Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3199: Glitter Mosaic (7)

 Chapter 3199 The Flashing Mosaic (7)

There are many people who don't like Theodora. There are many existing books about her depraved life when she was a comedian, describing her as a frivolous woman who casually flattered many men. People were walking in the street. If he encounters her, he will hide aside to prevent her from staining his robe.

But if she was really like this, she would not have said such dramatic "lines" as "purple robe is the most beautiful shroud" to Justinian at such a critical moment.

The diary of a self-proclaimed chamberlain tells a different story. When Justinian first met Theodora, she had already left the stage and lived a secluded life. She spent much of her life working as a woolen handicraft, and her wit and humor entertained Justinian.

In addition, she had a keen insight and calm and extraordinary energy, which had a profound influence on all of Justinian's decisions. She openly leans toward Monophysiteism and thus becomes a direct opponent of her vacillating husband. Justinian remained orthodox throughout his long reign, but he made some concessions to the Monophysites. Theodora understood better than Justinian the importance of the Monophysite eastern provinces, which were indeed the most dynamic parts of the empire. Therefore, she was determined to establish peaceful relations with them.

Today’s Monophysites are mainly one of the three major sects of Orthodox Christianity and have little to do with the Western Church. However, when the two of them ruled the Eastern Roman Empire, the church had not yet split.

 During the reign of Constantine, the existence and development of Christianity received official permission. The first edict in favor of Christianity was issued by Galerius in 311. This edict forgave the Christians' past stubborn resistance to government orders to return them to their pagan traditions and declared their existence The "legitimacy." The edict declared: "Christians may still exist and may set up their meeting places, but they may not do things contrary to good order." Therefore, in order to repay this favor from me, they must pray to their God for the long-lasting peace of my country, that is, their own country. "

Two years later, after Constantine defeated Maxentius and made peace with Licinius, he met with Licinius in Milan. Here, they issued the document "Edict of Milan", officially recognizing the church. legal status.

When formulating the Civil Code, due to the Corsican people's strong sense of family and order, Napoleon was inclined to try his best to protect marriage when making decisions on adultery and other family-related provisions.

He greatly admired the ancient Roman custom of the groom taking over custody of the bride from his father-in-law at the wedding, because he felt that it was very applicable to Paris.

The painting "Latch" was created in the late Rococo style. In this empty room where they seemed to have randomly chosen a tryst, there was a messy bed, chairs overturned, vases dropped to the floor, and bouquets scattered.

 But it’s possible that something similar would happen on any couch. Voltaire, who advocated rationality, described kissing as "mouths touching." This way of writing certainly has no beauty or confusing magic.

 And this is how Shakespeare wrote about kissing.

 Before I killed you, I kissed you goodbye. Now my own life ends with a kiss.

However, Shakespeare's most enthusiastic description of "kiss" is undoubtedly "Venus and Adonis". The flame of love gave Venus a power, making her crazy, and told her to bravely kiss the people passing by. Adonis was thrown from his horse to the ground.

Her face was red and her heart was hot, like a charcoal fire, blazing and trying to bind the horseman's heart tightly. She pushed him onto his back as if she wanted someone to do it to her. Since love could not bring him into submission, she used force to control him. As soon as he fell to the dust, she lay down beside him. They propped themselves up on their arms and hips, lying on their sides next to each other. He frowned, and she stroked his cheeks. When he started to curse, she blocked his mouth with kisses.

The goshawk, on an empty stomach, was so hungry that its eyes were thirsty and its mouth was watering. It grabbed the bird and tore off the feathers, meat and bones with its sharp beak. Wings fluttering to support power, greedy and violent devouring, busy and anxious, hungry stomach is not full, food cannot be swallowed, there is no time to stop.

Like this, she kissed him all over his forehead, cheeks, and chin, because after she had finished kissing him, she started kissing him again from the head. He had no choice but not to resist, and lay there panting, his breath hitting her face. She sucked it away, like the strong eating the flesh of the weak.

Have you ever seen a bird escape from a snare? Adoni is in the arms of Cupid like a bird caught in a snare.

People on the road in the hot summer, even if they are dizzy with thirst, are never as eager to moisten their thirst with a kiss as she is.

 The God of War never lowers his head on the battlefield, which is his famous strength. He was victorious everywhere and never lost a battle. However, he is my prisoner and willing to be my servant.

For me, he learned to dance and play. For me, he learned to flirt, quarrel and grind his teeth. His ears were tired of hearing the noise of war drums, and his eyes were tired of seeing flags fluttering. He camped on my embroidered couch. , fighting in my jade arms.

Since the eyes are in pairs, why can’t the lips be in pairs?

 But when she looked carefully into those pupils, she did not see herself.

When she wanted to see clearly what was attracting his attention, he had already sat up from the sofa that had been pushed down, as if a mere kiss could not conquer him.

 “Order” returned to her chaotic mind, and she sat on the sofa properly, looking at the bright white light outside the window.

The clouds covered the eyes of the sun **** who was driving the chariot, so that his eyes would not burn with jealousy, but they could not cover the eyes of others.

This kind of formal occasion needs to comply with "public order and good customs".

 She breathed a long sigh of relief, adjusted her breathing and heartbeat, and calmed herself down.

 As any law student knows, rules lag behind.

 A person may act inappropriately without realizing that what they are doing is wrong.

People are affected by ethical fading, that is, when they "do bad things", their moral values ​​recede into the background and are replaced by selfishness and hedonism.

“Can you please return that Raphael painting?” he said calmly.

 “Is that the one you gave me?” Georgiana asked.

"That's the one." He looked at her and said in a coaxing tone, "I'll buy you another pair next time."

  She felt that he might not know that famous paintings are unique and cannot be replaced even by copies.

"No problem." She said easily. "Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

 He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"But you might want to ask Josephine where she put it. She just decorated my place." She leaned on the shoulder of someone else's husband and said, "I don't want to decorate the house here in a Byzantine style."

 “Why did you change your mind again?” he said, imitating her tone.

 “I think of Leonardo da Vinci and his Vitruvian Man.” Georgiana looked at a virtual point in front of her.

There was once a Muggle who conducted an experiment. The cafeteria in their school was not like Hogwarts. There were house elves taking care of it. The students were required to clear their own plates, but in many cases not everyone could do it.

Then he hung a painting in the cafeteria, sometimes it was two flowers, sometimes it was two eyes. When the painting of two eyes was hung, the students became more self-conscious. Pay attention to your own behavior.

 Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” was painted on the wall of the Dominican monks’ refectory. Did that painting have the same effect?

 “Then what?” He recalled her mind that had run away.

"Vitruvius was a writer. He wrote ten books on architecture." She sat up straight and helped him straighten his messy coat. "Do you know the difference between the harmony of ancient Roman theaters and those of ancient Greece?" He grabbed hold of him. Her hand, kiss her palm.

“Save it for tonight.” He said softly, rubbing his cheek against her palm like a big cat. “You can’t sleep at my place tonight.”

 “Where shall I go?” asked Georgiana.

"Choose a room for yourself." He stood up, then pulled her to stand up as well, "Just treat this as your home."

 She sneered, then looked at his uniform.

 “Why did you think of wearing this outfit?”

 “Don’t you look good?” He looked down at himself.

“You are in Europe, not Egypt, what does your clothing consultant do for a living?” she complained.

"I think it's quite appropriate." He put his hand on her waist and looked at her as if she was drunk, "My charming Cleopatra."

She raised her hand and patted his forehead.

"I'm not Driopetri, and you're not Caesar. Neither of them will die well, remember?" she warned.

 Perhaps he was in a really good mood and not angry at all.

 “Come on, the others are waiting for you,” said Georgiana, adjusting her shawl.

He helped her a little, and after they were all sorted, he opened the door and returned the way he came.

 She walked behind him and looked at his back.

 In fact, the last referendum was a great opportunity for him to gain power for life. Both the king and the emperor were tenured for life, so no one would count on their fingers how long it would be until it was their turn. It affects some, if not all, people.

 But if he really died of cancer, it would be less than 20 years later.

 She sent away one person after another and constantly experienced loss, but Lily did not.

  She no longer wanted to compare herself to Lily... After Justinian's death, the ruling system he had carefully created to keep the empire balanced fell apart, just like the Hagia Sophia he built.

 Now she will no longer try to prolong anyone's life or challenge the goddess of fate.

 But these mortals thought they were Hercules and wanted to challenge the goddess of fate.

 “Leon.” Georgiana shouted.

 He looked back at her.

“Winter is winter, it cannot turn into spring breeze.” She said coldly, “Don’t be fooled by poetry.”

"No, that's true." He smiled and said, "I've just experienced it."

 Then he turned around and continued walking forward, returning to the auction site.

 Everyone applauded when they came in.

She looked around. These people were obviously dead, but they were not like the ghosts in Hogwarts. Not only were they brightly colored, but they also had various feelings.

 You can taste the sweet, sour, bitter and spicy, and smell the fragrance of flowers and corpse odor.

 “You know what brings us together?” a woman said.

 Georgiana turned to look at her.

 The woman pointed to the sky.

 “Follow the course of the stars.”

 She felt her arm being pulled by someone, and when she turned her head, Bonaparte had already taken her to the reserved position.

It was a very simple theater with no reserved boxes, so they sat in with everyone.

 When Georgiana looked back, the woman, Geneviève, had disappeared.

A long, long time ago, she had a dream in which Geneviève stood in front of the church built in her honor, which was later converted into the Pantheon.

  She vaguely seemed to hear the sound of a pendulum, but where did the clock come from?


Having been to so many cities and hearing many bells, she knew that the sound of each clock was different.

This bell came from Hogwarts. She had heard it for so many years and could not mishear it. But the bell tower was in Scotland, so how could she hear such a distant bell in Compiègne?

 (End of this chapter)