Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 945: "Beef Tartare"

  Chapter 945 "Beef Tartare"

  The kitchen has always been regarded as the domain of women, but Anthony Marcus never minded wearing an apron around his waist.

  In fact, he still likes cooking, especially when it comes to serving plates. Pizzas filled with cheese and sausage in fast food restaurants are very appetizing, but there is no dress code on that occasion.

  When Anthony put the dish in front of Mills, the former detective suddenly felt like he was wearing the wrong clothes.

  He should be wearing a formal suit, the one he wore when he proposed to Trish, but his shirt has not been changed for two days, and there are traces of ketchup on his coat.

"Traditional beef tartare is eaten raw, but its protein structure is not damaged, and it does not reflect the umami taste of the meat. If the food is cooked at a high temperature, the moisture in the meat will be reduced, which will lose the unique taste of raw beef. , So I tried low-temperature cooking, the sauce was already infused with beef fiber when cooking, and the top dish I used was salmon roe and seaweed."

   "It's like sushi." Mills said.

"Yes, many people believe that mustard has a bactericidal effect, just as people in the Middle Ages believed that burning spices mixed with spicy flavors can be disinfected. In fact, mustard can only inhibit the growth of microorganisms. In addition to appetizing, it can also inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms in food... …"

  Anthony is still talking about it. Mills has already started eating. He used a fork to fork a "sushi" and swallowed it in one bite.

   "My God." Mills wailed in pain.

  "I use wasabi root." Anthony handed him a glass of water. "It tastes more spicy than the yellow mustard on hot dogs."

   "Why didn't you say it earlier." Mills clutched his head dazzled by mustard, tearfully accusing him.

  Anthony smiled and said, "What brought you back to Los Angeles?"

  Mills had to drink water, as if ignoring Anthony’s question, and raised a finger to make him wait.

  After a glass of water bottomed out, Mills returned to normal. He looked at Anthony and asked, "Can you hypnotize, doctor?"

   "What do you mean?"

   "There is a hypnotist, he was hypnotized by someone who should have been hypnotized by him."

  "Is this a new popular stage performance?"

   "No, the subject of hypnosis was a 17-year-old girl."

   "What did the hypnotist hypnotize her for?"

   "Investigate something."

"what's up?"

   "I don't want to answer, this is privacy."

   "I told you in the office just now, your secret is absolutely safe with me, even if you intend to kill." Anthony slowly eats beef tartare with a fork, like eating cake.

   "She went to Detroit, and then suddenly she could speak Latin." Mills thought about it and said.

  Anthony paused.

   "You mean, it's like'obsessed'?"

   "Yes." Mills said heavily, "Do you know of any other reason someone can speak Latin suddenly? Doctor."

  "Why did you suddenly start investigating such a thing?" the doctor asked.

   "I am now serving the church." Mills said impatiently.

   "Investigate for exorcism?"

   "I'm here to consult, you should give me the answer."

  "Consultation is chargeable, David, did I ask you to charge?" the doctor said with a smile.

   "So you are going to ask me for a fee? Okay, let's talk, give me a number." Mills took the checkbook from his jacket pocket.

   "No, I just want to get to know you better and talk about what happened to you in the past few years, just like an old friend recounting the past."

   "I don't even know you." Mills resisted and shook his head.

   "I see. You pay attention to privacy." Dr. Anthony stared at Mills as if his brain was thinking very fast.

  However, he said nothing, bowed his head and concentrated on the meal.

"The church cars used to be very ostentatious, such as round badges on the radiator grille, but now if anyone puts a badge on their car, it is equivalent to installing a target on their own car. Others will use the same thing. Look at him with the right eyes." Mills finally didn't write anything on the checkbook, he slumped in his chair and said listlessly.

   "I understand." Anthony said softly, "Is religion helping you out of the pain of bereavement?"

   "No, it's a priest. To be precise he is an exorcist. He told me that perverted ghost haunts me and encourages me to kill more people."

   "Do you believe him?"

  Mills said impatiently, "Do you believe there are ghosts in this world? Doctor."

  Anthony did not answer his question.

   "What's the name of that priest?"


   "What's his last name?"

   "I don't know, but he seems to be a celebrity. Many people know him."

  Anthony crossed his fingers, leaning on the back of his chair and fell into contemplation.

  "Have you heard of conversion type hysteria?"


"According to Freud's psychoanalysis theory, this is the inner subconscious conflict and suppressed desire manifested by the conversion mechanism as physical disease symptoms, such as sensory loss, paresthesia, blindness, deafness, hemiplegia, paraplegia, convulsions, tremors Etc., but there is no organic disease as the basis, and it cannot be explained by anatomical and physiological mechanisms."

   "That girl does not have the symptoms you mentioned."

"I know, I'm talking about another case." Anthony said perfunctorily. "The hysteria can be traced back to ancient Egypt and Hippocrates. At that time, people believed that the disease was all women, and the cause was'wandering.' 'Uterus', the word'hysteria' is more to express the lack of physical symptoms based on known organ disease. Women are very dramatic, especially in families lacking love, in order to attract attention, they will deliberately play some'hysteria' Behavior, you don’t know how good an actress is at memorizing lines."

   "You mean she is acting."

   "I didn't say that."

  "Then tell me, is it possible for a person without professional training to hypnotize a professional hypnotist?"

  Anthony was silent.

   "What animal magnetism did that hypnotist tell me about, do you agree with what he said?"

"There are some instant hypnosis methods that can put a person into a hypnotic state in about ten seconds, but that requires the active cooperation of the hypnotized person, or the other party is not paying attention. In 2000, a shoulder-slap instant hypnosis method was popular on the street. , Maybe the girl you mentioned learned some small doses from the street, and then hypnotized him while the hypnotist didn't pay attention."

   "Is there such a possibility? There is a guy who is very smart. He hypnotized the girl and asked her to accept hypnotic hints. If someone wants to unlock his hypnosis, she will anti-hypnotize the other person."

  Anthony smiled and shook his head.

  "To put one person in a hypnotic state to hypnotize another person. It is a very creative idea. I think Hollywood screenwriters will like it very much."

   "Seriously, I don't like reading very much." Mills said with great pain, "Damn hell! But in order to investigate the case, I forced myself to read, why are some people so smart but do such crazy things?"

   "You mean, you look at Dante to fight crime?"

   "Do I have another choice?"

  Anthony has nothing to say.

  "Do you know who Beatrice is?"

"The woman who took Dante to heaven." Mills picked up the fork and rudely dismembered the beef on the plate. "He had a crush on her since the age of nine, but she later married a banker and died at the age of 24. ."

   "Then do you know Sandro Botticelli?"

  Mills chewed beef while saying, "I know, he is a famous painter. He painted the birth of Venus."

   "There is also a picture of Dante's Hell. Few people know that picture." Anthony ate the first set gracefully.

   "What do you mean?"

"When people lose their goals and are full of uncertainty about the future, anxiety will prompt them to turn to'magic' and divination. I have seen many patients. The society and culture's perception of beauty and body image distorts their souls. The body deformity has benefited the plastic surgery industry. In fact, the actress whose nose had been cut can restore her appearance through plastic surgery. Her psychological endurance is too weak.” Anthony said, looking at the tender and delicious beef on the fork. What’s more frightening is neurological eating disorder. Actresses and models are all prone to this disease. Some people can’t tolerate something in their stomachs. Others pay too much attention to calorie intake and become very anxious. Sometimes my job is Eat with them."

   "This is really easy work."

  Anthony smiled and shook his head, and put the beef into his mouth.

  Mills continued to gobble up with nothing to eat, and Anthony ate a lot faster, and the restaurant was filled with a happy atmosphere for a while, although no one spoke.

    Every time he sees Ron's taste so good, he feels so happy. Which national dish is that red pudding?



  (End of this chapter)