Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 434: softnature

  Chapter 434 softnature

  Dumbledore once said that language is an inexhaustible source of magic power, which can heal injuries and heal pain. He has always been proud of his ability to speak out.

But now Harry feels that language can not only heal injuries, but also cause harm, especially when he blurts out in anger, even if he doesn’t think so in his heart, he will speak as long as he can hurt the other person, realizing that his mouth hurts. It is too late to regret later.

  When Harry disarmed Ron's wand, he immediately realized that he was doing the same thing his father James did to Severus in the fifth grade.

  His father figured out Snape. In the shadow of a beech tree, James looked at Snape like a hound seeing a rabbit.

  Lily came to rescue Snape, his father actually told her that if he dated him, he would never bully the slug again, and would never point his wand at the old slug again.

James really played the role of a bad guy at the time. Harry didn’t know if what he did just now was the same in Hermione’s eyes. He felt that the scene in the boys’ bathroom on the seventh floor in the sixth grade was heavy. It appeared, but Ron did not fall in a pool of blood like Draco Malfoy.

   "What are you doing, Harry!" Hermione used the Damping Charm when Ron was about to fall to the ground, and he fell to the ground unharmed.

  Ron watched him without saying a word.

"We can't use a fierce spell in the forest." Harry let Buckbeak fall to the ground. "Professor Grapland told us that there are a lot of wand woods in this forest, and there are tree guards on the trees. Once they are provoked Will goug our eyes out."

   "Shit." Ron cursed in a low voice, picking up his wand.

"No... Harry was right, Ron." Hermione said. "Dumbledore wrote in the book that every wand maker will protect the curse above and below the trees. If we hurt those trees, it will be unexpected. Curse."

  "Whose wife are you anyway?" Ron interrupted her. "Why do you always favor him?"

   "I am not partial to anyone, I just make the case."

   "Whatever you want." Ron walked over and took away the broomstick in Hermione's hand. "I'm going to find my dad."

   "Take the girl's broomstick? You are amazing." Harry sarcastically said, "Why don't you tell everyone that you can't apparate?"

   "I don't need to report everything to you." Ron said with a sullen face.

   "That's why you left the Auror office, right? You can't be accepted as my subordinate."

   "No!" Ron yelled, "My family needs me. You don't have a family. You don't understand the pain of losing a family."

   "Of course I have family!" Harry stood up all the thorns on his body like a porcupine.

   "You have, your parents and godfather, but they are all dead. Your only family is Ginny. She is my sister. Have you ever thought about what will happen to her after my father's accident?"

   "Enough, Ron!" Hermione said in a deep voice, "This is not the time to talk about this."

   "Then what do you think you should do now?" Ron's eyes went back and forth between Hermione and Harry. "I said that the spider was solved with a fiery curse. You said it couldn't be used, so what smart way do you guys have?"

  Mossag kept fluttering in the swamp, and she let out a sharp cry, which made people more anxious.

   "Sometimes you are really too indecisive." Ron pursed his mouth, deliberately not looking at Harry. "A woman's kindness cannot govern the world."

   "Is this what you think or hear someone say?" Harry said hardly.

"I think so, and others say the same." Ron looked at Harry as if he was about to pounce on him. "Did you see those dementors just now? They are so many, let them stay in the North Sea." How good is Azkaban's guard."

   "So you don't agree with Kingsley's policies, right?"

"You support Kingsley because of Sirius, right? Because he was imprisoned in Azkaban for twelve years, surrounded by dementors, how pitiful." Ron said sarcastically, "Why don't you become magic? Where's the minister, Harry? There were a lot of people who wanted you to be in that position."

   "I am not that piece of material, you know!"

   "Then you are that piece of material? Is it the one that gives orders to me?"

   "You're making trouble unreasonably." Harry said impatiently.

   "So you think I look like a woman." Ron yelled like he heard a fallacy, "Your eyes are just like your mother..."

   "Shut up! Ron Weasley!" Hermione snarled angrily. "Your mother is also a woman. Do you think she would be happy if she listened to what you said?"

  Ron and Harry looked at each other fiercely, looking like they had become enemies.

   "If you want to make a noise, continue to make noise." Hermione shook her shaggy hair. "I'm going to see Mossag."

   After speaking, she ignored the two and walked towards the swamp.

  Ron stared at Harry for a while and then followed Hermione away, leaving Harry standing alone.

   Buckbeak stepped over at this time, arching Harry with his head.

  There are many women who like Sirius. In Snape’s memory, Sirius would have several girls nervous even when he stood up.

  He always looks so elegant, even if he does not maintain aristocratic manners like Snape at all times, he also appears to be very aristocratic, but he has remained single, and Sirius has no other family besides Harry.

  With Sirius, Harry Potter, the savior, is not so lonely. He can understand Harry's desire to be useful, because Sirius also wants to be useful.

  However, Sirius was the bottom in the Order of the Phoenix. He was deserted in Azkaban for 12 years, and he shouldn't have appeared in the Battle of the Ministry.

At that time, the two of them faced Lucius Malfoy, who had also ruined his skills. Without strict application and practice, they could not make progress. The chief of the Order of the Phoenix was Alastomoudi, and the second was Snape. In the decisive battle in the auditorium, he confronted Professor McGonagall and Professor Fei Liwei alone. He was no longer the sniffer who was teased by the fuchsia.

  If you can learn two hands from Snape...

The thought of    flashed in Harry's mind.

  He thought about this when dealing with the secret room incident. Compared to Lockhart, Snape was much more reliable. He was able to do things right. No wonder Albus Dumbledore trusted him so much.

The director of the Auror’s office, both Sterling and Calvin have very sharp eyes. When you look at them, you can feel that kind of deterrence. Harry’s eyes are almond-shaped and surprisingly green. Lockhart’s eyes are blue cornflowers, which are very attractive to women. Harry Potter is now a 24-year-old adult male and the father of a child. Those soft eyes do not make him look majestic.

Harry’s father died when he was very young. There are many male role models around him, Lupin, Dumbledore, Moody, Snape, and Arthur. He learned something from them. But he would never learn Lockhart, but Lockhart is a member of the Anti-Dark Magic League, and he also hopes that Muggles can coexist peacefully with wizards.

Harry Potter is now a professor of the Dark Arts Defense at Hogwarts. Although it is a substitute, he and the other deans are responsible for solving the dark creatures. He will never pack his luggage when he is in danger, like Lockhart. Run away.

Although there are many dementors, as long as the more wizards who can call on the gods, they will not pose a threat like the Cornish goblin.

  She was right. The Dean of Hefpaff pointed to him a clear road. Although it is not as risky as on the werewolf frontline, it is also a very important thing.

Umbridge used the newly compiled textbooks when she was a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in school. She even planned to delete the applied courses. Students only need to know the theory. No magic wands are allowed in her courses. Because of this, he established da and learned the real defense against the dark arts.

  He led Buckbeak to the edge of the swamp. The mammoth-sized spider was rolling in the mud, looking very embarrassed. The aquatic plants in the swamp were overwhelmed by it.

   "Why is there a swamp here?" Harry asked.

   "Maybe the professors moved it here from the castle." Hermione smiled happily and said, "The portable swamp of the Weasleys."

   "Shut up." Ron grumbled listlessly.

   "Your marketing is really bad, Ron." Hermione said to him, "George said he didn't need your help at all."

  Ron glanced at Harry, who happened to be looking at him at the moment, and the two turned their eyes to Mossag again.

   "They are there!" Neville's voice came in mid-air, and I saw him, Hannah and Lavender, each of them riding on a Ye Qi.

   "Maybe we can poison her." Ron looked at the three of them and said, "I wish they brought pesticides."

  (End of this chapter)