Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 571: Aristocratic family

   Chapter 571

  GONEWITHTHEWIND, a proud film in the history of Hollywood movies, whether it is Cleopatra played by Elizabeth Taylor or the Titanic later, it is difficult to surpass it. Its charm runs through the entire 20th century and is known as Hollywood's "first blockbuster".

  Vivien Leigh's shrewd and greedy green eyes with spirituality showed Scarlett to the fullest.

Scarlett made no secret of herself when she was together with Brad. She likes delicious food and beautiful clothes, and Brad also uses her ill-gotten wealth to satisfy her desires. Be a poor person, whether black or white. When they were starving, they lived a happy life. These two people really have no sense of morality at all.

But people like them who don’t even bother to pretend to be hypocritical are very Slytherin. Just like the sorting hat sings, Slytherin is ambitious and has ambitions to realize it. If Severus is an ordinary Muggle , Then he might never have dinner at the same table with the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. From the moment he awakened, he had nothing to do with "ordinary".

  It is a death for a dragon and a death for an egg. If a man wants to completely change his destiny, he must take an adventurous road. In terms of courage, Severus didn't have any big problems, as long as he hated that every time James appeared, he was a large group of people, with too many bullies and few others.

When he became the Dean of Slytherin, he secretly instructed Draco to take Gore and Crabbe to bully Harry Potter because of the crowd. When Harry was in the fourth grade because of "cheating", he became the No. After the four contestants were isolated by Hefpaff, the largest academy, this joy reached its peak.

  I hate a person, ridiculing him undisguisedly, and not afraid of offending people feels good. The feeling that you obviously hate your boss, but you have to be patient in order to work, and pretending to be respectful is actually very bad. From the photos left by Cixi, it can be seen that the maids around her are not very good, and Empress Longyu, by contrast, Zhenfei is considered to be pretty.

  A woman with a lively personality can make a depressed man feel relaxed. In fact, Cixi and Zhenfei have similar personalities, and they are very easy to accept new things.

At that time, many Chinese people couldn’t accept the photo. They felt that taking a photo would take away a part of their souls. However, Zhen Fei and Cixi were the first to try. Their relationship was very good at first, and the contradiction between the two of them stemmed from "possing poses." "On this matter.

  The love of beauty is common in everyone. Girls want to leave their youthful and beautiful faces. Of course it is how they look good, but it is not allowed in the royal family that pays attention to ethics.

  Everyone's posture in the photos left by Cixi was very regular. The photos she took were taken to show the "royal atmosphere". Zhenfei was more casual, which seemed very frivolous in Cixi's eyes. Concubine Zhen likes men to disguise themselves as women, even wearing Guangxu's dragon robe. This behavior can actually be understood as a girlfriend wearing a boyfriend's shirt. A man will appear more casual when his affection is still on a woman. This is too far from Cixi's point of view. Alternativeness and rebellion are acts of rebellion, and she has been reprimanded for this many times.

Later, Concubine Zhen secretly instigated an **** surnamed Dai to come to a photo studio in Donghuamen. Cixi learned that not only the photo studio was sealed up, but the **** surnamed Dai was also killed. The relationship between the two gradually grew. rupture. After learning the lessons of the previous Ming, the eunuchs were slaves to the royal family at the time and were not allowed to act in politics. Their lives could be disposed of at will, just like the black slaves in the southern plantation.

  The relationship between the queen and the princess was also very bad, the princess divorced the prince later, and eventually had a car accident in Paris. When the royal family is like this, they are under tremendous pressure. The girls who don't understand that the powerful girls often dream of Cinderella marrying the prince. When they really marry in, they will know the shackles behind the blooming flowers on the surface.

  Pretty women need to be dressed up. The queens in the Qing imperial palace will have one thousand or two silver cases each year, but the reduction to the concubine is three hundred taels, to the concubine two hundred taels. This money is naturally not enough for the profligate concubine Zhen, so since there is no way to cut expenditures, then they can only find ways to increase income.

After paying the indemnities of various treaties, the Manchu Dynasty had no extra money to pay for Zhenfei's expenses. At that time, it was an unwritten rule of the imperial court to sell official Fujue. As long as there was enough money to open up the relationship, it would be able to get fat. The so-called "three years to clear the prefect, one hundred thousand snowflake silver". Although the concubine Zhen is not in the center of power, she can still have some influence on some less important official positions. Therefore, concubine Zhen combined with her brothers and some eunuchs to sell the official princes. Two part of the silver obtained is used for the concubine Zhen, and the rest All divided by everyone.

Even the men who have undergone the operation are still men, and their way of thinking about problems is different from that of women. Later, Cixi made a decree to demote both Jin Fei and Zhen Fei to nobles, in order to punish her and punish her internal affairs. . Although Concubine Jin was eventually affected, it was clear that the intention was clearly aimed at Concubine Zhen, who was confined in the imperial prison. Not only that, but the concubine Zhen was also tortured with "clothes and a staff".

Lin Zexu’s smoking ban is very prescient in modern times, but in his time he was ridiculed and ridiculed. As for the few people who wrote on the bus, all of them were not necessarily ambitious. Kang Youwei was an out-and-out hypocrite. He was right. The desire for power far surpassed his pursuit of the effect of the reform. Kang Youwei met with Emperor Guangxu once. He spoke Cantonese. Emperor Guangxu from Beijing didn't understand him. He didn't know where he got Emperor Guangxu's. The photo faked a group photo of himself with Emperor Guangxu and Liang Qichao. Liang Qichao had never seen Emperor Guangxu at all, but the overseas Chinese didn’t know it, relying on this "close photo" and the tampered secret decree of Emperor Guangxu. , Kang Youwei defrauded many Chinese donations, and Lin Yan's great-grandfather was one of them.

  Their family really has nothing to do with Lin Zexu, but it has something to do with Lin Jingqing during the Xianzong period of the Ming Dynasty.

  The ancient literati always had something to do with prostitutes. Lin Jingqing is said to have a little-known story with Shao San and Yang Yuxiang on the banks of the Qinhuai River at that time.

Lin Jingqing, a family member of Min County, was ordered to enter the dynasty. After passing here, he came to the Yaohua Hall to explore the flowers. He immediately fell under Shao San’s charming demeanor. Shao San also graciously hosted a banquet for him, and the two became interested in drinking. Lin Jingqing also left a hymn: the jewels and jade are in the line of blue hairpin skills, the skirts lightly reflect the spring shirts; the air transmission of dalingge peach leaves, leaning against Shao San in front of flowers.

The next day, Yang Yuxiang came to visit Shao San, and accidentally found the poem on the table. He only felt that the literary talent was overflowing with endless aftertaste, so he picked up the pen and wrote the inscription on the back: A piece of neon clothes can’t be played, so he came to the other courtyard to listen to Yao. Sheng; the curtain was opened and the spring breeze was warm, and the paper was dripping with the sound of white clouds. The four words "full of paper dripping" precisely express her admiration. Shao San is a discerning person, he can see through Yang Yuxiang's mind all at once, and immediately said, "I am willing to make peace for you two."

  The next morning, Shao San brought Lin Jingqing to the official Qionghua. Yang Yuxiang was still a red dress with a pink face and polite with a smile. The three people talked eloquently and spent a day of fun. After dinner, the drunkenness became dim, and Lin Jingqing was even more "drinking is not intoxicating, and everyone is drunk." Shao San left with a sense of wit and became the pair of biren under the tent of the red candle.

  After this night of lingering, Lin Jingqing and Yang Yuxiang are really inexhaustible, and they follow each other, just like newlyweds. A few months later, Lin Jingqing's father urged him to return home, so he had to return to his hometown first, and then he would come to pick up Yang Yuxiang after he told his parents. Before leaving, Yang Yuxiang solemnly changed the Qionghua Hall to the Yiqing Hall, saying that this hall will only accept Lin Jingqing and no other guests.

  As a result, this journey lasted six years, until she went from the beginning of hope to the end of despair. In fact, Lin Jingqing's life was not easy. He wanted to take Yang Yuxiang home as soon as possible to get married, but before he left, he caught up with the Japanese pirates invading the coast, and the way to the north was blocked. Lin Jingqing stayed at home in a dilemma, and finally the Japanese pirate disaster subsided, he immediately set off on the road, wishing to step back to Jinling in one step.

  When I was on the Baisha ferry, I saw Yang Yuxiang standing on the bank of the river overnight. Lin Jingqing called out loudly. Yang Yuxiang floated across the river suddenly. Lin Jingqing didn't have time to hug her tightly and tell each other the pain of parting. The two talked all night on the beach. Seeing the sunrise at dawn, Lin Jingqing suddenly realized that her sweetheart had disappeared. He was awakened suddenly, but it was a dream. Lin Jingqing immediately had an ominous premonition, and even rushed to Jinling day and night.

  As soon as I walked into the Yiqing Pavilion, I saw Shao San in plain clothes weeping there, and Yang Yuxiang’s coffin was in the back room. Lin Jingqing soothed the coffin and wept bitterly. Shao San told: Yang Yuxiang kept working hard every day and died of depression. The date of her death was the day Lin Jingqing went to the Baisha River.

  The next day, Shao San found Lin Jingqing lying next to Yang Yuxiang in the coffin and died of anger, just like the plot in Liang Zhuli, except that the two of them did not become butterflies and dance in the air.

  "Tang Yin lived in the era of his clan ancestors, and was dismissed as an official because of his involvement in a corruption case in the department. Does the young lady know who Tang Yin is?

  On the way to the screening room, Lin Yan told her the story of her home, and Pomona was stunned.

  Mr. Lin, who does not look amazing, does his home have such a magnificent history?

   "I have heard of him." Pomona said honestly, who doesn't know who Tang Bohu is?

   "Then have you heard of Lin Jingqing?"

  Pomona immediately shook her head.

  Lin Yan sighed very heavily, looking like a young and mature.

  "There are 80,000 characters in the world, and only love is the most murderous. I heard that the secret weapon of the White Wizard Dumbledore against Voldemort was love in the last Wizarding War. Does the young lady think it is powerful?"

   "It is very powerful, but just like you said, it hurts people, and the White Wizard himself was hurt very badly." Pomona said with a bitter smile.

  Although she does not watch Peking Opera, she has seen The Peony Pavilion. At first, it was staged in the United States when it was full, but now only small theaters and Kunqu opera fans perform occasionally.

She didn’t understand the babble Kunqu opera, but it didn’t prevent her from reading Tang Xianzu’s script:

  Love doesn't know where it started, but it grows deeper. The living can die, and the death can live. Those who cannot live and die, and those who die cannot be resurrected, are not in love.

   "Love so deathly love, why bother?" Lin Yan said calmly, "I heard that Voldemort really came back from the dead?"

   "Do you want that power too?"

  Lin Yan smiled and shook his head, "I'm just thinking, if resurrection is really a technology, is there really a god?"

   "You don't want eternal life?"

  Lin Yan stopped and pushed open a double-opening wooden door, which was completely dark inside. He pressed the switch at the door, and the crystal chandelier inside immediately turned on. This is a very Victorian-style room, very similar to the EMI Cinema.

  "What movie would you like to watch Miss? Titanic?"

   "No, I want to watch Piao." She whispered, "This movie is also related to you."

  Lin Yan looked at her inexplicably.

  "Which major do you study?" she said with a smile.


"I think you should learn something about the law. After the Civil War, the Americans revised the constitution..." Pomona slowly told him another story. It was the history of blood and tears of the first Chinese, and also the history of struggle. It was they who tried their best to gain a foothold in unaccompanied overseas countries, and then the Xingzhonghui and the 1911 Revolution came into being.

  Albus gave the Philosopher’s Stone to Harry Potter for safekeeping because he knew that Harry would not want to use it like everyone else.

  Kang Youwei wanted power too much, but what did he do when he gained power?

   When the 27-year-old Emperor Guangxu began to promulgate "The State Is Edict", Empress Dowager Cixi still supported it. It was just that the Guangxu Reform was too radical, and the conflict with Cixi was deepening. Empress Dowager Cixi wanted to keep Guangxu behind.

   Guangxu felt that something was not good, so he laid down two secrets. One of them was given to Kang Youwei alone, and Kang Youwei quickly left the capital and went to Shanghai. However, Kang Youwei did not act according to Guangxu's secret decree. Instead, he went to borrow troops from Yuan Shikai and told Yuan Shikai that the reform was hindered by the Empress Dowager Cixi, and Yuan Shikai secretly transferred the troops to arrest the Empress Dowager Cixi.

  Kang Youwei actually told Yuan Shikai about the secret decree. When Yuan Shikai heard the secret decree, he felt that the situation was serious, so he told Cixi the secret. It can be said that Kang Youwei betrayed the reformers.

Kang Youwei can especially say that he lied to literati, Emperor Guangxu, lied to overseas Chinese, and also lied to five young and beautiful girls. The huge transition between his downfall in the first half of his life and his wealth in the second half of his life was not because of him. Work hard and start to learn and behave well, but it is completely relying on his scams and abductions.

  The five young girls married a man with a hairy heart. Do they really feel happy?

  Perhaps only by wearing gorgeous dresses can you appear to be really happy.

  (End of this chapter)