Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 917: Unfinished task

   Chapter 917 The Unfinished Task

  In 1966, 14 days after Chiri Joe Betis was killed, the Riverside Police Department received an order to put down everything and investigate the case until the case was solved.

  They gathered all the 62 people in the library on the night of the accident and asked them to wear the same clothes as that night and sit in the same position to reproduce the situation at the time.

  Detective Earl Brown and District Attorney Roland Mitchell questioned one by one according to a general list, and recorded the whole process. They were fingerprinted and hair collected.

  This re-enactment lasted from 5 pm to 9 pm, which is the time when the library was closed on Sunday. It was during the rehearsal that two people were found not to participate.

  One is Betis, and the other is a burly young man who is 5 feet 11.5 inches tall, which is almost the same height as a suspect, Leigh Allen.

  It is easy to find such a tall man in the United States. Lei Allen is a teacher at the YMCA in Lahonda Galzi.

  As we all know, capitalist bosses are desperate for their employees to sell all their time to the company. They have stipulated weekends. In fact, there are very few jobs that can be done on weekends, and even fewer holidays on legal holidays.

The Zodiac crimes are almost always selected on Friday nights or holidays. The most important thing is the "summer vacation." The only people who can match the schedule of the victimized students are the teachers and school-related staff, and they are postmarked. The estimated time almost all coincides with the school vacation time. Few occupations must be released on vacation.

It’s much easier than junior high schools and high schools like zoos, elementary schools and universities. Even a cleaner is questionable. However, a cleaner may not know so much knowledge of astronomy, chemistry, and cryptography, so the most likely one is Zodiac Is a teacher.

  Even if Betis has to work to repay the car, it is not easy for a beautiful girl who has just grown up and is not from a particularly privileged family.

  Riverside University is not MIT, and the YMCA in Lahonda Galzi is not Trinity College, Cambridge. It is just a primary school, and the income of ordinary teachers is limited. If Betis’ boyfriend is Ellen, she spent all his savings to buy a car, and later he found out that she already had a fiance, so that she would have enough motives for the murder.

  In the end, Betis also died because of the car. After Alan left school in 1968, he worked everywhere, worked as a maintenance worker in a garage, and worked as a guard in Franklin Junior High School. These are not occupations that require advanced knowledge.

Lee Allen fits the criminal profile very well. The police later searched his residence, but unfortunately he is a homosexual. There is a small animal heart in his refrigerator. This is his "trophies". He has always wanted to do it. Biology teacher, he was digging out animal carcasses, but his psychological evaluation has never passed.

  If a person is interested in killing small animals, his late arrival will change the subject to adult.

  He lives in a trailer, and he does not live in a decent and clean house like a teacher in people’s imagination.

  After the incident, there are many people claiming to be Zodiac every year. Some of these people are drunk, some are mentally handicapped, or else they just want to be noticeable, but when the notes are checked, they find that they are not the ones who wrote to the police.

  Although the police detectives hope Lei Allen is the murderer, just as Marx said: Truth is an objective thing and law that does not depend on human will.

  The **** serial killer is not only at large, he is also very likely to be in the education system.

  This is definitely bad news for parents. They send their children to school and pay for them to receive education, hoping that the children can gain knowledge and skills to change their destiny.

  When the child encounters this kind of thing, there will be a shadow for the whole life. His life is likely to be ruined, and hope becomes despair. What could be closer to **** than this?

Thirty years ago, due to technical limitations, DNA testing could not be performed. Now it is possible, but because the evidence is not well preserved, it is difficult to find DNA that can be tested. When the case was restarted in 2000, Berkeley Lab refused the police officer’s request. Detection, because they do not have enough money and manpower to investigate unsettled cases.

   "Sometimes, I really doubt whether people's memory is like a goldfish, only seven seconds." Lisa looked back at the young people who drove supercars and swayed the market with their beautiful female companions.

  There are many high-end restaurants and hotels in Rome. Of course, they don’t need to do parking. They threw the car key to the doorman. They were handsome and skillful. Obviously, it was not the first time they did it.

   "What does a serial killer from thirty years ago have to do with them?" Joseph said with a smile.

  The sports car will attract the attention of many girls, just like a bait that exudes fragrance. Soon the girls who pay attention to Joseph will turn their attention to the "Ferrari team".

   "At least they didn't drag racing in the city." Julianti mutilated the pigeon, and the urn sounded angrily, "It's the same as in Hollywood movies."

   "You said it was a movie? It was just an advertisement. Do you think we offended you?" Lisa said maliciously.

  Joseph smiled and said nothing.

  Italy is a national treasure for Italians. It is a staple food of the palace. Perhaps Italians don’t know how to fight, but they are very persistent in food.

The seven deadly sins are fed to "fat guys" like pasta stuffing, which has completely offended a group of people. American movies always promote themselves by discrediting others. Some people think they are good-looking, and some people think they can’t stand it. It all depends on personal taste. .

"According to Alan, he was in Pomona the night Betis was killed. When Betis was killed, she had experienced a desperate struggle. She had dander in her nails. It started to be cold on October 30th and was exposed. Her skin is mainly wrists and face, and there are no scratches on Ellen’s body. She tore off the murderer’s Tenmi time watch. That watch was bought by the Welfare Agency of the military base. Ellen used to paint on the military base. Gong, maybe he learned something in it." Lisa said.

   "I heard that after being possessed by the devil, he would suddenly speak unspoken languages. Maybe Zodiac is a cleaner." Julianti said, "He is possessed by the devil, so he asked for help in the letter."

   "Can we change the subject, how about talking about Leonardo?" Joseph said embarrassedly.

   "What do you want to talk about him?" Lisa asked.

   "I don't know, how about his painting technique?"

Lisa thought for a moment and said, "I have a friend who works in the Louvre. I heard her say that Da Vinci used to put his left hand on the left eye of the "Savior" in order to create a hazy effect. In this way, they can Extracting Da Vinci’s palm prints will be much more convenient when you want to identify them in the future."

   "Then they succeeded?"

  Lisa shrugged "But Da Vinci did help us a lot. Now everyone knows that three-quarters of the face is the most photogenic."

Even for a pretty good-looking woman, if you don’t understand the shooting techniques and angles, beautiful women will take ugly photos. Generally speaking, a little side face will make the face smaller. In addition to the beautiful princess, Da Vinci painted a few pictures. This is true for portraits of secular women, such as the Mona Lisa and the woman holding a silver rat.

Among the three masters of the Renaissance, Raphael painted the Madonna the best. Someone in Leonardo even suspected that he was a woman. The women painted by Michelangelo had no feminine characteristics at all. Only the sculpture of the Madonna and the Child can see a little female. Feminine.

  As Jung said, he did not find his own anima. He was grumpy, irritable, and quiet Raphael.

  Zodiac, like him, committed the original sin of rage.

  There have been surveys conducted by travel writers in 99 countries around the world. Among the 3,400 people who participated in the survey, 41.9% believed that American tourists had the worst dressing taste in the world. Large shirts, open-toe slippers, and beer mugs at all times, behave vulgarly, ignorantly, and always self-centered.

  Now Joseph and the others have met. Those high-minded American tourists are comparing the “tattered” Rome with their homeland in the United States, showing a kind of American supremacy.

  The Colosseum is so dilapidated, why not rebuild it?

  This is really a good question. The Tower of Babel also collapsed. Why not rebuild it?

  The unsophisticated American society has cultivated a group of people who lack a sense of responsibility, do not observe order, and often cause trouble for themselves and others, and they are everywhere showing a sense of moral conceit and become "policemen" all over the world.

  Joseph can only be fortunate that he grew up in a Christian orphanage, where the mother taught him not to act according to his own desires. This is the opposite of a Christianized atheist family.

  I disregard the peace of others, and always like to cover up my whereabouts with lies, and yelled "This is my privacy" when he is found out.

  Joseph told himself not to think about Cindy.

  The blond cheerleader is not as pure as she looks. She and Betis are dating two men at the same time, as the boys on the football team know.

She doesn't take others seriously, and others don't take her seriously. Under the surface of sports cars, luxury houses, and designer clothes, her life is a mess, but she treats that gorgeous personality mask as a mess. It's true.

She confuses people who don’t know her, but she can’t hide from those who know her. She deceives herself and has to act in a drama that exhausts her. Even Joseph finds it exhausting to get along with her. No wonder she is beautiful, rich and male. Friends still dumped her one by one.

  Can she be saved?

  Jesus saved Maria of Magdana. Joseph admitted that he was not as philanthropic as the savior. It was an impossible task that mortals could not do.

  At this moment, he heard someone whistling. It turned out that there were two blonde girls who were half drunk.

  On Roman holidays, American reporters thought that the princess was drunk, but in fact, American girls are more likely to get drunk when traveling abroad.

  "Are we going to take care of it?" Julian asked.

   "This is Rome, not Florence." Joseph said angrily.

  He doesn't want to be nosy, but who calls him a priest?

  (End of this chapter)