Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 518: Depressed baby

  Chapter 518 Depression Baby

  In 1996, with the collapse of the Muggle Bridge, the entire wizarding world understood that Voldemort had come back, the public was in panic, Diagon Alley became very depressed, and only Weasley’s magic trick shop was still operating normally.

At that time, a badge that was supposed to change the appearance of the wearer was sold on the street, but in fact it was just a scam. This badge would only turn the wearer’s face into orange, and more seriously, it would make people grow tentacles all over the body. Like sarcoma. Arthur Weasley transferred from the Office of Abuse of Magic to this department after the establishment of the Office for the Investigation and Collection of Counterfeit Defensive Curses and Protective Equipment of the Ministry of Magic, and a large number of deformation medals were collected every day.

Changing appearance is a compulsory course for Auror training. It is not a simple course. Tonks is a natural disguise and Margus can easily pass the test, but she is not suitable for the kind of lurking Auror, mainly because she controls it. I can't control my emotions and I'm not good at playing others.

  People who perform special tasks have some special features. Pomona’s specialty is hiding. She is like an invisible person and almost no one notices her. Hefpaff is good at hiding and affects Navier Longbottom.

Facing the chase of Carlos brothers and sisters, he fled to the House of Requirement, allowing members of da to live in to avoid arrest. It felt like guerrillas avoiding the Gestapo. Snape was like a SS in an enemy-occupied area. He didn't dare to resist, but secretly he kept small movements. Compared with the real Great Depression, this kind of petty play is like jokes.

  Newt Scamander went to New York just three years before the Great Depression in the United States, and silently caused panic on the streets of New York, and no one was walking on the streets.

  Since the prohibition on alcohol was promulgated on January 17, 1920, the United States has been in crisis. The original intention of this bill was good at the beginning. It was to reduce domestic violence caused by alcoholism. However, domestic violence has become social violence, and musicians carrying "violin boxes" are hanging out on the street everywhere.

During the Great Depression, two kinds of men appeared. One was mixed eating and waiting to die. Relying on government relief, they barely had a full meal. They usually played poker, sunbathes, naps, and smoked cheap cigarettes. When hard work was useless, they were hanging around. Just be foolish, it's useless to work hard anyway.

  When there is no hope, a large part of people will give up. In the Middle Ages, because of frequent crop failures and wars, civilians often stood at the door of the church and waited for the relief house to release food. The Christian church was once very wealthy, not only had a large tract of land near Rome, but also in other countries. Men lay on the ground and basked in the sun, doing nothing, just like a group of tame sheep.

  One is that they don’t want to eat and wait to die. They join the gang and live a precarious gang life. Their money came and went quickly. From 1930 to 1939, many states in the United States successively declared horse betting legal. The vast majority of people cannot make a fortune by gambling. They start to rob banks after losing their money. The crime rate has soared twice as much as before the Great Depression.

  No longer is suicide. Since 1932, the suicide rate in the United States has soared. Because of the psychological pressure caused by long-term unemployment, even if there is no suicide, there are mental problems.

When desperate, the President of the United States did nothing, such as helping the hungry. Instead, he believed that charitable organizations should do this. The problem is that even the church does not have so much food to help. Those big bourgeois and big farmers are indifferent to the poor.

His laissez-faire principles and corporate self-management principles have further worsened the underlying crisis. The singing and dancing in the years before the stock market crash numbed people's nerves. When Wall Street stocks suddenly plummeted, banks went bankrupt, agriculture went bankrupt, and people stayed in the bank. The money cannot be withdrawn at all.

  He is like a lazy old cat. Not only is he slow, but he rarely takes measures to deal with the economic crisis. His act of saving the big capitalists was for votes, but in the 1933 general election, people abandoned him without hesitation and voted for Franklin Roosevelt, who advocated reform. Prohibition was lifted after Roosevelt took office.

Currency is originally a medium of exchange, and its function is to facilitate people's exchanges. If the bank fails to withdraw money, people don't worry about depositing the money in the bank again, so they hide the money as in ancient times. As a result, the currency circulating in the market has decreased and deflation has occurred. At this time, the Muggle President encouraged people to spend their money. Of course, he was ignored. Some states began to print their own money, so some states in the United States resumed bartering. Many farmers in the countryside exchange agricultural products, and they all returned to primitive society from the civilized society after the industrial revolution.

Everyone has no money. The income of doctors and lawyers will decline. Consumerism will lead to the disappearance of civil society. The duty of doctors is to save people. But in a consumerist society, only rich people can see a doctor. Without money, there is no way to see a doctor, and people are not. You can get sick at any time, especially the rich, so that the doctor's income will be reduced.

  Consumerism is the easiest way to brainwash women. These doctors started to engage in illegal abortions in order to increase their income. According to Christian teachings, abortion is illegal, but in economic depression, the situation in the country is worse than in the city, and relief food is often not available. In order to make a living, some young and beautiful girls come to the big cities and they become men. Prey.

Men will not teach women the correct values ​​because of their ignorance and lack of discernment. Instead, they will use this to get what they want. The consequences of tasting the forbidden fruit are all borne by women. These girls often do not have medical insurance or There will be a regular hospital that will accept abortion operations. Only doctors who practice illegal medicine will accept abortions. There are countless young girls who die on their operating tables every year. They often close their cases as missing. In that era of extremely high crime rates, With one or two girls missing, no one cares at all.

  The moral decline has made people do a lot of crazy things. In order to get the job of firefighter, people started to set fire to the forest.

During the Great Depression, people called for the strong to lead them out of this soft quagmire. Even the seemingly tough writer Hemingway has become a sought-after hero, and Hemingway’s works bear a heavy mark of Nietzsche’s philosophy. People need “heroes”. Rather than a cunning and clever businessman.

  If a behavior prevents a businessman from gaining benefits and profits, he will not do it. Therefore, there has been a weird behavior of people pouring milk while many people are starving and malnourished.

Pouring milk is in line with the market economy, but it is not in line with humanitarianism. In the words of the Chinese, "You are not afraid of being condemned by the gods for such abusive things." This is also a collective unconscious behavior, just like the control group in the Martina humanity experiment. Someone pointed a gun at Martina's head, but it was a "show", why would anyone stop it?

  The behavior of a dairy farmer pouring milk is also a market behavior. The dairy farmer will starve to death if he fails to make money. Why does he want to help others with the excess milk?

  He will also settle accounts with the person who raised the objection, and he will lose money because of this. A person full of money, his humanity has been wiped out, even if he sees a baby without milk and crying so hungry, he won’t feel anything.

  He might even think, it’s not his fault, what kind of children are there in such an economic environment? Why do some people just tie their pants badly?

  The real **** does not necessarily have raging fire, it may also be full of ice.

  At that time, the American magical world was also busy with wars, and there was no time to take care of Muggles. The magical world was "lively" because Grindelwald.

  Businessmen can promote social development for a period of time, but after all, they are heroes who lead people to the new era.

There are always things in this world that can ignite people’s passions and make people invest in them recklessly and recklessly. An excellent speaker can stir up people’s emotions and do irrational things, regardless of personal gains and losses. Make any sacrifices just for the "dream" that looks funny in the eyes of the businessman.

  Does reading for the rise of China sound ridiculous? However, the people who said this became great men. They were all foreign students. They studied to earn money and graduated but were only ruled by the ruling class. They did not get the social status they wanted. Even those who had "decent" during the Great Depression "Workers also have to live in "Hoover Village."

  Churchill is also a bad habit of mixing, but everyone should read his speech.

  This is what he said during the battle at Dunkirk:

Even if there are many old countries in large areas of land in Europe that have been or are about to be captured by the **, we still can’t say that we have failed. We have to persist until the end. We have to fight in France, we have to fight in the sea and the ocean, and we have to Maintaining confidence and strength, we have to protect our island, no matter what the price we have to pay. Maybe we want to fight on the beach, we want to fight on the land where we landed, we want to fight in the streets and fields, we want to fight on the mountains, but we must not surrender, even if one day, although I don’t want to believe it, our A large part of the British Isles was conquered and starved. Our empire's overseas lands will also be armed, and follow in the footsteps of the British, and continue to fight until the time of God's manifestation.

Albus Dumbledore used Harry Potter, the "chosen boy" to become a war hero. He was just an ordinary person, but this obvious "sign of resistance" brought hope to everyone, plus Potter At the watch station, people did not commit suicide because of despair like the Americans during the Great Depression.

  Pomona does not intend to use Albus’s method. A politician should be good at speaking. Hermione’s speech is too immature, and it will not let her shine in the Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic.

  Who said that a housewife cannot become a minister of magic? The only thing blocking Hermione's progress was her husband, Ron Weasley, a very ordinary "man".

   "I hate you, Severus." Pomona gritted her teeth, listening to the recording of Churchill's speech while picking up a quill to revise the speech for Hermione.

  Hermione’s proposition is anti-abuse and unprovoked dismissal, which is full of tragic and sympathetic factors, but it has no effect on people who lack sympathy and empathy.

  Hermione wants to be the "Iron Lady", not the popular "Gummy Minister" like Wilmina Tuft.

  (End of this chapter)