Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 601: Around you

  Chapter 601 is around you

Many years have passed. Some people say that time can heal everything, but time does not heal all your regrets, nor can it help you make up for your regrets. It is just that what happened during this period of time covered it up, just like snowflakes. Layers cover one layer, as long as you want to plan, you will plan out what is hidden under the snow.

  There are no so-called secrets in this world, only the hidden truth. As long as you dig out the pure white disguise, you will see what is hidden underneath.

  In this process, you will definitely feel pain, but long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. Pain is a process that must be experienced in growth. People will not always be as carefree as children.

When the basilisk attacked people in the school, he and George believed that Harry had nothing to do with the secret room. They still made very bad jokes on Harry. Pomona remembered that there was a lot of snow in Scotland that day, and the red Glen The Fendor scarf is very conspicuous on the snow.

Also conspicuous is the red-haired Ginny. She is not as beautiful as Lily and her eyes are brown, but Pomona can’t help linking her to Lily when she sees a red-haired woman next to Harry. .

  She is not likable. Sometimes, like Hermione, she feels aggressive. In the first few years of her school days, she has been an invisible person in the college. People will only notice her when the results are announced.

Lily and Severus saved her "nerd" academy life, and later she also met the robbers. Those little guys were naive to play with older sisters. It was cool. They didn't know this to teach them. How failed Animagus’s sister actually did.

  She is a coward, unlike Minerva who has the courage to apply theory to practice, and becomes a registered Animagus.

  She is very afraid that when she becomes an animal, she won’t be able to return. How can she let other people do something that she can’t do?

  Reid did not agree to Scarlett’s request and lent her 300 dollars. Pomona couldn’t figure out why.

  Maybe because he doesn't have that much money, maybe because he wants Scarlett to be more independent, and women can't help but want to rely on men and cling to him like parasitic plants.

  Sooner or later, their relationship will deteriorate. Women who are not financially independent have to choose to swallow their anger when facing a man’s betrayal, just like a Victorian woman.

A "prosperous career" man takes a jeweled mistress to participate in social events, but the wife can only stay at home with children. In the face of that arrogant husband, the only thing a woman can do is to put on indifferent armor. Etiquette” is an excuse to sleep in separate rooms with her husband.

  He lives in the master’s bedroom, and she lives in the master’s bedroom. No matter how he fools around with the maid at home, she can be regarded as ignorant, anyway, illegitimate children have no inheritance rights.

This is different from the East. These illegitimate children born by concubines are called "concubines" and they have the same right of inheritance. If the concubine kills the eldest son's elder brother, he can inherit the family's property. Too many children is not necessarily a blessing at this time. .

   Nearer the Manchu Qing Jiulong seized the grandfathers, and farther the Western Jin Dynasty Eight Kings Rebellion, this war not only weakened the national power, but also became the animal bane of the Five Husbands, and the Central Plains fell into endless wars.

  When a man is young, it is not a big problem to marry three wives and four concubines. Although it hurts women’s hearts, it is difficult to deal with the father-son relationship. Women can abandon them, and their children can’t be left alone.

  Cao Cao is fair to every child. If you ask them the same famous teacher, you can’t stop the Cao brothers from fratricide.

  Li Shimin placed high expectations on Li Chengqian, but the prince fell ill, and his brothers were eager to try one by one.

The Crusades were also related to the inheritance system. The eldest son inherited everything, and the second and future sons had nothing. The start of the war gave the sons of these lords employment opportunities, even if they were not civilized at all in the Middle East. .

  There are a lot of strangulation vines, which will hang the host and leave a hollow tree trunk. It is usually impossible to see whether a person is good or bad, and the experiment will only become popular when there is a crisis.

  People believe that people will tell the truth when they are dying, and who would lie when they are dying?

  If you have more sons, you will inevitably encounter this problem. When you are ready to "divide" earlier, it will not be so painful when you die. Albus Dumbledore prepared his will and handed it to Sterling to execute it.

The Arthur Weasley family has no wealth to distribute. The sons can only leave their homes early and become independent, so there is no problem of fighting for property. Fred is not just George’s brother, but also his most trusted partner. They We can always come up with a lot of novel ideas together.

  Molly is sad to lose Fred, but she has other children to comfort her, and it is easier to come out of grief than George.

George lost his pain even if his mother could not understand. He has always been a sensible child, hiding these emotions from depression, but they have not been healed over time. Angelina was the first to feel as the closest person. Arrived.

  A woman’s heart is as deep as the sea. The Weasley twins are very interesting. Many people like them, but that’s not why Angelina chose them.

At first she chose Fred, who was more interesting. She had the magical ability to distinguish the twins whom Molly couldn’t tell apart. Later, she broke up with Fred and chose even more at the funeral. Reliable George.

  In a cave in Tibet, in order to avoid the snowman, Pomona and Severus hugged each other to keep warm.

When she leaned on the shoulders of Severus, who was 21 years old and still young, she didn't actually feel very at ease, she just felt that she had finally found a place to rest, just like a sailor on a voyage had found it. A harbor where you can dock, and you can rest on a warm and comfortable bed.

  At that time, he didn't have the scent of sage on his body. Instead, there was a mint scent, mixed with the floral scent of lavender and evening primrose. She used to think that the perfume he used was for women, but now she knew that it should be a joy potion and sleeping water. These two potions could relieve his pain and let him sleep a dreamless sleep.

These scents mixed together to create a dreamy country where she was full of lavender and evening primrose, the sun and the moon were in the sky at the same time, and there were butterflies and magical animals everywhere. She could wear a beautiful dress. Running and playing freely in the flower field, maybe with a black dog, she can always be a happy, carefree little girl.

  Angelina will leave George without the feeling she can rely on, and Pomona can understand her.

Today was the second night she drank the improved sobriety and did not sleep. Chinatown closed the city in the afternoon and declared to the public that she was preparing for tomorrow’s Lantern Festival. Scotland Yard began to deploy police forces outside the city in advance. An iron wall was cast outside to restrict the entry and exit of people. It looked like Tang Changan’s workshop.

  Navi came to help after get off work and built fortifications. He ended up like them, being squeezed out of school time.

  Not everyone who died at Hogwarts would become a ghost. Fred and Sirius did not wander in that school for thousands of years like Pepy Ghost.

  In traditional Chinese customs, big festivals and the anniversary of the death of a loved one must burn paper money to worship. There are many men and women holding pots on the street corners and lighting paper money and incense together at the intersection.

For the Egyptians, the wandering spirit out of the body is not a vague illusion, because they believe that the afterlife is the continuation of this life. When the soul of a righteous person dies out of the container that carries it, they will see relatives, friends, colleagues, and Like working and entertaining in the world before, the Celtics believe that the soul is immortal. Even if they owe money, they can’t pay it back when they live, and they will continue to repay their debts when they die.

Before Buddhism was introduced to China, people believed that the soul was immortal. After death, the soul returned to Mount Tai and was judged by Pluto. Later, with the introduction of Buddhism, there were six reincarnations, which formed the theory of soul reincarnation of Eastern civilization. .

Western civilization believes that after death, people will go to heaven and hell. The soul is immortal. The preaching of the creed of immortality is not purely religious, but is directly related to morale boosting. The clergy holds the key to another world. . There are many Stonehenges in Britain. When the druids were massacred in Western Europe, they were forced to migrate and brought Britain, and the prehistoric megalithic civilization was preserved by them.

Some pains cannot be healed no matter how much time they go through. The "Kid King" Fred stayed at Hogwarts forever, even if he was buried in the hearts of others. From George's point of view, his wounds It still exists, and it hurts from time to time, which makes him feel irritable. Those negative emotions need a place to vent.

  A mature man like Severus would ask him to restrain his emotions, break free from grief, and continue to live the rest of his life, but Amos Diggory did not persuade him.

  His son is dead, and his life has entered the final stage. He doesn't need to cheer up anymore, so Harry became his hatred and the target of venting his emotions.

  As for Lily, if it weren't for her, James would not humiliate Severus in public, she was regarded as the culprit in Severus's eyes.

In Albus’s letter, with the resurrection stone, you can see ghosts. Lucius Malfoy also said that seeing the ghosts of Sirius, Lily, and James protect Harry from the Avadaso curse, if the soul is immortal. Yes, she didn't go to heaven, so where is she now?

  She slowly spread out her palm, and there was a red seed in her palm. It was the seed of Dreamgrass that the Emperor Wu of Han used when he fell asleep in his arms when he missed Mrs. Li.

  At this time, it was foggy, and a misty wind blew over, shrouding the entire block in thick fog. The wind was astonishingly cold, as if it was blowing from the underworld, and she quickly clenched the seed.

  Ghosts, do they really exist?

  Does the underworld and heaven and **** really exist?

  Pomona looked at London in the dense fog, and thought of the white King’s Cross station, inexplicably thought they looked so similar.

  (End of this chapter)