Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 542: "prisoner"

  Chapter 542 "Prisoner"

The classical doctrine of Roman law holds that “children cannot commit crimes in advance”, “children under seven years of age cannot have the intent to commit a crime”, and children over 7 years of age and under 14 years of age are deemed “not guilty” and do not need to bear even if they commit a crime. Responsibility, because classical law believes that there can be no inherently bad children, and no irretrievable children.

Pomona doesn’t think so at all. There is a kind of “terminal illness” in this world called playfulness and laziness. She can make plants that can sing in the rest room, inspire children’s curiosity and interest in plants, so that they will not They learn naturally and consciously, but they cannot learn "consciously" and "voluntarily".

  Appropriate spurs help to move forward, but unfortunately corporal punishment is no longer allowed, especially in a completely closed environment like boarding school.

  The classical theory of Roman law has become the basic theory of the legislation of the protection of minors in various countries in the world. In the English common law, children are the private property of their parents, and parents have absolute power over their children, and they can even abuse and abandon them.

However, with the development of the human rights cause, this phenomenon is becoming intolerable, so the equity of "the state is the supreme guardian of minors" emerged. The purpose of this equity is not only to deal with harm to minors. Parents are also highlighting "guardianship thinking." Parents can't dispose of their children at will, let alone the teacher. However, during his tenure at the school, Umbridge managed to get the Ministry of Magic to agree that students can be flogged. The supreme guardian agreed to flog the children, so the parents can naturally too.

At this time, some people say that children cannot be beaten. There is a saying in the East that loving mothers often lose children. Buddy Crouch’s mother is a typical example. She can die in place of her son and be kissed by a dementor in Azkaban. Buddy Crouch still did not repent in the end, and Shine added his motherly love to him. In the end, he pretended to be Moody and got entangled with the Death Eaters, and was eventually taken to Azkaban to be executed.

The whole family is dead. Now some people are really satisfied. Closed boarding schools are similar to prisons, all isolated from the world. Riots often occur in prisons, accidents are also prone to accidents in schools, and people’s negative emotions will continue to accumulate. , To a certain extent, it needs to be released, Quidditch is a very suitable sport to vent. However, this is nothing compared to real violence. Gryffindor has been beaten by Slytherin before Harry enrolled. The Quidditch Cup champion has always been Slytherin, and he was always in this situation. It's turned upside down, and Albus isn't as eccentric as it is eccentric.

  Each teacher has his own unique style. Slughorn’s method is to deceive the students with rhetoric, how much he appreciates him, "terrible" Snape does not have this cunning.

  There is no punishment, only preaching, and these little monsters are even more lawless. All the professors can do is imprisonment, and Severus finally seized the opportunity to let people work for him. In the past, he could still ask Pomona to raise the elves through the house. After he became "independent" in Slytherin, he had to deal with it by himself. Therefore, he was more vigorous in catching students who violated disciplines than anyone else, because in his eyes those students were "workforce". "what!

  The psychology of Muggle is also applicable to wizards. The framing effect refers to the statement that a problem is similar in two logical senses but leads to different decision-making judgments.

  How can the criminals in the prison compare with the innocent children in the school? They are all criminals!

There are school rules in schools, laws outside schools, prison rules in prisons, and people live in rules and constraints all the time. The feeling of being controlled and unable to do whatever they want is of course painful. The prerequisite for the establishment of the Juvenile Protection Law is that human nature is good. Only when human nature is good can there be "no criminal intent", but the three Muggle children who hold Arianna in the water do not necessarily have "no criminal intent". Pomona is an evil critic of human nature, and school violence is another. A form of proof that Martina’s humanity experiment happened again without supervision, no correct guidance, and no fear of being punished. Bullying also requires imagination, which has produced many adults who seem to be very irrational. An incident of bullying that is simply absurd.

  The only solution for the victim in this situation is to call back by himself and tell the teacher that he can only save himself for a while, and that the teacher and the police are not on call.

People’s negative emotions need to be vented. To a certain extent, Lockhart has taken on the role of being "distracted" for Harry. Public execution can bring entertainment effects, not just the group of people who bullied Severus back then. , All the people who inflicted harm in the bullying incident have smiles on their faces. This is the result of Pomona’s long-term observation.

  These hurtful children need to be noticed, and being noticed can produce a pleasant feeling. Even if their parents know what they have done, they will not repent, but feel very happy, so that they become more serious.

Ignore them, because they do not get the attention they deserve, so they will do other things. At this time, they need the direct guardian of their parents to teach. There are thousands of students at Hogwarts, and there are only more than 20 faculty members. An average person has to take care of 50 people, and there is really no energy to pay attention to everyone.

  How easy it is to throw the child to the teacher, the teacher is fully responsible, and must teach the parents who can become a "great man". Failure to do so is that the teacher has a problem.

The teacher’s salary is not high. There are very few male teachers who are willing to "dedicate" now. They don’t care about anything. Ravenclaw’s students have any questions they can ask, but he will never take the initiative to teach, so that students can relax. He is also relaxed, Minerva will assign a lot of homework, and she will seriously correct it.

  Severus changed his homework to look at the handwriting first. He scribbled or deliberately wrote a large number of essays. He directly typed D or T. He would read Hermione’s papers carefully, and other people’s assignments depend on his mood.

Pomona doesn’t assign homework. Besides, who doesn’t like teachers who don’t assign homework? Most of Hefpaff will settle down. Only a few will stand out. She can only bring a few students. Each student leads others to take the lead as a "leader", so that the entire group will develop in a better direction.

Similarly, there are guards in prisons. Their attitude towards prisoners determines whether prisoners’ behaviors really change after being in jail. The key to interpersonal communication lies in how we determine the positive and negative frames. For an investment, the customer will follow. I don’t know what the product manager is talking about. At this time, saying "disobedience will lose opportunities" and "disobedience you will regret" are two feelings.

  Different reference points, people have different attitudes towards risk. When faced with gains, people will carefully choose risk aversion; when faced with losses, people are willing to take risks and tend to risk preference.

  It is regrettable to lose the opportunity, but if you simply say "you will regret", people will have a rebellious mentality. He just won't listen, and he will recognize it even if he regrets it in the future. But losing opportunities is another feeling, especially for those who like to speculate.

  A few of the speculators are not gamblers? The mentality of a gambler is different from that of most normal people. If there is a stable income, he will also gamble in order to obtain greater profits. The Weasley twins are gamblers. They started their business very early. They started gambling and lost money, but they didn't give up. They started selling quick-acting skipping candy in the fifth grade.

  What they do is absolutely prohibited by school rules, but why is there a more annoying Umbridge? She has fulfilled the guardianship duty of the country's highest guardian, but she did it for power and politics, not for "justice, conscience and justice."

If the East’s permanent warehouse balances the price of food and guarantees the stability of food supply, then the law of equity meets people’s spiritual needs for legal justice. Equity is created by making up for the shortcomings in the common law in the common law system to achieve peace. Embodying natural justice is the main task.

The reason for it is that "the stricter the law, the more harm the innocent will be." It usually means that the common law is too strict, and restraining one person is harmful to others. If there is no equity to regulate, it is unfair. Therefore, equity represents fairness. .

This is not available in the civil law system, but it does not mean that the civil law system is backward. The modern civil law system has borrowed many principles of equity through the method of codes. For example, parents in the East will punish their children if they know that their children do not study well. In terms of children's private rights, the East is higher than the West. How Eastern parents teach their children is their own business. If Western parents "abusive" their children, social workers and police will intervene because the country is the highest guardian of their children.

The system of horsemen is similar to that of Sparta. The foals are public when they are born. All adults can discipline the foals. Similarly, the horsemen will not kill people on the foals and minors. They have a sense of "citizen". It is very strong, although they do not wear clothes, and there is no constitution and laws and regulations to limit their behavior.

The   Weasley twins did illegal behavior, but everyone was very happy to see Umbridge's unlucky luck. Everyone cheered and said goodbye to the two troublemakers.

  But because he didn’t learn enough knowledge and started new activities alone, the "Lone Ranger" died. Hefpaff worked in a team. Even if his personal abilities were not good, he could learn from each other's strengths, and finally survived the war.

Albus operates Hogwarts as a family. The castle law stipulates that "my home is my castle", but the owner of this castle is Saracha Slytherin. As a descendant of Slytherin, Tom Riddle has the right to use it. He can drive everyone out of the castle, but for the students of Hogwarts, "This castle is my home." Tonks and Lupin even paid to protect it. life.

  Pomona glanced back at Severus, who was taking great strides and wandering around the castle vigorously. Now he seemed to be in a great mood, not at all the gloomy temperament of "I am a prisoner" before.

It’s very pleasant to be the "Kid King". Severus, who everyone fears at school, is just a prisoner who escaped trial because of the shelter of the white wizard. Many people remember that he was bullied when he was in school. Experience, and only a few people in the school knew, Filch would not say, nor would the kind-hearted Harry, no one knew the secret.

  Do you know what true bravery is? That is, no matter what happens, he can control his mouth, no matter what happens, he will not mess up his position.

Lockhart is not a brave man, but fortunately he didn’t say anything scary to make others more scared than himself. Karkaroff hoped that Severus would panic after seeing the darker mark darken. Then he can feel better.

  There are many such people, especially when "the end of the world is coming", other people are more afraid of him than him, and he can produce a sense of satisfaction, as if something is under his control.

  Sometimes parents beat their children not to discipline, but to vent their negative emotions. This is domestic violence. Neighbors can call the police. At this time, the state can implement the guardianship of the highest guardian.

  When children grow up, they will become "talents" and "citizens", and their parents no longer have private rights.

  In the process of growing up, some children will be very rebellious, knowing to rebel against their parents, this kind of children are actually easier to become talents and more likely to go astray than "good babies" who are obedient.

  He is a natural "nobleman". Whether his parents are rich or poor, Harry is an orphan and treated like a servant by the Dassleys, but he is still the savior.

He treated Dobby with pity, but he dared to fight against Severus and Voldemort. In the face of Umbridge’s boring Dark Arts Defense class, he chose to set up DA to teach his classmates and even older people about Dark Arts. In defense class, he is a civilian and a "nobleman."

Some people don’t have money and status. They really become aristocrats with a diploma in a prestigious school. For example, the British Prime Minister, Lord Charton, bends his knees in the face of power. It is better to fight against the highest law of the United States as black slaves and Chinese "Piggy".

  That look is really sad, people's eyes are not necessarily sharp, otherwise, how could they choose such a "guardian" to protect their rights and interests.

  The officials of the Manchu and Qing dynasties were such a "slave look". In the liberated Jiang Geli, the black artificial head was more annoying than the slave owners. Who would follow this "leader".

So it’s more difficult to manage prisons than teaching. It’s not just throwing people into Azkaban. Those "scumbags" will come out sooner or later, but the UK does not have the death penalty. Who calls this a "human rights" country? If someone leads trouble or escapes in prison, it will cause trouble, but Sirius escaped.

Before Voldemort came back, little wizards were not allowed to use magic wands outside the school. This indirectly allowed children from aristocratic families and Muggle families to form a similar education equality with China. After Voldemort came back, Draco and Crabbe They were "make up lessons", Della had learned Occlumency, Crabbe had learned the fierce fire spell, Harry had been "make up lessons", and DA members had been made up lessons. As a result, there was a gap between them and ordinary people.

  The DA who made up the lesson defeated the pure blood who had not made up the lesson. The class has changed, so the pure blood wizard hates the international secrecy law.

  Not only can it not protect the rights of wizards, but it also hides itself. Even children are not allowed to use magic outside of school to protect their own interests and status.

  Is there any way, the Muggle population has an absolute advantage, and there are so many "pure blood traitors" to help Muggles defend their rights.

  (End of this chapter)