Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3070: Libation Bearer (1)

Chapter 3070 Libation Bearer (1)

After Achilles died, Thetis wept in a deep cave. Around her sat other sea nymphs, weeping for the fate of her son, lamenting that this young man was so beautiful that he had to die in The fertile soil of Troy, far from home.

 In fact, Achilles escaped certain death for a time because he and Agamemnon refused to participate in the war due to a disagreement over the "spoils of war." If he had not participated in the war, he would not have been shot in the ankle on the battlefield.

 But because he wanted to avenge Patroclus, he put aside his grudge with Agamemnon and rejoined the coalition.

And the reason why Patroclus died was because he put on Achilles' armor and went into battle pretending to be him.

The battle was going up and down. Zeus gave the soldiers victory, but never gave them real confidence because Thetis had asked him.

She said to Zeus, "You must pay attention to my son. He is destined to die earlier than others. Now King Agamemnon has humiliated him and robbed him of his honorary gift. Wisdom **** of Olympus, please avenge him, Give strength to the Trojans for now, so that the Achaeans will respect my son and give him the compensation he deserves."

Just when she was crying sadly, Olympus sent a messenger, and Thetis picked up a black veil and flew up to the sky with a group of sea nymphs.

Pomona also chose a black dress, which swayed like ripples in a black lake whenever she moved.

 Among the many children of Zeus, there was one named Dick. Her mother Themis also represented justice, but she represented the system of gods, while **** represented the secular law that humans imitated the system of gods.

When Odysseus was knocked unconscious by the stormy waves of the sea and drifted ashore soon after, he met the foreign princess and her maids. He was awakened by the screams of their games, and then thought in his heart:

My God, what kind of land have I come to now?

 The inhabitants here are hubristai, agriai, and dikaioi.

 Or is it hospitality and god-fearing?

He also asked this question on the island of Cyclops, but not to himself, but to his companions, who had not yet been eaten by the Cyclops.

 The plural form of Dike is dikai, which means "just procedure", and the adjective dikaios means "just people".

ˆ “Justice” in the epic is not “the principle of justice”.

When the suitors arrived at Odysseus' house, they knew that their master was dead, so they acted recklessly and consumed the master's property without regret, drinking and killing pigs and sheep.

Volume 18 records the "normal" marriage proposal customs. The suitors not only brought cattle, sheep and gifts themselves, but also entertained the woman's relatives and friends.

It is immoral for them to bully orphans and widowed mothers, but their "injustice" (dikaioi) violates this custom.

  Dike is a kind of decent, reckless and cruel behavior and proper etiquette behavior, and the gods prefer the latter.

 Cyclops calls Odysseus and his group "strangers", they are no longer in their hometown, and Cyclops is not even "a member of the city-state".

Even the Trojans believed in the Olympian gods, and Cyclops was never afraid of the "gods of everlasting joy", who considered themselves more powerful.

 And Calypso, she was not afraid of them either, thinking that they were jealous of goddesses like them marrying mortals.

Selene, the moon goddess, was the daughter of the Titans. She fell in love with a hunter named Orion, but this love affair was not approved by the gods of Olympus. They sent Artemis to kill him. And because they believed that Orion had committed sins during his lifetime, the gods believed that the goddess should not be with someone like him.

Calypso felt that these gods were "too busy". If Calypso hadn't saved Odysseus' life and taken care of his food and daily life, he would have died long ago. There would be no need for Hermes. Passing "nonsense" here.

Odysseus cursed Cyclops for eating the guests in his own house, but he himself killed the "guests" in his own house.

It seems that Odysseus either encountered arrogant hosts or arrogant guests. At the meeting to decide Odysseus' return home, Poseidon was the only one who did not attend. It happened to be Poseidon who was in charge of the sea and whether Odysseus' journey home would be "smooth".

 Poseidon was on a "business trip" at that time, and Odysseus had already blinded the Cyclops. He was waiting for the opportunity to take revenge when Odysseus left Calypso's island.

 If "justice" is the process it should be, what about the "process" now?

Oh, gods don’t abide by the rules of the human world, so you can understand why Poseidon wanted to create such a big battle.

Poseidon could not kill Odysseus and prevent him from meeting his destiny, but he could scare him until his limbs were paralyzed and dying. Who would let him live a good life?

 Let’s do it, there’s nothing to do anyway!

After using the Transformation Spell to change her clothes, Pomona used the Transformation Spell to change into a pair of glasses without reading, and then she jumped out of her hiding place—a Hufflepuff girl appeared.

 Compared to “adults” like teachers, children trust older seniors and seniors more, so Pomona dressed up as a student to approach Sirius and the others.

Minerva is a registered Animagus, but she is so strict that even if someone asks her for advice, she will immediately ask that person to register after completing the training, and will not allow "illegal" things to happen under her nose.

If Pomona reported those kids for skipping class, they could in turn report her for skipping class.

 In this way they are “accomplices”.

Originally Pomona planned it that way, but just when she was about to put it into action, she saw Filch running past her in a hurry, mumbling something while running.

“Lock them all up, lock them up, put them in handcuffs and shackles…”

Pomona then took a shortcut. If her guess was correct, the children were going to the foyer.

She came to the exit near the Dockyard Square from the secret passage behind the portrait, and soon saw several people skipping class, including Nymphadora Tonks.

There are also Ben Cooper, Barnaby Lee, and his pet eye-tailed dog Dexter, who are peering around to see where they are coming from.

 “Where are the others?” Tonks asked breathlessly.

"Where did you say we met?" Cooper asked Barnaby.

 Barnaby scratched his hair.

 “You forgot or didn’t say it!” Cooper asked.

 “It was so fast at the time, I didn’t expect Snape to actually...”

"Should we go back to find them, or should we continue to look for them?" Tonks interrupted Barnaby.

Barnaby hesitated for three seconds and then asked Dexter to continue looking. He was still holding a Ravenclaw scarf in his hand.

Ok, Barnaby is a Ravenclaw, he can go into the common room, but can he go into the girls' common room?

Then Pomona saw Dexter wagging his tail, sniffing here and there on the ground, and walking forward happily, as if he was playing a treasure hunt.

 “Filch is coming,” said Pomona in a high-pitched voice.

"Who's there?" Ben Cub asked, holding up his wand.

"I'm you, it's better to leave now." Pomona continued to hide behind a pillar.

 “Come out!” Cooper said, his tone less panicked than before.

"Can you put down your wand?" Pomona said tremblingly. "I mean no harm."

"You come out first," Barnaby said softly. "We won't hurt you."

It was then that Pomona remembered that if she walked out, Tonks would probably recognize that she was not from this college.

 “Why did you tell us?” Cooper asked warily.

 Yeah, why?

Pomona looked at the castle’s pillars and stairs that were full of age. Even if they were made of stone, they still had a lifespan.

If you are a Muggle, you will replace the fragile parts of the ancient building, and Hogwarts Castle itself is part of the defensive magic. It is magic that makes it so old and still standing.

 Weakening the defensive magic also weakens the power to support the castle. If there is another shock...

 “Answer the question.” Cooper asked again.

“I love this school,” Pomona said, stepping out from behind a pillar. “I want to protect it.”

 The three of them were a little shocked when they saw her, but they quickly relaxed their guard.

"We're doing something else...thank you for reminding me," Cooper said, putting down his wand.

 “Are you looking for the missing girl?” Pomona asked.

 “Have you seen her?” Tonks asked.

“I think we’re on to something,” Pomona said. “If we find her, there will be peace here.”

 The three children looked at her intently, as if assessing whether she was trustworthy.

Pomona pulled off his tie uncomfortably.

 Luckily she didn’t use a green tie on a whim, otherwise they wouldn’t believe her.

“Come on,” said Barnaby at last. “One more man and one more pair of eyes.”

"What do I call you?" Tonks asked after Pomona came to them.

 “Knox,” Pomona said smoothly.

 “The fluorescent counterspell?” said Tonks.

“No, it’s the missing light.” Pomona said with a smile, “Whether it’s day or night, the world is the same.”

Tonks didn't seem to understand her words very well, and the others ignored her and continued to concentrate on searching.

Pomona didn't know whether to worry or not. Why were these children so unsuspecting?

But when she thought about her disguise, she felt relieved.

Even Grindelwald can't guard against people who deliberately try to deceive him, let alone these mortals.

 (End of this chapter)