Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 573: Hard to remember

   Chapter 573

  The Civil War can now be divided into two stages.

  April 1861 to September 1862 is the "limited war" stage. Both sides concentrated their forces on the Eastern Battlefield and fought fierce battles for the opposing capital.

  Capture the thieves first, capture the king first. Both the Southern Army and the Northern Army think that if they break through the opponent’s capital, they will be able to make the opponent succumb.

  At the beginning of the war, the power of the North greatly exceeded that of the South. There were 22.34 million people in the North and 9.1 million people in the South, and more than 3.8 million of them were black slaves. The north has developed industries, a well-connected railway network and abundant food, while the south has almost no industry and few railways.

However, the South has sufficient military preparations, with well-equipped and well-trained troops. They have participated in the US-Mexico war before, and their troops have sufficient combat experience, and commanders have rich experience. No matter what they encounter on the battlefield Regardless of the situation, the strategy can be adjusted in time. The famous conductors include "the first player in West Point" Lester Lee, "Stone Wall" Jackson, "Undefeated Warrior" Johnston, "Little Bailey Saliu" Stevenson, and most of the excellent West Point. The generals who graduated from the military academy have all turned to the south.

  In the first phase of the war, the northerners lost to the southerners in the eastern battlefield, so Scarlett became a widow, but she could still participate in the dance party to raise money.

The turning point in the Civil War was that on September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, launched a series of wars to liberate the slaves, and allowed blacks to join the army, thus greatly strengthening the strength of the northern army. At the same time, the homestead law was promulgated. As long as the northerners won the war, the black slaves won their freedom completely, so the slaves of countless southern plantations began to flee to the north.

On the frontal battlefield, the northern army adopted a violent strategy, with the purpose of inflicting a psychological blow on the southern army, but the result was not so satisfactory. After the slaves were liberated, the southern planting industry had no labor force, and the southern economy was trending. Since it collapsed, the civil war ended with the victory of the North.

  Singing and dancing when winning the victory, when losing, all kinds of sorrows are bleak, the **** Brayd, when other men are fighting desperately on the front line, he mixes with the women in the rear.

With the increase in productivity, the lost equipment can be produced in the rear factory immediately, but it is not so easy for people to replenish it. There are already fewer men in the south, and fewer men over the age of 16 and under 60. In addition, slaves continue to flee to "freedom". The morale of the South is hard to regain.

  Bride said that the goals set for survival in the past have disappeared before our eyes.

  Like two boxers, no matter how strong one party is, if one always hits the other's well-protected head, it will obviously take a long time to knock down the other party.

  The longer the war drags on, the more disadvantaged it is to the smaller party. No matter how sharp the southern army is than the northern army, defeat has already occurred. The large strategic depth area allows the army to have time to breathe and use time to regroup and trim.

A country with depth has a larger buffer zone for defense against the enemy than a country without depth. The larger buffer zone allows the country to have more time to wake up from panic and start planning after losing the first confrontation. A visionary strategy is not just a simple defense or counterattack.

   In short, the benefits of a vast country are obvious. Even if it is a desert with nothing, as long as it can be strategically deep, then this piece of land cannot be lost.

  In the beginning, the Civil War was not a just war for the liberation of slaves at all. After the war, the status of the blacks remained low, they were discriminated against and persecuted, but they were free in name.

The British allies of the Southern Army did not need to support the Southerners because of the continuous cotton harvest and the food provided by the colonies of India. In addition, the economic crisis broke out in 1857, the post-crisis labor movement, and the voice of parliamentary reform. Soaring, they can't take care of themselves.

  When the wounded soldiers were placed on the streets of Atlanta, they did not look like people at all, but like a bunch of bugs writhing on the ground.

At that time, the breech gun was just started to be used. The cavalry who was once responsible for determining the key blow on the battlefield seldom charged again, but was mainly used for maneuver transfer. Trenches began to appear, and positional warfare that relied on the terrain and fortifications of the position for defense appeared. Correspondingly, sports stations that take advantage of maneuverability and exchange space for time have also emerged.

  In troubled times, there are very few things a woman can do. When Melanie is about to give birth, the only thing she can rely on is Scarlett, a selfish woman who loves her husband Ashley and looks at her death.

  Women and women will turn against each other for men, but life will cut off the natural edges and corners of gems like a grinding wheel. It does not matter whether there is love or not.

  In the little girl’s world, she doesn’t have to pretend or think about others. Scarlett approached Melanie to be ambiguous with Ashley and used Melanie.

  However, when the war takes away the peace of life, takes away the material superiority, and takes away the men who can carry heavy burdens outside the house, women have to strengthen themselves.

The selfish Scarlett stood in front of Melanie, helped her deliver the baby, and found a carriage to take her out of Atlanta, but at that time all the horses and carriages were confiscated by the army, she still had to go to Bryder for help .

  When she saw Brad coming in a carriage, her first words were "I know you can rely on it."

  When a woman was a child, she would never understand why women liked the shoulders of men the most. Scarlett can cry as much as he wants in front of Brad, without pretending to be strong. When Albus Dumbledore was still alive, she only had to listen to the orders, she didn’t need to use her own brain to judge, even if she knew that the old fool was not as kind and kind as he seemed, the real Albus was like As written in Grindelwald's letter, he is a hypocrite, but when he is there, other people only need to follow. This kind of life is really much easier.

  Be ignorant, simple, and happy like a child, but Socrates said that there are two kinds of people in this world, one is a happy pig and the other is a painful person.

  Under the circumstances of poverty, Scarlett never had a sense of responsibility, to a sense of responsibility, and finally shouldered the burden of the family. From self-respect to sympathy to others, from naive and ignorant to calm and sophisticated, war can change people, things can change people, the vain and selfish Scarlett who is good at using her beautiful appearance to make a group of people unhappy, and vain and selfish, did not choose one. "Easy Road", become a woman who sells herself like Ms. Huating.

  When she was so crushed that she could not eat enough, she could still stand up, raise her head, and swear that she must change the status quo by herself. She swears: God testifies that I will not succumb, and I will overcome this difficulty. After the war, I will never go hungry again. No, neither do my family. Even if you let me lie, steal, cheat, kill, and God testifies, I won’t go hungry anymore.

  This strong "bad woman" is so different, Scarlett not only survived the troubled times, but also lived well.

As for Brad, he joined the army when everyone knew it was impossible for the Southern Army to win, and left Scarlett when she needed him the most. He is definitely a "bad man". He does not follow the crowd and praises him in Scarlett. He was "smart" and was silly when he was not in the army.

  At that time, they were near Terra Manor. The former beautiful manor had become desolate and dilapidated. The past was blown away like ashes by the wind and disappeared without a trace.

  When they first met, Scarlett said: Sir, you are really not a gentleman.

  Bride said: Miss, you are not a lady either.

  The two of them are too alike. They are both selfish and cunning. They are not good people.

  Whenever she smirked, Severus could always see through her. He said to her: Why do you pretend to be happy if you are obviously not happy?

  She just wanted to blend in with ordinary people too much, not as unpopular as him, she became the most hated teacher in the school.

Hefpaff’s bravery is not lost to Gryffindor, wisdom is not lost to Ravenclaw, self-confidence is not lost to Slytherin, but he kept a low profile for too long, so long that he forgot to show his talents, only the most every time. Hefpaff can be seen when the key is in danger, and it has become the key to reversing the defeat.

  Women give birth to children, not for them to become humanoid machines on the production line, nor for them to become “worms” that lie in the streets of Atlanta, struggling painfully.

  Many people remember how rich Soros was and how superb he used to short the baht, but few people remember how he lived to avoid **** when he was young.

  In order to fill his stomach, he often lied. Lying and deceiving people during the turmoil is his way of survival.

  As long as there is no harm to others, morality may give way to survival.

When people face the threat of death, anything can be done. Just like the physical quantum of fine particles cannot have a certain value, the securities market is often in a state of uncertainty, and it is difficult to accurately measure and It is estimated that when he sniped the Thai baht, he created panic and pessimism in the market, triggered a "herd effect", and then began to harvest the foreign exchange market.

Hong Kong's financial defense war is the most exciting and magnificent page in the history of modern finance. International speculators have aggressively short-selling stocks and futures in the stock market, greatly suppressing the Hang Seng Index, causing the Hang Seng Index to drop from 10,000 to 8,000. , And pointed to 6000 points. When the rain is about to come, bad news on the stock market is flying all over the sky. In early August 1998, speculators trumpeted that the renminbi would depreciate by 10%. Among them, the renminbi black market transactions in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places once fell to about 9.5 yuan per dollar. Speculators spread rumors that the renminbi will depreciate in order to influence people’s confidence in the Hong Kong dollar. In addition, speculators also hyped up rumors such as the instability of mainland banks, the purpose of which is still to create psychological conditions for them to attack the Hong Kong dollar.

Although the exchange rate is low, it can give export products a price advantage, but excessive depreciation will cause pessimistic expectations for international capital investors, causing them to sell and sell stocks, real estate, etc., and then use the realised currency to convert into foreign currencies such as Japanese yen. Going abroad caused the stock and property prices to continue to fall, and the domestic asset bubble burst.

   When Soros snipes the Thai baht, as long as he can create enough expectations for the devaluation of the Thai baht, he can attract huge international hot money to join the short-selling camp on his own. The rest is just to see who can hold on for longer, short or long, and the one who gives up first will inevitably be defeated.

  The same drama did not succeed in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s financial defense war was a life-and-death financial war with money, wisdom and courage as weapons. Both the challenger and the challenger are well aware of the benefits and risks involved in their success or failure.

  There is a sentence in Infernal Affairs, and you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

  This time, we changed to the United States to make the capital pool so large, and we can’t blame the speculators in the East for coming to "being a guest."

  As for what happens after the US economy is ruined? As Piaoli said, tomorrow is a new day. As long as the capitalists don’t lose and jump off the building as they did in 1929, they can see the sun tomorrow.

  (End of this chapter)