Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 940: "Lie down"

  Chapter 940 "Lie Down"

  After the sky darkened, those giant cruise ships cruised the sea and did not enter the Venice Canal.

  The first is that Venice after nightfall is not as colorful as during the day, and the second is probably because of the fear of poor vision and hitting those ancient buildings.

  Although with modern technology, those cruise ships will not sink like the Titanic, but the old buildings can’t stand this kind of impact.

  Looking at the masked people on the street, Pomona couldn’t help but think of the Venetians she met at the Doge’s Palace that day. Many of these people wanted independence from Italy.

The bureaucrats in Rome just thought about the jobs and taxes created by tourism, and ignored the life and death of Venice. As for the Moses plan to stop the flood, it didn’t make much sense. The 4.5 billion euros is not a small sum. According to the “democratic” regime, the Suez Canal and Panama are being built. Corruption problems often occur in the process of large-scale facilities such as canals. This money is used to "save lives" and it is not known how many borers should be raised.

   Anyway, Venice can no longer be stopped, and it will inevitably sink to the bottom of the sea. The money is not as good as buying real estate in other places.

  This kind of weird logic is also a kind of logic. The modern education system is "survival of the fittest". Teachers and parents pay more attention to test results, and do not tell the "losers" how to face difficulties and failures.

Lucius is this kind of parent. He always said that Draco couldn't even take the exam for a Muggle girl. Draco was so sad when he was in the sixth grade. He had to bear the burden of not seeing those adults alone. The pressure to bear.

If Hermione Granger does not enter Hogwarts, maybe she will also become a top student in the Muggle School who is good at exams, and will follow the same life trajectory as everyone else in a bright future, dressed in beautiful clothes. Dress and high heels, participate in social activities in the "high society", definitely not the same as in the wizarding world, with the boys, wearing wizard robes and boots adventure.

  Female admirers are men who tend to have a good impression of women. They may not be bothered, but they often feel that it is much happier to be with women than with men. This has nothing to do with vanity, it is purely for spiritual satisfaction.

  But not all women are worthy of admiration and make people feel happy. Hermione seemed very domineering at first, and many people couldn't stand her. Later, she changed the attitude of top students, and she became good friends with Ron and Harry.

  As a witch, she does not believe in divination.

  Digital divination and tarot cards and other divination principles are different. Every time Sybil uses the "eye of the sky" for divination, she doesn't know what she says, and her voice changes, as if something is controlling her.

Renaissance architecture embodies the relationship between the microcosm of the human body, the world, and the macrocosm of the universe. The "golden ratio" discovered by Vitruvius was used in the design of the temple. The architectural layout he prescribed was like a person lying on the ground. Floor plan.

  Draw a circle with a person’s belly button, and a person’s fingers and toes just touch the circle. The cross may be a torture instrument, but it is used to fix the human body, so it has the same proportions as the human body.

The comparability of the human body proportions and the macroscopic world created the core of Leonardo da Vinci’s worldview, and was also a symbol of humanism in the Renaissance. Compared with the Florentine School’s control of "structure", the Venetian School of Painting is even better. Pay attention to the visual impact of color.

  The anatomy of the Anti-Planing Theater is different from that of Florence. Tickets are required.

  The “divineness” of Florence can be felt in the church, and the “secular” of Venice is the sensory experience brought about by the stimulation of the picture. But that is not the same as the elemental images flooded by commercial films for commercial needs.

Behemoth is a very huge beast. It is like a human subconscious. It is huge, heavy and unknown. It usually crawls, the river is overflowing, and it does not fight, even if the water of the Jordan River rises to its mouth, it is safe. .

  At the same time, it has thick skin and thick skin. It doesn't feel anything at all if you **** it with a normal weapon. If you **** it, it will go crazy again. If you want it to obey the order, it is not that simple to run according to your order.

  The Japanese in the 1980s overdrafted their desire to consume. At that time, Japanese tourist groups could be seen everywhere in Europe.

  There is no trace of them now. On the one hand, there is no money. On the other hand, it is estimated that after experiencing a cliff-like fall, there are more important things in life than “consumption”, and there is also anxiety about the future.

  I have spent all my money now, what should I do if I fall ill in the future?

  The "big-hearted" Americans have no such consideration at all. The United States is more materialistic than Japan, and has no money to borrow money to consume. Sooner or later, they have to rush forward without thinking about hitting the ship they are sitting on into the iceberg.

  Seattle was originally the name of an Indian chief. Its original name was "Sears", but it was passed as "Seattle" due to misinformation.

  The white people took a fancy to the land of the Indian tribe and wanted to buy it and forced them to accept the deal. In order to save the lives of the people, Seattle had to agree, but he wrote a letter to the white people who wanted to buy Indian territory in the northwestern United States:

  For our nation, every part of this land is sacred.

Every beach, every piece of arable land, every mountain, every river, every gleaming pine needle, every humming insect, and the mist in the dense jungle, the white clouds in the blue sky, The memory and experience of our nation are all holy.

  We are part of the earth, and the earth is also a part of us. Grass, green leaves, and flowers are our sisters, and elk, steeds, and eagles are our brothers. The sap flows through the trunk, just like blood flows through our blood vessels. We belong to the same homeland with the mountains, rivers, animals and plants on the earth.

  It is not only water that gleams in streams and rivers, but also the blood of our ancestors. Every reflection in the clear lake reflects our experiences and memories; the gurgling sound of water echoes the cordial call of our ancestors. The river water relieves our thirst, nourishes our hearts, and nourishes our children and grandchildren. The river carries the canoe, and the canoe travels on the endless river, and the canoe is full of our hope.

  If we abandon this piece of land and transfer it to you, you must remember: this piece of land is sacred. The river is our brother and also your brother. You should treat our rivers as kind to your brothers. Indians like the breath of the breeze after the rain, the sound of it blowing over the water, and the fragrance of the rosin floating in the wind.

  Air is also precious to us, because all life needs it. If we abandon this land and transfer it to you, you must remember: this land is sacred. The air is one with the life it nourishes. The breeze gave our ancestors the first breath and the last sigh. You should take care of it so that you can also taste the sweet and delicious road after the wind passes over the grass.

  If we abandon this piece of land and transfer it to you, you must remember: this piece of land is sacred. You must take care of the animals in this land. What would humans do without animals? If all animals die, humans will also die. The fate that befalls animals will eventually befall humans. Tell your children that the land under their feet is the ashes of our ancestors, and the land retains the lives of our loved ones.

  As we teach our children, tell your children that the earth is our mother. Anything that falls on the earth will eventually fall on the children of the earth.

  We love the earth, just as a newborn baby loves the warm embrace of her mother. You have to love it as we do and take care of it. For the sake of future generations, you must dedicate all your strength and emotion to protect the earth.

  We know well: the earth does not belong to human beings, and human beings belong to the earth.

  Americans like to gamble. Casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City are not enough. Indian tribes also need to open casinos. Perhaps it is because of gambling that they like to bet that small probability events will not happen.

"Tomorrow" is more worrying than worrying about "the day after tomorrow". Pomona estimates that once the Huangshi Volcano erupts, some people plan to "lie flat" and have no heart to struggle. This kind of people will be very worried when the "end of the world" is coming. It is common, otherwise so many people will commit suicide when natural and man-made disasters come.

  Navi Longbottom belongs to the kind of "elimination" that was "eliminated". He is far less magical than Harry. No wonder he was not "selected" by Albus even though he was also a child born at the end of July.

  As for why he was not "chosen" by Voldemort...

  She looked back at Severus Snape, who was sleeping well in the tent. He had nothing to do with the Longbottoms, but was an "old acquaintance" with Lily Potter.

   "I want to see who he is loyal to." She heard Voldemort's voice saying behind her head, "If I kill the woman he loves the most, how will he react."

   "You are a demon, Tom."

  Tom Riddle let out a small smile, and then said leisurely, "They call me the Dark Lord. I used to think that only I can live forever."

   "Do you still want to live forever?"

  No one cares about her.

   Just when she thought she would never have an answer, Voldemort asked again, "What is a woman loyal to?"

   "Love." She answered without hesitation.

   "You are a fool." Voldemort said.

   "Yes, you were defeated by a bunch of fools." Pomona sarcastically, "Remember what Albus said about you?"

  No one cares about her now.

   So she hopped to Severus's side and woke him up desperately.

   Before he opened his eyes, his brows frowned, as if he had experienced a lot of pain, before he slowly raised his eyelids.

   Those black eyes are like bottomless "blue holes", without a trace of light, but at the same time they are like two tunnels connecting the castle of Hogwarts.

   "How about letting Albus and Grindelwald be buried together?" she said whimsically.

   "They are all rotten to bones." Severus replied impatiently.

   "Why didn't you tell me that he and Grindelwald are a couple!" She began to beat him.

   "You made your own way and buried him in the school." He carefully avoided her nails to avoid being caught. "Do you now know what the result of self-righteousness is?"

  As if under a petrification curse, she stopped suddenly.

  That’s right, if she doesn’t get involved and Albus is buried outside the school like other principals, they can secretly transfer Grindelwald’s bones to Albus’s graveyard.

   "Is this your punishment?" she said pitifully.

  "Do you think he should not punish me for what he did to me?" Severus said calmly, "He got what he deserved."

   "What about me? I also get what I deserve?"

   Severus pursed his lips and said nothing.

   "Did you forgive me?"

   "I don't know." Severus said, "Do you think you deserve to be forgiven?"

"I do not know."

   "Then don't think about it." He hugged her and asked her to sleep next to him again. "Tomorrow we will tidy up those furniture. I am tired today."

  She lay down obediently, listening to his even breathing, but did not close her eyes to sleep.

She looked at the tent above her head, as if she was looking at the ceiling through it. Although she would not paint Genesis like a Sistine zenith painting, it is better to paint the ceiling. After all, this is Venice, even if it is sinking. When entering the bottom of the sea, the queen of the Adriatic Sea should also dress up like a sea burial.

    Did Michelangelo exchange ideas about architecture with Leonardo da Vinci? After all, St. Peter’s Basilica was designed by him

     The other bronze canopy was built after melting the statue of the Pantheon, which is in line with the deeds of a certain halal civilization.

    The realm of the unity of nature and man, Dongfang has long been studying



  (End of this chapter)