Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 489: Poisonous weeds unearthed

  Chapter 489 Poisonous Weeds Unearthed

  Many members of the Saudi royal family lived in the mansion in South Kensington. These “princes” can actually enjoy a very generous life at home, but they came to London, mainly because they no longer need to be restricted by religion.

  ***There are many precepts to teach. The current rest day "Sunday" in the Middle Ages refers to the day to go to church. There is only one day in the church seven days a week, and you can usually stay at home.

  *** is to spend every day in the mosque, from morning to night non-stop worship.

Compared with Christianity, Christianity is much easier. From the results of Marina’s human nature experiment, without any restraint, human nature will quickly fall towards the dark side without any control. These princes can do whatever they want and indulge in the results. It is often sudden death.

When the ambulance was parked downstairs, many residents peeked out of the window. Their expressions were not sadness or reflection, but excitement. Just like Dickens said, hanging publicly does not serve as a warning, but death. Become a form of entertainment.

  In Marina’s experiment, the onlookers laughed ignorantly, as if in a group carnival.

It was not until one person saw that someone took the loaded pistol and let Marina hold it in his hand and found that it was wrong. Others also followed up and condemned. However, it is ridiculous that other people thought it was a performance. How can you disappoint those people at climax? So there was a fierce conflict between the two sides, and at the same time, Marina watched everything happening in front of her eyes, tears in despair and fear.

  When people can act without taking responsibility, their behavior becomes unscrupulous.

People who are evil often have a smile on their faces. They will not feel any condemnation. It is impossible to expect them to repent through moral condemnation. There is no light in his heart, and he is numb. Any freedom must be required. There are borders, it may be law, it may be morality, it may be religion. In short, there is no limit to freedom. The Saudi prince had no scruples in the United Kingdom. He died suddenly at a young age, and what is worse is that his death did not cause anything. Be vigilant. Individuals have lost their self-discrimination and self-control by placing themselves in the popular will of the group. They are laughing, and no one is silent for death.

  When atrocities happen in front of your eyes, will you be the one to stop Marina from shooting, or do you think this is a show and shouldn’t be a spectator who should disappoint the other group?

   Pomona lowered the curtains. Everything outside the window was so ugly and horrible. Sometimes she agreed with Grindelwald and Muggles were self-destructing.

Ordinary people will only see the most superficial side of the free exterior of the Western world, that is, the side of the sun god. It looks magnificent and upright. The purpose of reading is to see through the beautiful painted murals and see the dirt outside the wall. Dirty and ugly.

  Zhang Tao is not an absolute good person. If Pomona had Ma Qingchen, then a hole card would never show up so easily. When Ma Qingchen went to pour tea, she told Pomona about her life experience.

  In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo turned against each other for a Diao Chan, and Wang Yun, who played the serial plan, was a seemingly loyal literati. Hefpaff likes to spread the gossip, and he did not specifically prevent her from keeping it secret. A lie will become the truth if it is said a thousand times. In ancient Greece, human beings have proved that the earth is round, but after a thousand years of darkness, human beings think that The place where the sky is round is the truth, and people’s common sense can be manipulated. Ma Youjia is just a person, and he dares to have so much involvement with gangsters without relatives and affiliation. If everyone says that he has a long-lost sister. , He will be suspicious.

  The way of using soldiers is to attack the heart.

  Yes, if the Yellowstone volcano erupts is a global disaster, but it hasn’t erupted for more than 600,000 years, and China’s history is only 5,000 years old. How do the Chinese know that it will erupt in the near future?

  The United States belongs to the western civilization circle, so it will not forget the disaster of Pompeii. The Pompeii people did not believe that Vesuvius would erupt and built a magnificent city around the hot springs.

  The United States now is like Pompeii under Mount Vesuvius. It may erupt the day after tomorrow, or it may erupt 100,000 years later. Is it to listen to people’s advice to stay away, or to continue living an American life without listening to “rumors”? To be a smart person with foresight? Or be a coward who moves after being scared?

  Yangmou is much more powerful than conspiracy. The Chinese people using historical materials and ice cores as evidence are more terrible than parcel bombs. This is a kind reminder that Westerners should prepare for the coming disaster.

  All you need to do is to keep repeating brainwashing so that the “common sense” of the Huangshi volcano is about to erupt will be remembered. Going to the United States will no longer be the “American Dream”.

  It can indeed shake people's hearts, make people feel uneasy, divorced, divided, and confused. Europeans are most proud of civilization and rationality. At the same time, they are most afraid of losing civilization and rationality and returning to the Middle Ages.

Once people are controlled by fear, they will behave irrationally and panic. What's worse is that there are historical materials and various evidences that can corroborate this history. People with little courage will be frightened, and those with courage may be reckless. Act.

  Humans, like animals, have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. In the 8th century, when there were wars everywhere, the Central Plains did not close their homes at night, and were not worried about famine and plague. Of course, those who fled were longing for Chang'an.

As long as the external world is turbulent and China remains stable and united, people who desire to live in peace and tranquility will once again migrate. Long-term peace and stability will require a lot of talents. Our own talents will no longer flow out, and talents from other countries will continue to import, and China will become the world's largest country again. Up.

  China's rise again is an arrogant dream, but they have a chance, provided that internal differences are eliminated.

  When parents have power, they will place their children in good positions, regardless of whether they are suitable or not.

Spending so much money to study abroad is also for education. Attila, the whip of God, once studied abroad in Western Rome. It was involuntary. The Huns were driven away by the Han and went to the West to invade. He acted as a peace talker. The hostages in the treaty were sent to Rome.

The Romans taught him knowledge, learned Roman traditions and customs, and allowed him to live a luxurious life, hoping to domesticate him, but Attila learned the internal structure of Western Rome, focusing on the internal affairs and foreign policy of Rome, so to speak. Everything Attila learned was later in preparation for the Huns' rule and the conquest of Rome.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a man named Wu Yanxiu. He used to be an envoy to Turks, but the Turks felt that he was humiliated and captured him in his own territory. This year, he only learned to dance. Later, she seduced the married woman Anle with her outstanding dance skills, and later became the guest of Tang Zhong Zongwei's guest. He didn't know anything about the Turkic march, the number of horses and health, the population, and food reserves.

A family like Justin would send him to the Cambridge Department of Philosophy, a subject that is completely useless to ordinary people. Once he graduated, he became the ruling class. Only those families who need to worry about their own life can go to engineering and graduate. It is also the ruled class. The children of the elite class tend to work harder than the children of ordinary families. Public schools are lenient education, and the classes are clearly divided during the education period.

Without parental control, you can only rely on your own self-control and self-control. It is easy to learn badly. Buddy Crouch Jr. soon mixed with Death Eaters. Old Buddy Crouch was away from home all day. Busy with his business, the family business is gone because of his son's business.

  Men not only need to be able to control the outside, but also to control the home, self-cultivation and family governance, this ancient Eastern philosophical saying is true at all.

  There are many international students who don’t want to leave when they come. No one wants to live a good life, not just from China, but also from Saudi Arabia and India.

Liu Adoule was caught by Sima Zhao and held banquets all day long. When Sima Zhao arranged for people to perform songs and dances in Shu area in front of him, the other entourages were very sad to think of the subjugation of the country, but he said that he did not miss the Kingdom of Shu at all. There is an allusion of reluctance to think about Shu.

  Those international students are already reluctant to think about it.

  At the time, Qian Xuesen’s group of old overseas students took away a large amount of core information, so that China had an atomic bomb, and no country would let Chinese people have access to core secrets.

  If Britain and the United States go to war with China, how should those international students deal with it?

  Heisei waste’s answer is that the country that asked people to die for it let him perish.

  The West and the East have always been preparing for war, who will let the enemy spies into their own confidential departments.

  The West attaches great importance to intellectual property, not only is knowledge is power, but also because knowledge is power.

   Fortunately, Zhang Tao is as old as Albus Dumbledore, and the younger generation has no successors. They are always so lucky.

  "Chinese wizards are much more interesting than Muggles." She packed the baked cheesecake in a carton, and suddenly remembered that she did not have an owl.

   "Oh, my God, how do I send this gift?"

   She complained loudly, like a stupid housewife.

  (End of this chapter)