Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3134: delirium (4)

Chapter 3134 delirium (4)

The Greek allies who were spying on the fertile land of Troy left, but they left behind a huge wooden horse. The Trojans didn't know what it was for, but they dragged it into their acropolis.

At this time, the priest Laocoon rushed out and warned the Trojans not to bring it into the city. In a rage, Laocoon threw his spear at the Trojan horse, which offended Athena, who was secretly helping Greece. So Athena sent two giant snakes to entangle Laocoon's two sons. Laocoon was bitten to death by the snakes in order to save his sons. When the Trojans saw Laocoon's death, they thought it was Laocoon's original warning that angered them. The Trojans believed in the gods and brought the Trojan horse into the city.

That night, people sang and drank, celebrating the victory until late at night. After everyone fell asleep, the Greeks hiding in the wooden horse came out and brought disaster to the city.

After the city was destroyed, Menelaus found Helen again, and the God of Love gave her more beauty, which made the Spartan king reluctant to kill her.

In Homer's description, this "goddess of women" is like Artemis, the goddess of hunting, who also controls the moon.

 When Pomona returned to the airport entrance, several security personnel were chasing a "goddess" away.

She looked red carpet ready in silver lace-up heels and a figure-hugging sequined skirt.

"What does not meet the dress code? You didn't write that!" The woman also tried to squeeze through the wall of security personnel, but the staff still refused to block her way.

 In fact, there were many ladies in the venue, but their clothes were not as eye-catching as this lady.

Today's airport opening ceremony will definitely be shown on TV. Will the audience see the wrinkled queen or this young and fashionable goddess?

Pomona didn't mind her business, but when it was her turn to try to get in, the waiter uniform she was wearing didn't help her pass smoothly.

 Just forget it if you can't get in.

She had nothing to think about and was about to turn around and leave.

 “She was with me,” Snape said inside.

“Together?” a staff member who looked like a troll asked Snape. “What was she doing out there?”

“Secret mission.” He said as he took out his work ID card and waved it in front of the staff.

 Then she was let in.

 “He and I are together too!” said the lady who was stopped outside the door.

 “Do you know her?” the staff asked Snape.

 But he completely ignored the pleading eyes of the "goddess among women", grabbed Pomona's arm and left the place of right and wrong.

"How do you know me…"

"Who is that woman in your position?" Snape asked before Pomona could say anything to me.

"Auror, have you greeted Lucius Malfoy who is following him?" Pomona asked.

 He did not answer.

“He bought a jetliner and took Draco with him after the opening ceremony... Do you know where they are going?” Pomona asked.


"You are Draco's godfather and he didn't tell you?" Pomona asked suspiciously.

 He was obviously impatient with this question, when military music sounded in the distance.

 The Queen arrived and all the guests left the terminal. The scene was a bit chaotic for a while, but the staff should have dealt with it many times and they calmly guided the crowd.

"It doesn't look like we have anything to do," Pomona said.

 “It’s nothing to do with us in the first place.” Snape said expressionlessly.

"So why are we here?" She couldn't help but roll her eyes. For this reason, she got up at four in the morning. "Don't you want to ask her for habeas corpus? How much power do you think the queen still has now. "

 He clicked his tongue, as if he wanted her to shut up.

 Pomona looked crowded.

“If people here are chasing power, what are they chasing?” she asked expressionlessly. The Queen walked into the airport surrounded by crowds. She wore an apple green suit today without the crown seen at the jewelry exhibition.

 “Let’s go.” Snape was on the outside of the crowd, moving forward with the queen.

 Pomona followed, like many others at the airport.

"Do you remember that Quidditch World Cup? You and Lily both participated that year." Pomona said as if she had nothing to say, even if Snape ignored her, it could relieve her tension.

The Queen will not stay at the event for too long. After giving a speech, she will leave after watching the air show. There are many media at the scene, and their shutters keep making crisp sounds.

Pomona didn't know who would like it. Anyway, she was not the object of attention. Just being in it made her quite nervous.

 Fortunately, nothing happened from the time the Queen entered the room to the arranged podium. But through the glass, Pomona saw a dense crowd of people, all in the dock area, including people who bought products related to the airport's opening ceremony.

 “Wow.” Pomona couldn’t help but exclaim.

“A memorable summer vacation,” Snape said sarcastically.

Pomona didn’t mock him this time, because this scene was indeed quite unforgettable.

The Queen slowly walked forward along the red carpet, waving to the crowd skillfully.

I have seen this scene on TV in Pomona, but the angle is a little different.

After accepting the cheers from the crowd, she took out her speech from the small handbag she carried with her and read into the microphone.

The Queen once lived in a turbulent era, when various orators delivered inflammatory impromptu speeches, but her father stuttered.

 “What are you thinking about?” Snape asked.

 She turned to look at him.

 He was still staring ahead with a calm expression, as if he was confident in his destiny.

 That's what she doesn't have, or she wants to "get nothing".

 If you want something, you have to reach for it, like catching the Golden Snitch. It won't just fall into the Seeker's hand.

 But she felt like she was dreaming, thinking that doing so would attract something, and pretended to be nonchalant.

 “Is this what you think?” he said suddenly.

Pomona was stunned for a moment. Did she just say what was in her heart?

At this time, cheers came from the crowd. Although it was not that exciting, because there were so many people, it sounded like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

Even if Grindelwald is good at speaking, how can wizards win compared to the huge Muggle population?

 Or put it this way, Cinderella married the prince and really lived a happy life like in the fairy tale?

"Look at the princess." Pomona leaned into Snape's ear. "Is she taller than the crown prince?"

 ‘She’s wearing high heels,’ said Snape.

Pomona wanted to stand on tiptoes to take a look, but unfortunately there were too many people in front of her, blocking her view. She could only see the princess's back, not what shoes she was wearing.

The last time she saw the princess, she was still a lively ballerina performing "Rich Girl", but now she seemed to be imprisoned by some invisible force.

 She had seen a coat of arms in a history book, a crown locked like shackles around the slender and beautiful neck of the swan, as if it were a prisoner.

 A dark shadow suddenly fell down, and by the time she reacted, Snape had already moved his head away.

 He looked calmly ahead, his chin slightly raised, as if nothing had happened.

She glared at him and looked ahead like him, trying to ignore the pounding heartbeat and the touch of a butterfly brushing on her lips just now.

 She didn’t know what he was thinking. Is this a suitable occasion to kiss a girl?

Even though they are the little guys behind the big guys, thousands of people won’t notice them because they are in the shadows of the airport instead of under the sun.

 (End of this chapter)