Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 586: Grind

   Chapter 586

  It was the end of June, when Aberfors and Arianna were still at home, Albus and Grindelwald were walking along the diversion channel formed by the waterwheels of the Muggles in Godric Valley.

  They avoided the eyes of the elders and hid in a mill, discussing how to modify the precise conservation laws in the blood curse.

   was also there. They submitted a blood oath, vowing that they would never hurt each other.

  Gellert’s letter contains a very different Albus Dumbledore, who is curious about everything, including lust.

Pomona never thought that men care about her face so much. Perhaps this is because Gellert is gay. Gay always cares about her looks. After Grindelwald is locked up, she cares about her appearance. Beautiful, will Albus still love him.

In the relationship between two people, there is always one who belongs to the passive party. She once heard that there are 0 and 1 in the **** circle. Albus is 0 most of the time, except when he is curious. I even used my mouth...

   "Take it away!" Pomona warned the dark wizard who had written the old madman's flirting letter to the old fool before her.

"What are you looking at?" He leaned behind her and smiled triumphantly. "They have tried, squeezing magic power from the blood, and dripping the blood on the tip of the wand. When it seeps into the wood, it disappears. It It will be transmitted through the wand into the human body. Do you remember what we did in the hospital? It is similar to the experiment they did. The difference is that the Dark Lord uses a ring instead of a wand."

  He sighed, "Grindelwald made a joke with the Dark Lord and asked him to study the wand, but he didn't expect the Dark Lord to study something. He is really a genius."

  Pomona only has the typesetting "primitive pleasure" in her mind. She feels that she has been instilled with a lot of bad things, and she has become less pure than before.

   "Why are you men like this? When you were young, you were obviously not like this." She complained, Harry was pure, and Severus was also innocent when he was young. As a result, he became more and more evil.

   "If you think Harry Potter is still a child, then I have to remind you that he is already the father of a child." Severus said angrily, "I am not yet."

  Pomona suddenly felt as if something was broken.

  Pure Harry is not pure anymore.

  I put a Phalaenopsis on the bedside of the bedroom, which she bought at the flower market yesterday, and placed it in a blue-glazed vase, giving this too cold room a soft element.

When Scarlett saw Bai Ruide, she made a skirt with the curtains of the manor. The green flannel and yellow tassels looked gorgeous, but her face was too pale because of chronic malnutrition. She was worried about it. For a while.

Scarlett’s joy at the time was not like desperate to borrow money. Instead, she went on a date happily and changed to another man. Scarlett would never sleep with him for 300 dollars, but Brad’s words Let's say another thing.

  Ah, a woman’s heart is really complicated.

  Brad is more incomprehensible to her. What about his shrewdness and cunning? Why did the gentleman suddenly get up at this time and stop "taking advantage of the danger"?

  If he was "broken" at that time, Scarlett would agree to half-push and half-place, but he didn't. Poor Frank Kennedy became their victim of this dog and man.

  "Do you think Scarlett and Brad are still together?" She looked at the dim light coming in through the closed curtains, and the sky was already bright. "After Bonnie died."

"We can have another one." His fingers stroked her body. She almost stopped growing when she was fifteen years old. However, she has not changed at all in the past thirty years. She has gradually become feminine and soft. Curve.

  The golden age of human women is before the age of 40. After the age of 30, it is actually not suitable for pregnancy. Twenty-year-old women are often not mature enough in their souls, and who are not young.

  She turned her head and looked at the person who was lying on the bed like her, without an inch.

  It is an insult to say "you are as handsome as Apollo" to the dark wizard. He is full of dark charm and his face is as ugly as ever, but the lines on his body are very tough, which looks like a hard rock.

She brushed his face with a hand wearing an ivy bracelet. Men are also jealous. They will also be jealous of the same **** who are born tall, handsome and rich. Sirius is that kind of man, which woman would not like Rich and handsome?

  But she prefers the kind of man who is good at duels. He looked very handsome when he and Lockhart were dueling at the duel club that day.

  Hollywood is actually not very suitable for duels, but it is most effective for those who may need help to overcome anger and impulse. At the same time, holly wood wands often choose those who are engaged in dangerous and often spiritual pursuits.

Harry’s wand is a holly wood with phoenix tail feathers, which is the same core as Voldemort’s wand. At first, Voldemort did not pursue the Deathly Hallows, just like Grindelwald and Albus did not seek death in order to become the masters of death. The sacred objects are immortal. Judging from their letter, they just wanted to study it out of curiosity.

  When we think we know a person, he will often show the other side of himself in unexpected ways, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Rather than controlling someone's thoughts and destiny, Grindelwald is more interested in this life-squeezing technique, provided that the other party is willing to give it to each other.

  Grindelwald asked Albus: Do you know what this means?

  This means that there are countless fools who will be deceived to the point that there are no bones left.

  She was involved in the world of this group of geniuses full of fantastic ideas. If they use their wisdom on the evil way, then she will soon be used with nothing left.

  Human nature is evil, kindness needs guidance, she is exhausted to deal with this guy in front of her, she has no confidence in raising a child of her own.

   "Do you still want it?" she asked.

   "Yes." He looked into her eyes and said, "Can you?"

  It’s not asking people to dance, it’s so polite.

   "Yesterday you said about the legend of Irmalinen. The most famous of the artifacts he forged is the Three Treasures. It is said that it is the source of endless wealth. Do you think using them can destroy the dementors?"

"That's a legend, and it's said that it doesn't exist." Severus said, turning over and pressing over. "He was the one who seduced Grindelwald first. Can you imagine an old fool taking off his clothes while spinning around? "

   "Oh!" Pomona screamed as if she had suffered some kind of mental damage.

   "What's interesting is that Grindelwald thought it was beautiful, especially when he was asked to take off his grandma's cotton underwear."

   "Don't say that to them." Pomona defended.

   "What did I say wrong? What do you think is Albus's style of dressing?"

  Pomona remembered Principal Dumbledore’s terrible wizard robe full of stars.

   "Look, you think the picture is funny, too." Severus sighed and shook his head, "What a strange aesthetic is Grindelwald."

  Facts have proved that don't let the poisonous potion professor Snape know too many secrets. He will die if he doesn't sarcasm people. No wonder Albus will not "come out" until he dies.

   "Why do you always mess up the atmosphere!" She tried to push him away, but her resistance was ruthlessly suppressed.

  "You should have long hair. I want to see the pink rose in your hair." He used his fingers to outline her face, like an ant crawling over, itchy. "Want to drink some wine?"

"right now?"

   "You are sweating, it is very suitable for agave..."

  She hurriedly covered her ears with her hands.

   "What are you doing?" He asked with a smile.

   "Indecent." She scolded, "You men don't have a good thing!"

   Obviously being scolded, Severus was still very happy. He bared his yellow teeth and smiled sinisterly.

   "Since you say so, then I will let you see what is really bad."

   "No! Stop!" She screamed, trying to avoid his hand, but it was all useless.

  They laughed for a while like two children, then their voices disappeared, and they were replaced by gasps in the bedroom.

  If the old pair is the story of summer, then theirs is the story of winter.

  This winter is really long, but according to China’s twenty-four solar terms, spring has already begun on February 4.

  Spring is here, everything will change.

  (End of this chapter)