Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 955: "Corpse Field"

  Chapter 955 "The Corpse Field"

"The body of a person is rarely treated immediately after death. It is usually parked in the mortuary for two or three days. You know, the body will not be resurrected suddenly before it will be handed over to the funeral home." The night watchman in the hospital morgue took it with him. Mills and Anthony visited in the gloomy corridor and said, "Sometimes the doctor will misjudge, or the corpse is just a fake death. During my first night watch, a corpse sat up by itself and scared me to pee."

"I know this." Anthony was very enthusiastic and said to the night watchman. "In the 18th century, the corpse dealers were also called the resurrectors. They stole the corpses from the cemetery and sold them to the surgeon at a high price. The empty tomb is like the resurrection of the people buried in it. To them, the unguarded cemetery is equivalent to a ready-made corpse field, and even surgical students will steal corpses."

  The night watchman glanced at Anthony weirdly.

  "Don't listen to him." Mills pushed the night watchman a bit. "Take us to see the corpse just delivered today."

   "Brother, I don't know what you are going to do, but I don't want to lose my job." The night watchman turned his head and looked at them both suspiciously.

"What do you want?"

  The night watchman rubbed his index finger and thumb towards Mills.

  "Don't ask me." Mills angered at Anthony. Anthony looked unmoved, so the night watchman didn't leave at all.

   About a minute of stalemate, Anthony had to take out his wallet and gave him two more green banknotes with the portrait of Benjamin Franklin.

  The night watchman shrugged and led them through two shelves for corpses. They were like shelves full of corpses covered with white cloth, and finally stopped in a compartment against the wall.

  The night watchman pulled away the white cloth, revealing Angela Warren's lifeless face. She looked very pale, with her lips slightly open, as if she had something to say.

   "Enjoy your time, gentlemen." The night watchman sniffed, turned and left the cubicle.

   "Have you met her mother?" Anthony asked.

   "Not yet." Mills looked away.

  Anthony turned his attention to Mills.

   "There are still brain waves within 37 hours after the heart stops beating, but the existence of the soul is a poetic guess, David, I think you are used to seeing death."

   "She is innocent." Mills said with his back to Anthony and Angela.

   "Do you think she shouldn't die?"

   "There are many people who are more damned than her."

"I wish I could say that she went to a better place, such as heaven, but I am a doctor, not a priest. In the Middle Ages, the number of corpses that could be legally dissected was too small. That's why there was the Resurrection, the Enlightenment. The anatomy of the period finally got rid of the shackles of religion and ushered in unprecedented prosperity. In order to slow down the decay speed of the corpse, the anatomy class opened to the public by various universities is generally held on a cold Christmas day. A corpse will be divided into more than a dozen classes. Anatomy, first the whole body, then to individual organs and various tissues, lasts about two weeks before and after. This has almost become an annual holiday. However, with the optimization of the death penalty system, some minor criminals such as theft no longer Sentenced to death, the number of prisoners on death row has dropped sharply. If medical students want to be qualified to practice medicine, they must receive training in anatomy, so corpses start to appear again. Sometimes thieves find female corpses in order to prevent her from getting to know them. People can distinguish them, and the dissector will peel off their skin. There was a killer'Buffalo Bill' in the 1980s..."

   "I know who he is!" Mills said grumpily, "Are you teaching me? Doctor?"

"Psychoanalysis is similar to the anatomy of the human body. In the 1960s, murderers still chose people they knew about. At that time, psychoanalysis was not useful. After the 1980s, murderers chose people they didn’t know. Psychological profiling began to come in handy. The FBI's consistent style is'motivation + process = murderer.' Do you still think that Sgart Davis is a murderer?"

  "Why did this change happen?" Mills asked.

   "No one told you?"

  Mills did not answer.

"Social changes are too fast. Not everyone can adapt to this change. Depressed patients often lack a sense of belonging to life. Outside of the world, they feel that the whole world is not real. It is similar to schizophrenia, but depression is easy. Depressed, pessimistic and disappointed, and finally killed themselves, and schizophrenia patients are really violent in a very small number, but once such people appear, they will create tragic murders, not only for the patient’s family, but also for the patient’s family. The society brings heavy negative effects. The Seven Deadly Sins Killer has no schizophrenia. He has no delusions and hallucinations. He thinks he is a hero or savior. He judges himself as a sinner and accepts your trial. He wants to drive you crazy. Let you become a'judge' with delusions."

   "God." Mills was holding his head in pain.

  "Do you have a headache or insomnia?" Anthony asked, "Sometimes it feels like Trish is still alive."

   "Shut up!" Mills said furiously.

   "You can leave." Anthony said, "Normal people will do this if they think some topics make them unpleasant, why don't you leave?

  Mills stared at the doctor for a while, and finally turned his gaze away.

  "What did you see? Trish?" the doctor asked.

   "This doesn't explain why the murderer chose strangers." Mills was already calm when he turned his gaze to Anthony.

"Because the media reports came out." Anthony said with a smile. "In general, women are killed by acquaintances. Whether it is violence or murder, the chance of strangers attacking women is only 1%, but in 99% of the cases, the media But I am zooming in and rendering this 1%. I remember an example. A woman has 10 silver coins. If she loses one of them, she will leave those nine coins and then look for the lost one. A shepherd has A group of sheep, one of them is lost, he will look for the lost one,'I know what you want to see, I know what kind of excitement you want, so I will give you the story you want to see', Compared with guarding against your acquaintances, friends, and colleagues, guarding against strangers is much simpler. The news that people are exposed to is infinitely amplifying the reports of strangers committing crimes. These reports are created for those who have a sense of freedom from life. Following an example, do you know why Trish wants to open the door to the Seven Deadly Sins Killer? David?"

  Mills was blank for a while, then shook his head.

"New York is a new environment for her and it is difficult to adapt. He knows you and pretends to be your friend, but you don’t know who he is. Your personal information is exposed. He knows the location of your home. And in your past, changing from a uniformed police officer to a detective is a good opportunity for promotion. Finally, you don’t have to sit in the big office like your former partner. You have your own office, but that room is not real. The one belongs to you. There is a retired old policeman inside. He made you start studying, right?"

   "You perverted monsters." Mills cursed in disgust.

"I am a'healer', not a'judger'. If you need to pick up the pus to treat a wound, you will feel pain, but it is better than leaving it to rot." Anthony looked down at Angela. Face "If this is a murder, it is possible to suspect that the murderer is someone you know. David, your police intuition is still there, but do you believe Leigh Allen is the murderer?"

  Mills was lost in thought.

"You have no direct evidence to prove that the man who raised his hands and walked into the police station covered in blood was the murderer who killed the'five innocent people'." Anthony said, "If he is a counterfeit, David, then you Just killed someone who was'innocent' but wanted to be famous."

   "How do you..."

"Just like the Seven Deadly Sins Killer said, your personal information is not so difficult to find. David, I read your dossier. Many people are interested in the Seven Deadly Sins Killer and analyze him psychologically. But I But I fell in love with you. There are many stories of revenge in history. For example, in Hamlet, the Frankish law of the Middle Ages stipulated that revenge for the victim was the right and obligation of male members of the same race. Revenge of blood relatives was the primitive instinct of intemperance. This problem has troubled many soldiers. Freud said that dreams are subconscious satisfaction. What about nightmares? Is it also satisfaction? Compared with women, men are better at space and predicting movement trajectories, such as shooting basketball. This is an instinct. In ancient times, human females were responsible for animal husbandry and planting, and men were responsible for hunting. They had to predict whether spears would hit their prey. So is the killing carried by everyone, or is it cultivated? Modern society prohibits it compared with the Middle Ages. Killing for revenge, and duel, is this a kind of forward or backward?"

   "Of course it is going forward!"

  "Then why were the Greeks conquered by the Romans?" Anthony asked, "Civilization is really perfect? ​​But barbarism has nothing to do with it? Do you know what natural justice is, Inspector?"

   "You should go back to eat with the little girl." Mills said dullly.

"I hope so too." Anthony gently stroked Angela's face with the back of his hand. "People with bulimia have swollen cheeks. No matter how thin she is, her parotid glands will become inflamed due to the erosion of digestive juices. Such people are better than others. People with PTSD are still desperate, and I feel almost unbearable just looking at it."

  (End of this chapter)