Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 390: Good things are overwhelming

   Chapter 390

  Pride is a quality shared by most Slytherins, and the best way to shake a person’s self-esteem is to fail him. This is why Slytherin often does its best in many games and competitions. They are very competitive.

  Gryffindor is brave and fearless, daring to face any challenge, no matter what the situation will face head on, even in the unprepared situation, so sometimes appears brave.

  While Slytherin and Gryffindor took this spider-killing operation very seriously, Hefpaff was “paddling”.

  Yes, magical animals and plants are Hefpaff’s specialty, but this does not prevent them from being lazy. Why should someone rush to work? Many people regard this action as a picnic or some kind of recreation in after-school and spare time. This is what Pomona saw when she came to the tent area where the headquarters was located.

The operation lasted only 7 days, from January 14 to the end of the 21st. January 24 is the full moon. It is not safe for 2 days before and after that day. Werewolves will transform during this time and be It's not fun for them to take a bite.

  Ats and bees have a habit. When the ant nest or the hive is too big, a new queen will be born, dividing the huge population into half.

Hunting during the day is organized, targeting the kind of spider nests in groups, and free hunting at night. Those who come to "hunting" at night need to apply for a special application. Everyone has a badge on their chest. There is no such thing. If the badge is used in the forbidden forest without authorization, the horsemen will be expelled from the forbidden forest.

  The plan of letting horsemen cooperate with humans and guiding humans as guides obviously failed, but they were very happy to let them be the search team to expel suspicious characters. Maybe in their eyes all humans are suspicious.

Sometimes if you don’t have a forgiving heart, you can’t survive in this world. Dean Hefpaff, who is accustomed to big scenes, ignores the smell of barbecue and wine in the air, looking for the most likely to be assassinated. The goal-Harry Potter.

The advantage of being an invisible man is that you don’t have to worry about being targeted. Severus uses the phantom technique on himself. He deliberately hits the shoulders of passers-by like a football player, and knocks an unprepared person into one. staggering.

  Relax, dear Pomona, keep a cheerful and friendly smile. You are a fair and compassionate person. Don’t think about things related to violence. Keep a happy and optimistic attitude.

  She said to herself in her heart, she looked around to find people involved in the operation, and finally found Dean Thomas eating a giant burger in the corner.

   "Are you really hungry?" Pomona asked the person behind her as if talking to herself.

   Severus gave her a push, like she was a prisoner.

   "Where is your tenderness?" She rubbed her shoulders and complained.

   "Keep walking." He threatened, hissing in his voice.

  With the comparison, you will find that Remus is really a very gentle person, although he is a bloodthirsty werewolf.

   "Hi, Thomas." Pomona greeted the former da member, the current Auror.

   "Who are you?" Dean Thomas asked vigilantly, "And how did you slip out of school?"

  Pomona found out that she was wearing a school uniform, not the dirty witch robe of the herbal medicine professor, she now looked like a Hefpaff schoolgirl.

  "Is Harry Potter there?" She immediately took out the quill and parchment from the flannel bag like an admirer, "I want to find him to sign."

   "He's not here." Thomas drove her away like a fly. "No matter which secret path you came from, go back immediately. The Forbidden Forest does not allow students to enter."

  As soon as his voice fell, Severus suddenly showed his shape, his wand was pointed at Thomas, and Thomas' glasses suddenly looked straight ahead.

   "He has gone to the Forbidden Forest, with Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny, and Neville Longbottom." Severus retracted his wand and said in a gloomy tone.

  "You are tempting to him..." Pomona murmured while looking at "Auror" Dean Thomas.

  Death Eaters and Aurors are of course rivals, but she has never seen Severus and Aurors face-to-face, he has always been a victim.

   "Is that what you worry about? The two'saviors' born in July are now alone."

   "I knew that if they were to get together again, there would be trouble again!" Pomona sighed up to the sky, "Why are there three of them every time there is a trouble!"

  "Notify Minerva, and, be careful of the time converter."

  After speaking, he turned into black smoke, using Death Eater flying skills to fly into the air, looking for Harry Potter who did not know where to go.

  Pomona left Dean Thomas and found the tent of the command headquarters. Justin’s grandfather was not there, but he was still there, as well as Hannah Albert and Anthony Goldstein, Queen’s distant relatives.

He was almost assigned to Hefpuff, and was finally assigned to Ravenclaw by the sorting cap. Tina once asked Pomona. If he is assigned to Hefpuff, he hopes to take good care of him, although he is not with Queenie. He is also a natural master of mind-consciousness, and others can hear everything they want, but he sometimes hears other people's voices, especially when others are talking about him behind their backs.

   "Do you know where Harry Potter went?" Pomona asked the three of them.

   "It's not Harry's rotation right now." Justin looked at a calendar and said.

   "Oh, my goodness." Pomona had a splitting headache.

  What others do in private time. Others have no right to interfere, but Pomona has a hunch that Harry is helping Ron overcome his fear.

  Ron Weasley can’t even Apparate. If he is in danger, he can’t even run away. And Neville, what will he do with him?

   "What's wrong?" Hannah asked worriedly.

"Bring your medicine chest, Hannah, and you, Justin, to inform Arthur Weasley that his son Ronald Weasley is in trouble again. Also pay attention to the fact that the smell of meat in the camp will The carnivores in the forbidden forest were brought out." After speaking, Pomona left the tent.

Glop is about the same height as the troll who broke into the school on Halloween that year when Harry was a freshman. He can patrol the castle as a guard. Hagrid is familiar with the terrain in the forest and is good at tracking, but his size is too big and he takes him away. It’s not easy.

  In the past, Dumbledore was responsible for planning the overall situation. Each of them was only responsible for part of the task. Now they can only do what they can.

   "You can do it, Pomona, concentrate." She murmured, trying to regain her restlessness. Dumbledore was away and the children needed protection. She used to do this often.

  Severus is not a good teacher, he has no patience for stupidity, but no one was young when he was stupid.

It was Snape’s entertainment to torture Harry and make his life miserable. He caused Harry trouble and protected Harry many times. He sank the Gryffindor sword into the bottom of the lake. When Lee was about to drown, he used the patron saint of silver deer to lure Ron over.

He hates Harry Potter, and he can’t just watch a 17-year-old kid die. When he talked about Buddy Crouch Jr., he specifically said that he was 19 years old, and Buddy Crouch Jr. was Severus. Falsify the memory and let him take the scapegoat for killing the old Buddy Crouch on his behalf.

  A person with a conscience will have a conscience, and a person without a conscience will have a good night's sleep after doing so many terrible things. Not all Slytherins are bad guys, although they are bad guys at first sight.

Real wicked people often wear hypocrisy, like wolves in sheep's clothing. They are as difficult to identify as werewolves in human skins. Snape asked the students to submit two parchment papers on werewolves and hand them in. Only Hermione Granger was the only one, and everyone else was sneaking and skiing because everyone was busy watching the Quidditch game.

The only student who recognized Lupin as a werewolf was Hermione. The others knew about it after the rumors spread. Now Pomona only believes in Hermione. However, this matter is directly related to Ron. The clever witch will be messed up after his business. The most difficult thing for everyone to defeat is himself.

"These thoughts can't call God's guard." Pomona closed her eyes and began to search for happy memories, but no matter what it was, she didn't seem to be strong enough until she remembered the Phoenix Fox in the principal's office, which had only flames like feathers. The patron saint of Albus is exactly the same as it.

  After the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, Fox also left, where is it now?

Phoenix is ​​also in the east. Pomona remembered the "messenger" Zhang Tao she met in London City Hall. He asked someone who knew Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to bring a message that she had important things to talk about. Maybe she could bring rice. Leva went to see him.

  Although his eyes are black, they are as wise as Dumbledore’s blue eyes.


  She waved her magic wand, and silver-white smoke floated from the end of the wand, gradually turning into a big swan.

   "Harry is missing, watch the time converter."

  Said Pomona before the swan flew away, and then let it go to Minerva McGonagall.

   "The Dean." Hannah appeared behind her carrying the medicine box.

   "Can you see Ye Qi? Hannah." Pomona asked when she looked at the bird.

   "I can see." Hannah said, "Anyone who participated in the Auror after the war can see it."

"I'll give you a task to find out why Neville Longbottom could see the Night Sky. Harry Potter had seen the scene of Lily Potter's murder when he was a baby, but he watched it before seeing Cedric's murder. Not to Yeqi."

  "Is it not related to his parents?" Hannah asked tremblingly.

   "I erased his memory, he shouldn't remember it." Pomona said calmly, "I caused him to be so forgetful."

  Bad memories can make people unable to sleep. That little baby cried so sad.

  There are a lot of things, just sleep. When the eyes are opened, a new day will come. It will be a world full of sunshine and colors.

  (End of this chapter)