Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3114: "Return" (2)

Chapter 3114 "Return" (2)

Hermione Granger was a very smart witch, but when she was a freshman, she was alone. She even hid in the girls' bathroom to cry alone during the Halloween party, and encountered monsters like Myrtle, although the troll was not as big as the basilisk. With deadly venom and eyes, they are actually quite dangerous.

 Besides being a “know-it-all”, she also enjoys correcting others. Older people can't help but criticize young people and try to "correct" them. Although Hermione is young, it is not easy to control the desire to correct others.

Who doesn’t want to be a “flower hunter under thirty”? Who doesn’t want to be like Dorian Gray, who has both ageless beauty and wealth, and can live a life without worries?

Even Mrs. Borsky, a widow who worked conscientiously in business when she was young, couldn't help but buy magic potions from wizards that can restore her youthful appearance. She was quite beautiful when she was young, but she is just old. She was even willing to do so. Throwing deep financial resources into the seemingly hopeless Bank for the Promotion of Industry of Belgium.

Muggles worship vampires, giving the monsters in previous black-and-white horror movies a tragic and charming identity, and imagine that they have a "first embrace" to share this power of immortality with themselves, and willingly offer their own blood and blood to them. Money supports them. Until this illusion was exposed, they abandoned the vampires, just like they no longer believed in the Fountain of Youth and the Philosopher's Stone, and placed their "hope" in other "more credible places".

First of all, the trust industry in the United States was introduced from the United Kingdom in 1818. Although the trust business in the United States was transformed from an individual trustee to a legal person trustee 50 years earlier than the United Kingdom, the earliest law on trusts in the United Kingdom, the "Charitable Benefit Act", was promulgated in 1601. The ruler of England at that time was Queen Elizabeth I of the Tudor era.

 Legend has it that the Malfoy ancestor who loved the Queen owned some of her private manuscripts, and she translated or excerpted Cicero's documents.

At that time, knowing Latin was the basis for rulers, and there were Greek manuscripts translated by Queen Elizabeth in the Royal Library. Unfortunately, Severus was working as a security guard at Buckingham Palace at the time and did not have permission to enter Windsor Castle, but he still saw Prince Albert. Signed "naturalization document".

Before Cicero, natural law was not part of Roman law, or it was Cicero who divided the law into natural law and positive law. At that time, with the conquest of Rome, many countries along the Mediterranean Sea were included in the Roman territory, which resulted in people with many different customs needing to abide by Roman law.

Roman law, or Roman civil law, was limited to Roman citizens. Cicero believed that "civil law cannot be the law of nations at the same time, but the law of nations is also civil law." Of course, the Romans were unwilling to admit that the laws applicable to foreigners and non-Roman citizens were equal to civil law, so they relied on the concept of "equity" to make it possible to integrate civil law and civil law.

The "Charitable Usufruct Act" was accepted by the Court of Chancery, and the explanations and cases on the Usufruct Act written by Francis Moore are still preserved in the Cambridge University Library. There is such a case in Chapter 7 of the manuscript.

There were two co-heirs to a piece of real estate in London. One was younger and sickly, and the other was older but healthy. Then the older heir seized the real estate and transferred it to the real estate through multiple contracts. Lease, real estate rent by which the freeholder of the real estate is used to provide bows and arrows for minors between the ages of 7 and 17 years.

Although Queen Elizabeth I sold her jewels to build the British navy, longbowmen were the main force of the British army at that time. Although the Hundred Years War between England and France was over, the Spanish fleet came through the wind and waves, although they were intercepted by the navy.

 The "free inheritor of real estate" is not a Weilan, although by this time the Weilan system had almost collapsed and was changed to a public ownership system, and the enclosure movement had begun. This "free inheritance holder" can be understood as the free peasants, lower nobles, etc. who participated in the war with the knights. According to the custom at the time, donating assets to the army was considered charity.

In addition, the elder who seized the property signed a life-long real estate lease with others and transferred the freely inherited remaining property rights to the transferee. He planned to wait until the young sick man died and then bequeath the money he received after selling the real estate to the transferee. They are the 20 poorest among his relatives.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. The strong elder died first. The sick man paid the transfer fee to the lord through the lord, and gave the transferred property and his inherited share to his heirs. However, he had no heirs when he died. The case then went to the Court of Chancery for judgment.

"Charitable benefit" should have been a judgment of the church court, but since the 15th century believers have stopped filing will cases in the church court. In addition to the high litigation costs and delayed procedures in the church court, the church's "excommunication" has not been actually implemented. It was in view of this that the accusers turned to the Chancellor.

 A building contractor orders timber from a timber merchant and agrees to settle the payment after the project is completed and insured. However, if he stops work midway, he also takes possession of the timber merchant's property.

Under certain conditions, such as taking possession without knowledge and the contractor not knowing that he will not get the project payment, it can still be regarded as good faith. If the timber merchant wants to settle the payment, he must wait until the completion of the project.

There is a "result approach" in the British legal system. Moore did not mention the issue of good faith when explaining this case. Instead, according to the Charitable Utilization Act, the charitable benefits are divided into rent and real estate establishment.

 Logic and policy are the two swords in the hands of judges, or they are different judicial approaches. Both logical methods and policy methods can be used to explain legitimacy. A justice of the U.S. Supreme Court once said, "The life of the law is not logic." For example, in the case between teacher and student in Attica Nights, the ancient Greek judge sentenced the case to an indefinite postponement.

 If the land is sold and distributed to 20 poor people, will it affect the rent and lead to fewer bows and arrows for minors to practice?

Whether it is the needs of the times or other reasons, all these "rules" are more important than logic. When the church withdrew and there was a vacuum in jurisdiction, the Tudor monarchs needed to make up for the lack of control with a fragile bureaucracy. Secular jurists had to step up. Moore explained this law at the Bar Association. When there were insufficient staff, lawyers also You can also become a judge.

 Secondly, we must determine the purpose of social governance and thereby measure the social effects of various explanations.

 Equity cannot encourage people to donate money, but the "pious cause" proposed by the Pope allows people to come forward one after another and exchange bequests for salvation. But as Sir Bacon said, a crime only pollutes the water, but an unfair justice pollutes the water.

 If the negative effects of achieving the purpose offset or even exceed the beneficial effects of the purpose, this explanation should be avoided, which means that social effects, needs and consequences should be taken into account.

Whether they were the strong elders or the sick young people, they did not think about "integrity". During the Battle of Agincourt, the French prisoners abided by their agreement with Henry V and did not make a sneak attack when the British longbowmen were shooting. Of course, they could also pretend to agree to the agreement with Henry V, and then look for opportunities to cooperate with friendly forces inside and outside. Anyway, deception is a strategy in war. The "principle of good faith" was generated by the Roman Civil Code. As Roman citizens gradually accepted the Civil Code, these terms such as "good faith" and "goodwill" were also introduced into the civil law.

  Charity and philonthropy both represent charity, but charity comes from the Latin word "caritas", which means love for others, emphasizing individual help and assistance. Philonthropy is the ancient Greek word philoanthropos, which means love for all mankind and efforts to increase welfare. It is mostly used in scientific research, public buildings, water conservancy facilities, etc. President Hoover did not just build a dam.

Napoleon's diplomatic strategy is like three concentric circles. The outermost layer is the circle of allies, including the Confederation of the Rhine and Spain. The second layer is the "brother and sister countries". Some of these countries were established during the Great Revolution, and some were supported by him. , they must accept the French model, both administratively and legally.

The innermost and most central layer is the "entire territory of France". All territories must abide by French laws, enjoy the same rights, bear the same obligations, and use the same legal system as the French. The legal principles of this system are determined by Paris. Supreme Court determined.

 Belgian border tariffs have been abolished. When the Bourbons built the post road, they drew a concentric circle with Paris as the center, including Brussels.

 When Louis XV issued an edict, it had to be registered at the Paris Superior Court. Beginning with Hadrian, Roman statutory law was the proclamations issued by the highest magistrates of the Roman Empire that were still valid "at that time", which he commissioned jurists to collect and became permanent edicts. In theory it seemed to rigidify Roman law, depriving judges of their discretion, but with the equitable means of imperial decree.

The supreme magistrates of Rome did not have legislative power, but they were in a position to lead the judiciary. They could not only explain, correct and invoke the law through notices, but also create a "quasi-law", and then the Roman emperor's edicts replaced these notices.

 Since it has been made known to the world, why do we need to register it in the court?

Everyone knows that you need to pay for a ticket when taking a bus. This is a common knowledge. Arthur does not know this, and it is strange that the "head that clicks on the gate" seems strange.

"So...you let the judge judge, is it a matter of separation of powers?" Carolan said as he walked.

 That's right or wrong, but Georgiana doesn't want to explain.

After pushing open a door, she came to the room where the Vanishing Cabinet was stored. It was still locked by a chain. There were French wizards in each corner. They all stood up after seeing her come in.

 She looked at the cabinet and took a deep breath. This was where she needed to spend her energy.

She knows many people who want to control their own destiny, but she chooses to drift with the tide, just like a leaf, being pushed wherever fate takes her.

How can people who don’t even want to change their own destiny change others?

 Let it go, you and I have no connection with each other, just like the flowers and trees in the mountains. If you don't see it, it's not in your heart.

 Then she took out her wand and pointed it at the cabinet, and the chains were quickly untied.

She walked towards it slowly. If she remembered correctly, there was no restriction on it, and no special spell was needed to open it. It just needed to be opened like an ordinary cabinet door.

However, just as her hand was about to touch the cabinet door handle, she heard a burst of Parseltongue.

Although she couldn't understand it, she could feel that the voice was not evil, but seemed to be a warning...

“Stand back,” Georgiana said, and everyone stepped back and stood in a circle around it.

 “What happened?” Carolan asked solemnly.

But Georgiana ignored it because she didn’t know whether she had just heard a hallucination.

 (End of this chapter)