Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 771: Lingxiang cat

   Chapter 771 Lingxiang Cat

The Moses plan needed funds. The Venice government raised money by auctioning the right to use the palace, and the ownership still went to Venice. Buyers like François Pino bought it in private, and his income was mainly from Printemps. And Gucci.

  Direct people to donate money to Venice. It is estimated that there are few such great feelings. Only those who like Venice will do that. Unconsciously, some people have done good deeds.

At the same time, François Pinault bought Leonardo’s oil paintings. Capital itself is neutral, but capital is a huge weapon. The weapon of capital is in the hands of different people, and the attributes of capital change. Because of its different nature, the use of capital determines that capital is not neutral. Some people use money to do good things, while others use money to do bad things. Luxury consortia in Europe and the United States and Western art capital are the most influential black capital in the world today. Paintings can not only be used for money laundering, but also can increase the price of all European and American artworks. Compared with the price of works of art, the value of the labor force of the general public has shrunk. This is the principle of legal money laundering.

  The workers in the industrial zone work hard, and they can’t create a value of 400 million US dollars without eating or drinking for a lifetime. But can the painting be able to fill the stomach except for seeing it?

For a farmer who did not know the goods, he would definitely refuse to exchange a tarp painting for his bread, but George Washington on the dollar recognized that Washington and the Mona Lisa are essentially "paintings" and have the same So many people admire, why is the Mona Lisa noble, and Washington on the dollar is vulgar?

  The silk that made Western aristocrats fascinated is the fashion brought by Caesar and Cleopatra. It can even be used as currency for payment like gold coins, spices, and salt.

The people’s aesthetics are led by the nobles, and the people will follow the trend of what kind of life the nobles lead. The reason why Christianity can take root and become such an influential religion is directly related to the king of France. He converted to Christianity under the persuasion of his wife, and the citizens also Following the letter, when the three of Piping and his son granted the kingship and fixed it, the Crusades in the future and the Heresy Inquisition in the future.

  "The marquise's banquet is the day after tomorrow. Who will you take to the party, Monica?" Pomona asked as the gondola floated on the Venetian canal.

  Severus was not interested in this topic. He took out the camera to take pictures of the scenery on the shore, just like a normal tourist.

   "I will go by myself." She said coldly.

   "That's a formal social occasion. You must bring a male partner." She took Severus's arm and said, "This guy invited me three times and I didn't agree. In the end, he brought a same **** with him."

   "Why did you reject him?" Gianluca said with interest.

   "Because she is a woman." Severus said nastyly.

   "Because I want to get his attention." Pomona smiled and twisted the arm of the old bat. "Even Karkaroff has an appointment with a dance partner. How does it feel to stand alone at the ball?"

   "Excellent." He said with a hard smirk.

   "I heard the kids say it." She also smiled brightly and said, "You sucked all the light away. The corner where you stand is like a black hole."

   "Who is eating cake while crying in the office alone." He said slickly, "You obviously want to promise me."

   "I have an appointment!"

   "Let me guess, he is a 150-year-old man, right? That's a perfect date."

  In fact, what she thought was Sirius Black, the campus prince who was as dazzling as the stars in the sky, but she didn't say it.

  As long as the name appears, it means big trouble.

   "I will take Sandy." Monica said, "This is how we planned."

  Paul II is the nephew of Eugene IV. He promotes the opposition to the marriage of close relatives. Sirius’ parents are cousins, so can Italian cousins ​​get married?

   "Maybe he has someone he wants to date." Pomona said.

   "Who can he make an appointment with?" Monica said with a disdainful smile.

   "You seem to have a very beautiful sister, Raula. Her dream is to become a supermodel." Severus said.

   "She won't go." Monica said coldly.

   "It's hard to tell." Gianluca said, "There are many girls who want to go to that kind of party."

   "What do you want to say?" Monica glared at him.

   "Enough." Pomona said helplessly, and Gianluca could mess up her words.

"The tactics used by rich guys, taking the girls to see scenes they haven't seen before, and when she is frightened to be at a loss, and then she talks smartly, it will basically succeed." Severus sneered and said, "No idea at all. "

   "I'm not that kind of person." Gianluca said, "I don't go to parties much."

   "Then what do you usually do?" Pomona asked.

   "Secret." He said proudly.

  "Are you a hacker?" Monica asked.

  Gian Luca stammered, unable to make a sound.

   "What is a hacker?" Pomona asked.

   "The man who plays with the computer." Monica said, "Super nerd."

  Pomona glanced at Severus, no wonder the two of them could talk together.

   "You are so easy to be tried." Severus said with a sneer.

   "I guess." Monica said, "My friend's boyfriend is also a hacker."

  Gianluca began to argue with Monica in Italian.

Pomona understands that this "hacker" is a cool profession like Dragon Hunter. It is the capital when men brag to women, so they no longer care about them. Ron and Hermione are also so noisy and quarrelsome. It comes from feelings.

  "Your name is Linda, too?" said the boatman shaking the oars.

   "My name is Linda, but why do you say so?" Pomona asked.

"There is a rumor that Linda Sivita, who was mutilated and thrown into the lagoon in 1947, was done by Paulo, a lunatic doctor on the island of Povilia. He treated mental illness by cutting off the prefrontal cortex and white matter in the brain. After the operation, the patients did become quieter and more honest, but they became dementia. The police said that Linda’s method of dismembering Linda was very professional. Maybe it was done by a doctor or a butcher. Maybe Paul was engaged in devil worship in private, Linda. It's his sacrifice."

   Pomona thinks this hypothesis is very nonsense.

"There is a group of Americans who built a private villa on the island, mainly for family vacations. But within a few days of staying in, the host’s daughter was inexplicably attacked late at night, with more than a dozen stitches on her face. It's like this." The boatman drew a smile on his face, but the smile cracked under his ears and looked terrifying. "Later, a camera crew came to Poville Island to record the show, and they were investigating haunting. Locally, the host took some people on the island for a day and a night, but the host died. The police found a video tape around his body. He seemed to be chased by something. Since then, no one wants to go there. It’s on the island. I heard that the mayor intends to sell that island as a resort. If this damned island can be implemented, local workers won’t go to the island. If you do more, you need to find a construction team from another place. ."

   "Even you know?" Pomona said in surprise.

   "People want to chat." The boatman said, "This is the meaning of social."

  Pomona doesn’t know what to say.

  The gossip was spread so quickly.

  "Small-hearted cat, some people say that Linda's soul is possessed by the cat." The boatman said, "She will bring bad luck."

   "There is such a cat in Venice?" Severus asked with interest.

  "Who knows? Maybe, but be careful if you encounter it." said the boatman.

   "Why don't you say that there are sea monsters in the lagoon." Monica said grimly, "It's full of superstitions."

  "You young people..." The man started speaking in Italian halfway through the conversation, and he knew that things were going on without listening.

  Just like Molly and Ron.

  Pomona shrugged and continued to admire this colorful city under the sun.

  (End of this chapter)