Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3204: Memory Box (Part 1)

Chapter 3204: Memory Box (Part 1)

Although Louis XV often came to Compiègne for hunting, he did not live a day in the new palace he planned, although he loved building gardens as much as his grandfather.

There is a Poseidon Fountain in the Palace of Versailles. It was built during the period of Louis XIV, but he died before seeing it completed. Louis XV continued to build it, and it eventually became one of his signature projects.

 Louis XV adhered to the solemn tone and daily etiquette left by his grandfather, but not everyone can make their personal life completely open and live in the public eye like Louis XIV.

A French king could have everything he wanted except a private life, and Louis XIV transformed the most mundane details of his personal life into spectacular state rituals, blurring the lines between public and private life. Courtiers were also expected to follow his schedule, obeying the ubiquitous red tape under orders and supervision.

There is no private space in the Palace of Versailles. When "outsiders" visit Versailles, they are always amazed at the brilliance of art and architecture of the palace. The private life of the king is always included in his public role. After taking the throne, Louis XV was committed to creating a private space for himself, "without having to play the king all the time", and at the same time he was stubborn enough to maintain the court traditions established by Louis XIV.

As a result, private and public life formed a contradiction in the Palace of Versailles. Louis XV's renovation of Compiègne Castle was somewhat similar to Louis XIV's renovation of Versailles—completely out of his own wishes.

With the exception of Madame Pompidou, none of the mistresses who had a tryst with the king lived in the palace, and were not even in Versailles during the tryst. This was completely different from the situation in the early days of Louis XV.

In 1763, Louis XV ordered the construction of the Petit Trianon, which was built for Madame Pompidou, but it was Madame Du Barry who lived there, and then Marie Antoinette, who now lives in Inside is the mother of Napoleon Bonaparte.

 The reign of Louis XVI also continued the trend of "privatization" of the king's lifestyle, spending more time and energy on improving the private life of the couple rather than on public buildings.

In addition to the living area of ​​​​the "King's Family", Compiègne also has the Palace of the Lord Privy Seal, where Louis XVI lived when he married Marie Antoinette when he was still the prince.

That area is now the residence of ministers, foreign guests, envoys and staff. Louis XVI built a corridor between the king's and queen's suites. This corridor could hide from everyone's sight and allow him to go to and from his suite. The Queen's Suite and the King's Suite are more like a cold and strict "ritual suite" with unbearable performances.

 Originally, many of the exiles had properties around the Palace of Compiègne, and most of them have been auctioned or occupied.

Hôtel de Ville is right opposite the Palace of Compiègne, and you can go there for any lawsuits or disputes.

There is a strange custom in the French court. Gifts (dons) cannot be called gifts, but are called cadeaux. The gift that the ladies gave to Georgiana in the name of the collective was a locket, the main body of which was a locket. It's white gold, with diamonds inlaid in the shape of snowflakes.

  The women of the Bonaparte family, including Napoleon's sisters, would all wear one or two items bearing Napoleon's personal mark. Georgiana did not, although she had a bracelet containing his hair.

 The emperors in the East were not like the kings of France who completely exposed their private lives to the eyes of their subjects. However, they had a daily servant who was responsible for recording the emperor's daily activities and national events.

Many of the chamberlains in the Byzantine Empire were eunuchs, who mainly took care of the internal affairs of the palace. Justinian even had a **** who led his army.

The secret history of the palace is up to others, but fortunately Saint-Bulezhan is not here to do this.

 Umbridge bought a snake-shaped locket. She did not know that it was Slytherin's locket, and claimed that she was related to the Selwyn family, one of the twenty-eight Holy Families.

 The other nobles can be lost, but their "identity" must be maintained. Josephine likes to chat with others while eating and agree to their various requests. The banquet in their honor was held in the Corridor of François I, and they hoped to publish a "Legal Dictionary of Nobility" to distinguish families who legitimately held nobility from those who "did not hold legitimate nobility."

Leila, who was accompanying her, had a long face, as if she was saying "Who cares?" No matter how young she is, such an expression is not good-looking.

Talleyrand was "ouch, ouch" all the time, expressing surprise and indignation at the misfortune of the nobles, just like he was not the person who said in the corridor before that "it does not take a prominent family to become a great man."

Francis maintained a high quality of silence until someone asked her where she would live when she returned to Paris so that they could visit.

The last "wedding" originally planned to be held at the Quai d'Orsay was interrupted due to an assassination during the rehearsal, but the construction of the Saint-Martin Canal will continue. A vacant plot of land near the Quai d'Orsay was used to build the canal project office, which today has the dimensions of a palace. The British wanted to build a bridge near the dock to commemorate the signing of the Treaty of Amiens.

But Georgiana remembered that Bonaparte let her live in the Botanical Garden.

"Oh, there's nothing to worry about. You just need to drive by there in a carriage." said Talleyrand.

This is a complete detour, but fortunately there are no traffic jams in Paris at this time, not to mention that she has traveled through most of Europe. When Georgiana lived in the Grand Trianon, Bonaparte also went back and forth between Malmaison and the Grand Trianon, and he also took many detours.

All this seems ridiculous. Looking back now, the reason why they knew each other was because of "prophecy".

 At Christmas in 1800, Josephine insisted on going to the opera house, and then they encountered a bomb assassination on the way.

Napoleon III also encountered a similar assassination, but unlike his uncle, he was obsessed with finding the "real murderer." If he does not plan to go to war with Britain, then it makes no sense for him to insist on pressuring Britain to hand over the murderer. He might as well take this opportunity to solve some "problems."

 In the French library of the 20th century, Pomona read the newspapers of the Paris Commune, which established more than just the German Empire in 1871.

History says that after Napoleon III was captured at the Battle of Sedan in September 1870, the Second French Empire collapsed, and then the establishment of the Third Republic was announced. However, the Paris Commune announced the establishment of the republic in April 1871. There is a sentence in the newspaper. She still remembers it.

"The revolution is complete. The Versailles government abandoned everything and ran away. Now it is determined to come back at all costs, hoping to subdue the 'small group of party rebels' in a few days. But this time, Versailles still cannot defeat the revolting Paris." She looked at the exiles, and perhaps they would not agree with her point of view.

 Any regime, including the Stuart dynasty that left London before the Glorious Revolution to escape the plague, would come back and everything would be different from before.

Emperor Chongzhen died for his country, although he was hanged rather than killed in battle, and he wore a yellow robe instead of a purple robe.

 After the death of Cleopatra VII, Egypt became a Roman province and the Ptolemaic dynasty came to an end.

  She did not love Paris so much that she did not intend to die here, although there is a person who still wants to return to Paris and the French people he loves after death.

 In fact, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t “participate in interaction”. When she leaves one day, there will always be someone to replace her. Who should be regarded as a puppet or a decoration?

 I do nothing, and the people transform themselves.

 She stopped talking during the second half of the banquet. Her mouth was full of food and she didn’t say anything.

Just as she was chewing the food, she couldn't help but wonder whose tribute it was.

No one would offer sacrifices to a ghost like her who had no descendants, but Napoleon did, and he even invited her to be buried with him.

She has never had any "unfavorable thoughts" about any American president, not even the slightest thought, and even the thought of it would extinguish her desire.

She even thought about staying and continuing to dream with him, like everyone else.

 Shakespeare said: Even if he is shut in a nut shell, he is still the king of infinite space.

 The vastness of the universe exceeds human perception, and it seems to have become infinite.

 But Nietzsche believed that space is limited and time is infinite.

Eternal reincarnation is formed in this closed world. The whole world is the dust of countless living beings. We keep doing one thing over and over again. Even if it is interesting at first, it will become a heavy burden, just like Sisyphus. Push this unreachable boulder.

 “If madam, you don’t like flowers, what do you like?” asked a countess.

 She wondered if her honest answer to the question would attract any attention because the devil’s snare included “the devil.”

It is a photophobic vine, unlike thorns that bring pain, strangle people in their sleep, and bind giants.

 “I like to create.” Georgiana said with a sincere smile.

“Not a famous painting?” Talleyrand looked at the empty Francois I Corridor and said with a sigh, “This place used to be full of paintings.”

“If you paint it as a mural, you don’t have to worry about someone taking it off.” Georgiana said easily.

 “Who do you want to complete this project?” Talleyrand asked.

The ladies sitting just now mentioned an "interesting story": the wife of the French ambassador to The Hague, Batavia Republic, became pregnant while he was away, and the child even bore his surname.

 The tradition of naming legitimate children with their father's name was continued for thousands of years by the Salic Code. This was ended by the Civil Code. Illegitimate children recognized by the father could also be given the "family name".

 The father of the child in the "interesting story" was named Delacroix, the same surname as the author of "The Battle of Medusa".

She always remembered that painting, as well as the red cloth strips held high by the sailors in the painting, and the seemingly invisible ship in the distance.

It’s a pity that he is only 4 years old now, and it will be decades before he can produce such works.

 “Turner?” Talleyrand asked.

“He is a watercolor painter, how do I know if he can paint murals.” Georgiana said, taking a sip of wine, “Don’t be in a hurry, just take your time and take a look.”

 Then she and the ladies had lunch together.

 (End of this chapter)