Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 725: Hero island

  Chapter 725 Hero's Island

   When the Venice plague broke out in 1348, the governor was Andrea from Dandolo's family. It was more than a hundred years before Enrico Dandolo used debt to threaten the Crusaders to attack Constantinople.

  No matter what reason the Crusaders used, it is undoubted that many people have made fortunes because of their participation in the war, and it happens that the Templars are one of them.

  Before Andrea, there were still many Dandolo serving as the governor of Venice. None of them had such a difficult problem. They were unlucky when they came to him.

  From 1347 to 1353, the lymphatic plague killed more than 25 million Europeans. Because Italy was an important bridgehead for trade between Europe and the East, it was first attacked by the Black Death, and there was nowhere to escape.

  You are asymptomatic, but the people around you are falling down, do you stay with them and wait for death or find a place where no one is isolated?

  The wife died, and the two children had no symptoms. The city officials demanded that those who were sick at home were not allowed to go out. Faced with this situation, they had to flee the city for the sake of the two children.

  However, in some places, the village has been closed directly to prevent outsiders from entering. Who can help besides shouting to God?

  The church has almshouses that will help those in need. Not all priests are liars, but there are also good people who are willing to help others. Hefpaff's ghost fat monk is one of them. As for whether he will run into a good person or a bad person, it is all luck. It is probably the scarcest resource in the world.

This is her honeymoon. Of course, she won’t be so sick that she took Severus to the grave to spoil her joy. It was all Monica and Ali Sandro who wanted to see if there were really ghosts in that church and brought her here. Yes, now they are sure—there is really no ghost in this place, so they took Pomona and took a steamboat to the Church of Our Lady of Angkhang.

Titian died of the great plague in 1576, and the Basilica of Our Lady of Ankang was when the great plague broke out in Venice in 1630. The elders made a wish to Maria. If she can really make Venice through this difficult situation, build a building for her. The church in Elumbi.

This church was built in 1631 and was completed in 1687, when Titian had been dead for more than a hundred years. Compared with the overcrowded St. Mark’s Square, the church of Our Lady of Angkor had far fewer tourists. After all, the vast majority People don't stay in Venice for a long time. They often take a photo of this gray-blue baroque building with a camera in the distance, and then even if they have been there.

  There is a health festival in Venice, which is set up to avoid and eliminate the plague. Every year on November 21st, many people will participate in the activities held in the church.

  This day is also the only day of the year when mortals can enter the church from the main entrance. The believers, holding lighted candles, walked across the ship bridge across the mouth of the Grand Canal towards the church.

  All the decorations for the Virgin are the most beautiful masterpieces in Venice, including 12 works completed by Titian after 90 years old, which are cherished in the sacristy.

  Understanding masterpieces and treasures Many people have different ideas. If Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael represent the Florentine school, then Titian represents the pinnacle of the Venetian school.

  The Florentine School pays attention to sketching and realism, while Titian pays attention to color. The Venus painted by him is like a woman who has just taken a shower, lying on a soft sofa, waiting for her lover to love her. The Venus of the Florentine school can be represented by the birth of Venus. It was an adolescent girl with a confused expression of "Who am I? Where am I?" in her eyes.

  Innocent girl or beautiful milf, which one do men like?

  Venetians like beautiful women. They are flesh and blood. When the plague strikes, they can't do anything else. The only thing they can do is to pray to Maria for everyone to survive the disaster.

After the plague passed, the Senate decided to honor its oath. When it began to campaign for the architect of the new church, it requested that the project “not cost too much, but also give people a good impression.” After the Black Death attacked Venice, it was already very injured. , Not to mention twice, coupled with the westward movement of the trade center, Venice is even worse.

  At this time, the Ottoman Empire was competing with the Western Christian League for hegemony in the Mediterranean. Members of the Hospital Knights, four to five thousand civilians, and approximately two thousand infantrymen together won the siege of Malta.

  The news of the fiasco of the Battle of Djerba spread all over the coast of Christian countries, which made people shudder. The victory of the Siege of Malta gave people confidence.

  However, at that time the New World had been discovered, and countries had begun to grab the colonies of the New World.

It costs money to fight wars, and money to cure illnesses. There is no money to continue to squander, but the Virgin blessed everyone, of course, she must dedicate the best to her. If there are not so many gold and silver jewelry, use famous paintings, including mentions. The decorative painting on the back of the incense altar "The Coronation of St. Mark" and Tintoretto's "The Wedding in Ghana".

   "The Wedding in Ghana" was once rolled up by Napoleon's army and taken to Paris. Now the copy is exhibited at the Louvre, and the original is still in the Church of Notre Dame de Ankang.

  It doesn’t matter if Napoleon takes away the other works. The paintings of the Church of Our Lady of Ankang will not be authentic if taken away. No wonder he calls himself Attila of Venice.

After he took the painting, the Black Death occurred in Venice in 1793, and the island of Boville was urgently expropriated as a shelter. At the same time, a total of 110,000 people nearby went to the island to "quarantine". This time the bodies They were all cremated, and the burning day and night caused a layer of black ashes to appear on the island. There are still many bones and ashes that have not been cleaned up today.

Unrestricted entry of population into the city resulted in excessive population density and rapid spread of the plague. Venice still controls the urban population today to avoid the recurrence of the tragedy on the island of Boville. However, they control the number of tourists. Nope, especially those large cruise ships, they just dock near the lagoon.

These boats blocked the coastline of Venice. They themselves could see the magnificent sunset on the boat, but the people in the city could not see it. In fact, they could not stay in the hotel on the main island, but instead live in the resort hotel on the nearby island. There are Lido and beaches.

  I want to save money and play, but I don’t know if these people are having fun or not.

   "Oh heh!"

  Along the "S"-shaped canal, it feels very refreshing to fly fast in the wind. Monica opened her arms and laughed. The seagulls were flying around their ship just like five hundred years ago.

  At that time, the ship was still a sailing boat, not a motorboat today, but those people in the great nautical era must have looked at the sky that was dyed red by the setting sun just like them.

  In the Doge’s Palace, there is a group of paintings. The clouds on it look so beautiful, maybe only people who are on the beach all year round can draw them.

  Because they see magical clouds every day, nature is the best artist, and it is also the only way to paint paintings that do not conform to the common sense of human beings.

  As for the painting of the birth of Venus, the sea and sky are just the background. Pomona remembers that Venus seems to be the daughter of Uranus.

  The painting was opened in her, and it was not enough to enter the Church of Our Lady of Ankang and become a sacrifice to the Virgin.

  In Shakespeare’s time, that church had not been built yet, so there is no description of it in his "The Merchant of Venice".

  With her poor vocabulary, she could not find a suitable word to describe it, but she felt that the place should be very suitable for a wedding.

  Although Napoleon seems to have been single-minded to Josephine, she doesn’t care about cheating, but does he really love her? Or is that what he played for the world to see?

  Venice is a city worthy of an in-depth tour. It is a dazzling crystal on boots. As for Genoa, it is said to be a city of lighthouses. Maybe she will retire later, she will visit it some time.

  As for now, let's leave time to the "Mrs." of Venice.

  (End of this chapter)