Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 708: Weird violin

  Chapter 708 Weird Violin

  Many people say that if fairy tales are true, then they must have happened in Germany. In fact, Germany also has a fairy tale road. The scenery along the way is very beautiful, just as beautiful as fairy tales.

  The scenery from Vienna to the south is also very beautiful, but the scenery along the way is not as beautiful as the fairy tale road.

However, there are legends that many fairy tales actually happened here. The first stop of the train was in the town of Giant Dog. This was once the residence of the wand maker Grigović. To the west of the town is a forest, Grigo. Vicki used to go to the mountains to find wood for magic wands.

  No one knows how the giant dog got its name, but there is a legend that there was once a very strong castle near this area. A wizard who was good at black magic saved the princess, but the king did not intend to betroth his daughter to him.

  The king originally thought that with the strength of the castle, the black wizard could not do much even if he knew black magic.

  He didn't realize that he was wrong until the arrival of the undead army, and what's worse was that there was no "white wizard" to take care of things.

  At that time, anti-witch sentiment was high. Helga Hefpaff, Salazar Slytherin, Royna Ravenclaw, and Godlik Gryffindor were all tied to the stake.

  Who is so boring, will save the Muggles who yelled to burn the wizard to death under the instigation of religious fanaticism.

  The castle has been razed to the ground, and there may be some broken walls that testify to the authenticity of the legend. As for whether the black wizard who grabbed the princess has lived a happy life, no one knows.

  Giant Dog Town was once covered by dense forests. Long, long ago, a king was hunting in the forest. He tried to chase a beast, but his followers could not keep up with him. It was getting late, and the king stopped and looked around, only to realize that he had lost his way.

  He wanted to get out of the forest, but he couldn't find the way. At this moment, the king saw an old woman who kept nodding towards him. It was a witch.

  "Hello." The king said to her, "Can you tell me the way out of the forest?"

   "Ah, yes, Your Majesty." The witch replied, "Of course I can tell you, but there is a condition. If you don't agree, you will never want to get out of the forest. You will starve to death in the forest."

  "What conditions?" the king asked.

  "I have a daughter who is beautiful." The old witch replied, "She is unparalleled in beauty and is more than enough to be your wife. If you are willing to marry her as queen, I will tell you the way out of the forest."

  The king was distraught and had to agree to the witch’s terms. The old witch led the king into her hut, and saw her daughter sitting there warming up the fire. The daughter received the king with a look as if she had expected the king to come. The king felt that she was indeed beautiful and extraordinary, but he didn't like her, and he couldn't help being frightened when he saw her. When the king carried the **** the horse, the old witch told the king the way. After the king returned to the palace, he married the girl.

  The king once had a marriage. His first wife gave him seven children: six boys and one girl. The king loved them very much. After the wedding, the king worried that his stepmother would abuse the children, and even more worried that they would be hurt by the stepmother, so he sent them to live in a lonely ancient castle in the forest.

  The castle is located deep in the dense forest. The road is extremely difficult to find. If a witch had not given the king a wonderful ball of thread, even he himself would never have found it. As long as the king throws the ball of thread forward on the ground, the ball of thread will open by itself to lead the way for the king. The king often visits his beloved children, and the queen finds that the king is often not around, very curious, always trying to figure out what the king is doing in the forest alone. She bought the king's entourage with a lot of money, and these people leaked the secrets to her, and also told her the thread **** that could lead the way. From then on, the queen was uneasy, until she knew where the king kept the thread balls, she was relieved. Afterwards, the queen sewed a few small shirts with white silk. After learning witchcraft from her mother, she sewed a charm into each shirt.

  One day the king went to hunt on horseback, and the queen took these little shirts into the forest and used a ball of thread to guide her in front. The children saw someone coming from a distance, thinking that their dear father came to visit them, and all happily ran to meet them. At this moment, the stepmother threw a small shirt at each of them. As soon as the little shirts touched their bodies, in the blink of an eye they turned into swans one by one, flying into the sky and disappearing into the distance. The queen returned to the palace, exasperated, thinking that she had dismissed the stepchildren.

  Who knows that the girl didn't rush out to greet her with her brothers, but the queen knew nothing about it. The next day, the king went to visit the children and found that only the daughter was in the castle.

  "Where are your brothers?" the king asked.

   "Oh, don't mention it, dear father," the daughter replied, "They are all gone, and I am alone!"

  Next, she told her father that she saw from the small window of her room that her six brothers had become swans and flew away over the forest.

  As she said, she took out the feathers and showed them to her father. They dropped them in the yard and she picked them up. The king was utterly distraught, but he never thought that this damaging thing was done by the queen. He was worried that his daughter would also be taken away from him, so he wanted to take her back, but the daughter was afraid of his stepmother and begged the king to allow her to stay in the forest for another night, and then took the opportunity to escape.

  When night fell, she ran out of the castle and walked straight into the dense forest. She walked all night, and the next day, she walked for a whole day without stopping until she was so exhausted that she couldn't take a step anymore, and then stopped. At this moment, she saw a hut where a hunter lived, and walked in, and found that there were six small beds in the house, but she did not dare to lie on the bed, so she climbed under one of the beds and lay on the shack On the ground, ready to spend the night there. When the sun was about to set, she suddenly heard a rustle and saw six swans flying in from the window. The swans flew to the ground, blowing to each other, blowing off all the feathers on their bodies, and then their swan skins fell off their bodies as if they had taken off their shirts. At this time, the girl looked at them again and found that it was her brothers. She was overjoyed and hurriedly crawled out of the bed. Her brothers were also very happy when they saw their little sister. However, their happy time is very short. "You can't stay here for anything," they said to the little sister. "This is a place where robbers are infested. If they come back and find you, you will be dead." "Can't you protect me?" Little sister Asked. "No," they replied, "we only have a quarter of an hour every night to take off the swan skin and regain our human form, and then we will immediately become swans again."

Sister    began to cry when she heard it, and she said as she cried, "Couldn't you be saved?"

"Oh, it's still not possible," they replied. "Those conditions are too harsh! It will take six full years. You are neither allowed to speak nor laugh, and during these six years, you must still use water horses. Sawgrass stitched six small shirts for us. As long as one word comes out of your mouth, all your efforts will be lost."

  As soon as the brothers spoke, a quarter of an hour came, and they turned into swans again and flew away from the window. As for the girl, she is determined to give everything, even her own life, to save her brothers.

  When night fell, she left the hut, walked into the deep forest, and climbed onto a tree for the night. The next morning, she collected water horse teeth from around and began to sew shirts. She couldn't talk to anyone, and didn't want to laugh, so she just sat there, keeping her head down and busy with her work. She spent a long time in the forest like this, until one day when the local king came to hunt in the forest, the hunters came to the tree on which the girl was sitting. When they found her, they greeted her loudly and asked her, "Who are you?" But she didn't answer. "Come down," they said to her, "we won't hurt you."

  She just shook her head when she heard it. They kept asking this and that, and she threw her gold necklace to them, thinking they should be satisfied now. Unexpectedly, these guys still refused to give up, so she threw the belt to them again, but it was still to no avail. Then, she threw the garter belt and all the dispensable things to them one by one, finally wearing only underwear.

  But that's it, these hunters still couldn't leave, and climbed to the tree to hug the girl and lead it to the king.

  The king asked her: "Who are you? What are you doing in the tree?" But she did not answer.

  The king asked her in every language he could speak, but she remained silent. The girl's unusually beautiful appearance touched the king's heart, and he fell in love with her deeply.

  The king put his cloak on her, hugged her on the horse, let her sit in front of him, and took her back to the palace. Immediately, the king ordered her to wear colorful clothes, so that she would be more radiant and beautiful, but she just didn't say a word. When eating, the king asked her to sit next to him. The girl was dignified and courteous, and the king liked it very much, so she muttered to herself: "She is the queen in my mind, and I don't want her to marry."

  A few days later, the king and the girl had a good relationship for a hundred years, but the king’s mother was tricky and vicious. She was very dissatisfied with this marriage and often said bad things about the young queen.

   "Who knows." She said, "Where did this non-talking stinky girl come out? She is not worthy of being a queen!"

  In a blink of an eye, a year passed. The queen's first child was born. The old woman took the child away while the queen was asleep, and smeared some blood on the queen's mouth. Then she went to the king to falsely accuse the queen, saying that she was a cannibal monster.

  The king refused to believe it and did not allow anyone to hurt, but the queen turned a deaf ear to everything, just sitting and sewing his shirt non-stop.

The second time, the queen gave birth to a beautiful boy. This vicious mother-in-law did the same trick again. The king still refused to believe it. He said: "She is so pious and kind-hearted, she won't do anything like this. If she can speak and can excuse herself, her innocence will be revealed to the world."

   But after the old woman stole the third child who was just born, she went to falsely accuse the queen. The queen still did not say a word to defend herself. The king was helpless, so she had to submit the queen to the court for trial, and the court sentenced her to be executed by fire.

  The day of the execution happened to be the last day of the six years when she could not speak or laugh, and she was able to save her dear brothers from the magic.

  Six shirts have been sewn, but one sleeve is missing from the left of the last one. When being taken to the stake, she put those shirts on her arms. She was pushed to the stake, and the wood was about to ignite. The queen looked around at the last moment, just at this moment, six swans were flying towards her in the air.

  She knew in her heart that she was going to be saved, and her heart jumped with excitement. The swan flew over the sky and landed near her, and she threw the shirt at them... As soon as the swan touched the shirt, the swan skin immediately fell off. Her elder brothers returned to their human form again, all lively, handsome and beautiful, they stood in front of her, but her little brother lost a left arm and still had a swan wing on his shoulder.

  Pomona heard a voice, a hoarse voice like a snake. She felt that it was persuading her to try Animagus, and flew out of the window after becoming a swan, and then she was free.

  She can fly in the sky and swim in the clear lake. When she is hungry, she asks humans to beg for bread. Not only will they not find her bored, but she will also find her cute.

  She can live purely without having to guess other people's thoughts, let alone looking at the dark side of human nature.

The swan was originally a stupid goose. It was liked because of its elegant appearance. When she flapped her wings and danced on the sapphire blue lake, it was so beautiful. She attracted princes and music. Home, they wrote two ballets for her, one is Swan Lake and the other is the death of a swan.

   "Which one do you want to hear?" a voice said.

   "I don't want to listen." She muttered, she prefers black swan to pure white swan.

   Too pure and easy to become a victim. She is a wizard and a mixed-blood Veel. Normal spiritual manipulation is ineffective to her.

  She opened her eyes slowly, she was still on the train, and the hoarse voice like a snake was gone.

  Pomona looked at Severus. He was still sleeping, so she patted him on the face with her hand, trying to wake him up.

   "Wake up!" She said anxiously, but he was obviously having a good dream with a smile on his face.

   Just when she was about to use the magic wand, he opened his eyes, and he stared at her face for a while and suddenly twisted her face vigorously.

   "Ah!" She screamed in pain.

   "It hurts." He breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm not dreaming."

  Experiment if you are dreaming, shouldn’t you screw yourself?

  Pomona held back her anger, and now there are more important things.

   "Did you hear the sound?"

"what sound?"

   "Snake manga!" Pomona pointed to the violin on the outside desk. "It asked me what song I want to listen to?"

   "Can you understand the snake tongue?"

   "No, I think it speaks human language." She said confusedly, "It speaks English."

   "What?" He also asked in confusion.

   "Take that weird thing as soon as possible!" She punched him "Put it in a castle deep in the mountains, where Muggles can't find it."

   "Hogwarts is very good." He said irresponsibly, "There is enough space in the house."

  Pomona was a little worried about Liwei, whether he could withstand the temptation of the piano, she almost got the trick.

   At this moment, he suddenly pressed on her.

   "What are you doing!" she said in surprise.

  "Make sure you are not real." He said as he undressed her, the white swan pendant on his neck dangling in front of her.

  She has a feeling that the six Muggle musicians whose souls were harvested by the violin are all good people. They just want to know what music people like so that they can play the music they like.

   "Follow him." Pomona didn't care about that much, and reached out to untie his coat and guide a long-breasted button to her throat.

  Even if she really becomes Satan’s lover, she will recognize him if she will be sent to the torture frame.

  On this sunny afternoon, they might have to throw their books aside again, and waste their time doing things that they find interesting and that are of no benefit to others.

  Plato said that human beings are hermaphrodite, and she prefers the metaphor of sword and scabbard.

The hermaphrodite looks like a certain kind of monster. The sword and the scabbard are a natural pair. When combined, they are like a kind of artwork. The scabbard not only protects the sword from hurting others, but also prevents itself. Injured.

  The invincible sword of the king has finished cutting the monsters that are neither male nor female, and can return to the scabbard to rest.

  The sword in the stone first appeared in a church on Christmas Eve. When people had finished their confession, they looked up and saw a sword inserted into a square stone. The sword was born without a scabbard.

  Merlin once warned King Arthur, "Although the king's sword is powerful, its scabbard is more precious than its sword. The scabbard wearing the king's sword will never bleed, and you must not lose it.

She really wanted that Slytherin locket. It had a magical power. Although it was not as good as some gemstone necklaces from the outside, it reminded Pomona of sinking in the bottom of the lake, inlaid After the ruby ​​sword, there is a long and sad story.

There was once a young man who naively thought that people would not die if he had magic, but he was so wrong that he made an outrageous mistake. Even if he repented, people would not necessarily forgive him because of the spell he used to kill. Is unforgivable.

The corpse was asleep, it didn’t look like it had been cut by a sword, but because of this, people would think that the deceased would open his eyes again and laughed and said, "This is a joke, it scares you." !"

  But that's not a joke, it must be taken seriously, so serious that it makes people feel offensive, just like the Latin meaning of Severus's name.

  (End of this chapter)