Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 522: Dirty hands

  Chapter 522 Dirty Hands

  Pomona was born on May 15. According to superstition, a witch born in May must marry a Muggle.

  But in fact her husband is a half-blood prince, and her official name is Mrs. Prince.

In the 17th century, people believed that pure-blood traitors liked Muggles because they were insecure about their magic power. It is said that this was a pure-blood propaganda made by Brutus Malfoy. He was the anti-Muggle publication "War in War". The editor of "The Witcher" wrote in one of his publications: To see if someone's magic is lame, the most accurate sign is to see if he shows a preference for non-magic people.

  This is of course a superstition, but in the era when he lived, Muggle's persecution of witches and witches also reached its peak. Under this circumstance, anti-Muggle sentiment spread widely in the magic society.

  Over time, more and more examples proved that this statement was wrong, so this prejudice gradually disappeared, but there are still many wizards who think that Muggle-like wizards are inferior.

Severus was a Death Eater before. He didn’t like Muggles and Muggle society. Severus didn’t like Snape very much. He liked Lily on the premise that she was a witch. After that, their relationship was alienated, at least when they joined the old slug's club, they didn't hear of any more drama.

When Harry was in the fifth grade, Fudge used the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet to mislead the public. Many people thought that Albus Dumbledore was forming an army, and Harry Potter was crazy. This rumor did not follow Fudge’s resignation. It's self-evident.

After the Second Wizarding War was fully launched in 1997, there were rumors that a wizard would die if Voldemort looked at him. Fred refuted the rumors at the Potter Observation Station. Only the Basilisk could do this. Severus's proposal of using the radio was very important. Min’s "Housed Elf Anti-Abuse and Unreasonable Dismissal" bill can be used to circumvent the Daily Prophet, but there are still problems in its implementation. The wizards don’t care about the demands of the house elves. They mainly want a free one to work for themselves. The slave, who cares what the slave thinks.

  The speech written by Pomona can be burned, and the wizards who put the knife on their neck will not be obedient.

  The popularization of knowledge about the treatment of werewolves and other dark creatures and the elimination of superstitions can be a column. Hermione’s speech can be interspersed in the program. She is not the president of the United States. She can open a fireside conversation for the people of the United States to listen to.

  The effect is only when there is an audience. In order to let the public notice how much Lockhart has spent on packaging himself.

Unlike gold, banknotes can be printed indefinitely. When the Great Depression swept the world in 1929, Germany, which was already burdened with huge debts from World War I, was even more breathless. In response to this economic crisis, the German Republic chose to print and issue a large number of banknotes to make up for its finances. , Which caused huge inflation.

Originally 4 marks were exchanged for 1 U.S. dollar, and then 400 million marks could be exchanged for 1 U.S. dollar. The biggest impact of currency devaluation was that a large number of people were unemployed and their daily lives could not be maintained. In view of this situation, the United States did not solve it by printing a large amount of money. The problem of currency in circulation.

  Neither deflation nor inflation is a good thing. Compared with Muggles, wizards have always used silver coins such as gold and silver as currency.

Each Jin Jialong has a serial number. If any Jin Jialong does not contain enough gold, the responsible fairy can be held accountable. As a result, the wizard's financial market is stable compared to Muggles, even if it is a depression caused by war. It will soon recover.

The biggest difference between Roosevelt and Hoover lies in the government's regulation of market behavior. The free market is not subject to any restriction. When there is sufficient profit temptation, capitalists dare to trample on all laws and ethics and rely on market freedom mechanisms to regulate themselves. impossible.

The financial crisis in the United States also has an impact on Europe. In order to transfer their own losses, various countries collected debts from the defeated World War I Germany at the Lausanne Conference. Germany, which was originally restricted by the victorious countries in all aspects, undoubtedly made the situation worse, and the functions of the republican government increased. The large tax repayment has made the German proletariat even more burdened, leaving hidden dangers for the Communist Party to come to power invisibly.

After Roosevelt came to power, the US economy has advanced by leaps and bounds, but Germany has been regressing. Eventually, under the influence of the US economic situation, ** came to power, ** directly tore up the Versailles peace treaty. Not long after, the employment rate in Germany without debt rose to almost 100%, but other countries still Restricting Germany in all aspects eventually aroused the dissatisfaction of the German people.

   Fairies control the wizard’s finances. They are very rich. During the First Wizarding War, many fairies were killed and their Jin Jialong was robbed. This was also a dispute caused by money disputes.

  Money is not a panacea, but in most cases it can really make people lose their minds.

In 1862, the British used Armstrong cannons to bombard the Satsuma Fort and Kagoshima for the first time in the Anglo-Samoa War in 1862. During the American Civil War, Britain exported a large number of Armstrong cannons to the United States. After the war, the remaining artillery was bought by Japan. At the same time, Saga Fan began to imitate the Armstrong cannon.

  The Japanese have been trying to get rid of the technological monopoly of Europe and the United States, and they started to strengthen themselves later than the Qing Dynasty.

Armstrong’s artillery had a major design problem. The squad had used the Armstrong artillery in the Battle of Ueno, Boshin, Fujiwara, and Aizu Tsurumaru. According to the data obtained from actual combat, the British army began to dismantle. Install the cannon instead of the previous installation.

  The processing of the rifling is very precise. Although it can enhance the accuracy and range of the shooting, it also has jammed and delayed bullets, and the cost is very high. In 1866, Armstrong modified the cannonball in the design.

  The Beiyang Navy purchased British warships. Of course, the United Kingdom would not allow the Beiyang Navy to defeat itself. After the Great Irish Famine and the financial crisis broke out, there was already a plan for the Second Opium War to rob the Qing government.

However, at that time, the British Armstrong Shipyard and Germany's Volkeng Shipyard attacked each other to **** the order from the Beiyang Navy. "Two fighting devils are better than an angel." The quality of the warships purchased by the Beiyang Navy from Britain and Germany. They are quite strong, and their weapons and equipment are also top-notch. Their original intention of selling defective products was violated. In order to obtain the order, both parties lost their minds, and instead made Manqing a real benefit.

In 1890, when the Second Opium War was defeated in Qing Dynasty, Cixi ordered the Beiyang Navy to not purchase armaments from abroad. She probably suspected that Britain and Germany had sold fake artillery shells to her. The Beiyang Navy had used it since 1891. Cannonballs produced in my own country.

  The artillery shells are divided into solid shells and open shells. Unfortunately, at that time, the technology of Chinese weapons and ammunition was very weak, and the output of open shells was small and difficult to guarantee, so the main production was solid shells.

During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Beiyang Marine Division first shot the blooming bombs provided by the manufacturer, and had to use non-explosive solid bombs or even coach bombs to fight against the Japanese ships. Because the solid bombs “pierced and did not explode”, the Beiyang Marine Division hit several times. The Chinese and Japanese ships, but the Japanese ships can always survive, and none of them sinks.

In contrast to the Japanese fleet, the shells fired are basically "picric acid" filled with new gunpowder. Not only is the explosive power a hundred times that of the old black powder, but the high temperature generated by the explosion is enough to melt steel. These shells were invented by the French for the sake of conservation. The secret French never publishes the formula of bitter sour. After a Japanese gunpowder expert grabbed a handful of bitter sour, he put the gunpowder in front of the French, but when he returned to the hotel, he used a toothpick to pierce his nails. The picric acid powder was kicked out and brought back to Japan for testing. In the end, Japan succeeded in developing picric acid at the expense of several gunpowder experts being burned to death, and used it in the Sino-Japanese naval battle soon.

  If the Beiyang Navy were equipped with more bombs, if the Beiyang Navy were also equipped with bitter sour, the Sino-Japanese naval battle of Jiawu would not have been defeated with this result.

  Japan is very poor. For this naval battle, all the power has been used. If Japan loses, there will be no chance of rising. In the end, Japan won. They left their former teachers behind and began to learn from the West in an all-round way.

  There is a white-haired girl in a ballet in China. Like Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren, the debt and creditor's rights relationship cannot exist, and it is even impossible to use "Xi'er" to repay the debt.

  Women are humans, not commodities, why can they be used by their fathers to pay off debts?

  Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world. What they did later was to exterminate humanity, and the former glory became shame, and no one wanted to live in a world controlled by those madmen.

  Hitler was a painter. He knew that a good-looking military uniform could attract the enthusiasm of young people to join the army.

  You can’t admire them just because the military uniforms look good, and you can’t join because the Death Eaters look "cool", but how much do you listen to those who fall into irrational fanaticism?

  Beautiful appearance can make people lose their judgment and become biased. If Voldemort was not a snake-faced monster in the Second Wizarding War, but was as handsome as before, he would not need to rule in a terrifying way.

Even the enemy has something to learn from. Pomona sighed helplessly. In order to attract the audience, she must also find two celebrities, preferably those who are handsome or beautiful and unmarried. Severus has a nice voice, but he already " "Dead", otherwise he is a very suitable "idol".

    There is no motivation to write it down, I will stop for a while after the update tomorrow

By the way, the interview questions for Oxford University in 2019 asked about the difference between reading materials written for children and reading materials for adults. The interviewer mentioned Harry Potter. The hidden information in this book requires a lot of reading. , I'm too busy



  (End of this chapter)