Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 531: Definition of person

  Chapter 531 Definition of person

  People at the bottom of society have a rough sense of life, which is a kind of "stubborn" vitality that has been tempered by living at the bottom of society for a long time, aliased as weeds.

  The jeans that everyone wears on the streets today are those worn by early pioneers.

  Jeans are equal to the gold rush. The first immigrants who set foot on the American continent were poor and white. They had to work hard. Intense labor makes clothes very easy to wear, especially when the miners swarmed into California in 1849, the poor ghosts desperately needed a kind of durable clothes.

Revolvers and indigo jeans are the standard equipment of western cowboys. In literature, film and television works, cowboys usually wear a Mexican-style wide-brimmed hat, carry a Winchester rifle on their shoulders, and wear a bullet belt. , Wearing jeans and leather jackets, tight-fitting multi-pocket denim jackets, wearing a pair of high leather boots decorated with thorns, a large colorful scarf around the neck, and riding a fast horse. The rebellious wildness is what the "captive" men lack.

  Some existing photos show that their lives are hard and dirty, but their work is not as dangerous as generally thought. Their faces are dusty, wearing loose and drooping woolen shirts and trousers, which are completely different from the glorious cowboy images on screens and literary works.

  Sometimes what you see is not true. Just like a woman’s makeup technique, there are totally two people before and after makeup. Human eyes are so easily deceived.

Capital, like flowing water, has to flow continuously to form value. The only American artillery fired by its own people after the Civil War is useless, and the United States is also developing its own military industry. It is a pity that those eliminated Armstrong guns have been lost. It was useless to keep it, just because the Japanese needed it for war, so the Americans turned waste into treasure and sold it to them.

  During the Second World War, the US authorities designated jeans as the uniform of the US military, and a large number of jeans went deep into the hinterland of Europe with the Allied forces. After the war soldiers returned to the United States, a large number of accumulated jeans were sold in limited quantities in the local area. Because this kind of pants are beautiful, practical, durable, and cheap, they are very popular in the local area. As a result, local European workwear manufacturers have rushed to imitate the original American colors, which has made jeans popular and popular all over Europe.

  The widespread popularity of rock music in the 1970s and the influence of the hippie lifestyle on teenagers made denim even more popular.

  American culture is full of excitement and is extremely aggressive. It emphasizes personal heroism, personal value, and personal achievement. This kind of value is incompatible with the “combined” people.

  Polo Bazaar is multicultural, and there are many Spanish tapas and snacks on the market.

  The decline of Spain is a complicated and long-term process. Spain is a Catholic country.

  Protestants are not sensitive to "sin", while Catholics are too sensitive. At least Spain has not committed genocide in South America, nor is it shameless to transfer the gratitude to Indians to the Lord.

  Only when others fall down can they survive. Pomona is now afraid that Severus will become that kind of person.

  The white wizard and the dark lord who can control him now are gone, and Lucius has had a great influence on him again. Once he gets used to this extravagant life, it is difficult to correct it.

  Since the 16th century, due to the Black Death, the absolute status of the Catholic Church in Europe has been shaken. The church was very poor at the beginning, and after gaining power, it became the largest buyer of silk in the East.

  Sima Qian once said that the world's hustle and bustle are all good things, and the silk is one pound and twelve taels of gold shipped along the Silk Road. What's more important is that "silk" can be produced continuously, not as non-renewable as gold. The former western China was driven by the "extraordinary profits" of silk and spices.

   can move people to remote and wild areas. In addition to the spirit of adventure, the exploration of places like the Arctic is huge profits. If oil is not discovered, the whales will be hunted and killed.

Human civilization has destroyed the habitats of many animals. Newt is committed to protecting those amazing animals that are on the verge of extinction. She is not a vegetarian, but she “cares for the environment” so much. Compared with other colleges, Hefpaff There are very few very outstanding magicians, but the graduates of Hefpaff College are an important part of the magic world.

Maybe they cannot be the savior like Harry, maybe they cannot be remembered by people like Dumbledore, but no matter when and where, they may not be the best and helpful friends, but they must be the happiest. The most devoted stranger friends; maybe they can't do earth-shattering things, but they will constitute many ordinary but indispensable details that are almost negligible!

Badger is an animal that is often underestimated because it is calm before being attacked, but once provoked, it can fight against animals that are much larger than itself, including wolves.

  She never regretted being assigned to the Badger Academy, even though in the eyes of many people, Hefpaff was an academy where he was a waste fool.

  "Why are you unhappy?" Although they were both very bored people, the atmosphere of silence along the way was different from usual, and Severus was also a little unhappy.

   "I think I have committed a crime." She said pitifully, "Too extravagant."

   "Damn it, do you think I can't afford your life?" He felt even more annoyed, as if she had offended him.

"The definition of man was solved in the 19th century. It was solved by one of the most popular ministers of the Ministry of Magic for a long time, Grogan Stump. Do you remember what it was?" Pomona posed. The posture of the teacher, when you often face dozens of little monsters, and fight with real giants, the terrible old Slytherin bat is nothing terrible.

   "Interesting, do you treat me as your student?" He said with a sarcastically smile.

   "Answer my question, Severus." She asked without compromise.

"A human being is any kind of creature that has enough intelligence to understand the laws of the magical society and bears part of the responsibility in the process of making these laws." He looked away and said perfunctorily, "No matter how ridiculous the law is. ."

  "I want to correct. Humans are any kind of creatures that have enough intelligence to understand social responsibilities and take part of the responsibilities in social activities. I was thinking about whether I was responsible for my behavior just now."

  "Why can't you let yourself relax a little and learn Hibiscus."

   "That's because I'm not you." She clutched her chest, feeling sullen and panicked. "You never compete fairly. You would rather use deceit to speculate."

"Are you thinking about your Cedric again?" He sarcastically said. "If Harry Potter hadn't told him the content of the first project, he would not be able to pass the first level. The world would have been unfair. If it weren’t for Albus’s preference, do you think you could become the dean so easily."

  She burst into tears immediately.

   "Do you also think I am incompetent as the dean?"

  Look at what she did. She didn't accomplish anything in her life, it was really a waste.

  She worked hard to teach the most satisfied student, hoping that he could revitalize Hefpaff, but he died at a young age.

  If she can do it again, she really hopes to tell Cedric that it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t get the first place, he is not the one chosen, and it’s okay to be an ordinary person.

  She hoped that he could live instead of living in other people’s memory. His father was too pitiful.

   "You are a better teacher than me." Severus whispered, "Marcus joined the night call and participated in the robbery. I taught a criminal."

   "But he provided useful information that they are planning to attack the nuclear power plant. This is worth more than gold." Pomona wiped away her tears and whipped up and said, "The gold can be his bounty."

   "They grabbed a lot of money." Severus sneered.

   "It's also possible that Muggles have put their corruption loopholes on them." Pomona said with disgust, "They will definitely go to jail if they are caught anyway."

   "Then do you think they are human?"

  Pomona thought for a while, “They have the wisdom to understand the law, but they have not shouldered their own legal responsibility to guard against theft. They cannot be regarded as complete people.”

  He squeezed her nose, clasped her fingers, and walked to the stall selling paella.

  The weather in the UK is wet and rainy. Compared with wheat and potatoes, which are prone to disease, rice is actually more suitable for planting, as long as people's eating habits are changed.

  Eating fried fish and potatoes all day, don’t you feel bored?

  Many people still remember the famine 150 years ago, because it was so tragic.

  It would be great if the Manchu officials who escorted the compensation at that time could see it. Unfortunately, he didn't see it when he went abroad. What exactly did he see?

  (End of this chapter)