Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3232: Golden Legend (1)

Chapter 3232 Golden Legend (1)

Amiens is located northwest of Compiègne. The first Romans named this place samarobriva. In Latin, briva means bridge, and samaro means the Somme River, which means a bridge across the Somme River. Later, the Franks controlled this area and brought it to It was renamed ambiani, where the prefix amb means "pairs" in Gaulish.

With the building of the cathedral in the 12th century, ambiani was eventually francized and became Amiens.

Georgiana felt that the pronunciation of the word ˆ sometimes sounded like Amen. Originally, she heard that this time she wanted to take a look specifically to commemorate the Treaty of Amiens.

But she didn’t expect that they would go all the way south, directly towards Paris.

There was nothing unusual about a temporary change of route, but soon after they arrived at Chantilly, Georgiana was locked up, and it was not until a week after the main force left that anyone came to pick her up.

The person who came to pick her up was a professor at the Paris Law School named Julien Houvral. Although he did not follow Napoleon to Egypt, he participated in the Brumaire Coup and also served as Napoleon's law teacher.

By the time she returned to Paris, everything was over, and there were no expected riots or other incidents.

 She was then sent to St. Cloud.

There was a strange and suffocating feeling here, and then she was sent to her lounge.

This room was originally designed in an Indian style, but it originally looked like a brothel.

 Now it seems to have been renovated and looks like a fortune-telling tent.

Bonaparte was waiting for her at the desk, flipping through a book in his hand.

That was the Sufi book "Selected Poems of Kabir", which she usually read and played.

Possibly sensing her arrival, he slowly raised his head, his eyes terrifyingly gloomy.

At this moment she wanted to hide behind someone, such as Julian Ouvral, who seemed extremely enthusiastic all the way.

 However, she remembered a song from the hymn:

 What to do when sleeping? Cry in fear and pain. Those who don’t understand anything live their lives in sleep with peace of mind. I understand the answer to this riddle, but I have to face all the hardships.

  Why are most sculptures of Ariadne sleeping rather than awake?

 Because when she woke up, she had to face pain, countless hardships, and reality. Not only was she abandoned, she was also abandoned on a desert island.

 It would be a bit unethical for Theseus to do this to his enemies, let alone someone who had helped him.

 That’s why she didn’t want to wake up, linger in the dream, and be king in the dream.

 “Why did you say that to Ma Qi?” he asked in a very gloomy voice.

 “What did you say?” she asked.

"Don't think I dare not touch you." He didn't slap the table this time, but his momentum was even more terrifying.

"How are you going to touch me? Lock me up?" Georgiana asked, "What charges are you using?"

“Instigating and inciting rebellion.” He stood up slowly. “You asked my soldiers to disobey me?”

 “I just told him what the laws in England are like.” Georgiana said calmly.

 “Tell her,” Bonaparte said to Julien Houvral, and then turned his back to Georgiana.

“You are now not allowed to go more than 50 meters from where you live, and you are not allowed to go out without permission,” Julian Uffral said.

 “Am I under house arrest?” Georgiana asked.

 No one answered.

 In this case, she has nothing to hide.

“I am a person, not a thing. What do you mean by leaving your mark on my carriage?” asked Georgiana.

“Everyone has one, why don’t you wear it?” he asked.

 “I’m not from your family.”

 He did not speak for a long time.

 Then he turned to look at her with hatred in his eyes.

 “Do you think I will forgive you?”

 “I’m not here to ask for forgiveness.” Georgiana said calmly.

 His eyes were almost malicious.

 The new civil code is based on ownership... He is too possessive.

 He designs flags, emblems, etc., just like a dog marking his territory. If there is a mark, it belongs to him.

 Whether it is land or people.

"Do you remember the last reception? The British called you captain." Georgiana whispered, "I heard you have a new nickname, 'Corsican Pirate Captain'."

 He smiled, showing his white teeth.     Then she came here.

Georgiana changed her yoga pose. Although there were no moving magical plants in the Muggle greenhouse, it still felt like spring all year round, and you could still hear the chirping of birds.

She felt very calm. In fact, her job as director of the Seine River Anti-Smuggling Bureau was just a title.

 Queen Anne accomplished little during her reign, but at least the enthusiasm after the Glorious Revolution was tempered.

 At this time, she smelled the smell of spices. When she opened her eyes, she found an incense burner not far away.

 “Do you like it?” Julian Uffral asked from the side.

 She was surprised that the dignified professor at the Paris Law School did not go to class but came to her every day.

 “Thank you for your kindness,” Georgiana said softly.

 “You’re welcome.” He said with a happy smile, like a teenager.

She didn’t want him to get it wrong, so she got up, packed up her yoga supplies, and left without saying anything else.

 “How about having dinner together?” Julian Uffral asked.

 “I can’t leave the botanical garden,” said Georgiana.

“It doesn’t matter, how about we...eat here?” Julian Uffral said, looking around.

She wondered whether Julian Houvral realized that she was Bonaparte's favorite.

 I can’t believe that this word will be used on her head one day.

 “No, thank you.” Georgiana turned around and left.

 Julian blocked her way.

 She sighed.

 “Have you ever read Pliny the Elder’s Natural History?” asked Georgiana.

 “I’ve seen it.” He regained the composure that a professor should have.

 “Nolimetangere, cassarissum,” said Georgiana in Latin.

 This sentence means, don't touch me, I belong to Caesar.

 “You’re not a deer,” Julian Uffral said.

“Isn’t it? I’m not wearing a collar!” She shouted to the stubborn man and left holding the yoga blanket.

The Latin sentence she just said was written on the collar worn around the neck of the white deer raised by Caesar.

 After leaving the greenhouse, she had to walk a long way to the house where she lived, passing through a maze on the way.

This maze is not as complicated as a hedge maze, it is just a garden decoration.

Chateaubriand was wrong. No one here or there valued her "talent".

And she didn’t feel that she really had any talent.

 When she returned to her residence and opened the door, Leila shouted with joy.

“Madam, there’s a party at the Botanical Garden!” Layla said, holding up the paper in her hand.

After all, I am still a teenage girl and I like these.

Georgiana was not interested in this. She took a cloak and put it on her body. It was made of pure black velvet, with phantom Phalaenopsis embroidered on it with purple silk thread.

The house was not big, and it was warm enough after lighting a fire in the fireplace. She went to the window and sat down. There was a desk there with a map of the United States on it.

 This is something she recently did together with Cuvier, "Raphael of Flowers" Redoud and others. They analyzed the soil fertility, water and other conditions required by cotton to see which places in the United States are suitable for growing cotton.

  It was initially set near 97 degrees west longitude, because further west is the dry west, which is not suitable for sea island cotton cultivation, and 97 degrees west longitude includes New Orleans, which is located at 90 degrees west longitude.

If Bonaparte is coming to this party, Georgiana will give him this picture, or it’s okay if he doesn’t come, as long as he knows it. Anyway, Americans are accustomed to using longitude and latitude lines instead of natural boundaries to distinguish each country. The state has drawn state boundaries.

 Then she used a copying spell to make a copy of the map, rolled it up, took it upstairs, and hid it.

She would give this picture away if she had a chance, but how would she give it away? How about finding an owl and tying it to its talon?

 (End of this chapter)