Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3150: Savage Justice (1)

 Chapter 3150 Savage Justice (1)

 The Celts of Britain and the Celts of Gaul shared the Druids' faith, and they regarded trees as sacred.

The Germanic people originally lived in northern Europe, including what is now Scandinavia, and spread over time.

 Both the Vikings and the Germans believed in Odin, but in the Germanic language he was called Woden, and the Germanic people also used runes.

 Druids are familiar with trees. In contrast, the Germans are better at jewelry, inscriptions, etc. It is said that Merlin in the time of King Arthur once used runes to "show their future" to King Arthur.

Sometimes the more basic knowledge is more difficult, such as the question of how much 3+2 is equal to. Descartes once thought, "Whether I am awake or asleep, 2+3 will always equal 5."

 At the beginning of learning, we need to collect objects in reality to construct equations, such as counting on our fingers. Once we learn this logic, we no longer need the existence of the external world. Human beings have separated quantity from physical objects and created symbols that represent quantity - numbers, such as English, Greek, Roman, Babylonian, Egyptian, Chinese, etc., all of which have corresponding numbers.

Fenon was furious at Dudley, simply because he had finished constructing the equation, and Dudley hadn't yet built it in his mind.

 Correspondingly, it was much harder for Fenon to overthrow the equation he had already constructed in his mind and build a new one than to build it in Dudley's mind.

Dudley could easily play the game console. Harry at the same age could actually be Dudley's playmate. However, Pomona never saw Harry and Dudley sitting together playing video games every time Pomona came to their house. Dudley always played alone.

What if modern people who are accustomed to Arabic numerals perform calculations like the ancient Babylonians?

 Things that the ancients thought were very simple may not be accomplished by modern people, because ancient Babylon used both hexadecimal and hexadecimal systems. Who can convert 192 into hexadecimal numbers at once and perform calculations?

Computers can do it because it is in hexadecimal, and the original purpose of inventing it was to facilitate calculations.

Giving birth to children is not an easy task. Some people are used to "taking". Even if they start a family and have children, they are not involved in the "upbringing" process at all. They are usually so busy and have so many big things to do. Don't worry, why do you need to teach him personally for such a small thing as 2+3? Wouldn't it be better to hire a tutor?

If this teacher cannot teach well, find another one, or else he will get angry and curse at others. He didn't have the patience to listen to other people's explanations. Anyway, he only looked at the "results", how many points his children scored and their ranking in the school. In the past, Liwei often received ranting letters from parents. Later, he lowered the standards and deliberately missed questions so that parents and children would not receive bad grades after the exam. Then he did not receive the roaring letter.

Pomona doesn't have this trouble and is sorted into Hufflepuff Academy. Parents often don't have high requirements for their children. They just need to grow up happily.

There is an Eastern story called "Pulling out seedlings to encourage growth." The farmer was impatient and always thought that the crops he planted were not growing high enough or fast enough, so he went to the fields to "uplift" the seedlings one by one. They all died.

There were two crops of wheat, one in summer and one in autumn. There were heavy rains in the summer when the Romans carried out arson and looting in Gaul in 52 BC. Although it is a pity that the wheat fell due to excessive rain and sprouted on the ears, fire will not burn the wheat. If the forest is set on fire, the Druids will not only lose their home. Before the Romans came to Gaul, the Gauls did not make a living by fishing, hunting and herding.

On the contrary, it was the Romans whose troubles had just begun. In 55 BC, Crassus and Pompey once again served as consuls for that year. In November, he hurriedly went to Syria to be governor, and then prepared for an expedition to Parthia.

 Among the first three alliances, Pompey's military exploits were unparalleled, Caesar's performance in Gaul also brought increasing prestige, and Crassus had no performance since he put down the Spartacus uprising. What's more, he is old. When he was 42 years old, Pompey was only 25 years old, and now Pompey has reached the age he was then.

In 53 BC, he led 40,000 Roman legions to Parthia. More than 20,000 people were killed, 10,000 were captured, and 6,000 people were missing. This legion was led by his son Publius, according to the news When the news came back to Rome, Publius had been "killed", and Caesar immediately returned to Italy from Gaul.

The Senate issued a decree requiring all Roman youths of appropriate age to be sworn into the army. Caesar decided to conduct conscription throughout the province of Cisalpine Gaul. Cicero was exiled for executing Roman citizens without legal trial, although he died a year later. Returned to Rome. He came to Gaul and participated in the extremely urgent recruitment of new soldiers at that time. When the work here was finished, it was almost time to write "Civil War".

 The Roman general who came to Lutetia at that time was named Labienus. He was Caesar's most trusted lieutenant, and even handed over the entire Gaul and Shannan to him after Caesar returned.

 The Lutetsia tribe actually did not participate in the Gallic Council at all. They only joined the Averna tribe and became its tributary state.

Due to the capriciousness of the Sequanni, Caesar decided to support the Remi people to replace them. The original Eduwe not only took back the hostages handed over to the Sequanni and became the overlords of Gaul again, but also became stronger, more All of them belong to Bonner and are under his command.

When Crassus met Spartacus, he also suffered losses at Mount Vesuvius, but Spartacus was unwilling to confront the Roman legions head-on, so Crassus had the illusion that the Roman legions were invincible, with 40,000 soldiers. The army can sweep all the forces on the surface, even if he doesn't understand the situation of the Parthian Empire at all, he still goes deep alone.

Caesar dared to divide his troops when the number was small and there were many new soldiers because he understood the customs and conditions of Gaul. He showed no mercy to the warlike tribes, gave generous gifts to other Gallic tribes, and even brought in "reinforcements", because those warlike tribes often had many enemies.

Then 2000 years later, in the 1970s, a group of archaeologists discovered some strange tombs in a village in Gansu. These tombs did not conform to local burial customs. They were burned into ashes and placed in the In the clay pot, there is a red button under one of the remains.

 After reading the "Book of the Later Han", I found that these people were once prisoners of the Han army. There were about 2,000 of them, and the village was originally used to house the prisoners. Then people inferred that these people might be the soldiers of the First Legion of Ancient Rome led by Crassus' son. When they came to the Western Regions in 36 BC, 40,000 Han troops went west to conquer the Xiongnu Chanyu and discovered them on the way. They are not as proficient in mounted shooting as the Huns cavalry. Instead, they mainly rely on infantry and form various formations to fight against the enemy.

Caesar served as governor of Gaul for a limited period of time. If he did not completely pacify Gaul during his term, then when he turned around and left, there would be a raging war, and even worse situations might occur, such as the Gauls taking advantage of Rome. Civil strife marched southward.

The Gauls also know this, so they are also watching how Caesar handles subsequent issues.

Cicero was responsible for looking after the baggage. The Fourteenth Legion was also known as "Gemina". This Latin word means "double", which means that it was formed by two or more former legions. They formed the army in 57 BC. Founded and disbanded in 46 BC.

They were mainly wounded soldiers and new soldiers, including brave chief centurions like Baculus and peasants who had just taken up arms. Caesar asked Cicero to keep a close eye on these people and not let them leave the camp, but Caesar had only been away for seven days and these people couldn't stand it anymore.

They could see the field of crops from the camp gate, and they were itching not to harvest it. Cicero also felt that there should be no problem at such a small distance, and then nothing unexpected happened.

When Caesar came back, the history books only recorded that he "made some criticisms" of Cicero. Within two years after returning, Cicero joined Pompey's camp. Although he tried to avoid becoming an enemy of Caesar, the two Never "friendly". Later, before the winter came, Caesar traveled around the circuit courts in the province, handling political disputes and arranging rewards. Even if he wanted to execute someone, it was all pronounced by the court.

After resting in the winter camp, Caesar went out of his way and hurried back to Italy at a rapid march. He personally went to municipalities and colonies to canvass votes for Antony, the "Treasurer", to run for the position of priest.

While he was running around, he was accompanied by new soldiers, which was called to strengthen the physical fitness of the legionnaires.

Caesar was, of course, riding a horse or standing on a majestic chariot, but as for the others...

 There was a knock on the door.

"Are you okay?" Severus' voice sounded outside.

 “Come right away.” Pomona closed the unfinished book and put it in his pocket.

“Madame,” a woman said in French. “Are we ready to go?”

Georgiana was in a trance for a moment.

 “Where?” she asked Carolan Lestrange.

 “Go back to Paris.” Carolan said, “Everyone is waiting for you.”

 She "awake" like waking up from a big dream.

According to the customs of Gaul, every tribe and even family has factions. Everyone respects the leaders of these factions and gives them extremely high power. The leaders have the power to make decisions.

This ancient custom is to ensure that every ordinary people have a strong person to rely on, and these leaders will never allow their own people to be oppressed and bullied. On the contrary, if they fail to do this, their reputation will be ruined.

Dumbledore has never been accepted by pure blood, even though he defeated two Dark Lords.

 Perhaps it’s not just their “personality incompatibility”.

 “Let them wait a moment,” she said softly, stretching her limbs.

“Everyone has been waiting for this for a long time,” Carolan said.

 “Then let the Muggles go first.”

 Caroline looked at her in surprise.

"We have to go back and deal with some 'small problems'." She smiled.

 Caroline reacted, her face became happy and her eyes were shining.

"Yes, ma'am, I know what to do," said Carolan, and left cheerfully.

Georgiana looked at the Thestral.

“I hope you are not afraid of death like ordinary horses.” She stroked its head and said.

Yeqi shook her head and shook her hand away.

Georgiana sneered and looked at Margaret.

 “Hel me up.”

Margaret meekly knelt down and allowed Georgiana to step on her knees.

  The Thestral has no mane, it only has a spine with distinct joints.

“Let’s go, friend.” She whispered to Thestral Qi. “Do you know where I’m going?”

The Thestral suddenly stood up, then waved its bat-like wings, jumped out of the cage, and flew towards the sky.

 (End of this chapter)