Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 562: "Beautiful Human Nature"

  Chapter 562 "Beautiful Human Nature"

In game theory, if the leftist and rightist candidates are too extreme, then the faction in the middle is likely to win. This situation belongs to the peace period. When the extreme situation of war occurs, it is not necessarily true. Game theory only Can be used in a democratic system.

Chamberlain is actually a very good prime minister. In 1937, he passed the "Factory Act", stipulating the maximum working hours, workplace environmental standards, and improving working conditions; in 1938, the "Housing Act" was passed to provide subsidies for improving shanty towns and crowded housing areas. Control the rent of economic housing. There are many such policies, and Chamberlain has also done his duty in serving the UK.

In addition, Chamberlain has very good personal qualities. In terms of personnel appointment, he chooses talents, does not recognize his body and official age, and constantly injects fresh blood into the government. He attaches great importance to honesty and fairness. A person like this, It is no surprise that Churchill has such a pertinent evaluation of Chamberlain.

  The people give what they want. The people want peace but don’t want war. Coupled with the fact that the diplomatic strategy adopted by Britain in the 19th century offended all of Europe, it is not surprising that Germany tolerated the signing of the Munich Agreement.

  Munich meeting ended, Britain and France accepted Hitler's request to force the Czech Republic to withdraw its troops from October 1, otherwise Britain and France would not support the Czech Republic if the war broke out. In the parliament, only a few people such as Churchill are still criticizing the appeasement policy. He said that "we have suffered a complete and complete failure." His speech caused a lot of protest, but Churchill ended his speech in a boo. Because of his opposition to the appeasement policy, Churchill was once impeached by the Conservative Party in his constituency, and finally retained his seat with a 3 to 2 vote of confidence.

In the wizarding world, there is a Minister of Magic, Hector Fly, who does not take Grindelwald seriously. He was replaced by Leonard Mohn. Just as Churchill replaced Chamberlain, Leonard and Churchill have a very good relationship. The war was a mess. The forces from all sides were in a mess. It was very difficult to figure out what was going on. So all kinds of spies started spying on each other. Information on true and false was flying all over the sky. Who knows which is true and which is false. of?

  A few hours after the outbreak of the war on September 1, 1939, Chamberlain summoned Churchill and invited him to join the war cabinet. Churchill was reappointed as Secretary of the Navy. As the war did not go smoothly, members of the House of Commons filed a motion of no confidence in the Chamberlain government in May 1940. They pointed the finger at Chamberlain. He was booed and stepped down. Churchill, who almost had no seats, became everyone's hope.

   "I have told you countless times, be careful of Germany!" It is a pity that no one listened to Churchill at the time. At that time Chamberlain and the cabinet were busy with re-election matters. If you please the public, you will surely get more votes.

On May 8, 1940, Chamberlain submitted his resignation to the king and suggested that Churchill should form a cabinet. Unlike Chiang Kai-shek, Chamberlain is still busy fighting for power at the critical moment of the country’s survival. It must be "soldiers" to cooperate with the country and the Communist Party, even if men do not love money. With women, there is also the problem of love power. This problem has existed since ancient times, and it has been found in both the East and the West. The love for power made Fudge judge Dumbledore out of control. Albus at the Ministry of Magic has no interest at all. , His time is very precious, even he was stingy even with his family. Voldemort entered school in 1938 and graduated in 1945. At that time, it was when Grindelwald was making trouble in the magic world. He had no time to take care of himself. Regardless of the things under your eyes, everyone will have negligence, but it would be a mistake to ignore the negligence and let it expand. Pomona never thought that Albus would use Voldemort to recruit the followers of Grindelwald. Under his command, but Severus thought that he was a Slytherin who was good at playing power, and only if no one wanted to save him would Grindelwald be locked up in prison.

  But in fact, is it really Grindelwald himself who is in prison?


  The green light finally seemed to become bigger and brighter. A few minutes later, the boat lightly hit something and stopped. Harry didn't see it clearly at first, and when he raised his bright wand, he saw them come to a smooth rocky island in the middle of the lake.

   "Be careful not to touch the lake." Dumbledore warned again when Harry got off the boat.

  The island is about the same size as Dumbledore’s office: a large flat black slab, empty on it, with only the light source emitting the green light. Looking closer now, the green light looks much brighter. Harry squinted at it. At first he thought it was a lamp, then he saw that the green light was coming from a stone basin similar to a meditation basin, with a base under the stone basin.

  Dumbledore approached the stone basin, and Harry followed. They stood side by side, looking into the stone basin. A pot full of emerald green liquid, glowing phosphorescent.

   "What is this?" Harry asked softly.

   "I'm not sure," Dumbledore said, "but it is something more worrying than blood and dead bodies."

  Dumbledore shook the sleeve of the robe covering the black hand upward, and his burnt fingertips stretched out to the surface.

   "Sir, no, don't touch it--!"

   "I can't touch it." Dumbledore smiled faintly, "Did you see it? I can't stretch my hand forward. You try it."

  Harry stared at the stone basin, trying to touch the liquid. But he encountered an invisible resistance, and his hand could not get close to the liquid. No matter how hard he stretched his hand down, the air that his fingers touched seemed to be extremely hard and indestructible.

   "Harry, please get out of the way." Dumbledore said.

  He raised his wand and made some complicated movements on the surface of the liquid, muttering something silently in his mouth. Nothing happened, but the light from the liquid seemed to be brighter. Harry watched Dumbledore do it silently, until Dumbledore retracted his wand, he didn't think he could speak again.

  "Do you think the Horcrux is hidden here, sir?"

   "Oh, yes." Dumbledore stared at the stone basin more intently. Harry saw his face reflected on the smooth green liquid. "But how can I get it? You can't get this liquid by hand, you can't separate it, scoop it dry, or exhaust it, nor can it disappear with a vanishing spell, deform it with magic, or use other methods. Change its nature."

  Dumbledore seemed to be absent-mindedly raising his wand again, spinning it in the air, and transforming a tall crystal wine glass into his hand.

   "I can only come to the conclusion that this liquid needs to be drunk."

   "What?" Harry said, "No!"

  "I think so: Only by drinking it can I empty the stone basin and see what is hidden underneath."

   "But what if—what if it poisoned you?"

   "Oh, I believe it will not have that effect." Dumbledore said lightly, "Voldemort will not want to poison people who come to this island."

   Harry couldn't believe it. Could it be that Dumbledore is so absurdly thinking people for good?

   "Sir," Harry said, trying to make his voice sound reasonable, "Sir, we are facing Voldemort—"

"I'm sorry, Harry. I should say this: He wouldn't want to kill anyone who came to this island right away." Dumbledore corrected himself. "He will let them live a while to figure out what they are doing. The most important thing to be able to pass through his defenses is to understand why they are so eager to empty the stone basin. Don't forget, Voldemort believes that only he knows his Horcruxes."

   Harry still wanted to talk, but Dumbledore raised a hand to silence him. Dumbledore frowned slightly at the emerald green liquid, obviously thinking hard about something.

"Undoubtedly," he said at last, "this potion will definitely prevent me from acquiring Horcrux. It will probably paralyze me, make me forget the purpose of my coming here, make me feel extremely distressed, unable to concentrate, or Disabling me in other ways. If this happens, Harry, you need to make sure that I keep drinking, even if you have to pour the potion into my closed mouth. Understand?"

   Their eyes met above the stone basin. The two pale faces were illuminated by the weird, green light. Could it be that it was for this that he was invited to come with him-so that he could force Dumbledore to drink a potion that might cause him unbearable pain?

   "Do you remember the terms I brought you with?" Dumbledore asked.

   Harry hesitated, looking at the blue eyes that were green with the light of the stone basin.

   "But, in case—?"

   "You swear to obey my orders, don't you?"

   "Yes, but—"

   "I reminded you that there might be danger, didn't you?"

   "Yes," Harry said, "but—"

   "That's good," Dumbledore said, shaking his sleeves up again, and raised his empty goblet. "This is my order."

   "Why can't you let me drink the potion?" Harry asked desperately.

"Because I am much older and smarter than you, and I am much less valuable than you." Dumbledore said, "I will ask one more time, Harry, can you swear to me that you will do everything." The power of yours keeps me drinking?"

   "Couldn't it—?"

   "Can you swear?"


   "Swear, Harry!"

   "I—well, but—"

   Before Harry could resist again, Dumbledore put the crystal cup into the liquid. At that moment, Harry really hoped that Dumbledore could not touch the potion with the wine glass, but the crystal glass sank suddenly. The glass was full, and Dumbledore held it to his lips.

   "I wish you good health, Harry."

  He drank it all in one go. Harry stared in horror, both hands gripping the edge of the stone basin tightly, and his fingertips were numb.

   "Professor?" He saw Dumbledore put down his empty glass, and asked worriedly, "How do you feel?"

  Dumbledore shook his head, his eyes closed. Harry didn't know if he was in pain. Dumbledore closed his eyes and put the glass into the stone basin again, scooped up a full glass, and drank again.

  Dumbledore drank three glasses in silence. When he reached the fourth cup, he staggered forward and fell on the stone basin. His eyes were still closed, and his breathing was heavy.

   "Professor Dumbledore?" Harry said, his throat tightening. "Can you hear me?"

  Dumbledore did not answer. His face twitched, as if he was sleeping, having a terrible nightmare. His hand holding the cup relaxed, the potion was about to spill, and Harry stepped forward to grab the crystal cup and hold it firmly.

   "Professor, can you hear me?" He asked again loudly, his voice echoing in the cave.

  Dumbledore gasped and spoke, and Harry could hardly hear that it was his voice, because he had never seen Dumbledore so scared.

   "I don't want to... don't force me..."

  Harry looked at the pale face he was so familiar with, at the hooked nose and the pair of half-moon glasses, wondering what he should do.

   "...I don't like... I want to stop..." Dumbledore groaned.

   "You...you can't stop, Professor," Harry said, "you have to drink continuously, remember? You told me you must drink continuously. Come..."

  Pomona broke free from that memory.

This is what she got from Severus's head with the mind of panting. He is a master of Occlumency and also a person of good memory. This memory was obtained from Minerva’s meditation basin. Provided It was Harry Potter, and Minerva managed to get him to agree to hand over this memory.

   "Why don't you continue?" the former double agent of the Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters asked in a long tone.

   "He is in pain," Pomona said uncomfortably.

"Who is it? Old fool or savior?" He said mockingly, standing up and pouring himself a glass of wine, and now they are in the luxury apartment provided by Lucius, with cold lake green and silver everywhere, even on the top floor. She still felt like she was in a cellar where Slytherin had no sunlight.

   "Albus is delirious." She held her forehead and leaned on the sofa "But he still remembered that she was much older and smarter than Harry, and much less valuable than Harry."

"Do you think he is a saint? He was dead at that time. He said everything was a lie to Potter." Severus ponged the bottle on the table. "He lived 150 years old, and that kid was still alive." Underage! He was just like his lover said, sacrificing himself for the greater good, the Potter stupid boy, if he enters Slytherin..."

"He won't be able to stand it in the first school year. He chooses to drop out, Severus, admit it." Pomona interrupted his long talk listlessly. "He's just an ordinary kid, like that at Dursley's. It’s not easy for the environment to grow up without becoming as extreme as Tom."

   "I hate you white wizards." The great, black magic-loving potion professor took a sip of wine while pulling his robe while pacing. "Since you don't agree with my way of education, why do you still keep me?"

"Albus thinks education should be diversified, and even a terrible teacher should have one." Pomona is not responsible for talking coldly. "And do you think that besides Hogwarts, who would dare to use you as a Death Eater? War criminals in the background?"

   Severus gasped and squeezed the cup in his hand, as if he wanted to give Pomona a life of Avada with his wand.

  The elderly have no dreams about this world, and lack the vitality of young people.

  While young people have little experience, they are prone to impulsiveness, and lack the mature and respectfulness of older people.

  Children who graduate from school are like fresh blood, which will flow into the brain sooner or later. The family is the hematopoietic stem cells, and there are no legal children born without thousands of families.

  The whole mechanism is like a dying, dying patient.

The old fool is dead, and Muggles themselves are not upset. When the loan companies and intermediaries send out the mortgage, they think of another task completed, how much commission they can get, and what consequences will they cause? Never thought about it.

  The **** of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest. The more diligent they are, the faster the flood **** will collapse. The power of the dammed lake is unimaginable, and there will be no survivors under the financial tsunami.

  No wonder this world is so "beautiful" and someone needs to sing to praise it.

  The phoenix will rebirth before dying, otherwise it will perish in the ashes. Pomona looks into the eyes of the "Angel of Death". Will he sound the horn of "Judgement"?

  She really didn’t want that day to come.

  (End of this chapter)