Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 924: Green sleeves

   Chapter 924 Green Sleeves

  Darwin once said: All male four-legged beasts have a kind of jealousy, and many of them have special tools to compete with their opponents.

  Lion's claw bathtub is not uncommon in noble houses, but it is not in the Vatican Museum. Joseph looked at the lion's foot bathtub in front of him, and he was a little confused about where it came from and why he stood in front of it again.

  He blinked, and when he took a closer look, the bathtub was no longer a bathtub, but something like a stone trough.

The Christmas tree is a custom north of the Alps in the central mountain range of Europe. It is an evergreen tree that can remain green in the cold winter. At the beginning, the Catholic Church believed that it was a custom that belonged only to Protestantism. It was not accepted until after 1900 AD. This is a tree that symbolizes Christmas. It was not until Pope John Paul II decided to place the Christmas tree next to the manger on St. Peter’s Square at Christmas.

  Protestant families will put a tree in the living room of their home as decoration, and every family in Italy has different styles of "PRESEPPE" for Christmas.

PRESEPPE is big and small. The most important thing is the Holy Child, the Virgin Mary and Joseph. In addition to that, there are usually straws, angels with good news, bulls and donkeys, three Oriental Magi and Oriental Stars, no matter what. The material, the manger is an indispensable character in the scene.

  Stalls are not like stags. They have sharp horns and are used for duels during courtship, but they still fight with their hooves.

  In many ignorant tribes, people do not know what ownership is, so they are not jealous.

When people understand what ownership is, they will have possessiveness, just like Christmas gifts placed in a manger. Even brothers who have good feelings should have two copies. If one has one, the other doesn’t, and the other doesn’t. There will be jealousy, just like Cain and Abel, Cain jealous that Abel was favored by God and killed his brother.

  In the corner of the living room, a woman is playing green sleeves with a harp. This ballad is said to be written by Henry VIII.

  This man who was quite violent in the legend, but really fell in love with a folk woman who wore a green dress. One day in the suburbs, the sun was shining brightly. He rode on a horse, handsome and mighty. She wears long golden hair, and the sun shines on her fluttering green sleeves, beautiful. They only met each other by chance, and the shadow of each other was burned in their eyes.

  This story is very touching. Unfortunately, Henry VIII was not a good lover. Divorce was very difficult in the Middle Ages. Monogamy and never divorce are also engraved in the English Marriage and Family Law.

A divorced Catholic couple could not even go to the Holy Communion. Divorce was forbidden by the church, and neither could the king. At that time Henry VIII was crazy infatuated with Anne Boleyn and pursued her, but in Catherine’s nephew, the Holy Roman Emperor Under the pressure of Charles V, Pope Clement VII refused to approve the invalidation of the marriage for six consecutive years. In the end, Henry VIII announced his separation from the Holy See and finally succeeded in divorcing Catherine of Aragon.

  Anne Boleyn’s queen lineup is bigger than her predecessor, Catherine. She has more than 250 servants full-time, and 60 noble maids accompany her. Annie purchased many luxurious dresses, jewelry, feather fans, carriages, furniture, etc., and also redecorated several palaces to suit her taste.

  But these are not as good as the king's transfer of love to other women.

  11 days after Anne Boleyn was beheaded, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour held his third wedding.

  In view of the difficulty of divorce, killing his wife is a quick and easy way. Many lords in the Middle Ages did that.

  Anne Boleyn was accused of adultery by the king, as if the king himself had no adultery.

The daughter of Henry VIII and Queen Catherine, Mary, was forced to be Anne's daughter Elizabeth's maid under the control of Anne, and prompted the Parliament to pass an "Inheritance Act" that vested all the right to inherit the throne to Anne's children .

  Anne lowered Mary’s status and tortured her mentally. She also deducted Princess Mary’s material treatment as the king’s eldest daughter. Her clothing and the money she received were even worse than royal servants.

  Such an experience is extremely painful for any girl in adolescence.

  In order to protect her dignity, Mary refused to recognize the "Inheritance Act", even in the humble letter to Henry VIII, she insisted on signing the "Princess Mary" signature. Henry VIII was very angry about the uncooperative attitude of the eldest daughter. The darling of the year is now his mortal enemy. At the instigation of Anne Pauline, he unceremoniously began to plan how to execute Princess Mary.

  When Mary fell seriously ill in panic, Queen Anne, as her stepmother, even ordered the doctor not to treat Princess Mary’s illness, nor did anyone visit her.

  Mary survived painful and hard work, and later became "Bloody Mary".

  She is an extremely devout Catholic. After she assumed the throne, she restored the Roman Catholic Church in England to replace the English Protestantism promoted by her father Henry VIII. For this reason, she ordered the burning of about 300 opponents.

  But after the death of Mary I, her religious policy was reversed by her successor, Elizabeth I. She was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn, and the half-sister of Bloody Mary.

  Not all sisters can get along in friendship and harmony. Because her parents were married according to the Protestant canon, the Catholic Church considered her an illegitimate daughter. Elizabeth was designated as the heir to the throne at birth, and her half-sister Mary became her servant.

  Anne Boleyn was convicted of treason and executed, Elizabeth was declared an illegitimate daughter, from "Princess Elizabeth" to "Miss Elizabeth Tudor".

   Sister Mary did not treat Elizabeth, who was at least a female in childhood, when Henry VIII and his third queen Jane Seymour gave birth to a boy Edward, both Elizabeth and Mary became Edward's maid.

  Both princesses lost their inheritance rights and became maids. It was a miracle that they did not think of a way to hold their infant brother to death.

  They are standing beside Edward's cradle, just like Isis and Nefertis standing at the ends of a coffin.

  This child was born with death. Her mother refused to sleep with the king before marriage. Even though the plague spread in London at that time, the king married her, but she was not officially crowned.

  In the era of Anne Boleyn, the frequency and luxury of social activities in the Queen’s Palace reached its peak, but Jane Seymour replaced the past enjoyment with strict regulations.

  In terms of politics, Jane Seymour is very conservative. The only record of her involvement in politics was in 1536, when she pleaded with the king for the people who participated in the begging patrol. Henry is said to have rejected her and reminded Jane Seymour of the fate of her "nosy" predecessor Anne Boleyn.

Jane Seymour has not read many books, at least not as knowledgeable as Anne Boleyn, but she has a deep affection for her former owner, Queen Catherine of Aragon, so she has been working hard to restore the birth of Henry and Catherine of Aragon. His daughter Mary Tudor’s position in the court and the succession to the throne.

  Before she died, she also wanted to bring Elizabeth, the daughter of Anne Boleyn, back to the court. She had invited the young Elizabeth to attend Edward's baptism ceremony.

  Jane Seymour’s childbirth lasted two days and three nights, and she passed away soon after.

  There was such a nursery rhyme at the time:

  The baby’s baptism was full of joy and laughter.

  And the cold body of the poor Queen Jane was lying in the soil.

  The bells, singing and mourning echoed at the same time throughout the day.

   Princess Elizabeth wept and left.

  It is her step-daughter Mary Tudor who is the bereaved master at the funeral.

   "Your dad always makes a mistake." The woman who played the harp in the living room said, "Sometimes he is there and not there, but I don't care if he makes a lot of money."

  Joseph walked to another room stiffly, and opened the doorknob with his hands. A man who liked a light gray vest was facing him with his back.

  He is cutting the fabric with scissors. He is so meticulous. He does not notice the people behind him at all, and forgets that it is Christmas.

  Many people think the snow is beautiful on Christmas Day, but Joseph thinks it is very cold.

After four hundred years of development, divorce is no longer as cumbersome as it was in the Middle Ages. It is cumbersome to apply for formal divorce in a secular court. Informal divorce and separation is the easiest way. Although this method is simple and effective, it is not recognized by the church and is also ineffective.

  It wasn't until the 19th century that the British divorce system slowly applied to the general public. Before that, the best way to get a divorce was to kill the spouse.

  Wife poisoned and killed her husband, husband strangled his wife, disguised as suicide, never divorced marital status only exists in the fantasy world of some people.

  Financially dependent on the husband’s wife, the source of the financial resources that is likely to be lost after the divorce may be the reason why she did not divorce her father.

   "No, that's not the case." The woman said, "Your father is a good man, and we love you very much."

   "Enough." Joseph growled in a low voice.

  "Forgive your father, he is just an ordinary person." The woman said.

   "He framed you." Joseph said.

   "No, he didn't." The woman said after a moment of silence.

   "So you betrayed him?" Joseph asked in tears.

   "No, I want to give you a complete family." The woman said, "Mom loves you the most."

  Joseph covered his ears, he didn't want to listen anymore.

Women always find people around them to develop extramarital affairs. Henry VIII's fifth wife, Catherine Howard, had a dewy marriage with a musician before marriage. She told King Henry VIII, and Henry VIII forgave her tolerantly. , After all, Catherine Howard was only 22 years old at the time, and after marriage with the king’s attendant Thomas Carlpeper, she was beheaded for adultery a year after the divorce.

  Joseph doesn’t want to guess who is the target of his mother’s derailment.

  If a person does not experience it personally, he will not sympathize with such encounters.

  If a man has no exclusive desire for a woman, then adultery is not a sin.

  Laws and customs prohibit adultery, which mainly stems from sympathy for men who are "victims". After all, the rules are made by men.

  As a child, Joseph could rightly hate his father, but now, he finds it difficult for him to do it.

When Clement VII fled to Orvieto, Rome was going through the end. The priest was ripped apart by soldiers in the street, and the nuns were insulted. Compared with that "big picture", he agreed to let Henry VIII Is it so difficult to divorce Catherine of Aragon?

  "As the Spanish proverb says, in this unpredictable world, there are no truths and no lies. Everything depends on the color of the lenses we use when looking at the world."

  Joseph heard a man say that he raised his head subconsciously, but found that the light was too bright, and he couldn't open his eyes at all.

   "What are you doing, Father?"

  Joseph raised his hand subconsciously, covering the flashlight, and then he heard the crisp sound of the key hitting.

  He was lying in a stone trough with many reliefs, which Lisa brought up from the ground.

  After all, there is no bathtub in the Vatican Museum, but there are countless cultural relics from all over the world.

  Joseph sat up with the help of the keykeeper. The cold water took away the heat from him. While shaking, he looked up at the ceiling.

  In fact, he has never noticed. Standing like a living person, what he sees is the final judgment. If a dead person lies on his back, what he sees is Genesis.

  Because the chapel is completely dark, and only the light of the flashlight is used as the light source, the masterpieces have lost their color, and they look less shocking.

"As he said, in this unpredictable world, where there are no truths and no lies, everything depends on the color of the lenses we use when looking at the world." He endured the desire to vomit, rolled his eyes and said .

  "What?" the key manager asked.

   Joseph fainted.

  The last thing he saw before he fell into a coma was the sturdy young son in the final judgment. He held the key in his hand, but was that the key to heaven or the key to hell?

  (End of this chapter)