Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 398: Ron's worst day (part 1)

  Chapter 398 Ron's Worst Day (Part 1)

  When Ron Weasley was a little baby sleeping in the cradle, he often hugged a teddy bear, which was his favorite friend.

But one day, his two older brothers, Fred and George snatched the teddy bear from his arms, so he cried loudly. His crying aroused the anger of his mother Molly, and the scolded George and George Fred reluctantly returned the teddy bear to Ron, and turned it into a big spider in front of him. Since then, Ron has become very afraid of spiders.

  "Spider! Why a spider! Can't you follow a butterfly or something?"

  When he was 12 years old, he and Harry Potter followed Hagrid's words and complained when they followed the spider to the depths of the Forbidden Forest. Why was it a spider?

  Draco Malfoy has a new girlfriend, a blonde from Ravenclaw, and that little white face can always seduce beautiful girls.

I don’t know how the weak-looking girl knew that he was afraid of spiders. That day, he spoke ruthlessly to him at the Muggle department store. Under provocation, he recklessly agreed to the action, but he was on the first day of the event. I regret it.

   "Merlin's beard, how many spiders are there!"

  The day 23-year-old Ron returned to school, he was riding a broomstick overlooking a forbidden forest covered with cobwebs. He had a bad feeling at that time.

  Albus Dumbledore’s legacy to him is the light extinguisher. In fact, he was once tempted by the old wand, and now he desires to have the old wand again.

   During the day when everyone else went out to kill the spiders, he stayed alone in the command tent, listening to the chatter of an old Muggle man.

  That Muggle just lost one leg. If caught by an eight-eyed spider, there will be no bones left. What can a Muggle know?

This situation lasted for a day. When he was going to spend time in the tent area the next day as usual, Ginny showed up. She grabbed Ron by the arm and had a big fight with the old Muggle man. , Because this old man bullied not only her brother, but also her husband, he always used "young man, you don't understand" to prevaricate Harry.

   And Harry was a shy and shy person. He sometimes flared up courage to defend his faith, but the matter of exterminating spiders had nothing to do with Voldemort, so he just let it go.

Once Gryffindor’s lioness gets angry, it’s terrifying, even if it’s a married mother like Ginny who has given birth to a child. In short, the atmosphere in the tent becomes very bad after the quarrel. Justin's grandfather left in a rage, while Ron was "somewhat masculine" under the kidnapping of his sister and was forced to face what he feared the most, otherwise he would go back and tell his mother.

  Hermione didn't say a word in the process, she just looked at Ron silently and worriedly. As for when Neville would follow them, no one knew, he was already there when he reacted.

Neville Longbottom was there as long as Harry Potter needed help and support. When they rode broomsticks to explore a rock pit that was most likely a spider’s nest during the day, Neville used a few of them. The dead gopher of poison is used as bait to test the situation inside.

I learned this from Hagrid. This poisonous tentacle juice is not fatal to humans, but it is fatal to spiders. Attracted by the smell of blood, the spiders hiding in the burrows were all fooled into appearing and ate the poisonous land. The rats soon died with their belly up, so they sneaked into the cave, where Ron saw a larger spider, several times larger than Aragog, and her people were also bigger than Aragog’s lair. The bigger one inside, he felt like he was vomiting.

  The spider could talk like her father, and the voice was sweet, not as hoarse as Aragok, so sweet voice came out of a spider's mouth, Ron felt that he was about to collapse.

He has tried his best to keep from fainting. He didn't learn Apparition in the second grade. Now he still hasn't learned. I saw two Hefpuff chicks, one of whom was still a school student. When she signed Harry's request with a sweet voice, that voice suddenly overlapped with the female spider named "Martha" .

  So he vomited, which made him feel much better, but it was a pity that Merlin didn't let him pass out, so he continued to listen to the discussion of the big guy.

  The topic tugged and tugged to Draco Malfoy, the blond **** with a mouthful of "mudblood".

When the basilisk in the secret room appeared, he even hoped that Hermione would be the next victim. The little white face owes a lesson. Hannah Albert is a pure-blooded noble and one of the twenty-eight holy families. She also hopes to marry Malfoy. .

  Many girls in the school were confused by Malfoy’s appearance. What good is that loser? He kindly reminded Hannah, but Hannah taught him the other way around. What did Hermione Granger like about him? Victor Bloom is much better than him.

  You don’t even need Victor. Harry, George, and Neville are rich in family, and anyone is better than him. Hermione became a housewife after marrying him, and only started working at the Ministry of Magic this year. No woman would think he was a good marriage partner.

This gloomy mood lasted until he returned to the tent area. Before he could catch his breath, his parents came. Molly Weasley taught him in front of everyone like he was a child. This shameful scene suddenly appeared in his mind, and his father Arthur Weasley was talking to Harry, just as before, he ignored Ron's existence, as if he was superfluous in the family.

My mother always wanted him to be a girl, but unfortunately he was not. Everyone could use a new wand, but he could only use Charlie's leftover second-hand wand, the slug that caused him to vomit for a whole afternoon. He was disgusted. He didn’t want to stay in the tent anymore, so he found a place where no one was left. He took out the light extinguisher that Dumbledore gave him and released the light source that he usually collected, except What's the use of this light extinguisher to illuminate outside? He just wanted to put the light extinguisher away, but someone slowly approached him. Under the sun's rays, Ron could see clearly that he was an Asian, just like Qiu Zhang, with yellow skin and black eyes, but he He is a middle-aged man with an evil smile on his face.

   "Who are you?" Ron stood up, holding his wand in his hand.

   "Using your name, my name is Tao Zhang." The middle-aged man said in a hoarse voice that was far older than his age, "Is the light extinguisher in your hand?"

  Tao Zhang looked at the light extinguisher with bright eyes, and Ron immediately hid it behind him vigilantly.

   "It has nothing to do with you."

   "No, young man, it is related to everyone." He sighed, "You don't know how precious things are usually when they are scarce."

   "What's the problem with you?" Ron asked, confused.

  "Study is useful, especially history. It can help you understand many things. Since the wise man gave it to you, why don't you try to understand his true intentions?"

  Ron looked at the middle-aged man. He didn't look like a bad person. Then he looked down at the light extinguisher in his hand. What use could she do other than helping him find Hermione?

   "I'll give you a hint." The middle-aged man seemed to think it was enough for him, and pointed to a stake and said, "Ask them."


   "Ron!" Hermione's voice rang behind him, and Ron immediately turned his head to respond.

"I'm here!"

   Then Ron turned his gaze to the middle-aged man again, but there was no one on the snow, only two lines of shallow footprints proved that someone was standing there just now.

  (End of this chapter)