Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3086: pray for light

Chapter 3086 Pray for the Light

Sun Wukong in Journey to the West pulls off a little of his hair and blows on it, and hundreds or even thousands of Sun Wukong will appear.

But these Sun Wukongs are not real. They will disappear on their own after a while, and Dementors will not disappear out of thin air.

It was quite surprising when Harry summoned a physical Patronus for the first time, because there were so many Dementors flying in the air. Even wizards who had successfully summoned a Patronus in the past might not be able to function normally in that situation. play.

 But the patron saint he summoned was so powerful that it not only drove away the dementors, but also made the area as bright as day.

The ball of light he summoned in the culvert in the fifth grade seemed dwarfed by comparison, and no one else saw it except his cousin Dali.

Regardless of whether it is rigid or corrupt, in short Harry was judged. Although he was not punished because of Dumbledore's protection, others were not so lucky. At least in the eyes of many people, it symbolized the kind of behavior seen in the past. Dragons attack Muggles on the beach, and wizarding families who stand up to stop them are no longer commended.

The sound of gunfire attracted many Muggles who wanted to watch the excitement in that direction. They mixed with the traffic after school, making the block so crowded that the patrol car could not drive past. Only one mounted policeman ran against the crowd towards the supermarket. Later, the police in the patrol car also abandoned the car and ran forward. After all, this is London, not Gotham.

A clown with a balloon in his hand was standing on the side of the street, watching the fun with other pedestrians. His expression could be seen even through the thick makeup, he was so blank.

Pomona looked at him, but what he thought of was another "clown". If Neo is the savior in the "afterlife", then he will probably bring changes to the world in this life. Even if this means destroying everything that is original, it is different from the destruction brought to Gotham by the "Joker" and his followers. .

 The more you have, the more you lose, but those who have nothing have nothing to lose. Even if the bank's vault is full of money, not a single copper in it belongs to you, so what if you blow it up? Instead, you can watch the most expensive fireworks in history.

Of course "normal people" won't be that crazy. Robbers wearing clown masks will choose to rob banks and then squander the money.

 But this is not the standard for artists.

Pomona doesn’t know much about computers, but she also knows that normal “programs” should not be like the green code at the beginning of the movie, falling like rain.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if the "Matrix" had a similar self-destruction system, there would be no need for humans to launch unknown weapons, causing the sky to be shrouded in dark clouds, and humans and machines to perish together.

So the matrix is ​​a kind of "life", can it say things like "I don't want to die"?

 Then a new question arises, what is “life”?

Think about it, in that dark world, the birth of a little life like "Tank" will indeed bring light. It is precisely because of "Tank" that the traitor's plan was stopped.

It’s hard to believe that Tank can grow so strong just by eating something like oatmeal. When the “Matrix” breeds new humans to be born, it’s similar to human breeding of cattle. It will select those with more meat and milk. The Matrix needs What's more is the electricity generated by the human body - it does not require a strong human body, even if humans are weak - Neo even needed to strengthen his muscles to stand up when he first returned to the real world. People who come out of the matrix may generally have poor physical health, and most of them have never lived a good life with their own bodies. The electricity that can kill people in the matrix is ​​not enough to kill the "tank", which gives the "tank" the opportunity to counterattack.

 Should this be considered fate or fate?

There are many interesting things in the prophet's room. There is a wooden sign on the door frame. It looks like a decoration, but the content is the inscription from the Delphi Temple "Know thyself".

Harry sometimes indulges in the identity of the "savior", after all, he is only a teenager.

People in Zion rarely rescue adults, with Neo being the exception.

Williamham was a clergyman's child like Minerva McGonagall, but he didn't seem to be inspired. He lied a lot, eloped with the inexperienced Lydia, and almost eloped with Mr. Darcy's sister.

But he was good-looking, and he was wearing a military uniform. He looked like a decent man, and even Elizabeth was almost deceived. Don't say "know thyself". Sometimes people don't even have the ability to see through the disguise of liars. Although William is not deliberately deceiving people, he is just taking advantage of the situation.

Sun Wukong has piercing eyes and can see through the disguises of monsters and white-bone spirits. However, he is still misunderstood by Tang Monk who does not have this ability, and he leaves the group of Buddhist scriptures in anger.

Pomona met a monk and talked about this story when he was in XZ.

 The monk said that there is no injustice in knowing.

There is an idiom "It is difficult to guard against a house thief", but the "house thief" in Buddhism is not a thief in the house, but the "six external thieves" relative to the six objects of "color, sound, smell, taste, touch and law". The "six internal thieves" are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

At that time, the Great Sage Qitian had just converted to Buddhism. His past arrogance and resentment had not been completely abandoned, and his compassion had not yet developed, so he beat the White Bone Demon to death. Not only the White Bone Demon, but also the robbers, etc. were all eliminated. It was clean, so Tang Monk blamed Sun Wukong for "injuring people's lives for no reason" and "indiscriminately".

It is not only Sun Wukong who cannot stand Tang Seng's nagging, but also readers will blame Tang Seng.

Putting aside the Buddhist precept that people are not allowed to kill, there is a story in the Mahaparinirvana Sutra about the Buddha crossing 500 bandits, allowing those bandits who had their noses and ears dug out for intercepting pedestrians to regrow their facial features. These officers and soldiers The captured robber put down his butcher knife and converted to Buddhism.

Pomona thinks this story is too idealistic. Can Tang Seng really convince the White Bone Demon not to eat him to become immortal?

Then the monk said that this is a disaster that must be encountered on the way to obtain scriptures. There are many more such disasters, ninety-nine and eighty-one times. When the master and disciples obtained the scriptures, there was still one more to go back, and then their scriptures were stolen. Their turtle was thrown into the river.

Each family has its own interpretation of "meaning", and Pomona's understanding of it is emotional.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

 What’s more, real plants and trees also have emotions, such as the Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass in Dream of Red Mansions.

 Those who have been "kissed" by dementors have nothing left, just an empty shell.

Isidora’s magic certainly makes people feel no pain and no happiness, but can this still be called living?

 Perhaps she is just a piece of rotten wood and cannot realize Buddha nature. This is her understanding of herself.

It may also be because she is a woman and her anger is not as uncontrollable as that of men. When Sirius hunted down Peter Pedro, he did not care that it was a Muggle community. He was forced to use magic in front of so many people. At the end of the road, Peter had to fake his own death.

The coffin shop owner in "The Godfather" has always wanted to be an upright and law-abiding person, but the law did not give him the justice he deserved, so he had to go another way.

 Why is the mafia getting stronger and stronger, so that the FBI cannot easily touch them?

Perhaps the problem is not the Mafia.

 “Want to continue shopping?” Severus asked.

 Pomona shook his head.

 Then he took her hand and apparated away from the turbulent street.

 (End of this chapter)