attention to their figure would never touch it.

 Because of fear, I won’t do it.

 Snape was then given the opportunity to ride a broomstick and perform in front of Lily, even though he had no talent for riding a broomstick.

Lily didn't understand Snape's mood at all. She was confused the whole time. She didn't know what Snape was doing. If only Snape knew that Lily could ride a broom better than him...

Pomona resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She was at the teacher's chair now, and she didn't know how many people in the audience would notice her.

Growing up, the biggest trouble she got into was writing a petition with Lily to give the house elves their freedom, although it fell into disgrace without causing any waves. Wizarding families do not hire servants like Muggles. House elves are enough. At the same time, they also have many secrets of the wizarding family. Because they are bound by magical contracts, not only can they not reveal secrets, but they can't talk behind their backs like servants. Bad words about the master.

Pomona couldn't talk to Sinistral about anything. At least she couldn't say bad things about Dumbledore to Sinistral. It wasn't that she was afraid that Sinistral would complain to Dumbledore, but that Sinistral wouldn't understand.

 Many people regard Minerva as Dumbledore's "loyal minister", but Minerva does not obey Dumbledore's words. The last time they went drinking together, she and Dumbledore had a disagreement over Harry.

Anyway, Dumbledore is not a "perfect man", nor is he the kind and kind grandfather that ordinary people see. He can be cruel enough to let Harry grow up in such an environment to prepare for future wars.

Pomona actually accepted his new “explanation” about the ugly duckling.

In children's bedtime books, the ugly duckling is expelled and chased by the animals on the farm. Even the mother chicken who hatched it makes it leave the farm and live elsewhere. They are actually like the characters in the play, but They know their respective fates, and those who read the story know what the swan looks like, and understand that everything the ugly duckling experiences is temporary, and sooner or later it will metamorphose, instead of becoming a roast chicken on the owner's table like the mother chicken.

  One of the knight's servants stole one of Willan's chickens, but the chicken was eaten by the knight's dog.

The servant stole the chicken, but did not eat the chicken legs. The knight's dog ate the chicken, but it was not the chicken that was stolen. Both the dog and the servant were serving the knight.

 Sir's "discipline is not good", it seems that he should be responsible for compensating Weilan. Just like parents fail to educate their children well and he becomes a criminal, parents are also responsible.

However, the judgment at that time was that the servant should pay for the loss of Vilan. According to the statement in 1 Peter: I urge those among you who are elders among you to shepherd the sheep that are among you and take care of them according to the will of God, not Not under compulsion but willingly, not out of love for money, but willingly, not to lord it over those entrusted to you, but to be examples to the flock.

  In other words, servants can learn from examples and can also be tempted by the devil. It is not the fault of the "example" but the fault of the servant himself. The person who commits a crime is held responsible for his actions because his actions are the product of his free will.

At that time, many people felt that the existence of free will was the origin of "evil" in the world, but some believed, like St. Augustine, that doing good also requires free will.

Customary law was also used in ancient Rome. Since the power of interpretation was in the hands of noble judges, the common people felt it was very unfair. In protest, they left Rome collectively. Then the nobles enacted the Law of the Twelve Tables in order to save them.

Ancient Athens also had written laws. According to Aristotle's records in "The Constitution of Athens", the laws of Athens were recorded on signs. The signs were erected in the Colonnade of Basileus, and all Athenian citizens were required to write the regulations. in front of the sign swearing to abide by the law.

Of course, the church also has canon law. In 1532, when the British Parliament threatened "contempt of the royal power", the clergy accepted the execution power of the monarch's religious legislation and submitted the existing religious laws to the royal family for review.

At one time, the Pope only had the "power of excommunication." Theoretically, kings and emperors who were "excommunicated" were deprived of their right to rule, and their divine power was deprived of power by God's agents in the world. The vassals automatically lifted their right to rule. The obligation of allegiance to the prince.

 But as an old European fable says, a soldier, should he listen to the king, the bishop or the rich merchant?

"Excommunication" can be suspended as long as the excommunicated person repents, so that the vassals have to fulfill their obligation of allegiance. If he had committed an act of rebellion, would the king have forgiven him?

 So the effect of "excommunication" became worse and worse, and the pope's authority was also affected, and then there was the Spanish Inquisition.

In the first few years after the establishment of the Inquisition, many people were indeed burned to death, but this also led to other problems. Pope Sixtus IV ordered to send two more presidents and the chief inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition. Holding power together, these two people did not have the expected effect.

By 1530, the process of the Spanish Inquisition had changed. They were only responsible for hearings, and then handed over the verdict to the secular courts, who were responsible for carrying out executions.

 The death penalty is not necessarily burning at the stake. Hanging was used in the Salem witch trials. At that time, they were tried by a secular court.

So in 1532, did the English church courts still have the power to execute prisoners?

Early canon law was organized by papal decrees. Successive popes successively introduced a "huge" number of articles through legislative activities and major religious conferences. Every time a pope changed, they had to be rearranged. Not only were the old and new articles very different , it is particularly troublesome to find it every time.

Church courts do not need to build magnificent courts. They only need to be held in the square at the entrance of the church. First, the place is large enough, and second, the church can serve as a witness. Everything that happens here is fair.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flames were high. There were many people and it was easy to work. The torture rack was quickly erected.

  Ancient Greece had the "shell banishment law". As long as there were a sufficient number of shells with the name of the exiled person on it, the person would be exiled.

 Cain was also exiled for killing his brother.

Someone once said: There is only one evil in the world, and that is ignorance.

If he could survive, Pomona would like to ask him, which is more serious, the evil caused by ignorance or the evil done knowingly?

 In the fairy tale, the second child who got the resurrection stone wanted to resurrect his beloved girl. She actually wanted to resurrect someone she had never met.

 She smiled and turned her eyes to the bread on the table.

 In fact, with magic, at least you don’t have to worry about food. Although magic can’t produce food, at least wizards don’t have to rely on the weather like Muggles.

 Unfortunately, in this day and age, not everyone agrees that food can bring happiness.

Pomona picked up the toasted brown bread and ate it, and took another sip of oatmeal. At this moment, she forgot about her waistline.

 She wanted to feel happy, like the girl floating as light as a feather from the swing.

 (End of this chapter)