Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 736: fruitlalà

  Chapter 736 Fruitlalà

  In Venice, there are some places called tourist villages, which have small houses and venues for tents and RVs, plus a pizzeria, bar, beer garden and 24-hour laundry, which can be used for "poor tourists".

  The food of the Italian army during World War II was recognized as the best, better than the French. Even a daily meal once made a captured British officer think that he was going to have a beheaded meal.

A fast food called ceccheti is popular in Venice. It provides veal meatballs, garlic meatballs, thistle heart, octopus cubs, cuttlefish cubs, tomatoes and other foods. They are usually sold in bars. The bars in Venice have no seats at all. After eating and drinking Just go. If you want to eat delicious food and have a seat, you need to spend money to really enjoy a big meal.

  Charlotte in the Venetian merchant written by Shakespeare is reluctant to eat. Who wants to be a miser like him?

Usually Venetians will settle breakfast in their own homes or bars, while tourists will stay in their hotels. Pomona buys a sandwich for breakfast. Golden bread from Verona contains mushrooms and Mortadella with olives and cucumbers. And spicy aioli, plus a large strawberry cocktail, especially refreshing.

  She never tried to drink cocktails in the morning, what do the Italians say? It’s cute. Pomona brought out cocktails. The bartender didn’t criticize her at all, and he said “salud” to her. Talking to this kind of people about military and political problems, Italians are not born with that material. .

  As the trade center moved westward, business in Venice and even in Italy was not as good as before. The predecessor of Gringotts was once located in Lombardy and later moved to London.

The most important thing for the global financial market is actually two streets, one is Wall Street and the other is Lombard Street. Lombard Street in London was created by the bankers and merchants of Lombardy in Italy, starting in the 14th century. , They gradually gathered in a street on the north bank of the Thames.

  Fairies want to exchange Muggle currency into magic currency, and try to put Muggle currency back into Muggle society circulation on the island. As the Lombards moved away, they had to follow to England.

  The Black Death has no effect on the goblins, but the Muggles are scared. They originally thought they would come back when the plague was over. Who knew that New World Fee had discovered it.

  The Lombards ruled most of Italy for 200 years, until they were later conquered by the Franks, another force active on the stage of Italian history.

  They are all Germanic nations. They obviously can be solved in other ways but they want to fight.

  Actually, those backpackers are like gypsies, but gypsies drive caravans and make money while performing, while backpackers drive around the world in RVs.

  If you don’t have to be discriminated against, that kind of life is actually very free and happy.

  There is really nothing worth visiting on Tocello Island, but the traces of Rome here are very heavy, so Pomona found the tent in her pocket, found a place where no one was, and set it up, and then changed into a lounge chair to bask in the sun.

  Monica and Ali Sandro, who saw the magic tent for the first time, saw everything fresh. They didn't expect that there was everything in such a small tent. After the freshness was over, Monica followed in the sun.

  At first, Severus Vampire Snape hid in the tent, as if trying to avoid being set on by the sun, and refused to join them alive. Later Ali Sandro said that there was a wine estate on the island, so they went to the "cellar" again.

The British are generally very pale. That’s because the sky in the United Kingdom is covered with dark clouds all year round. Most of the year is cloudy and rainy, the sun is not available, and the skin color is pale. The old bats that stay underground all year round are paler than ordinary British people. No wonder people think he is a vampire.

  The skin color of Italians is the best in Europe, which is caused by the bright sunshine of the Mediterranean.

   "Oh, this is life!" Monica sighed with happiness while lying on the lounger next to her while basking in the sun.

  No one stipulated that they should continue to go to the beach in the sun, not to mention that this place is far away from the church. Pomona really felt that she had made a smart decision.

  This is your honeymoon. For the sake of God, don’t think about the unlucky things!

   Roaring in her heart, she stopped thinking about the annoying things, and enjoyed this beautiful moment.

   "How about our barbecue at noon, I saw you bought a lot of dishes." Monica said.

  She chooses between Michelin restaurants and open-air barbecues.

   "Okay." She decisively chose barbecue "But let's buy some meat."

   "How about seafood?"

  She has no opinion.

  No wonder so many people like Venice so much.

"Now there are only two abandoned churches in Torcello. No tourists are willing to come. The government requires us to come to Torcello when we bring people to Burano." Monica said, "You are the strangest I have ever encountered Tourists."

   "Don't ruin the atmosphere, Monica!" Pomona said with her eyes closed.

   "What are Edgar and Sandy planning?" Monica asked, "I have never seen him so serious."

   "Just an idea." Pomona said indifferently.

"what idea?"

  "Establish a financial institution in Venice like the Swiss bank, and use a financial center instead of tourism."

  "Do you think it is possible?" Monica asked after a moment of silence.

"You have to ask Papa, if the Vatican is willing to deposit the money in the Venetian Bank, do you remember the party I said? It was organized by the Marquise of Sweden, and there will be many celebrities attending. You only need to convince them to transfer Switzerland. The bank’s customers are poached."

  "Is it as simple as you said?"

"Why not, dear, this is a city of faith. When people in other places choose not to believe in God because of the Black Death, you choose to believe that you are still celebrating the Savior’s Day and Health Day, and Christmas in other places. Festival is just a cutscene." Pomona said emotionally, "It was a shopping carnival for merchants."

  "Why do you guys have this idea?" Monica asked confused.

   "Napoleon said that there is a sleeping lion in the East, I hope they won't wake up." Pomona said, "Who do you think he is talking about?"

   "We?" Monica said uncertainly.

"Napoleon was an emperor who lacked self-confidence in front of women. He was a short man, so he destroyed the lion's mouth relief of your Doge’s Palace, so as to give him some confidence. You are the lion. He has never been in contact with Chinese. How did he know? That sleeping lion is China."

   "Why did you do that?"

"I like Venice, I like Titian more than Leonardo da Vinci. I can't just look at such a beautiful city and just sink like this." She said, "I don't know what my husband's idea is. He did it outside. I rarely ask about it."

   "Just to keep it from sinking?" Monica said.

"Yes, I saw it in the Church of Our Lady of Ankang. In order to show God his loyalty, Abraham planned to sacrifice his only son Isaac, no matter what he sacrificed. The elders and the governor built the church, thank God for blessing the city, they Although she is a profiteer, she kept her promise. This is a valuable quality, especially for bankers who need credibility." She paused, and then asked, "Do you know why you choose November? Is the 21st a Health Day? The other two important holidays are the weekends of July and September, and no special day is selected?"

   "I don't know, can you tell me? Witch?"

   "It will be a long story." Pomona took a sip of the strawberry cocktail. "It involves the Crusades, the Templars, and the King of France."

   "It's okay, I have time." Monica said, "And I think this story you tell will be wonderful."

   So Pomona started talking.

  Napoleon claimed to be the king of France and Italy, but the Italians did not recognize him.

  He is just a short Corsican, only the French think he is the emperor of France.

  He took away a lot of artworks but lost popular support. No wonder a fool writer who wrote the story of Notre Dame would say that France and England are like robbers, and the "Throne of Attila" is right in front of Notre Dame.

  It is like an arrangement of fate, but I don’t know who will be chosen by fate to become the owner of that chair.

  (End of this chapter)