Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 914: Earthly judgment

   Chapter 914 Earthly Judgment

   After the current Pope and Frenchman Gregory XI moved the Holy See from Avignon to Rome in 1377, the Pope no longer lived outside the Vatican City.

  No matter how fragile the defense made by the stone city wall is in front of modern weapons, it can still play a certain protective role.

In fact, after the death of Gregory XI, due to fears that the new pope would relocate the Holy See, a riot broke out in Rome. Mobs marched outside the church and threatened to never give up unless an Italian pope was elected. The city walls played a great defensive role.

  In order to ensure the safety of the city, every guard is carefully selected.

  Atheism is also a kind of belief, but they believe in science and believe that science can explain everything, just as the priests in the Middle Ages believed that the Bible can explain all problems.

  When a nation changes its beliefs, it is destined to change all the elements of its civilization at the same time, dressing is the most obvious.

  In ancient times, Asians with Confucianism at the core of their civilization wanted to wear long hair. They believed that it was an honor given by their parents. Injury was an injury to dignity. Missionaries with short hair were treated as aliens when they entered that land. The majority of Asian men now have short hair. If they have long hair, they are considered by teachers to be corrected.

  If a person is too maverick in the crowd, he will appear to be very uncomfortable. In this era when most people believe in atheism, it is necessary to pretend that you have no faith.

  The army needs soldiers who are loyal to their country, but some people think that faith is more important than the country. Not everything the government does is right. The same is true in the police department.

In addition to the Swiss guards in the Vatican, there are families whose ancestors have served as the guards of the Pope for generations. These people have been in this profession for hundreds of years. It is no longer a personal lifelong career, but a family business. Therefore, find loyalty in the Vatican. The person is not difficult.

  The Pope’s butler found a security captain named Julianti to be responsible for finding a place for Joseph.

The place is not too far away from the Apostolic Palace, and it is not eye-catching. Fortunately, such a place is easy to find. The office building where the Pope’s personal secretary is located can make room for him. It is just behind Raphael’s room. .

  It can be said to be a seminary, but there are also people studying other topics. There are also physics and astronomy professors at MIT and Harvard University who have abandoned their previous work and become an ordinary monk.

   "I heard you are an exorcist." After Juliati took Joseph to the place, she sat on the stool by the single bed and asked, "How many demons did you drive away?"

   "I didn't count." Joseph smiled and said, "They are not wild ducks."

   "Then which time did you do the most beautiful?" Julian asked.

   "Are you thirsty? How about finding a place for a cup of coffee?"

   "That won't work." Julianti shook his hand quickly. "Just say it here, so you won't be seen."

  Joseph looked down the corridor and found a vending machine, so he went and bought two bottles of mineral water.

  Except for the tourists, the monks and nuns of the Vatican are all looking in a hurry, not wandering on the road. There is another kind of pressure in this "sacred place", which makes people feel suffocating.

  "Which one do you want to hear? Bloody or disgusting?" Joseph asked after taking a sip of cold water.

  Julianti was so cunning that he gave Joseph the choice by the opportunity of drinking water.

"Well, to protect his privacy, we call him Richard. He is a freshman in college. When he was in high school, Bloody Mary was popular for a while. Legend has it that summoning the Bloody Mary can meet the future and call her in front of the mirror. The name appears three times. Sometimes she is harmless and only her reflection in the mirror. Sometimes she is extremely cruel and will force people to commit suicide or trap the other person in the mirror. Richard is anxious about going to college. For a while, he summoned Bloody Mary and asked her questions about his future."

  "Then he was entangled by Mary?" Julian asked.

"No, he is a smart boy. He knows that he can't summon that evil spirit unguarded. He has investigated a lot of rituals about guarding against evil spirits, and he needs to use it every time he goes to the toilet. This makes him suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Later, he gave up personal hygiene in order to reduce the toilet-related rituals. He did not take a bath, haircut, defecate on paper towels, and urinate in paper cups. These are still normal people, and later his behavior is even stranger."

   "Defecate on a paper towel, pee in a paper cup? You call this ‘normal’?" Julianti repeated incredibly.

"The world is so big, there are all kinds of weird people. Many freshmen have to live in dormitories. His roommates can't stand him first. The school also advised him to take a leave of absence. His condition began to deteriorate at this time." Joseph took another sip of water and sighed. "He no longer eats with his family, only sneaks downstairs at night, and he doesn’t eat normal food. Instead, he eats a mixture of peanut butter, cocoa, sugar and milk mayonnaise. I have to It is said that spiders are normal compared to the thing, but he thinks it is clean. In order to get as much food as possible into the stomach, he desperately let himself exhaust, so he made a "hissing" sound. He would never put his left arm into the sleeve of his shirt, and his steps would become weird, like..."

   "Snake." Julianti said in an interface.

"The snake doesn't have legs, and he didn't lie on the ground. Richard was only walking with small broken steps, like a Japanese chick in a kimono. Later, he went to see a psychologist. The doctor advised his father to take the gun at home. He put it away and sent him to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. His grandmother and mother contacted me privately. Richard's father was unhappy about this. He was an atheist, but he finally agreed to try it once. After all, there was no more There is another way."

   "Then what?" Julianti asked with interest.

"He was not possessed by a demon, but he did provoke an evil spirit, but it belongs to an animal. In order to cope with his studies, Richard took the medicine of the witch doctor, which contained an animal called the'phantom snake'. It is said that eating it can make people energetic. This kind of snake eats a lot and looks weird. It is only recorded in legends, but no live samples have been caught. Legend has it that it can jump and it can jump very far, Richard De once complained that it is better to jump up with such small steps. I asked him why he had to take small steps. Guess how he answered?"

  Julianti was not fooled, and smiled while waiting for Joseph to say the answer.

"He said he had forgotten how he walked before." Joseph shook his head and smiled. "Evil spirits come in many forms. There are also animal evil spirits. What's more, if Richard eats it, it will resent him too. It should be."

   "How did you exorcise him?"

"Burning wormwood and using smoke to drive it away is the same as vampires who hate the smell of garlic. Snakes also hate the smell of wormwood. Later, his mother discovered that wormwood essential oil was sold in the acupuncture shop and used it instead of wormwood. Wormwood essential oil volatilizes very quickly, unable to produce enough pungent odor to produce snake repellent effect. Possession for the second time is more troublesome. He is accused of x harassment. Given that he has the diagnosis record of a psychologist, he is proved to be suffering from intermittent. He was acquitted by the court because of his mental illness. The nature of the case he committed was different from that of John Sinclair who assassinated Reagan, but he still had to be locked up in the Elizabeth Psychiatric Hospital for treatment, because he had an extremely dangerous tendency to violence. The devil, he has to persuade his doctor to continue to give him aromatherapy treatment, and he was almost locked up as a mental illness by the doctor."

  Julianti burst out laughing.

   "It sounds like your life is difficult, priest."

   "I am not a priest, I am just a third-rank exorcist." Joseph said, "Do you want to hear the **** one?"

  "What does the protagonist do?" Julian asked.

"Doctor, he was born in a family of doctors and he is very famous in the local area, but he said he saw the devil in the hospital." Joseph sneered and said, "Those demons surrounded him and his colleagues. He confessed to the priest. , I hope the priest can save him, but the low-level priests can only listen at best and cannot give him guidance. Later, he disappeared."

"that's all?"

  “Of course it’s not just that. He came to New York and became a serial killer. Hollywood made his story into a movie called the Seven Deadly Sins.”

   "I saw that movie, I thought it was a story."

  "The true story is more terrifying than in the movie. The New York Police Department's archives are bigger than the Vatican Secret Archives, but it's full of sins."

   "Actually, I don't really believe that some people will really eat to death." Julian said with irritation, "And I still eat spaghetti. My grandfather said that people who are hungry for a long time will suddenly eat a lot of food to survive."

   "If you don't know you are full, you will continue to eat." Joseph said calmly, "He had an operation on the brain of the fat boy. Do you remember how he took care of the drug dealer?"

   "Oh, **** Christ." Julianti exclaimed, "Did you exorcise him?"

"No, it was the policeman who killed him. He was called Mills in the movie. Let's call him that. He actually doesn't need to go to New York because he lost his wife in that case. Even if the court did not convict him, he is also bad. Exactly." Joseph said, "His wife is the most beautiful existence in the whole movie."

   "What happened to Mills?"

"Alcoholic, his temper is still bad, he was expelled from the police force, living on relief, but he is a man with a sense of justice in his bones, I let the evil spirit of the serial killer stop haunting him, now he is with my friend Security in the diocese."


   "Detroit, there is a racial commotion over there." Joseph raised his BlackBerry phone. "Another girl is possessed. I want to call her to exorcise."

   "How useful is phone exorcism?"

"Many times people need to feel that they have been exorcised in order to find confidence. It is still themselves who fight against the devil. Annalis resists until death, but many people let the devil control themselves and become clothed in human skin. Devil."

   Just then, Joseph's cell phone rang, he held it and looked at it for a while, and his expression suddenly became very weird.

   Julianti did not ask, although he was very curious.

  "Do you know that there is a girl in Bavaria besides Analis?" Joseph put away his phone.

   "Please tell me, Father." Julianti said humbly.

   "Veronica, she has desecrated the sacrament. Just now, the priest of the Cathedral of Orvieto sent an email over, and the sacrificial cake on the altar shed blood."

   "That girl named Veronica also desecrated the sacrament with blood?"

  Joseph made no sound.

   "I heard that Michelangelo's painting of The Last Judgment was inspired by the murals of the Cathedral of Orvieto."

   "Yes, from a certain point of view, the Last Judgment of the Sistine Chapel is the second creation of Sinorelli's Last Judgment."

   "Do you know this too?"

   "I'm dating a girl in the restoration team." Julianti pretended to spread his hands easily, but his tone was full of pride.

   "Orvieto is not close to the Vatican, do you think I should go?" Joseph asked.

   "I don't think so, maybe it's a slap in the face." Julianti said, "Our first protection is the Vatican."

  "I want to visit the Sistine Chapel tonight. Can you arrange it?"

   "Of course." Julianti said, "This is the employee benefit she said. You can continue to visit after closing."

   "Is she your girlfriend?"

   "Don't tell me." Julianti eagerly stood up and said, "Wait a moment, I'll call her."

    John Sinclair, Baidu knows

     Did Michelangelo borrow from Luke Sinorelli or plagiarize?



  (End of this chapter)