Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 712: A pound of meat

   Chapter 712 A pound of meat contract

   Where does power come from?

  When someone obeys your orders and does what you say, power comes.

The mother tells her child to wash her hands before meals and after going to the toilet. The child does so. This is her right. But when she asks her husband to go home on time, the husband does not do what she says, or responds negatively, and she loses it. that power.

The reason why marriage under theocracy is permitted is not to satisfy desires, but to restrict, suppress, and kill desires, and to expel the devil through the devil. In short, a woman is still a devil, even if she is a wife or mother, it is a sin. symbol of.

  The worship of Maria saves the woman, at least being a great mother is commendable. This compromise of the Catholic Church stems from the problem of sparse population after the Black Death and the Crusades.

  In addition, they brought beautiful women home from the dirty, chaotic, and disease-prevalent streets, dressed them in beautiful clothes and gorgeous jewelry, and since then they have lived a "happy and happy" life.

The most obvious feature of Renaissance architecture is that it sublates the Gothic architectural style of the medieval period. Since then, architects have the main decision-making power. They can choose column style and building shape, sculptor, decorator, painter The glaze maker's task was only to execute the architect's orders, and they never asked the hostess who lived in the house what style he wanted.

  This is a house, and it is also a cage. The Mediterranean sun is too harsh and will make people's skin dark. The houses in the Renaissance Period had many loggias, which later evolved into corridors or enclosed corridors. On the second floor, there are rows of windows. The windows correspond to the arches below. The buildings on four sides surround the courtyard in the middle, forming a hollow cube. This ensures that all the houses are secluded and safe, leading to the courtyard, the front of the street is magnificent, and the houses facing the Grand Canal are also beautifully repaired on the side facing the canal.

At that time, women regarded fairness as their beauty, and beauty was a powerful weapon. In order to maintain that fairness, they were like canaries in a cage. They could only wander in the shadow of the loggia and these luxurious buildings. Together they become part of the material that wealthy businessmen show off and satisfy the wealthy businessmen's desire to show off their wealth.

They could not control the behavior of men. In order to obtain more money, the merchant of Venice began to lend usury. In Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", Shylock had two major crimes. One was as a loan shark and insatiable; the other was as a reminder. The debtor is cold-blooded and ruthless.

  Modern people should be accustomed to this kind of person. Isn't it right to pay off debts? However, in the Bible, lending money to him is not like lending money to him. Jews like to lend usury to collect interest. This is their tradition for hundreds of years. If they have spare funds, they will use the money. Let it out to collect interest, and someone who needs money can naturally borrow.

  Tamudri said: Although money is not perfect, it does not make things corrupt.

  Who would be in awe of a wealthy and unkind person who lends usury? What if he lives in a luxurious house? Marx's "French Civil War": "It was Shylock of Prussia who brought the disaster to the culmination with a bill to blackmail him to support his 500,000 troops on French soil."

It is also that they severely punish loan sharks, and because the bankers who give loan sharks are mainly Jews, the party program of the Democrats clearly stated that the state should support small businessmen by means of cheap rentals, cancel land rents, and prohibit land speculation. The demand for the abolition of income that is not obtained from work has a powerful appeal to the German people who are eager to get rid of the country's humiliation and economic difficulties. The German nation, which was originally in a weak position, occupied the commanding heights of law and morality, and owed its debts to repay the righteous Jews, has found new hope of resisting oppression.

  Even though Jewish bankers have a lot of wealth in their hands, they cannot reverse their fate of discrimination and persecution.

In the movie about the Merchant of Venice, some people also argued that Shylock had solved Antonio’s urgent needs, but they had forgotten to see how Charlotte was when he forced Antonio’s debts. He insisted on cutting off a pound of flesh from Antonio. For people who lose weight, a pound of meat is not too much, but for a man of normal physique, cutting off a pound of meat with a knife in his chest is deadly enough.

  In the Venetian court, Charlotte was fierce, "The pound of meat I asked him for was bought at a high price. It belongs to me, and I must take it in my hands."

Traditionally, "The Merchant of Venice" is considered a comedy because it has a happy ending, such as the happy love between Bassanio and Portia, the loss of Antonio Merchant ship, the seizure of Sherlock's property, the general public and non-legalists, They are accustomed to appearances and judgments. Those who want to cut off a pound of other people's flesh are definitely not good people, but they don't know anything else.

Charlotte said, "He once humiliated me, took hundreds of thousands of dollars in my business, ridiculed my losses, ridiculed my surplus, insulted my nation, undermined my business, separated my friends, and incited my Enemy; what is his reason? Just because I am a Jew, don’t Jews have eyes? Don’t Jews have five senses, limbs, senses, emotions, and flesh? If a Jew insults a Christian, what about a Christian? Show his humility? Revenge!"

   Just as the drama conflict developed to an inextricable juncture, Portia appeared as a lawyer, and the plot had a turning point. After she appeared on the stage, she did not directly pronounce the verdict, she still persuades her tactfully. But she has repeatedly announced that she insists on hearing according to law, which is tantamount to encouraging Sherlock to insist on punishment. Sherlock once again threw away morality and gave up a large amount of indemnity, that is, cut off all his own retreat. Finally, Portia persuaded him to start with a minimum of humanity and ask a surgeon when he cuts the meat, so as to prevent Antonio from losing his life. Sherlock’s purpose is to avenge Antonio. The conflict between Sherlock and Antonio is not only about race and finance, but also symbolizes two completely different religions, lives, and values. Sherlock lived a temperate, stingy life, and he scorned the extravagance of Christian life. For Sherlock, the definition of a good person is that the financial situation is sufficient to survive. He tried his best to restrict his daughter Jessica from interacting with the outside world, cruelly torturing and detaining servants, and even not getting enough food.

  Antonio is willing to help others and hates loan sharks. He is willing to help others and hates loan sharks. Friends are in trouble. Of course they help. Rolando is Antonio’s friend, but he eloped with Portia. This character lacks consideration and strategy in doing things. And more reckless and impulsive. Sometimes it seems a bit stupid. However, he is blessed. Portia disguised herself as a man and pretended to be a lawyer to cross-examine Charlotte. Because Charlotte could not control her emotions, she admitted in public that he wanted to "revenge", which was equivalent to publicly saying that she wanted to kill. Provided a basis for Portia to convict him of deliberately murdering a citizen of Venice.

This covenant does not allow you to take a drop of his blood, but it says "a pound of meat"; so you can take a pound of meat as Jonah, but when the meat is cut, if a drop of Christian blood is shed, your According to the laws of Venice, all land and property must be confiscated. Do not allow more or less, even if it is a tiny bit, the litigant must resist.

Sherlock was shocked and asked to withdraw the original lawsuit, but Portia deprived Sherlock of all of her property in accordance with the law, confiscated half of it, and sentenced the other half to the victim.

"No, take my life along with the property. I don’t want your forgiveness. You have taken down the pillars that support the house, and you have demolished my house; you have taken away the foundation of my family’s life, which is Living is killing me."

  In fact, we don’t like injustice, but we want ourselves to be on the side of the legal balance. How many people laugh when they see Charlotte's unlucky luck?

  Charlotte lost her daughter, and lost all the wealth that they depended on for a living, and Christians won a great victory.

  But people have overlooked one point, Charlotte can turn defeat into victory, as long as he reveals that Portia’s lawyer is a woman.

  Men often stay home for several years due to business relations. They generally do not return to land until they are about 40 years old. If they are from a prominent family, they will enter politics. Although Venetian women have no political status, they have social status. Compared with other countries of the time, Venetian women have more opportunities to appear in formal occasions, and socializing has become the most important job for women.

  Is the court a social occasion?

  All women want to have a capable husband. However, most capable men don’t have time. Venice has a kind of "service knights". In the morning, these service knights discuss the clothes and jewels they wear with their wives, and accompany them to the church for mass. Men’s point of view gives advice; accompany your wife to dinner, attend salon parties; accompany your wife to play cards and chess, and go to dances and theaters together. It wasn't until the lady went back to the room to go to bed at night that she said goodbye and left.

  It is this system that allows women to maintain their sweet and **** images for centuries, like a lovely **** of love, such as Portia who dared to run away, and disguised as a man, abandoning all the characteristics of women, and becoming a lawyer is very rare.

  The goddess of order and wisdom, Athena, is not as often **** as Venus. She always wears a uniform and looks majestic.

  On March 1, 2005, when Venice was shrouded in the morning light, Pomona put on jeans. She did not wear that gorgeous skirt with a skirt.

  After all, it’s the 21st century now. A woman can be a lawyer without pretending to be a man.

  When she was ready and looked back at the bed, her newlywed husband was still lying on the bed and fell asleep soundly. It seemed that he could not enjoy a cup of Italian coffee with her.

   "You have served well, knight, it's my turn now." She smiled and said, sent him a kiss, and went out.

Scarlett is right. Tomorrow is a new day. Although she doesn't know where the spring water is used by Hera to wash away her age and restore her virgin body, her spirit can be constantly refined.

On the bedside is a note written with gauze paper. Ordinary couples play in pairs in Venice, but she wants to play hide-and-seek with him. He wants to find Venice in this maze-like water city. In the mask, she is like the law enforcer of the religious court that arrested heretics and witches in the 15th century.

  This person likes law and order, but she likes freedom and trouble. If she is caught by him, she still doesn’t know how to be "punished". She will run away before he finds out!

  (End of this chapter)