Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 465: Imperceptibly

   Chapter 465

Severus used to live a very harsh life, whether mentally or physically, he had to deal with Voldemort's return in addition to strengthening his heart. In addition to tempering duels, it also included spying skills. , The first time he became a double agent was by luck, and the second time he practiced it by himself. He read a lot of books about double agents, many of them were Muggles during World War II. IQ is not lower than wizards at all.

If he really becomes Harry’s father, then Harry is definitely a terrible son to him. In his eyes, Harry is always not good enough. The strict father-son relationship is always difficult to reconcile. Harry can be called West Reese's name can only be called "Mr." or "Professor" Severus. He will put heavy pressure on people. It’s not easy to get along with him. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. It happens that not many people have beaten him in this world, so he becomes a person who hates and wants to get rid of him. Soon, it just happens to be undead.

Even if Severus vowed not to be like Tobias, he was still influenced by his father. The native family would imprint the children's personality and behavior. Tobias's strength was perfectly inherited by Severus. It doesn’t matter to be strong outside, especially for Slytherin College. Such a strong person is needed to be the dean. When she returns home, she hopes to have an equal relationship. Oh, Sirius has to be more open in this regard. Slytherin will classify Look very seriously. Look at how they treat the Muggle and Muggle wizards. Magic is a powerful sculpture that fully expresses their stubborn class concept. Although Severus will not discriminate against her, he will never discriminate against her. It may be "equality". He likes to provoke and declare war to determine the affiliation. He wants her to obey, and his **** desire for control reappears!

  Pomona is a Hefpaff, a qualified Hefpaff should like food, only the kind of monster like Newtskamand likes magical animals more than food.

  In addition to eating sweets when in a bad mood, Pomona also loves to cook. The sausages fried by Severus in the morning are sold outside, full of spices, so she has to fill her own sausages.

  Nietzsche once said: There is no need to be sensitive at all times, and dullness is sometimes a virtue. Especially when interacting with people, even if you see through the motive of a certain behavior or thought of the other person, you need to pretend to be dull. This is the secret of social interaction and compassion for others.

This chronically ill philosopher has been looking for a healthy philosophy. "Slowness is sometimes a virtue" is the same as Hefpaff's pretending to be stupid, but sometimes Hefpaff seems to be too easy to bully. To sympathize with others is to make others feel ashamed by treating them as weak. For the one you love, you should exercise him and improve him. This is true love. Pomona did not expect that one day she would taste his awkward concern.

  In extreme pain, a soul will emit a new life brilliance in order to endure this pain. It is this potential in the new life that keeps people away from suicidal thoughts that ignite during extreme pain and allows him to continue to live. His state of mind will be different from that of a healthy person. He despises the values ​​recognized by the world and thus exerts the noblest love and sentiment that he has never had before. This state of mind is a person who has experienced the pain of hell.

  Only by experiencing the trials of **** can you have the power to create heaven, and only the fingers that have left blood can pop the world's swan song.

Life is a gift or favor. In the Middle Ages, due to the influence of the church, suicide was considered a sin. Since the late modern period, many thinkers have defended suicide theoretically. If life becomes difficult, people have the right to give up. Euthanasia is legally supported.

Albus’ suicidal tendency was caused when he put on the Gunter family’s ring. He has a world-weary heart, but he is an old man who has lived for 150 years. He doesn’t end his life by doing it himself. Severus was invited. Albus sacrificed too much, not just love and affection. He is a person who likes to travel around the world. When he was young, he returned home halfway through the death of his mother, but he stayed in Hogwar. Hereby teaching.

Putting shackles on someone who is accustomed to freedom will make him feel painful. When there is only pain in a person’s life, suicidal thoughts arise. The inevitable result of life is death. Therefore, for the ultimate right to life, it is an independent choice. The right to the time of death and the way of death, but Albus has the ability to end his life, and it is actually illegal for him to let Severus help him.

Severus relentlessly agreed. He is such a stupid person. Being with someone who is suicidal, and being overly harsh will make him suicidal. His exercise method is not suitable for everyone, he After resurrecting from the dead, he changed from one extreme to the other. If he was just an ordinary person, it didn't matter what kind of life he wanted to live. But now that he has the power, he can no longer do as he pleases as he did when he lived in seclusion.

"Why are you so difficult to teach?" Pomona couldn't help complaining. James was willing to change at least for Lily, but Severus was so stubborn. This is his shortcoming and his strength, and it's hard enough to deal with him. , If she becomes pregnant again and has a child, then she may follow in Irene's footsteps and pay too much attention to her husband and neglect the child.

Housewives are a high-risk group of suicide. Ordinary people don’t understand how much the pressure is. They have to worry about their husband being seduced by women outside, and worry about the growth of their children. If she is unfortunate enough to have a husband who is not growing up, then she will Take care of at least two children. Children like Arthur are a little better. Severus is so awkward and rebellious that it's terrible. Molly is often crying with twins.

  Pomona couldn't help but start to miss the time she used to wash dishes in the kitchen. If only she could still contact Molly, they could complain about how childish their husband was.

   At this moment, the door rang out, and Pomona felt a little weird, so she sneaked into the living room of his office.

  A young man came in with a leather bag. He respectfully placed a thick stack of documents in front of Severus, apparently asking him to sign.

   "That's Lucius's land. He can sign it." Severus sat behind the desk with a quill pen as if he was correcting homework.

"It is not just Mr. Malfoy who wants to donate land, but Mr. Osbot and Mr. Belby. They all hope that they can participate in the construction of the war wounded Auror rehabilitation sanatorium." The young man listened very well. The voice and tone are also very docile, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Alastomoudi has retired. If he could go to the Sanatorium of St. Oswald to recuperate, he would not have died in battle. However, he has been fighting for most of his life, and he can no longer adapt to that kind of retirement. His life is gone, he is more willing to die on the battlefield than a soft bed, where he belongs.

   "What did Lucius say?"

  "He said, he obeyed your orders, ‘sir’." The young man said humbly, "No matter who you choose, he has no opinion."

"Cunning Malfoy." Pomona murmured while eavesdropping. Fighting with werewolves and dark wizards always leaves war wounds. These injuries are often black magic, and the wounds caused are irreversible, even with prostheses. Inconvenience, just look at Moody's.

  With such a nursing home, even if Aurors are injured in the future, they will not be afraid that no one will take care of them. At the same time, they have also created employment opportunities and everyone can get help.

  Albus still taught Severus something, after all, they have been together in a castle for more than twenty years.

  Pomona stopped peeking, turned around and returned to the kitchen.

  In Albus’s will, Severus is the heir to the position of principal. A dean cannot be equal to the principal of Hogwarts.

  It is very difficult to accept that a young man is better than herself, and Pomona can only adapt slowly.

It is also very difficult for a person to understand and accept that there are things worse than death in the world. Nietzsche said that people ultimately like their desires, not what they want. People like the magic stone more than the old medicine. It is longevity. If people know that the water soaked in the magic stone will cause side effects other than longevity, if there is something better, they will lose interest in the magic stone.

  The desire to live is also a kind of desire. If you can live forever without the Philosopher’s Stone, who needs it?

Similarly, many of Severus’s admirers hope that someone like him can give unconditionally and love themselves without asking for anything in return. Gay men know that it’s impossible. Although they like men, they are still men. , Only women will have such unrealistic dreams. If there is an individual man who loves herself, then she will no longer be interested in him. Just like in "Gone with the Wind", women always fantasize about love. They love love itself, not the person they love. Whether she is weak or strong.

Since he killed Dumbledore, his soul has fallen. Since he can't go to heaven, he can only accompany him to hell. In the day after tomorrow, Sam, in order to save Laura, risked being swept away by the tsunami. Dangerous to find her, and the rich guy and the black nerd did not look back. Pomona believed that Laura chose him because of Sam’s courage, not the leadership qualities and survival ability that Severus thought. .

   "You are such a fool, Severus." Pomona shook her head and smiled. "You are obviously Jack, why do you want to learn from Karl?"

When she felt better again, she was relieved. She waved her magic wand and let the kitchen knife chop the meat into pieces by herself. She always remembered the story that Petunia was hiding in the bed sheet and a murderer killed him. The corpses of the people were made into sausages and sold. The whole town ate them, so Pomona could not eat the sausages sold outside.

  If Petunia can also become a wizard, she must be an evil witch, but unfortunately she has no magic power and can only become an ordinary and boring housewife, unable to live the same wonderful life as her sister.

  (End of this chapter)