Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 604: “heavenly”

  Chapter 604 "Heavenly"

  Everyone is an eloquent when arguing for their own interests.

The problem is that now Pomona is not facing a person, but a tiger’s spirit, so at this time, even if she becomes an eloquent for her own benefit, it is useless. Scamander can still use it against Mo Funny cat is great, obviously not good at dealing with tigers.

  She couldn't care about the feminine temperament, and immediately started running. The tiger was chasing behind her, and no one made a sound.

  Pippy can’t really hurt anyone, but he can pick up a gun and shoot at the students.

  The tiger is really famous for its claws and teeth. After running for a while, Pomona’s apparition moved to the ground.

  Should not exercise immediately after eating, a vomiting began to spread from the throat, and she finally couldn't help but vomit.

  The white glutinous rice and the black sesame filling are mixed together, turning into a turbid gray.

  In Infernal Affairs, when Mary found out that Aren and Han Chen had done a good job, she was probably in the same mood.

  She was so sad that she squatted on the ground and burst into tears.

  In Dante’s Divine Comedy, there is a line written on the gate of hell:

  ThroughmethewayintothedolefulcityPass me into the city of endless pain

  Throughmethewayintoeternalgrief through me into the pit of eternal misery

  Throughmethewayamongaraceforsaken, through me, enter the forsaken crowd


  Dicineomnipotencecreatedme, Andhighestwisdomjoinedwithprimallove I am a work of theocracy, mind and love

  Beforemenothingbuteternalthingsweremade There is no eternal creation before me

  AndIshalllasteternal, I will be with the world forever

  Abadonhope, Forever, Youwhoenter, if you want to enter, you must give up hope forever

  Those who fight the devil should be careful not to become the devil.

  When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you too.

  People often make compromises between moral theory and social practice, and choose the easy one between the right choice and the easy choice.

  Like the juvenile pie, their family was vegetarian at first, but when survival was threatened, he chose to compromise and use the “scientific” knowledge he learned from his father to catch fish.

  He is a man and a Bengal tiger at the same time.

   Serene and tranquil, not because there are no worries, but because they are unable to understand and deal with their worries.

  After experiencing the catastrophe, talents will become stronger, more evil, deeper, and more beautiful at the same time.

  If a person does not love or hate deeply, if he is hypocritical and fragile in this respect, then there is a problem and it is bound to fall.

  People must not be surprised, because his love is unnatural, his hatred is artificial, he just plays a person according to a script, and the "living" is not the sincere self.

  When Immorton was about to fall into hell, he asked Anna Sui for help. He had been in love with his lover for thousands of years, but then ran away.

   So he released his hand, gave up all hope, entered the gate of hell, and fell into the pit of eternal misery.

  Are you scary? Of course, but when Severus committed the murder and killed the white wizard Albus Dumbledore, his soul was no longer pure.

  Some "dirty work" must be handled by someone. Without such a strong stomach, people who want to keep their hands clean and spotless should respect those who do the dirty work for themselves.

  Melanie did not dare to kill, Scarlett shot and killed. She lied for Scarlett and took off her snow-white cotton pajamas to wipe off the blood. Melanie was like a lamb at the time.

  But the woman who was as fragile as a lamb helped Scarlett quickly get out of the shadow of murder. In the troubled times, Scarlett and Melanie saved each other, but Ashley became less important than the sisterhood.

  The experience of sharing adversity is not the same as being rich and wealthy. Hermione chose Le Ron instead of Victor. Many girls don’t understand. Pomona was one of them.

  Now she understood that Hermione was indeed the smartest witch of her age.

   "Hi!" Pomona greeted the Gryffindor lioness that came from a distance.

   "Oh, my God, Professor?" Hermione raised her voice in surprise. "What's wrong with you?"

   "Did you know Hermione, don't apparate immediately after eating." Pomona supported the wall and stood up. "Where is this?"

   "Chinatown, Kingsley asked me to come." Hermione helped her stand up. "Are you okay?"

  She looked around, and not far away was the Hexagon Pavilion, an iconic building in London’s Chinatown, where many people met on a date.

  If she hadn't made a mistake today, Severus would still hide it from her, being protected and knowing nothing would be able to maintain that whiteness and purity, which is what people in the dark desire.

  Twelve Articles of Hefpaff Academy Handbook: Tolerance is our characteristic, and acting stupid is our method.

  Although the reality is not so beautiful, we must have hope in our hearts. As long as we still have hope in our hearts, we will not pass through the door of hell.

   "Can you call Neville for me?" Pomona said.

   "What do you tell him to do?"

   "I don't know." She said tiredly, "I just want to see him."

  Hermione took out the fake Jin Jialong, and it didn’t take long for Neville and Hannah to show up, both of them riding broomsticks.

   "Professor, how are you?" Neville asked with concern as soon as he landed, "You look so pale."

  Pomona looked at Hannah, she still looked very upset, as if she was still angry.

"The son of Remus and Tonks, Teddy Lupin, if he is assigned to Hefpaff College, you must treat him with a normal human eye. You must not prejudice him just because his father is a werewolf." Pomona said sternly, "He is the child of a war hero!"

   "We know that there is no evidence that the children of werewolves and humans must be werewolves. Rolf told Ron, and Ron told me." Hermione said, "All DA members know."

   "But not everyone." Pomona said in a sleepy manner, "It's not in the textbook."

  "How about we ask Scamander to revise where the magical beasts are?" Neville said, "add the content about werewolves."

  "Should this be added to the Defense Against the Dark Arts book?" Hannah said with disgust, "Werewolves are not animals."

"The textbooks for Defense Against the Dark Arts have been changed for several generations. Who knows whose books the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will use as textbooks." Hermione said, "Scamander belongs to your academy, and he is retired. There is no interest relationship..."

   "Since Rolf knows, why didn't he go and tell his grandfather?" Pomona coldly reminded the children, "Have you read Emoret Picardi's ‘book’ about werewolves?"

  Navi and Hannah were at a loss, only Hermione frowned.

   "I hope you haven't read that book, dear." Pomona sighed helplessly, "You should forget that book for yourself."

   "What does that book say?" Neville asked.

   "The wolf that broke the law." Hermione was full of sympathy, and said with great pain, "and why are werewolves not worthy of survival."

   "How can anyone allow this kind of book to be published?" Neville couldn't believe it.

"Because this is the public opinion, werewolves should be eliminated. Once a werewolf is registered in the werewolf office, it is equivalent to exposing themselves. There will always be irrational people who will get rid of them. That's why I made it an unspoken rule. 'The reason, remember your dating list? Hannah?"

   "Yes." Hannah said with a weird face as if she had eaten bibidu beans with a strange taste.

"We all know there is such a thing, but no one has seen that list. There is no way to arrest people without evidence. Marietta handed in the list of DA members and turned it into physical evidence. Only then could Fudge frame Albus for rebellion. Yes, oh, **** it, the Minister of Magic is not a'king', how could he use the word treason?" Pomona grumbled endlessly.

   "I heard that Calvin seems to have a lot of dissatisfaction with Kingsley." Hermione trembled.

   "Who did you listen to?" Pomona asked immediately and sternly.

   "George." Hermione whispered.

"Kingsley cancelled the dementors as the guards of Azkaban. Now they are everywhere, and not everyone will call for their guards." Pomona babbled like an old woman. All werewolves have been wiped out, and Kingsley believes that the werewolves should be given a chance to change. They do have certain differences, but they are not yet dissatisfied."

   "Oh my God, isn't this enough?" Hannah complained.

   "Do you hate Umbridge? I hate her too, but I still guard a block with her. Thanks to you, Granger, you let out so many half-blood wizards."

   "Do you think that was wrong?" Hermione looked at her incredulously. "Also, my last name is Weasley!"

"The relationship of interest is like this. When using you, they are friends who compliment each other. When they reach their goals, they turn around and sneer. He even mocks and degrades you in front of others. This is the relationship between Kingsley and Calvin. Not close enough to generate dissatisfaction, they are colleagues, not friends, let alone enemies."

  At least not yet.

   Pomona silently added this sentence in her heart. When Calvin's prestige surpasses Kingsley, the general election of the Minister of Magic may begin at any time.

   "Then what shall we do? Professor?" Neville asked with a frown.

   "Don't ask me, Severus Snape has dizzy my head, and now I can't make correct and wise judgments. You are all grown up. It's time to learn to make your own choices."

   "I don't understand why you would be willing to be a housewife." Hermione asked suspiciously.

"This is really a good question, Hermione, I also want to know why?" Pomona sighed helplessly. "Maybe I was born destined not to be the invincible king's sword, only its scabbard, I need to become Being strong will not be hurt by him."

   "Why did he hurt you?" Neville asked astutely, as if planning to fight Severus at any time.

"He wants to leave everything behind and stay in seclusion. I think he should stay. There are some things that you can't do." Pomona looked at Neville and couldn't imagine how he tortured the werewolf to extract a confession. "Even your father did it." No more."

   "How did you know that my dad can't do it?" Neville immediately asked rebelliously, as if he thought there was nothing that Frankon Barton couldn't do.

"Believe me, Neville, your father's soul is still pure." She followed Albus Dumbledore's tone and said, "Truth is a beautiful and terrifying thing that needs to be treated with extreme caution. Both you and Harry are A child born in the summer."

  The cold winter is cruel. Many lives will die in the winter. Those who say that they like winter must have never tasted cold and hungry.

  Hermione hugged her suddenly, her face wet, as if she was crying.

   Then Neville and Hannah also leaned in and hugged her.

  At this moment, she felt that she had been redeemed, so she couldn’t accept that young people died in front of her.

  She hates middle-aged men who use material conditions to lure young women who can’t distinguish right from wrong and often make wrong judgments.

   also hated Albus, who used clever words and deceit to point at a reckless young man like Harry to find his way.

  But some battles cannot be escaped.

  Last time, she left too many shortcomings, this time, she didn’t want to stay anymore.

  She is no longer the dean of Hefpaff, just an ordinary housewife.

  It is not his ability, but his choice that determines a person's fate.

  This is her choice. She feels very happy, as if she is in heaven.

  (End of this chapter)