Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 753: Paul and Leonardo's war

  Chapter 753 The War of Paul and Leonardo

  Switzerland is the richest country in Europe and one of the richest countries in the world. There are two things in Switzerland that are hard to match in other countries. One is clocks and the other is banks.

  Swiss Bank has always been regarded as the safest bank in the world. It is said that about 1/4 of the personal wealth in the world is stored here. It can be said that Swiss Bank is managing money for the world.

  In addition, Switzerland also has the nickname of a black money safe. Because the Swiss state implements a neutral policy and does not form alliances with any country, it does not cooperate with extradition and other issues. Neutrality creates independence and can disobey the laws and regulations of other countries.

  However, absolute neutrality is impossible. Venice used to be one of the few countries in Western Europe that dared to confront the Holy See.

The figures of the Florentine School look very rigorous, lacking the unrestrainedness of the Venetian School. The Holy See has repeatedly accused Venice of not being able to depict sacred things in such a stimulating way, and accused the Venetian painters of playing in the church to make people dance. Music, but the Venetian is still me.

In 1606, a cardinal and an ambassador became the pope and the governor of Venice respectively. They were Pope Paul V and Leonardo Donato. The two had a long-standing grudge. When the two were in Rome He started with the topic of "subjects" and then touched on the issue of the right to self-determination in Venice. In the end, the cardinal said angrily: "If one day he becomes the pope, he will definitely expel all Venetians."

   Leonardo said: "I don't care if you fired you."

  Finally, the cardinal really became the pope, and he also excommunicated Venice as he said.

Venice has to pay 11 million gold coins to the church in a year. Leonardo issued an edict to all churches in Venice under the zoning law, which must function normally. If a church obeys the papal edict, it will be closed permanently and its property will be confiscated. The clergy were expelled from Venice.

This confrontation finally ended with Paul V having to withdraw the edict, because a Venetian monk Paul Sapir pointed out that the right of self-determination in Venice comes from God, not Rome. Once places such as Florence and Milan use the right of self-determination in the same way as Venice, Then no one will execute the edict issued by the Pope. So the Venetians continued their unruly church design and painting methods, and then they had the paintings that have been handed down to this day.

  Compared with savvy Venetians, knights who exercise muscles are more obedient, and are most suitable for taking care of belongings.

  The problem is that Swiss banks are getting dirty. Not only politicians are laundering money in them, but the Vatican Bank is also laundering money in them.

  The Vatican Heritage Bureau is in charge of the Vatican’s real estate investment in Rome and other places in Italy, paying Vatican employees' salaries, and it is responsible for procurement and personnel appointment and dismissal.

  It has two divisions, one of which also manages the Vatican’s financial and stock investment portfolio.

  Real estate people know how to make money now, why not embezzle that money and make a lot of money first?

  The Heritage Bureau is not a bank, because it does not lend money. According to the Bible, borrowing money cannot charge interest. Not to mention 5% interest, 1% can’t charge it. Jews only lend usury.

  Since borrowing money is not profitable, why should you lend to someone?

  Swiss Bank does not pay interest to those who deposit the money, it in turn collects custodial fees.

Money laundering is a complicated process that requires professional operations. This must involve foreign banks. Accountants call the direction of money "flowing water". The "flowing water" will always leave traces. Interpol can investigate the information of these accounts, but it can be found. He cannot be arrested either. He has to provide the relevant evidence to the local police. This will involve another problem: a Venice mayor and government officials are afraid to move on a 4.5 billion euro project, and they have an umbrella on top of them. The right to order the security police not to carry out arrests, after all, it is possible that the head of the security police was appointed by them.

Artwork has always been a good tool for money laundering. A da Vinci hand-painted manuscript, as long as someone is willing to buy it, it will be sold for millions of dollars, even if the "authentic" is a three-year-old preschooler waking up. If someone verifies that it is true, then it is true.

This kind of money laundering involves art investment institutions and art galleries. The basis for distinguishing true from false is based on details. Although there are not many fine works left in Venice, the paintings are all authentic, and the brushstrokes of famous artists can be identified just like notes, Moni Ka could not go to Milan to study clothing, but instead study oil painting identification, but only if her sister Raoula agreed.

   "I promised her, we will go to Milan together in the future, I will be a designer and she will be a model." Monica said in distress, "I can't violate my oath."

  Pomona remembered Alicia's evaluation.

  She is a woman who wants to raise three silly daughters, and now Pomona understands it.

   "Do you have a younger sister?" Pomona asked.

   "Veronica wants to be a nun."

   "Merlin's beard." Pomona said in surprise, "How old is she?"

   "16 years old." Monica rolled her eyes. "But I think her soul is at least 60 years old. We are not a father."

   "Oh." Pomona didn't know what to say.

  Some decisions will affect a lifetime, Alicia is the best example.

  The boys went to the cab to chat. The two girls were basking in the sun. The "supermodel" mermaid sat on the edge of the reef and basked in the sun after eating and drinking, just like Pomona is doing now.

   "What did Gianluca just show you?" Monica asked.

  "Information for members of the Archaeological Club."

   "What did he show you for?"

"do you want to see?"

  Monica is speechless.

   "He also invited you to the summer camp. If you want to go out with him, you will know those people sooner or later. If you don't want to, you have to explicitly reject them. It's useless if you know those people."

When Monica was in deep thought, Pomona also fell into deep thought. Corruption is a world problem. Both the Vatican and the Republic of Venice have appeared. Even in the Ming Dynasty in China, there was a heavy sentence of "peeling real grass." Stop official corruption.

Francesco Fosslari’s son became the target of attacks by political opponents. Being the governor of Venice is the same as being a prisoner. The governor cannot engage in any commercial activities, cannot go to office with his family, and even open letters from abroad. It must be supervised, let alone a gift from abroad.

  After the constitution of the monarchy, the cost of the queen's hair must be publicized. Each Venetian colony has its own notary, scribe, and place to store documents. All decisions, transactions, trade contracts, wills, statutes, and judgments are recorded, forming millions of entries, just like the endless ledger of a businessman, everyone is responsible, and there is a case to check, each Everything is also recorded. When the Republic of Venice fell, it was said that its file rack for storing documents was 45 miles long.

  These documents bear witness to the detailed central management of the maritime empire system, a history of constant struggle against corruption, nepotism, bribery, and occasional treason.

  The guarantee of national honor requires all administrative officials to be outstanding.

  This is the state admonition of the Republic of Venice.

  In the Republic of Venice, no one can avoid censorship. The examination of the duke is as objective and fair as the investigation of the blacksmith, and the methods of examination are omnipotent. State inspectors will conduct regular investigations. The powers of these black-robed inspectors are almost unlimited. They wear masks and don't even want to know their true identities.

  If accused, the Governor shall not use any excuse to refuse to answer the question, even if it involves their work. The Ombudsman has the right to go to any place they deem necessary, and their freedom of movement is not subject to any restrictions, but the Republic of Venice requires the Ombudsman to save as much travel expenses as possible. If an official has committed a particularly serious crime and the prosecutor believes that he will not voluntarily return to Venice for trial, the prosecutor can directly arrest the guilty official after consulting with the local governor and forcibly return him to Venice.

  Inspectors themselves are also subject to supervision and review. Generally, the three of them act together to open the door of Gandia’s financial room. Three keys are required, each of which is kept by three different financial officers. The Duke of Crete needs the written consent of three consultants to approve a resolution. Personal will cannot override the law and the system. This is extremely painful for the emperor who wants to do whatever he wants.

Living a Cornaroist life can live a long life, but it has no taste at all. Live a good life or live a long life. Leonardo da Vinci’s animal method of desperately squeezing sleep time is not enough for ordinary people. Yes, he is the unique all-rounder in human history. It also represents the difference between Florence and Venice-individual heroism and collective responsibility. Florence is supported by the Medici family. For Florence, it is either controlled The plan of the Borgia family or the Republic is seriously threatened. The Borgia family never cares about others for their own interests. Alexander VI is regarded as a symbol of the corruption and degeneration of the Holy See during the Renaissance, and the most licentious and unscrupulous pope. He also has extraordinary ambitions in politics, and is notorious for his wealth and deliberate conspiracy for his son. He belongs to the Borgia family.

  The symbol of that family is a bull.

  Pomona couldn’t help but think of the stone cow in Tao Niu Palace. What is the origin of Gianluca Dante who can’t even date a girl?

  (End of this chapter)