Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3042: hueandcry(7)

Chapter 3042 hueandcry (7)

 The clock rang and it was time to get out of school again, and Pomona could almost see the smiles on the children's faces.

However, in the 14th century, the ringing of bells often meant the death knell, and later the death knell was even stopped ringing because there was no one left to ring the bell. Most people have lost their fear of death and corpses, because many corpses are placed on the streets outside their houses, waiting for the body collectors to take them away the next day.

Not everyone can enjoy the funeral. There are no priests to conduct the mass, and there are no tearful guests attending the funeral. It is more common for five or six people to be buried together. Some of them don't even have a coffin, and then cover it with soil. Living.

Such a scene has been staged countless times. Rather than becoming numb, people become trance-like, as if the end of the world is coming soon.

At this time, people who want to live, or in other words, people who want to end this short and hasty life without leaving any regrets and enjoy themselves, seem more normal.

The plague **** brings a sense of urgency, which is especially evident in the city. But time is eternal and infinite. The difference between eternity and time is change. That is, without change, time does not matter, just like the shadow cast by a flying bird on the ground.

Of course, a bird cannot fly without flapping its wings, and an arrow cannot remain still.

Eternity is unchanged, just like we have always loved someone and will not change our hearts to fall in love with others.

 Memories will not disappear due to death, but will even become more profound and beautified due to death.

Due to technical limitations, people at that time could only use paints and brushes to draw portraits in their memories. There were no equipment such as photos or video recorders.

The first time Queen Victoria "met" Prince Albert was through a portrait. She innocently discussed Albert's appearance with Prime Minister Melbourne and the reasons why he only fell in love with herself and not other women.

The Prime Minister told her that men can easily change their minds and cheat, especially handsome men. The Queen was furious and ordered him to take back those words.

 How can two people who have never met fall in love with each other? If Alexandrina was not a queen, but an ordinary girl, would Prince Albert still care so much about her undivided attention?

Albus once told Pomona that there are many talented witches in the world, but they often waste their talents by indulging in other things.

  When Pomona saw Elena lying on the hospital bed, she pouted like a little girl, with no sign of "genius" at all.

 The Sorting Hat said that she wanted to be an ordinary child, instead of entering college early and living an extraordinary life.

 “What’s wrong with you?” Pomona said with a smile.

“Dean, am I stupid, that’s why I was assigned to Hufflepuff?” Elena said pitifully, tears welling up in her eyes, as if they were about to fall down in the next second.

 “Why do you think so?” Pomona asked in surprise.

 “I can’t even ride a broomstick well,” said Elena.

 “So you think you’re a fool?” Pomona asked helplessly.

Elena didn’t say anything, but her expression and whole body expressed one meaning.

Pomona glanced at the bed next door. Madam Pomfrey was giving medicine to the student with heat stroke. She was not sure whether the other party would hear what she said. Maybe he was too busy feeling uncomfortable to notice them at all.

"I think we have something in common with Ravenclaw." Pomona said boldly, "Does anyone dislike you or laugh at you because you can't ride a broomstick?"

Elena thought for a while and shook her head.

"No matter what strange ideas you have, there are people in Ravenclaw to accompany you. You know there is a club who is studying the magic spell that makes those boats move by themselves." Pomona said.

Elena nodded.

“I’m telling you this secret, and you can’t tell anyone else,” Pomona said.

 “What secret?”

“There are mermaids in the Black Lake. We provide them with food and shelter, and they give us the right to cross.”

 “What is the right to travel?” Elena asked.

 Pomona sat beside Elena's bed.

 “Have you ever seen a centaur?”

Elena nodded, "They have a bad temper."

"Horse people have a strong sense of territory. We are not allowed to enter their territory without permission, so the principal will warn you not to enter." Pomona said.

 “Isn’t it because there is danger in the Forbidden Forest?” Elena asked.

“The centaurs will use their arrows to sieve the intruders,” said Pomona.

Elena pouted again, as if she thought Pomona was lying to a child.

"Don't believe it... In short, if you enter the territory of the centaurs, you may be attacked by them. The right to cross means entering their territory. You can pass peacefully without being attacked. The mermaid will send you there."

“So this is a symbol of friendship, the mermaid is friends with us?” Elena asked.

 “No!” Pomona said firmly.

Elena was confused.

“I prefer to believe that they felt that human rowing was too slow, and they wanted the boats to leave quickly before pushing them away.” Pomona dryly explained this innocent “misunderstanding.”

 “Mermaids hate humans?” Elena asked.

"They are puzzling creatures. What I want to express is that Hufflepuff doesn't like disputes." Pomona frowned and thought, "Let me think about it, what other advantages do we have?"

"Does magnanimity count?" Elena said, "They don't mind that I said that at the sorting ceremony."

"I guess it has nothing to do with magnanimity, you know, people who are not wanted by other houses are sorted into Hufflepuff." Pomona said with a smile.

"I don't think so." Elena said seriously, "I don't want to be sorted into Slytherin anyway."

 “Did they bully you?” Pomona asked the Muggle witch.

 “They felt I couldn’t represent the school in the potions competition.”

 “Did they call you ‘Mudblood’?” Pomona asked.

 “Of course.” Elena said.

 “You know what that means?” Pomona asked.

"I know, but so what?" Elena said unhappily, "That does not affect my qualification to participate in the potion competition."

 “But this game is in Durmstrang,” Pomona reminded.

 “You told me.” Elena sighed, “It’s starting again.”

 “What started again?” Pomona asked.

“I used to be alone in school.” Elena looked at Pomona and said, “Especially after I entered high school.”

Pomona imagined a “schoolboy” in a “jungle.”

 “Are you carrying a pink schoolbag?” Pomona asked.

 “No, who would carry a schoolbag of that color?” Elena said with disgust.

 “Did someone lock you in the glove compartment?” Pomona asked.

 “No…but I saw someone stuffing Derek into the cabinet.” Elena said with a smile.

 “What!” Pomona asked in shock.

Elena quickly covered her mouth.

Derek is also a new student at Hufflepuff…

 “Why did they put Derek in the closet?” Pomona asked.

 “He found the ‘treasure’ in the cabinet.” Elena said.

 “They didn’t take it away?” Pomona asked.

“It’s just an old quill. Once they’re gone, I’ll let Derek out,” Elena said.

There are some people who just can’t stand the sight of others being happy and satisfied just because of trivial things.

 Pomona shook his head.

“They see me as a competitor.” Elena looked at Pomona and said, “They think I will take away their spot.”

 “Would you mind being friends with a fool?” Pomona asked.

“They helped me when I couldn’t see,” Elena whispered. “I don’t think they saw this as an opportunity to exclude me.”

"It's just a simple effort, honey." Pomona stroked Elena's head, and through the brown hair, she could feel a bump on the back of her head.

“I’m very happy to go to school here, every day.” Irina’s tears welled up in her eyes again, “It’s like a dream.”

Pomona hugged the poor little girl and patted her thin back.

"I know Joey also wants to compete." Helena said dullly in Pomona's arms, "She said she would compete fairly with me."

 “Do you hate competition?” Pomona asked.

 “No, what I hate is...” Helena said angrily

"A wise man said this." Pomona interrupted her, "Life is more important than logic, inspiration is more important than erudition, change is more important than argument, and it is very difficult to make a person change, even more difficult than winning. "

Pomona didn’t know if Elena would understand. Although she was very smart, she was only 11 or 2 years old.

James, a competitive Quidditch player, was not happy about winning the competition with Snape.

He loves Lily and is willing to try to "socialize" with people he doesn't like for her. He used to act based on his own likes and dislikes.

 But James has changed, has Lily changed?

“Just smile. If you are really angry, just keep your face expressionless.” Pomona said in Elena’s ear, “Adapting to the environment is our strength.”

 Then she let go of Elena.

 “My mother calls me ‘Irene.’” Elena said, looking at Pomona.

"I think your friends can also call you that." Pomona said, "Remember to listen to Madam Pomfrey, you are a patient now."

 She stood up after speaking.

 When she arrived at the door, she saw Tonks and a group of people arriving at the door of the hospital wing.

 Pomona estimated the time and they probably hadn't had dinner yet.

"Dean." Tonks greeted him perfunctorily, and then rushed to the hospital wing.

Soon the quiet hospital wing was filled with the sound of chirping and the roar of Madam Pomfrey.

It seems like she doesn’t have to worry, Elena is adapting to the new campus life very well.

Pomona looked back at Myrtle's bathroom. The corridor was dark and cold, and even the summer sun couldn't warm it. It looked like a place haunted by the dead.

However, there are living people living in the medical wing. They are sick, but they are still alive. When the illness gets better, life will continue.

 One step away, but life and death separate us.

She sighed silently, then turned her head and continued moving forward.

 (End of this chapter)