Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 526: Raisehell

  Chapter 526 Raisehell

  The responsive house is like every family's utility room, which is full of miscellaneous things that are not usually used, but it is a pity that they are lost.

Women always think this thing is commemorative. Every item is full of heavy memories. It seems that only by collecting them well and keeping them in their original appearance after the baptism of time can they express profoundly to it. cherish.

  For a woman, whether it is love or fetish, as long as emotion is used, all behaviors are worthy of being allowed and understood.

For consumerism and capitalists, the biggest enemy is "disappearance". Excess items become a drag on life. It will be heavy and make people breathless. Burning those things will make people relaxed. Much more, you can concentrate on pursuing spiritual freedom if you get rid of your obsession with materials. Subtractive life allows people to control their desires. Shopping frenzy is actually a typical "compulsive shopping behavior". Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a terrible endless loop. Housewives are at a high risk of suicide, and patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder are 10 times more likely to commit suicide than healthy people.

  Some women think that suicide can arouse the sympathy of men and save their marriage and love.

  However, this is not the case. Even if the woman actually cut her wrists in the hotel bathtub just like that song sings, they just forget about it for a while and soon start a new relationship with a new woman.

  They are good at "moveon", and they are also believers in the law of averaging, that is, the more customers they visit, the greater the chance of a deal.

There are enough women on the same date, and they have more opportunities for "in-depth communication", so there is no need to feel uneasy about rejecting their pursuit. Frustration will make people grow up. What kind of person we will become depends on us. They will understand the importance of not making hasty decisions.

The church’s mission is primarily women. They took advantage of women’s good intentions. The victims were also women during the witch trials. When the Black Death caused their lies to be exposed, they lost their status as landlords and became uninhabited. Believe it.

  People live in a huge system. When studying history, we should not only pay attention to human society, but also pay attention to the weather.

  The Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a severe drought occurred in the Yellow River area, and the biggest plague in ancient China occurred. Zhang Zhongjing was from that era. He wrote a treatise on typhoid and miscellaneous diseases. It seems that the plague that prevailed in that era was "typhoid fever."

  Zhang Jiao is widely used in society by cursing people with spells, gaining a large number of followers, developing strength, and expanding influence.

  At that time, the court was in the dominion of eunuchs. Officials were fighting for power and profit. No one cares about the lives of the people. Therefore, the Yellow Turban uprising spread like wildfire.

  Officials are still calculating their salaries. The people are so hungry that they lose their minds. At this time, making the right choice can achieve a career. Cao Cao knows very well, but Kong Rong does not know.

  The Chinese have been trying to promote Confucian culture and tell the children the story of Kong Rong Rangli. Western parents are actually disgusted with this behavior.

  Kong Rong's behavior to let Li deprived other children, including his brother's opportunity to perform, the praise was robbed by him alone. This habit was brought to him after he grew up. He was later appointed as an architect by the emperor, but he participated in government affairs that he shouldn't be in charge of. He may have been accustomed to being praised by people since he was a child, so he has to continue his reputation when he grows up.

This kind of person is very annoying. Harry used to have bad potions, because Severus’ old textbook became the "prince" of the potions class. Many people were dissatisfied with it. Ernie often went back to the lounge. Complain about this.

She understands that the Chinese want to export their cultural eagerness, but Westerners are not fools. If teachers in the East see their children still choose not to give up under the enlightenment of Kong Rong Rangli, they will have a big red cross, and in the West they will fight. Gou and said, "You did the right thing, kid."

Kong Rong made the story of pears very dishonest. He obviously wanted to eat the largest pear, but he chose the smallest one for praise. Moreover, he let the story of pears pass for two thousand years. He gained more benefits than a pear. This kind of education method will cultivate an egoist who is good at acting. Once this kind of person has power, it will be more harmful than ordinary corrupt officials.

  In the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a severe drought, and there was no grain harvest. Cao Cao issued a prohibition on alcohol.

  The wine in the Han Dynasty was mainly brewed from grain, and the worst disaster was Qingzhou, which was the Beihai area where Kong Rong once managed.

At the beginning, he did a good job. He set up a school and showed Confucianism. Even minor good deeds were treated with courtesy. However, he couldn't fight wars. After Kong Rong was surrounded by Huangjin Guanhai, the situation was urgent, so he sent Taishi to the plains. Liu Bei asked for help.

  The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Pomona has also seen it. Liu Bei, who loves to cry, is also a very cunning person. After Cao Cao issued the prohibition order, he also closed the prohibition order under his own.

  Cao Cao’s implementation of the prohibition order had a famous dispute in history with Confucius’s twentieth Sun Kongrong.

   Cao Cao said: Drinking and mourning morality is the righteousness of the world, so alcohol should be forbidden.

Kong Rong said: Ancient sages like to drink more. For example, Emperor Yao was not drunk for a thousand minutes and established a peaceful world; Confucius can only be called a saint if he can't fall down a hundred gobs; Liu Bang is drunk and kills the white snake and rises; Eh; wait.

  Cao Cao also said: Many incumbents are mistaken about wine. For example, Xia Jie and Shang Zhou lost the world because of good wine.

  Kong Rong also said: Xia Jie and Shang Zhou also lost the world because of their women, so do you want to prohibit people from getting married? In fact, your real intention for prohibition is nothing but food.

  So Cao Cao had nothing to say.

  An egoist often has a high IQ. Kong Rong is so good at debating, but he forgot that the people are starving to death, and the army does not have enough food to fight.

At that time, there were constant wars, and the people didn’t have a livelihood. “The bones were in the wild, and there were no chickens.” In such an extreme environment, he had alcohol to drink, and others had no food to eat. Maybe he was not so fond of drinking and opposed the prohibition. It is to suppress the political enemy Cao Cao, but his approach is incorrect. He thinks about the problem from his own point of view, not for the sake of others. Even if one day catches fire, he will say that other people’s homes are on fire and what’s wrong with him. This kind of relationship comes.

  If the fire spreads and it burns to his home, he shouts to put out the fire, and others answer with "What does your fire have to do with me?", the fire should not be extinguished.

The Great Fire of London occurred after the Great Plague. At that time, all the residents of London could run away, and most of the houses burned down were those who lived in the black death patients before. No one wanted to approach it. The fire burned only half of London, if not. Later, it was rebuilt, and London was already in ruins. How can it be as shining as it is today.

Cao Cao’s prohibition against alcohol was not implemented in the end. Too many "literati" publicly opposed it in the form of loud quarrels. In ancient China, there have always been civil and military disputes. In the West, it is a matter of faith. Kennedy is the only Catholic president elected in the United States. , Catholicism and Protestantism used to have great differences. Some people think that American culture is cars, cowboys, and skyscrapers. The real America has the problem of gun proliferation and alcoholism. The prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s was also issued to solve "alcoholism." of.

  Irish Cupid Palmerston, like Kong Rong, is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, but he is involved in naval warships.

  Diplomat’s protocol is very useful, but a well-equipped heavy gunship is a great defender of peace.

  He allowed warships to make enemies everywhere and left British diplomacy completely passive. Finally, he was "honorably isolated", and he did not improve after more than a hundred years. In order to arouse the trust of the party, he strangled a sheep thief in spite of the opposition of the masses. According to Pomona, he was the one who should be hanged the most.

An Lushan is also a sheep thief. Jiedu has the power to enforce military and civilian laws. Stealing sheep seems to be a very serious crime in the Tang Dynasty. After youzhou Jiedu asked Zhang Shougui about the case, he ordered someone to beat the sheep thief on the spot. Killed, but An Lushan managed to survive.

He was very familiar with the nature of the people of the Central Plains. He sent exquisite carvings to Tang Minghuang and repaired the gorgeous Huaqing Pond. The end of abuse of power and misuse of money was when the money was really needed. Tang Suzong went everywhere to raise money to pay for the military, so he agreed to return to the flock. The condition for the robbery of Chang'an was that the prince and the Uighur became brothers in the end, so that the Uighur soldiers were not busy robbing Chang'an, and they could rob the more prosperous Luoyang after Luoyang was recovered.

  It is very difficult to get rich people in the East to contribute money. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty tried it. The fight against the Xiongnu requires donations from merchants. As a result, only one person in the country responded.

  The Xiongnu is so far away from the Central Plains, what does it have to do with the rich people in the Central Plains? This feeling is understandable, and the Americans do not plan to participate in World War II. A mistake in the choice between asking for money or a terrible result is self-defeating.

  You can get something if you have to give up. It’s hard to get the “money fans” to change their minds and get rid of material desires and obsessions. They are only willing to donate money to the temple when they burn to the Buddha and want to earn more money on their own.

Buddhism is getting richer and richer because of these "alms". Many famous scenic spots in China are temples. They are very magnificent and occupy a large area. This is also the reason why the emperors slaughtered the Buddha. Buddhists not only affected the soldiers, but also affected them. Land and taxes.

The United States has a very strict tax law. This is also a lesson from China’s history. The rich will do everything possible to evade taxes, but they will spend a lot of money for themselves, build luxurious mausoleums to improve their luck, occupy the cultivated land of the living, and finally During the war, people were digging out bones and ashes, and the funerary items were dug up to serve as military expenses for the warlords.

  Another example of abuse of power and money is the Old Summer Palace. That is a lesson. It should remain in ruins instead of rebuilding it, spending money and energy in the wrong place again.

  A long, long time ago, there was a pair of brothers who didn't follow the rules very much, and they had a wildness in their bones. Once, they made a big mistake and they stole sheep from local villagers.

  The pair of thieves were quickly caught, and the local residents decided their fate: the two letters "ST" will be printed on the foreheads of the brothers, namely SheepThief (Sheep Thief). This mark will accompany them for life.

  One of the brothers felt ashamed and embarrassed, he fled the village, and no one heard from him again. The other brother, full of guilt, obeyed the villager's destiny. He stayed and used his actions to make up for the mistakes he had made. At first, the villagers still had doubts about him and were unwilling to associate with him. However, the young man made up his mind to make up for the mistakes he made. No matter who is sick in the village, the young man with "Sheep Thief" printed on his forehead will run over to take care of him with warm soup and love. No matter whose job is lacking a helper, this "goat thief" will run to help. Whether it's the poor or the rich, "the sheep thief" is willing to lend a helping hand. Moreover, he never received any compensation for his good deeds. In this life, he seems to live to help others

  Many years have passed, and a tourist passes by their village. He was eating lunch in a small restaurant on the side of the road, and an old man was sitting nearby, and he found a strange mark printed on the old man's forehead. He also found that all the villagers would stop when they passed by the old man to express their respect and say a few words to the old man; the children would also stop playing and give the old man a warm hug. Outsiders were very curious and asked the restaurant Boss, "What does the mark on the old man's forehead mean?"

   "I don't know, this is a long time ago..." the boss replied, and then he thought for a while and said, "I think those two letters represent ‘saint’ (saint)."

  She didn't think Confucius was a saint, and she didn't think that Kong Rong was an object worth learning, and his story was not worth singing.

In contrast, she prefers Cao Cao, the "traitor" who killed him, and his lecherous illness also brought him a murderous disaster. His wife, Mrs. Ding, separated from him because of Cao Ang's death, and Cao Angzhi So he died because Cao Cao derailed and had an affair with Zhang Xiu's widowed aunt. Zhang Xiu, who had originally surrendered, was furious, so he led his men to defect directly. Cao Cao was caught off guard and escaped. This time Cao Cao was defeated very thoroughly. His nephew Cao Anmin died in battle, and his beloved general Dian Wei died in battle. The most important thing is that Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang, died.

  A small humble action can cause a series of chain reactions. A butterfly in the tropical rainforest of the Amazon River Basin in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas in two weeks' time.

Losing a nail, breaking a hoof; breaking a hoof, breaking a war horse; breaking a war horse, wounding a knight; wounding a knight, losing a battle; losing After a battle, an empire was destroyed.

  No one will admit that the abuse of power and money will perish the country. If you can’t use money at will, why fight for power and profit?

   Pushing the responsibility to seclusion and locking the country, after all, those who don’t know are not guilty, and seclusion and locking the country have narrowed their horizons, which is easier to forgive than knowingly committed crimes.

  The feeling of not being able to use money and power freely is like a fierce fire that burns people all over, but this kind of pain can make people sober, and it is more effective than head hanging.

  Practicing penance means no happiness and comfort. Who wants to suffer? Goujian, the king of Yue, has the courage to pay, and Ah Dou is reluctant to think about Shu. There are always more important things in this world than a comfortable life.

  Only by experiencing **** can we have the power to create heaven.

  Only the fingers that have left blood can play the swan song of the world.

After experiencing the Black Death, Europeans began to think about the meaning of life. Protestants "doubt" the meaning of the existence of Catholic priests. If Kennedy introduces Catholicism to the United States, the new church will be seriously affected. There are countless examples of division and confusion due to faith. Perhaps this That's why Kennedy dared not announce the results of the investigation when he was assassinated.

  There are no so-called secrets in this world, only the hidden truth. One day we will know who is right and who is wrong.

  In the face of “justice”, right and wrong have their own justice, and the rewards and punishments of good and evil will be distinguished. This is a manifestation of cause and effect, and it is not at all lucky.

In the face of an unknown destiny, how to decide the future path by yourself, the wizard superstition says, "If you don’t see where its brain is hidden, you should never believe what you can think." Therefore, Confucianism is like this. Thoughts full of lies are not worth promoting. Although Confucius is indeed a great man, he lied whitely in order to lead people to good. The truth is that human nature is evil, not what he said is that human nature is good.

  (End of this chapter)