Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 745: Hidden location

  Chapter 745 Hidden Location

  Venice is a business empire. People from different countries and different beliefs come here for the same purpose, for the same creed-to make money and become a trading partner.

  As long as everyone has money to earn, then cultural differences are irrelevant.

  Armenians, Persians, Greeks, and Germans became neighbors on the Grand Canal. Trade provided a common bond, making the city full of golden mosaics and rustling spices.

  However, there is still some intrigue under the surface peace. After the crusades, Constantinople is still trading with the Venetians; even if they robbed each other's merchant ships, the Genoese still hooked up with Venice.

  At the same time, the Genoese and Constantinople colluded to deal with Venice.

  The Venetians are good at weaving lace. The ruling class of the republic wearing red velvet coats is like weaving lace to create conspiracies.

  No one knows who first came up with lace for women’s underwear, but now few adults don’t know it.

  Venice is a place where luxury goods are produced. Masks, hand-made glass and lace are sold in popular attractions nowadays, but there is a rule that is absolutely correct-cheap is not good.

  The most authentic place for Venetian lace is behind the St. Mark’s Basilica on the main island, a market called Kerer, not on Burano Island, where almost all of the products sold are machine-processed bulk products imported from Yiwu, China.

  Of course, it’s a bad mood to buy a cheap thing at the price of buying luxury goods, but Venice profiteers are like this. Good things are hidden, and the craftsmanship and formula of hand-made glass are still blocked.

The technique of making transparent glass by Salicornia was top-secret in the Middle Ages. Now everyone can make transparent glass. This secret recipe is only public. The sand turns into gold. This kind of business cannot be more profitable. Europeans attach great importance to intellectual property rights. They are as good teachers as the Orientals, and they neglect the tea workers who master the core technology, so that the pillar industry of the whole country collapsed.

  Even if there is only one trachoma, the water in a kettle will leak out. Everyone wants to buy high-priced goods at a low price, but the probability of encountering such a thing is very small.

  Women lose their minds when they see beautiful lace, and men lose their minds when they see women wearing lace underwear. This is the temptation. If you can't resist it, you don't have enough knowledge, and your mind is not clear enough, you will be caught.

DelBò is the meaning of Tao Niu, this palace rented by the Venetian club belongs to the favorite consort of Sultan Serim II, Cecilia Vinier, she is the illegitimate daughter of the Venetian noble Sebastiano Vinier , She likes Venice's luxury goods very much, everything from pet dogs to golden silk pillows must be made in Venice, and of course the lace she used to conquer Sudan.

In the 15th century, there was a Venetian nobleman named Luigi Cornaro who was very famous in gerontology, because he was determined to change his past, live in a healthy way, and want to Strive to live to be at least 100 years old.

  He achieved great success. In an era when most people were lucky to live to 35 years old, Cornaro lived to be 103 years old, and in the end he was still active and clear-headed.

  He achieved this achievement by not drinking and eating less. In fact, he has been dieting since the age of 37, following the ancient Greek and Roman concept of dieting as the secret of longevity.

  This way of life and concept is called Cornaroism, and many monks in the monastery lived in this way.

  But is this kind of clear soup and watery life living a good life?

The meaning of luxury is to squander, without blinking your eyes, you don’t even consider whether the price is cost-effective. This sultan played a key role in the foreign policy of the Ottoman Empire, and even the Genoese had to send an assassin to assassinate her. .

  At the time of her death, she was honored as "Sultana Nurbani" by the ministers of the Ottoman Empire, meaning the Queen Mother of Light.

  From a weak and helpless prisoner-of-war slave girl, she became a young Sultan Sherim III, a pen pal with Queen Elizabeth I of England and Queen Catherine de Medici of France. She was so fascinated by "Drunk Sherim" that she entrusted the administration of state affairs to his prime minister, which completely fulfilled the ancient Chinese poem of "The Spring Festival takes a short time and the day is high, and the king will not reign early."

This palace was built for her. Venice in the 16th century was a slutty place. The nobles had many lovers, and their wives became "white widows". The young and handsome male servants no longer only provided service "knights", they climbed On the bed where the noble master lay, sleep their lonely and unbearable "white widow".

  There are many children born as illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters. They are sent to orphanages. Often anonymous donors wearing masks will give a generous remuneration, and then the Venetian government will take care of these girls.

Generally speaking, the probability of survival of an illegitimate child is very low. The "white widow" will not let him grow up to fight for inheritance rights with her son. Orphans sing in public to raise money, and people who are asked will give it, because who I don't know the illegitimate daughter of a big man that beautiful little girl is.

Cecilia Venier was one of these orphans. In the summer of 1569, an army of elite new Turkish troops and cavalry went to siege Astrakhan and start the canal project. At the same time, a fleet Siege of the Sea of ​​Azov. But the Russian garrison in Astrakhan repelled the siege, and another 15,000 Russian reinforcements defeated the workers who built the canal and the Tatar army that protected them, and finally the Ottoman fleet was destroyed by the storm. In early 1570, Russian Tsar Ivan IV reached a peace treaty with Ottoman.

  After this battle, the Ottoman Empire's expedition in Hanzhi and Yemen was quite successful. In 1573, the Ottoman brought his favorite wine to Selim II, and 100 women returned triumphantly. Cecilia was among them.

  The Ottomans occupied Cyprus in 1571. The Venetians felt that the maritime power of the Ottoman Empire posed a threat to them, so they united with the Papal State, Genoa, and Spain to fight against the Ottoman Empire.

This huge fleet defeated Turkey in the Saipan Sea in Greece, but lost in Paros. Cecilia and other women who lived in the orphanage on the island were sent aboard together, and then sent to the past. Constantinople, now Istanbul.

  Thank God for giving her a beautiful appearance, so that she will not end up with other women. She saw the Sultan.

  Her father Sebastiano Vinier was the commander of the coalition forces. As a revenge for the captivity of the Turks, he also hijacked 100 Turkish women to Venice.

   "Look up."

  She heard a low voice from a man saying that there was a huge marble bull in front of her, it was almost as big as the one on Wall Street.

   "Did the money fall on the ground? Why do you keep staring at the ground?" Severus asked puzzledly, still wearing a Venetian mask on his face.

  It doesn’t look like a bargain, but that’s not important anymore, at least it’s not a silk eater's mask.

"This place was originally used to build a hydrographic museum, but later it was used to repair the Queen Mother's palace, oh, this cow." Gianluca ran to the marble-carved cow, touched its front hoof and said, "It's used The marble of Paros and the Venus of Milo used a pit stone."

  "Is this a modern work?" Monica looked at the huge sculpture and asked, it has no seams, as if it were carved from a stone.

   "It should not be. It existed when the Austrians shelled it." Gianluca said, "Everything that can be removed in the palace is removed. When we took over it, it was left."

   "The 16th century was the era of Titian and the heyday of Venice." Pomona said to Ali Sandro and Severus, "I bet this palace must be very luxurious."

She looked around. After the war, it looked like an empty box, but it should be very suitable for a dance party. The four-story building encloses a hollow courtyard. The entire roof is made of glass. In the 16th century, it was just this glass. The dome is invaluable.

There are two rows of marble steps behind Niu, which can reach the left and right wing of the building respectively. There are many mirrors in the Palace of Mirrors in Versailles. There are many rooms here. Each room looks the same, but there is nothing Turkish. style.

   "Are these flowers real?" Monica asked.

  "It was sent by the mayor, and they were all planted in the Napoleon greenhouse." Gianluca said, "he said that the flowers cultivated in the greenhouse should be used to decorate the Royal Palace in Venice."

   "I never came here." Ali Sandro said in a low voice, "I thought it was a warehouse."

  In fact, Pomona almost thinks that, because its exterior is all wooden.

   "It's probably repairing the outer wall." She walked to Severus's side and helped him take off the non-existent ashes on his chest. "Are you still betting with me now?"

   "How do you know he is rich?" Severus asked with a smile.

   "Did you admit defeat?"

   "Yes, my mistress." He said like a servant.

   "Poor boys from your background are ambitious, but they want true love." Pomona said, "He tried to pretend to be an ordinary person. That would be as weird as you deliberately pretending to be a nobleman."

   "What?" Ali Sandro was puzzled.

  "Do you feel comfortable in this place? Gianluca looks relaxed, just like you are relaxed among civilians."

   Ali Sandro is still confused.

   "Idiot." Pomona didn't bother to care about him, holding Severus's hand and continuing to stroll around the palace built for the sultan's favorite concubine.

  In 1574, Osman regained Tunisia from Spain. Soon after, King Selim II died in Topkapi Palace. The cause of death was a slip on the wet floor of the bathhouse and a head injury, just like an accident.

  There is a great pleasure king Casanova in Venice. He is an orphan. He studied law but became a famous "love saint" in Venice. From countess to nun, no woman can escape his charm.

One night, when he was "playing games" in the bedroom with the French minister and two nuns, he was caught by the people of the "Council of Ten". He was arrested by "anti-religious evil", but he was actually French. Spy, and also correspondence with Freemasonry.

He was sentenced to the most terrible attic prison, and finally managed to escape. After escaping, he still did not change his profligate nature, had an affair with many women, was penniless in Germany, and almost died in a duel in Poland. The Americans gave him back. I made a movie, and finally worked as a librarian in a remote castle in Bohemia.

  Because of loneliness and boredom, he wrote a memoir. The end of the memoir is "I have not lived in vain in this life".

  Wait to the corner of the palace that no one else could see, she forced another human lover to the corner.

  "What do you want to do?" He pretended to say, like a good family woman who was blocked by a slutty, ready to scream at any time.

   "I won, what is my prize?"

   "The answer hasn't been revealed yet, my wife, maybe he is just an administrator." He stretched out his hand and tucked the strand of always disobedient hair behind her ear.

   "Then what do you want if you win?"

   "What do you think poor boys like me like?" He whispered in a low voice.

   "The life of a nobleman." She tilted her head, "Do you want to raise a mistress too?"

  "I have a maid, her name is Abigail, let me think about who else?" His yellow teeth grinned and said, "And Christine from France, the Auror must be looking into her."

   "That's a name I made up casually." She said, curling her hair.

   "I want French tonight..."

   "You don't want to see me in school uniform? Professor~~" she deliberately said in a sweet voice.

  He cursed for being unclean.

  "You are not a young man anymore, do you need me to find a helper for you?"

  The violent fire dragon suddenly became quiet.

   "What are you thinking about?" He questioned in a rage.

   "Same as you think now." She put a smirk away, and said blankly, "If you don't have enough to eat, you can order more, don't want to go out to eat!"

  "Do you think it is possible?" He said in disbelief, "Why are you not like a normal woman at all?"

   "The reason why women become women is that they are trained to be like this. Albus Dumbledore trained me to be a soldier, what do you think!" She snarled and pushed the double agent hard.

   "I look like a nun." She covered her face and cried, "I am obviously a witch."

  This is not what she wants to say.

  But she can’t say.

  She doesn’t want to be a woman. If God gives her a chance, she wants to be a man. Unfortunately, she can’t decide what kind of container the soul is in.

   "I made you not a nun anymore." He said triumphantly, "Is it fun to do bad things?"

  She punched him.

  "You make me very happy, senpai, unlike Lily, she always wants to change me." He sighed, "As long as I use it right, what's so bad about learning dark magic?"

  Pomona stopped crying.

  "What kind of person do you think Cecilia Venere is?" she asked.

   "I don't know." He shook his head and said, "I only know that I can't afford such a woman. No matter how beautiful she is, I won't think about it."

   "You marry me because I can support it?"

   "Do you think there is any other good reason?"

  Pomona took out her magic wand and used it "tore apart" on him.

  He immediately blocked it with "Armor Bodyguard".

"I am going to kill you!"

   "Come on!" He said provocatively, and then took a big step and started running in the palace.

    Cecilia Vernier is a real person, and it is true in history. It can be said that Genoa’s loss of the Western European market is directly related to her. She blew in the ears of the Sultan and asked the Ottoman navy to restrict the navigation of the Genoa fleet. Originally, she wanted to name this chapter Venus of Paro. It was so difficult for me, so I finally named it.

     As for why there is no cover, isn’t the cover of the female channel Phoenix? I'm a simple and kind Slytherin. The sorting hat should assign me to Hefpuff. Why don't I look like a good person?嘤嘤嘤



  (End of this chapter)