Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3060: Veil of Ignorance (1)

 Chapter 3060 The Veil of Ignorance (1)

"I know what kind of person he is." Lily, with her big belly, arranged the table with Pomona. "When we were in sixth grade, James saved his life. That was the day they sneaked through the passage under the Whomping Willow. You know what he told me about the Screaming Shack?”

 “What did he say?” Pomona asked casually.

“He was not grateful at all to James for saving his life. Instead, he said a lot of bad things about him. What can this change?”

Pomona thought.

Several times during self-study in the library, she saw the two of them together. Most of the time, Snape was concentrating on reading and taking notes, while Lily would sometimes be distracted. She would look at "Western" with "girly eyes". Eph".

“Ouch.” Lily held her stomach and groaned.

 “What’s wrong?” Pomona asked with concern.

"It's nothing, the child kicked me." Lily said expressionlessly, "He is as energetic as his father."

Pomona stared at Lily, not much of a smile on her face.

James is much more restrained than before, but he still often rides his flying motorcycle with Sirius, and often comes home very late.

 Maybe it was hormones or other reasons. In short, Lily's mood was very unstable, although letting her come to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters to help relieved her a lot.

Lily may not have remembered what James did to Severus, or she may have felt that the prank in fifth year was outweighed by her saving grace.

"Do you think I'm wrong?" Lily asked, looking at Pomona.

 “What did you do wrong?” Pomona asked.

"I shouldn't have been so excited at the time. Maybe if I had spoken politely, he would no longer be with that group of people." Lily frowned and tugged at her red hair. "Today's Aurors are no different from dark wizards. They're all using the Unforgivable Curse."

"I don't think it's going to change anything," Pomona said, but Lily seemed offended by her words.

"What did you say?"

"Don't think about him. Pay more attention to James and the baby in your belly." Pomona looked at Lily's belly and said, "Have you had a prenatal checkup?"

"Of course, I plan to give birth in the hospital." Lily placed the knife and fork impatiently. "No matter what the situation!"

There are still many wizards who choose to "give birth" to their children at home, or use magic spells to "remove" the child, rather than go through the natural birth of a Muggle woman. Of course, Muggle hospitals now also perform caesarean sections.

But Lily didn't want to go to St. Mungo's, and James also felt that the current situation was not suitable for her to go to St. Mungo's to give birth. The Potters had a lot of disagreements over whether to give birth at home or go to the hospital.

“When is the next prenatal check-up, I will go with you.” Pomona said.

“No need, I can do it alone.” Lily said coldly, “There are many pregnant women in the clinic who go alone.”

Pomona stopped insisting and chatted with Lily about other topics.

Cicero once said: Sometimes people who do injustice may just need to regret their actions, so that they will no longer do evil in the future and make others less evil. Punishment and revenge should have a certain degree. limit.

 But in order to take revenge, Severus became even more addicted to black magic that could quickly gain strength.

Pomona once had the idea that if they could meet next time, she might be able to persuade him, just like Lily felt that she had a chance to win him back.

Cicero once quoted a line from a play written by an ancient Greek named Ennius: If a wise man cannot profit himself, his intelligence is "in vain."

 This play has been lost in history, but the title of the play still remains, called "Medea".

 She should remember what "futility" is, not to mention what benefit she can get from it?


Cicero said that the Greeks divided obligations into two types, one of which is an ordinary obligation and can be given a reasonable explanation.

 The other type is absolute obligation, which is the requirement of justice and just behavior.

 Nature has given animals the instinct of self-interest, which is to protect their own lives and bodies, avoid things that will obviously cause harm to them, and find and obtain everything necessary for survival.

 People usually think carefully and study whether the issue they are considering is conducive to living comfortably and happily, conducive to the increase of property and assets, conducive to expanding influence and enhancing power, that is, it can bring help and benefits to themselves and their relatives.

 When interests attract us from one aspect, and nobility attracts us from another aspect, the result will be contradictions in our thinking, and we will fall into double doubts about agreement and objection.

There are two kinds of injustice. One is the act of injustice. Caesar brazenly broke all laws, divine and human, in order to obtain what he mistakenly conceived for himself-supreme power. Greed finds its most obvious expression in an unjust act in order to obtain what he most strongly desires.

 The other type is "seeking death without saving". There are some people who are possible, but they do not protect those who are treated unfairly from unjust acts. There are many reasons for not protecting, or they do not want to cause hostility, or create difficulties for themselves, or they feel that a certain research and career they are engaged in will be hindered, so they also allow those they should protect to be abandon.

The monks in the monastery in the 14th century, after abandoning the body of the deceased, cleaned the scene of the crime and pretended that nothing had happened. They also made statements to each other, saying that the deceased had quietly left, as if they wanted to leave it alone. Cover up the past.

 The students and the dean certainly had different ideas, although the dean did not want to alarm the citizens outside and quietly investigated on his own.

 This is the troublesome part. The students seemed to have suddenly turned into detectives and discussed the "case".

 The missing Kelly Wharton, she was found missing this morning.

A Ravenclaw girl also disappeared last time because her crush on Bill Weasley was exposed.

 Kelly Wharton has no crush on anyone and usually likes to be alone. Her roommate in the dormitory discovered that she did not come back all night.

This is quite common in Ravenclaw, that **** door knocker will ask a difficult question, and if you can't answer the question, you will not be allowed into the common room, causing people to have to make do with it outside the common room all night.

While most people showed up at the table the next morning, Kelly didn't.

Originally, this was not a big deal. Kelly might have fallen asleep in an empty classroom, so the prefect of Ravenclaw told Felicity about it.

Piers Thicknesse was next to Felvey at the time, and he entered the school as an Apparition examiner.

 It was such a coincidence that Snape happened to come in from the door of the auditorium, so he "magically" connected the two things.

Thicknesse has not joined the Anti-Dark Arts Alliance, but he has just been transferred from the Transportation Department of the Ministry of Magic to the Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic. At this time, as long as he shows "appropriate hatred" towards Death Eaters, people will think that he is a decent person.

Whether they were exposed by Karkaroff or not, other Death Eaters hid themselves, but Snape was so high-profile. In short, the scene that Pomona saw happened.

Cicero also said that true honor will take root, and no pretense can last long.

If anyone thinks that through pretense, empty boasts, and false words, he can gain permanent honor, he is totally mistaken.

Cicero also said how to be a noble person.

 Insight and understanding of truth.

 Order and moderation in all actions and speech, including moderation and self-denial.

 Maintain the maintenance of human society, give everyone what he deserves, and be loyal to the affairs of the agreement.

 A noble, invincible mind, great and strong.

Since the deans of the other three colleges are in the principal's office, the Charms, Transfiguration, and Potions classes they teach are not available. Pomona's herbal medicine class is in the greenhouse, so students from the four colleges are staying. Study in the auditorium.

She didn't say anything. It would be useless anyway. Their thoughts were not on it. She only asked that the children sit on the bench and not lift the roof of the school.

There was a wizard in the 19th century. He once put forward the theory that the wizarding world needed more talents, and young wizards should have equal opportunities, so that no matter what their origins, they could study hard after entering school and apply for any position in the future.

To achieve this, first of all, the children of wizarding families must not "jump ahead". This will lead to the fact that the level of some children from wizarding families entering school is not much different from that of new students in the Muggle world.

 Then there is another performance system, similar to the hourglass of each college. As long as you work hard, you will get extra points. No matter how hard you work, you will not see results.

After selecting outstanding and talented talents, the next step is to let them give back to society, or let those without talents enjoy the fruits of successful practice. This is similar to Muggle inventors who invent and create new things. The machine can be used by other people who cannot invent and create.

Another example is werewolves. The wolfsbane potion brewed by potion masters can protect them from the pain of transformation. Not every werewolf can brew such a complicated potion.

 Under the rule of feudal aristocracy, people's life prospects depended on the era they were born in. They should be eliminated, and everyone should have the opportunity to change their destiny.

In order to enjoy justice, people always set up a person with high moral standards as king. The reason for making laws is the same as the reason for supporting a king. This person should protect the weak and establish an equal system so that people with high status and low status can enjoy the same right.

 If they get this from a just and noble man, they are satisfied, and think there is nothing they cannot achieve under his leadership.

The Order of the Phoenix has always had a small number of people. After a leak, the losses were even more severe. Many of the people who took pictures with Lily at the time were no longer there.

 Originally, she thought that they would never have the chance to meet again in the future.

Who would have thought that he would return to Hogwarts in this way.

 The door behind him suddenly opened, and a Ministry of Magic employee came to Pomona.

 “They are waiting for you, Professor,” said the young man.

 “I can’t leave.” Pomona gestured to him to look at the students in the auditorium.

 The young man shook his head, "I was just following orders."

 Pomona had no choice but to stand up.

"Bill, maintain order." Pomona said to the Gryffindor table. Without waiting for the Gryffindor prefect's answer, he followed the Ministry of Magic staff away.

Although Filch was there, she felt that he couldn't control it, even with Mrs. Lorris helping him.

 (End of this chapter)