Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 492: Deformity show

  Chapter 492 Deformed Show

  The neighbor downstairs has her own taste. Jazz is not what she particularly likes. After playing the perfect world, she began to play Bach. An artist who did not enjoy a reputation when he was alive, but his reputation continued to grow after his death.

  Life is calm? That's because you lack focus, and the world is not peaceful at all. The same is true of Bach's music. People who think Bach is plain, it's because you lack focus.

  He is a depressed person. He is not as famous as Beethoven and Mozart of his time. Although he is a court musician, he just makes ends meet. The secular life did not bring him fame. So he turned his energy to the leader of the spiritual world, the church.

  His music is full of divinity, and only those who have experienced disasters listening to Bach can feel the comfort of his music. The seventeenth century he lived in was the period when the Black Death was raging. The witch trials were not over yet, and the light seemed to be indefinitely. In such a dark moment, it was difficult to keep his inner grace and love for music and not chase fame and wealth.

  A person who knows what he lives for can endure any kind of life.

Bach’s works are deep, tragic and strong, expressing human suffering and compassion for disasters. He hopes that music can bring peace and happiness to people. Even if it is not understood by the world, it does not have a prominent position, as long as it can give him the little one he lives in. The people in the town bring happiness and he will continue to create.

  It’s hard to find a friend. The feeling of having an audience is different from the mood of playing solo. The mother downstairs is not as emotional when playing Bach as when playing Mozart.

The rock star Michael Jackson experienced another kind of misery in his life. In 1993, when he was only 12 years old, Jody Chandler accused Jackson of molesting him in Dreamland. Jackson reached an out-of-court settlement with the boy’s family and paid 2,330. Ten thousand dollars in compensation, but Jackson has always denied any crimes.

His career was greatly affected. In 2002, Michael arrived in Germany with his three children. After staying in the presidential suite of the Adlon Hotel, he appeared on the balcony and waved to the hundreds of fans gathered outside the hotel. It didn’t take long for him to hold his youngest son Prince Michael II over the balcony. The scene was too thrilling. It didn’t take long for the media to report negative reports and accuse Michael of child abuse.

  There is a lens in the movie the day after tomorrow. When the tornado comes, someone is holding a camera and shooting.

  Whether you watch it later or sell it to the media, that video is very meaningful, provided that the person shooting it can survive.

   There is a famous writer Lu Xun in the East. He once said that people want others to be naked and wear their clothes neatly, so that they can express contempt for others, but their eyes are reluctant to turn.

  Those who attacked Michael in the article, how many in the bottom of my heart want him to let go and throw the baby to the ground?

  According to the results of Marina’s human nature experiment, when freedom is not restrained by morals and laws, the evil lurking in people’s hearts will slowly awaken until unscrupulous, the beauty of human nature is completely swallowed by boundless evil.

  Once you hand over the decision to the audience, you are not far from losing your life.

  If there is no culpability for killing, would you act on others?

  Most people will say no when asked individually, but it's different when mixed in a crowd.

  When two men loaded bullets into their pistols, a woman in the audience was constantly instructing them what to do and where to aim.

  If someone commits suicide by jumping from a building and asking the crowd if they should jump, their answer must be to let him jump, and some people even complain about why they didn’t jump, which wasted his time.

When Marina’s experiment was over and she woke up from anesthesia, she stood up, and most people realized that she was a living person. Those who did evil to her were frightened and feared that they would be retaliated. escape.

Only a small number of people stayed. They were the first to wake up and realize that it was not a "show", and to prevent those who watched the "show" from continuing to be evil people. They possessed kindness and justice, but unfortunately they have There are too few people, and the awakening is very late, it will not burst until the critical moment.

  Don’t be gullible that you don’t do evil. Some people don’t do evil but just know how high the cost of doing evil is. Doing evil is the consequence of fear, not the evil itself.

This is composed of impulse, desire and vague perception. Before someone stops Marina from raising her pistol to kill herself, the collective behavior of the audience is called collective unconsciousness. It contains a source of creativity. What did those audiences do? They took off her clothes, made a cut in her chest with a knife, sucked her blood, took a **** photo of her and let her hold it by herself.

Public execution will not cause a deterrent effect, but will act as a "trigger", awakening and activating the original image of people deposited in the organization structure of the riot. It makes people hear or see the "distant echo", epiphany and produce A sense of beauty, such as the witch trials in the Middle Ages and the punishments during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

  Human nature is inherently evil. The "human nature is inherently good" is a white lie. He hopes that people can be good, even if he himself has made many mistakes.

  He is not a perfect moral model. He has no flaws. Just like **** himself, he was perfectly moralized by people in the Middle Ages. What's weird about men and women sleeping? Men and women do not sleep where do children come from?

Maria was pregnant due to her feelings. The vast majority of women do not have her skills and return to "reality". Reproduction must involve an indecent and shameful topic. Desire can promote human creativity. Men pursue girls in order to obtain "Sex", Heisei waste is a problem that can be solved through fantasy, but it is not implemented, including "sex".

  Without this thrust, there is no desire to pursue and struggle. Even if the material is rich, there is still no motivation to move forward, and the engine of the social machine stops working.

If you want to chase a girl, you need to find a way to be creative. It doesn’t have to be a gift. By giving Furong an English lesson, Bill has chased so many beauties that the rich and aristocrats can’t catch. It doesn’t have to be war, and so does love. Stimulate people's creativity.

The man lying on the bed picked up his clothes from the ground and found a pack of cigarettes. It was a pack of Chinese cigarettes with an oriental dragon printed on the package. It does not have bat wings like the western dragon, but Still soaring in the clouds.

  He lit the cigarette with magic. It looked like some kind of magic. The smell of burning cigarettes was different from that of burning wormwood.

  The woman lay quietly beside him, listening to Bach’s music outside the window.

According to Marina’s dictation, when the man held the pistol in her hand, his breathing became more and more rapid, and she could feel his intention. For her, this breathing sound was the most irritating in the entire performance. Things that people fear.

  From being cautious at the beginning, to unscrupulous later, when the people on the stage did evil, the audience under the stage was laughing. In the entire performance, only one female audience wiped her tears, but tears couldn't awaken the man's conscience. Until death was about to happen, a man stood up and made a sound.

In the collective unconscious, the human order collapses quickly, because it is not easy to make the right choice than simple choices. To understand that the earth is round, it is necessary to understand gravity. Newton has not been born in the era of great voyages, and it is only necessary to understand that the earth is flat. It's easier, "common sense" has been distorted like this.

"When we lived in seclusion, a plague broke out all over the world. It was not as deadly as the Black Death, but it still caused panic. Some people said it was caused by the Cantonese eating civet cats." Severus calmed his breath. With a low voice like a cello, he said, "When a disaster happened, people need an explanation. The Cantonese have become scapegoats just like the wizards in the Middle Ages. This is what Ma Youyan said to the Chinese."

   "What else did he say?" she asked absently.

"Remember how the whites dealt with the Inuit and the Indians? That plague was against the Chinese. When Japan surrendered, it could hand over a lot of information to the United States. After all the Chinese were killed, they could get from the United States. When you come to China, you don’t have to worry about the eruption of Huangshi Volcano."

   "Does anyone believe him?"

"Many. He is just as good at speaking as Grindelwald." Severus said tiredly. "If you believe in science, why do some people only believe that Guangzhou people are the source of the plague and don't believe that foreigners are responsible for the plague virus? science?"

   "He is creating disputes."

   “It’s even worse. The first stop of Sun Yat-sen’s 1911 Revolution was Guangzhou. The London Chinatown has the most immigrants from Guangzhou and Hong Kong, and they are not the same people as foreign students.”

   "Do you suspect they have guns and explosives?"

  "The Russian Mafia even has nuclear materials. What's weird about Hongmen having these things?"

   Pomona remembered the Tang people who had attacked the 100,000 Turkic army by 200 people in Yinshan at night. It seemed that this brave and fearless national soul had not completely disappeared from their blood.

  Her greenhouse glass is decorated with a relief of a Chinese dragon, which Dumbledore gave her. She has never known why, but now she seems to understand.

   "Maybe we can trust them to protect their homeland."

   "This land is British!" Severus said grumpyly.

   "We do not participate in the war between Muggles."

   "But dealing with werewolves is our business." He swears swearingly, "Damn it to protect multiculturalism. They are cultural aggression. Do you know what they asked for?"

   "What?" She was perfunctory upset.

  "They want to restore the custom of burning paper money to worship their ancestors. Hell, they are not afraid of causing a fire."

  Burning paper money is not in line with Western civilization, but in line with Eastern civilization. Easterners just want to worship their ancestors and avoid forgetting their ancestors. Old Chinese can stick to their traditions.

The Great Fire of London in 1666 burned for 4 days. About one-sixth of London was destroyed. The Black Death broke out in Europe one year before the fire. More than 60,000 people died in the city of London alone. Even the royal family fled to Oxford. After taking refuge, the wealthy people in the city fled one after another, and there were no more disturbing lawsuits. Because all the legal professionals had moved to the countryside, Isaac Newton also left Cambridge University and returned home to continue studying until one day. I was hit in the head by an apple during a nap.

  Universal gravitation has not been able to find the cause of gravity. Isaac Newton began to study theology in his later years.

  What is science? What is theology?

Discussing this topic is much more meaningful than studying whether Michael Jackson really has a special hobby, but most people still like to discuss celebrity gossip. Pomona believes that the superstar is a kind-hearted person, so she hype to reporters. Of this topic has no interest.

  Michael Jackson is not Lockhart. Lockhart wrote books for fame and fortune. His books are interesting but don't bring people anything, but mislead people. But he is a "big writer" and is worshipped by so many people.

People often only believe in what they are willing to believe. If the truth exceeds their tolerance, they will distort and reject it. This is the world in the eyes of "plane people". They live in a two-dimensional world and are like an ant by the "god" of the three-dimensional world. Looking down.

  The choice of thinking level determines the amount of curiosity of a person. Those who have forgotten the "possibility" and curiosity will always answer the "common sense" of thousands of people.

   What’s more sad is that these people often think that they are in control of the truth. Everyone says that Michael Jackson is a pedophile. He must be ironclad. All those who question this argument are “wrong”.

  What's the point of hurting a kind and innocent person? Oh, what a clever way the boy’s parents who accused him can get money, 23 million dollars can get him out of poverty and become rich, he should feel very happy and happy.

  (End of this chapter)