Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 594: Invincible Lucky Star

  Chapter 594 Invincible Lucky Star

Many people remember that South African President Mandela “should have died in prison in the 1980s”, but the reality is that Mandela is still alive and the memory does not match reality. This phenomenon is actually not rare. As for why There are different opinions about this phenomenon. One of them is the theory of multiple universes. In another universe, Mandela is indeed dead, but in this universe he is still alive. This explanation makes people feel creepy.

Time travel can cause this phenomenon. Some people who deserve to be born are not born, and some people who shouldn’t be born are born. Everyone has the desire to do it all over again, and wants to revise some history that I regret, but unfortunately, that It violates the rules of time travel. If you modify your own destiny directly, you may be killed by your past self. In Pomona's dream, "Henry" died on her work chair.

The time travel experiment belongs to the jurisdiction of the Department of Mystery Affairs. It is a very precise experiment. A little carelessness will bring unpredictable consequences. Some people will disappear out of thin air in someone’s memory. He clearly remembers that person. He was still alive, but disappeared in a blink of an eye. In 1973, there was a mysterious disappearance. An English wizard named Janus Sic pretended that he was eaten by Voldebat, faked his own death, and scribbled a note on the bedside table: " Oh, no, a Volterra bat caught me and I can’t breathe.” At that time, he had married a witch and had several children. His wife and children believed it because Janus’s bed was dry and clean. Net and empty. They had a sad life.

  However, people later discovered Janus five miles away while he was living with the female owner of the Green Fire Dragon Bar.

  A closed ward in the Curse Injury Department on the fifth floor of the St. Mungo’s Magical Injury and Injury Hospital. Its doors are usually locked to prevent patients from walking around. The brains of the patients in this ward were all permanently damaged by the curse. This ward is called Janus Sic's ward. Some people say that this ward has this name because he named it. It is conceivable that the sad wives and children will be angry when they learn that their husbands and fathers are running away irresponsibly and living with other women, or they think that each other is single but actually married and had children. How angry the boss is. Guidro Lockhart lives in that ward. His brain is permanently damaged by the curse. This kind of injury feels terrifying when you think of it. The therapist in charge of this ward, Melim Straw She is a good-tempered witch. She takes care of her patients like a mother. She believes that no normal man will feel that she is happy when she is fed like a baby.

A man’s revenge is to kill the other person, and a woman’s revenge is to make the other person worse than dead. There are many ways to poison in this world. For example, use the honey from the grass, which is highly toxic, and its honey is also highly toxic, but from On the surface, it is no different from ordinary honey, just a little bit less is enough to be fatal. The mead that Ron drank was not necessarily mixed with poison in the wine. It was also possible that poisonous honey was used in the process of brewing and fermentation of mead. He was really lucky to survive.

Every meal of the "Emperor" must be tested for poison. Silver needles can only be tested for arsenic, which is a very late poison. The early courts used plant and animal toxins. In the 1970s, Hefpaff and Sis Lettering’s poison battle and soft-claw land prawns made seafood disappear from the Hogwarts table, so in 1994, when Pomona treated Brebatton with French fish soup, it frightened many people, Slater All of Lin didn’t touch the dish, nor did Ravenclaw people who had heard of the story. As for Hefpaff, they were in charge of the kitchen, and they knew better than anyone that the dishes at the banquet were not poisoned. Only Gryffindor would drink the seafood soup unsuspectingly.

Harry was in the limelight in the Black Lake. Draco was so jealous. He wanted to make Harry embarrassed and quit the game at the same time. So he planned to find some potion materials in his godfather’s cellar to "poison" him. It was on that day that he ran into a tryst between them.

People who eat it will have a high fever and a green rash. In addition, it will make things go wrong for a week, which is different from the deadly poison in mead. , The tail of the soft claw shrimp can be used to make potions. At the age of fourteen, Sigmund Bach was able to correct the mistake made by the potions professor when he used the tail of the soft-claw shrimp to make a potion. This potion is called disaster potion, and it works with the blessing potion. The antidote, but the disaster potion is black magic, far less popular than the blessing potion.

  Who doesn’t want to be lucky, misfortunes rely on blessings, blessings and misfortunes, blessings and misfortunes are interdependent and transform each other. Bad things can lead to good results, and good things can lead to bad results. Har used the elixir to deceive Slughorn’s memory, but did not expect that he almost died. In another universe, there may be Harry and Neville. It’s all dead. It’s possible for Voldemort and dark creatures to rule the wizarding world. That world is absolutely painful for Muggles, because they can’t see dementors. Those cloaked monsters like to **** other people’s happiness. Living in that world is How desperate.

The same is the principal. When Albus was the principal, everyone had at least happy campus memories. When Severus and Umbridge were there, only painful memories were left. A school like a prison is something no one would like, and Willing to protect with life.

Just like in Chinese children’s rhymes: The sun shines in the sky and the flowers smile at me, the bird said early, why did you carry the explosive bag, I went to bombing school, the teacher didn’t know, I ran when I pulled the string, and looked back. The school is gone.

  It’s happy to bomb the school. What a crime these students have suffered. When Severus was young, he probably wanted to bomb the school, otherwise he wouldn’t have thought of challenging Slughorn with explosive fluid.

  Even if he lost or died, at least that **** castle was bombed. He had been bullied for the first five years when he was studying, and he didn't get better until the sixth grade, but at that time he had already parted ways with Lily.

  He is the kind of person who believes in law and order, and he can't make any jokes, let alone the jokes that the robbers sometimes make a little too much.

Slytherin is loyal and brave, but it also depends on the person and time. When Pomona returned home, Severus Snape was drinking at the small bar, and Pomona lifted it up without saying anything. Magic wand, he took out the magic wand and gave himself a protective armour at the very moment, but the wine was not so lucky, and the glass bottles were all broken.

   "What are you going crazy!" He said uncertainly.

   "You left me that day, ran to the bar to drink, and fight with people, is that right?" Pomona screamed and asked, "When I still need you, Lily! Where are you!"

  He was silent.

"And the vault of Lestrange's house, how did you get in!" she asked reluctantly, "you handed the real Gryffindor sword to Bellatrix, and then exchanged it. Come back, if you can enter the vault, why didn't you ruin the Hefpaff Golden Cup at that time!"

   "I don't know that the cup is a Horcrux." He said without any tone of ups and downs, "There are many gold and silver cups in the vault, how did I know that it is a Horcrux?"

"You are very familiar with the fairies, right? That's why they allow you to enter the Gringotts without verifying your identity." Pomona still pointed at him with her magic wand. "You can get the water of the anti-theft waterfall. The Strange's vault is not far away, what else are you hiding from me?"

   "Who told you this?" Severus asked, "Is it George?"

   "Are you going to settle the account with him? Because he exposed you?"

   "We can leave at any time." He looked into her eyes and said, "Don't worry about the unrelated people."

   "What about Draco?"

"I don't know." He spread his hands and walked slowly towards her. "You have read those letters, I swear, I will never let us go the same way as the two of them. Draco is an adult. , He can take charge of his life."

  "Don't come here!" She warned him, but the warning seemed useless to him. He still walked towards her slowly, his robe dragged on the ground and made a "sand" sound, sounding like a snake crawling.

"I have always disliked the people in the Order of the Phoenix. They are brave but not very smart. Since they have something they want, why don't they want to get it by all means? If there is a young and beautiful woman like Tonks chasing like this I, I won't push her away like Remus Lupin."

  Pomona used flying sand and walking stones at him. He was like conducting an orchestra, waving a magic wand to block it.

   "I want a divorce!"

"No problem, I'm tired of being your husband. How about we continue to fool around as before?" He smiled shamelessly and said, "I know, you also like to feel sneaky. You always say that you have betrayed Lily. Damn it, how did you do bad things while feeling guilty?"

   "Then you, how can you put all the fault on my body, Sirius and I are just friends, he is fighting with you to protect me..."

"No, you and him are just friends." He squeezed his fist and released it again, finally suppressing the anger that was about to explode, maintaining an elegant demeanor and saying, "That's just your wishful thinking, you don't need it. His protection."

   "You can't say that because Hermione and Ron are together, Sirius and I will sneak into Gringotts like him." She wept and said, "No one knows that Horcrux is there!"

   "It's the inference you made."

Yes, this is the crux of the problem. She made a reverse reasoning based on the fact that the Hefpaff Golden Cup was in Gringotts. Harry and the others were completely lucky when they entered Gringotts. He didn't know. There are Horcruxes in the Lestrange family vault.

   "Have you ever moved anything in vault 713." Pomona asked tremblingly, her hands shaking with her wand.

   "No." He stared at her with unfathomable dark eyes. "Albus Dumbledore didn't believe me to that extent."

  There are two choices. Believe it or not. Pomona looked at this person who was so close to her. He looked so real, it didn't look like she had imagined it.

   "Pete is also dead." She slowly said, "All the robbers are dead."

   "That's good news..."

"He became a zombie, and the Dark Lord gave him a fake hand to kill him. The Horror Travel Agency developed a zombie trail tourism project. He might be hiding in those zombies." Pomona interrupted him. "Then he was in Last year I arrived near our secluded place. I found him in the snow. He could feel the dark mark on your hand. He came into the house and attacked me after you walked. Drinking at the bar and fighting people with you. when."

   "What do you want to do? Let me give up drinking?"

   "No." Pomona put away her wand "Bella used black magic to engrave the word'mudblood' on Hermione's arm. I want you to find a way to clean it off."

   "You mean the scar on her hand disappeared?"

"I hope that in your organization, there will be no more discrimination against Muggle wizards. Have you not learned the lesson? You forgot how you lost Lily?" She wiped away her tears and said sadly, "I know. Remus has humiliated you by letting Neville turn Bogut into that way, but you shouldn’t encourage the Slytherin children to discriminate against Muggle species and divert their attention. How is this different from those politicians? ."

   "I have no other choice." He strode over and held her. "When this is over, we will leave and leave this place."

   "We can't go, you still have your vows." She seemed to have found a way to vent, crying even worse.

   "I was expecting you to help, but it seems impossible now." He patted her on the back like a kid. "Cici started drinking."

   "Why... why?" she hiccuped.

"I need you to be strong." He wiped away her tears, held her face and said, "I don't care if there is an heir to inherit everything from me. I already have you. It's my whole life to go to Hogwarts to study. The luckiest thing."

   "Then... Then do you think that one day Muggles and wizards can live together peacefully?"

"One day, sweetheart, there will be one day." He kissed her on the cheek, then hugged her in his arms and let her listen to the heartbeat in his chest. "You have to be patient, do you want to eat sweets? Me? Remember to eat sweets when you are upset."

  She smelled the smell of wine all over the room, and she was not in the mood to eat sweets at all.

   "Why does George hate me so much?"

"Have you ever asked why Amos Diggory hates Harry Potter so much?" Mr. Love Saint whispered in her ear. "People who are sad and painful because of the loss of their loved ones need a hatred to vent, Harry Potter. His sin is that he is still alive after so many hardships, and it is a good thing to lose his life."

  "Have you ever thought that perhaps Voldemort's body was eaten by Voldemort."

   "How come the Potter family has a Volterra bat? Isn't it in the wild?" He asked in confusion.

"It's just a guess." Pomona said boringly. "Because Voldemort was missing, the fairies were afraid to make trouble from 1981 to 1999. After the news of his death spread, the fairies started to be in trouble, I think , You should give him a little warning."

  Severus let go of her. The woman who was crying and clamoring for a divorce just now disappeared. She was fine, just like everyone else.

   "Can those wines be saved?"

   "I need a little time." Severus sat down in a chair with an undecided expression on his face.

   "Don't worry, women will be in a bad mood for a few days every month." Pomona patted him on the shoulder. "You are responsible for cleaning."

   After speaking, she put her toes on her toes and left the small bar.

  (End of this chapter)