Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3235: Golden Legend (4)

Chapter 3235 The Golden Legend (4)

In fact, compared to the Tuileries Palace and the military camp in Lyon, the place where they really first met should be the Luxembourg Gardens. Pomona, who was still wearing red clothes at the time, was sleeping on a bench in the park, and then he was passed by Pomona. Baguio brought back St. Cloud.

 What if she was not saved by him at that time, but by someone else?

Coming back after such a long time, the women and children's shelter run by Georgiana changed again. The women felt that they could not live and eat here for free, even though they could still do some work such as twisting hemp rope.

They opened a daycare class, and working parents could send their children to them and pick them up after get off work in the evening. The "business" would not be deserted, but it would not be bustling either. After all, in today's families, women They will all be full-time housewives at home.

However, there are still some exceptions. After driving for a while, fewer and fewer parents come to pick up their children on time, and more and more parents come late.

At first, the women in the shelter didn’t care. After all, they worked in the same place as they lived. Until one time, a woman in the shelter had a fight with a parent who was late to pick up her child.

The women at the shelter complained casually, but the late parents said, "You have nothing else to do." Then the two of them quarreled louder and louder, and finally attracted the doctor who was stationed at the shelter at the time.

The doctor was the "officer" of the asylum in Georgiana's absence, and he coordinated the situation so that the parents no longer sent their children to day care.

 Later, the women discussed among themselves privately and felt that a punishment mechanism should be set up. Whenever people face inappropriate behavior, their usual reaction is to formulate punishments in the hope that punishment will reduce inappropriate behavior.

 However, the actual situation is that there are more parents who are late, twice as many as before. Before the introduction of fines, both children and parents hoped that they would not be late. Picking up children on time was the norm, except for parents who were late and knew it. After the introduction of fines, they felt that late fines were a social contract, and the fines they paid were the price they paid for additional services.

 After the abolition of fines, there are still so many late parents. Penalties have destroyed the positive practice of picking up children on time in the past and replaced it with a negative practice, that is, picking up children late is normal and acceptable.

People are social animals and follow unwritten behavioral norms. These rules stipulate what is accepted and what is not accepted by society.

To most people, jewelry is a good thing. Napoleon did a good thing for Josephine by buying so many jewelry for her, but didn’t he also give Giuseppina a lot of diamonds?

At the last banquet held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Giuseppina sang. She probably wore all the diamonds on her body.

 Josephine had a large diamond on her body, so large that some compared it to Georgiana's "Mughal Diamond".

It arrived safely in Paris and is now in a bank on the Champs Elysées, where Georgiana can keep the diamond for a safekeeping fee until she finds a new home.

  Michelangelo’s slave sculptures had ropes on them as a symbol of loss of freedom. Now Georgiana also needs to find a piece of jewelry from the dazzling array to use as a “rope” for herself and wear that symbol of shame on her body.

 Shame is unacceptable, but she cannot leave the botanical garden without wearing that badge.

 Paris, and even other European jewelers with offices in Paris, are careful. They may think she is too elusive, and her face is so ugly when buying jewelry.

Compared with real ordinary citizens, at least she doesn’t have to go to work and even has time to do yoga, so what can she be angry about?

Now she looks in the mirror and sees a noble lady. Can she still live in the house in Spider End Lane?

The founder of the London Charity Society was named Odyssey. This society was established to take in destitute French people. Many people went to that place at that time, even some members of the royal family.

Chateaubriand said that some nobles began to sell coal, and he himself taught French under the pseudonym of Chateau de Combo.

The name of the founder of the charity association sounds fake at first glance. Do you need to use a fake name to do good deeds?

 What is fake is fake after all, and the soul trapped in this world is reluctant to part with the shadows on these caves.

  She can choose the style of jewelry. Anyway, they take time to make, and the party is coming soon. Whether to wear it or not will be decided after they meet in person.

Anyway, if she holds on, he might not come. Sometimes people have to learn to compromise with "reality".

 She finally chose garnet instead of an expensive gem material. It looks like ruby, but can be carved on it - carve someone's big head on it.

 She did not choose a very luxurious style, just a string of ordinary beads. It doesn’t take much time to make it, and it doesn’t need to be too short… The jewelers were a little disappointed to see her choice.

 She is not Madame Du Barry, who would spend millions on a necklace.

However, she did not stop placing orders, and chose another piece of peridot jewelry, intending to give it to the First Consul.

 Seeing that she was still buying, the jewelers "gained hope" again.

 After she had chosen the peridot jewelry style, and then selected something else, she also gave Ma Qi a topaz telescope.

He did not report to the Cadastral Bureau, but became Napoleon's adjutant. Topaz symbolizes friendship and sincerity. It is very cheap. Some opticians will use it to replace glass because of its high transparency. Sometimes artificial glass cannot achieve this effect.

 But its corrosion resistance is not good. If it is in contact with corrosive substances for a long time, the transparency will decrease.

 She hoped he would understand her intentions.

Peridot was considered the "sun gem" in ancient Egypt. It has the same power as the sun. It can drive away evil and fear, make people gentle, improve people's hearing, and make people happy.

Peridot also symbolizes peace. In ancient times, hostile parties would give each other peridots when they stopped fighting. Peridots from thousands of years ago are still preserved in the temple in Jerusalem.

Bonaparte liked Egypt very much. He even raised a few lambs brought back from Egypt in Saint-Cloud, including the Swiss Valais sheep "Sean" he gave to Georgiana.

The power of the shepherd is reflected in the responsibility and obligation to protect. The book of Ezekiel says that shepherds only know how to shepherd themselves, but they do not know how to shepherd the sheep. The weak ones are not strengthened, the sick are not healed, and the injured are not healed. Those who were not bound and expelled, you did not take back.

 Queen Anne made the thin sheep strong, although many people commented that she only knew how to eat and did not do anything important.

England during the reign of Queen Anne was dynamic and more proactive than other European countries, even France under Louis XIV.

 The abolition of the Edict of Nantes brought many talents to Britain, including silk workers in Lyon, mathematicians, silversmiths, etc.

These Huguenots who fled to England also organized an association to support each other. The influx of so many silk workers into the asylum overnight would have a very shocking effect. It would be much more eye-catching than entering one after another, just like a bank. During the rush, many people crowded at the door and shouted, which soon attracted the police and reporters.

 You can't please everyone, including Dumbledore.

 So all she can do is try not to regret it. This is a quality she thinks is more remarkable than not listening to other people's opinions.

She preferred Voltaire to Montesquieu. Once a custom is broken it is difficult to restore it. After all, the done thing is done.

She hoped that the "Italian Conqueror" would remember the story she had told him, about an Italian assassinating an Austrian woman.

Although Georgiana was not a noble, she was a "well-known" witch. Her trip to Italy was not a leisurely wandering, but more likely to be extremely dangerous.

However, fear can make people be knocked down and succumb, and it can also make people leave the "safe zone" and embark on an adventure.

She may also be Ariadne, who was saved by Dionysus after waking up. Thanks to President Jefferson's reminder, she would have forgotten about it otherwise.

Before she killed her child, Medea said to herself, "I want to be strong."

 Be strong, after all, she chose to stand instead of lying down.

 (End of this chapter)